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Day 41: The wrong answer

21 mins ago

The shopping task had been running far too smoothly for Big Brother so it was no surprise the third challenge of the day managed to shake up the House.

Housemates were asked questions with answers that had either been voted by BB website users or were related to things they have said during their time in the House.

And the majority of the answers housemates did not want to hear.

Fans chose Sophie as the housemate with the most annoying voice. Gina guessed correctly and despite suggesting herself, Sophie was pretty miffed.

"I think mine's similar to Rylan's,” she said. “So how is it annoying?”

Hazel found herself named as the housemate most likely to make viewers change the channel. She took the news with good grace saying, “I’d rather they were saying something about me than nothing at all.” No publicity is bad publicity and all that but hearing you’re not so popular has got to sting a bit.

The big bombshell was the revelation that Dexter had said the housemate manipulating situations to turn people against him was Gina. Unfortunately for him, when BB asked him, he said he had made that statement about Callum therefore offending two housemates with one insult – smooth.

Gina was characteristically defiant when Dexter attempted to weasel his way out of the awkward situation. “I don’t really care. I don’t want to hear it,” she said.

They have been having it out in the bedroom where she told him, “Of all the people in the House you’re the last person I would say something nasty about.”

Dexter has done his best to pour oil on these troubled waters but we’re not sure Gina is soothed. She closed down the chat with a, "whatever". Watch this space. 


I am really peed off that the second part of the task !!

Another way for BB to line up next weeks noms .



The housemates will be tasked with putting themselves into the order of who they think should win the show according to the viewers



Big Brother’s Bit On The Side host Rylan Clark has caused outrage after spoiling the results of the live show before it had even began.

The Essex star sparked rumours the show is fixed after he tweeted a picture from his rehearsals clearly showing Dan, Sophie and Sam up for eviction on the numerous TV screens behind him.

Eagle-eyed followers quickly noticed his gaff and berated the presenter for revealing Dan had been picked by Sam and Sophie. 

Accidental: Rylan Clark tweeted a picture of Big Brother results before the live show began

Accidental: Rylan Clark tweeted a picture of Big Brother results before the live show began

Sharing the snap Rylan wrote: ‘Main show rehearsal see you at 10.45pm channel 5 x’

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 It’s a girl thing? What’s with all the lady evictees?


If you happened to cast your eye over the list of evictees so far, you might notice that they all have something in common. That’s right, apart from being all-round great stuff, they’re all women. Whenever the public have had their say, they’ve evicted a female housemate. What gives?

Sallie, Jemima, Wolfy, thing’s for sure, they weren’t shy, retiring flowers. Maybe that’s what did for them in the end, eh? They were all involved in at least one conflict during their tenure in the House (and Jackie and Wolfy were involved in a couple, each) but so were past male nominees Callum, Dan and the twins. And nominee veteran Dexter has been in more rows than we’ve had hot dinners. Notably, all four showed more than once that they could hold their own and influence others in a heated debate situation.

Look, we don’t have all the answers, but it certainly seems that the voting public isn’t keen on strong women. What’s the deal, guys?

Bucking that trend, Gina has now been saved from eviction three times, and voted into the safe house for a delicious slice of immunity pie. Now, we don’t want to point fingers, but Gina is one of the most outspoken housemates in BB history. It certainly seems that, though her housemates keep nominating her, she’s pretty popular with the voters. Could it be that Gina has hit on some kind of magical formula? We have no idea.

With Sam, Sophie and Dan facing the public vote this week (but shhhhhh, don’t tell them!) it’s technically more likely that on Friday, like Kate Middleton, the Big Brother House will be pushing out a boy. Could Sophie break the trend of all-girl evictees? You’ll have to tune in on Friday to find out!

We will be debating this subject tonight on Big Brother's Bit On The Side, 11pm on Channel 5.

Originally Posted by erinp:

Big Brother’s Bit On The Side host Rylan Clark has caused outrage after spoiling the results of the live show before it had even began.

The Essex star sparked rumours the show is fixed after he tweeted a picture from his rehearsals clearly showing Dan, Sophie and Sam up for eviction on the numerous TV screens behind him.

Eagle-eyed followers quickly noticed his gaff and berated the presenter for revealing Dan had been picked by Sam and Sophie. 

Accidental: Rylan Clark tweeted a picture of Big Brother results before the live show began

Accidental: Rylan Clark tweeted a picture of Big Brother results before the live show began

Sharing the snap Rylan wrote: ‘Main show rehearsal see you at 10.45pm channel 5 x’

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Im not one for claiming "fix" for anything with BB, other than BOTS attitude towards fairness for all HM's...but I said lastnight after Sam and Sophie made their decision that it was a very odd decision as they both preferred the other two candidates all through what we saw on HL's show.


Spuds are not to happy but I think they will be pleased they were not picked come Friday.


Twins Jack and Joe admit to being annoyed that they weren’t  chosen to enter the safe house on last night’s Big Brother live show.


Sam and Sophie decided on choosing Dan Neal to join them in the safe house, and – or so  they thought – safe from eviction.

BB has told the housemates that Dan, Sam and Sophie are immune from the axe  this week while the other housemates face the axe, when in fact the opposite is  true.

Speaking in the Diary Room on tonight’s show, Jack tells Big Brother: “I feel  like I have been slapped around the face by my best mate.”

He explains: “If it was me in there I would have fought tooth and nail to get  Sophie in. She gets along with Dan really well and I think me and Dan are the  same to her.

“But I have not got anyone in here closer than I have with Sophie so I don’t  know. It just felt like someone had hit me round the face. I am not angry that  anyone is in there.”

He insisted: “I am really not angry at Dan, I am happy for Dan to go in  there.”

Meanwhile,  Gina and Dexter are seen discussing their therapy sessions with  Callum in the garden.

“He’s smart,” Gina claims. “He is good at wording things. Very clever. He is  like a psychiatrist.”

“He is not smart,” disagrees Dexter, “He hasn’t got the eyes for a  psychiatrist though. They are a little bit serial killer ish.”

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Originally Posted by MrsH:


they are the ones that should be in the SH and out the feckin door on Friday ....  I loathe them with a passion 

and me I voted to kick them out last week

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by MrsH:


they are the ones that should be in the SH and out the feckin door on Friday ....  I loathe them with a passion 

and me I voted to kick them out last week

Um....which 'THEY' are we talking here?

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

 8:45pm: The HMs guessed that Dexter was the sssnake, but actually, it was HAZEL that the public chose for that honour

View image on Twitter


8:56pm: "Does anyone think I'm a snake?" asks Hazel of the HMs. They all say no... "Well...define snake..." says Gina

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by MrsH:


they are the ones that should be in the SH and out the feckin door on Friday ....  I loathe them with a passion 

and me I voted to kick them out last week

Um....which 'THEY' are we talking here?


Originally Posted by Aimee:

what a surprise 

every other day with Dan and hid theories.

 think he will be peed off when he does come out the house and see how he has wasted his BB experience.


 Day 41: The Dan who cried "actor"


He's pointed the finger at Wolfy and now Dan's making it a double bill of incorrectness by accusing none other than Hazel of being an actor.

This came about when, as part of this week's shopping task, Hazel was named the biggest snake in the House, donning a big, unwieldy snake costume. Reflecting on the fact that this result was chosen by the beautiful Big Brother-watching public, Dan didn't take long to form a new (and yet, in many ways, old) theory.

After settling into a brief reverie, he sought Charlie's ear, expounding on his Hazel's An Actor theory. "Did Michael love her because he knew she was another actor?" Charlie wasn't having any of it, but she obviously didn't want to upset Dan. So she diplomatically mused "I think Hazel is just Hazel." Well, quite.

Dan seemed to be calmed by Charlie's analysis, but we're sure we'll see him return to this theory, like a dog with a particularly juicy bone


Sam interview with Callum - heart breaking or a sympathy vote ? 24.07.13


we don't see hardship,
the game is manipulation,
i can not get a grip,
depression has a creation.
Sam is a true gent,
trying to house mate bond,
unlike Dan he does not make me vent,
infarct i am growing so fond.
the Callum interview was great,
a true friendship did folk,
genuine from Callum was on a plate,
he got into Sam like a broccoli stalk.
i hope everyone can relate,
difficulties is not always seen or heard,
Sam's voice did grate,
for me to not have compassion is absurd.
Callum is a player,
but genuine is the Sam affection,
the interview has made neither a payer,
it massively moved both up to my winning selection.


Day 41 round-up: Pig nose, gunge and awkward answers

2 hours ago

On Day 41, the housemates were awoken in spectacular fashion by a gameshow theme tune, heralding the arrival ofthis week's shopping task. And before the task had a chance to really sink in, Hazel was given her first challenge: to eat a pig's nose. Yuk!

Later on, the housemates were tasked with answering questions relating to things they've said in the past, and public opinion. This had interesting repercussions when it transpired that Dexter had said something none too kind about Gina.

Westlife fans Jack and Joe had a momentous surprise when none other than Shane Filan called up for a little chat. Considering how much singing the twins do on a daily basis, we were surprised they didn't burst into a chorus of Flying Without Wings. Hazel had a bit of an afternoon wobble, as she's convinced she's going home on Friday- looks like Big Brother truly has the housemates fooled with the Safe House twist this week!

It wouldn't be a shopping task without a little bit of mess, so Big Brother duly erected a gunge-tastic apparatus in the garden, leading to a good few gungey faces. Shortly afterwards, housemates had to guess who the public hadvoted the biggest snake in the House, and that housemate had to put on a big foam snake suit. They got it wrong at first, and then the real answer got Dan questioning whether theremight be another actor in their midst.

The day ended in a really rather alluring way, as consummate lad Callum donned a little pair of pants and performed a sexy dance for none other than Charlie. Blimey!


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