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Day 40: Callum is all ears

1 hour ago

He loves to dish out advice so it's no surprise Big Brother has appointed Callum therapist in the latest task to hit the House.

Housemates will be invited to open up to their new agony uncle and he in turn will deal with their dilemmas.

Big Brother had a few suggestions for problems, which Callum read out; "Unwanted admirers, maybe you can't be with the love of your life or perhaps you don't have any true friends in the House."

Who could BB be refering to?

All consultations will take place in the 'therapy room' where one by one the housemates will tell Callum a personal problem that they genuinely need advice on.

The housemate that shares the most will be rewarded.

Big Brother has said everything discussed behind closed doors would  remain confidential but housemates are dubious. Secrets and lies.


Day 40: Charlie says... too much

1 hour ago

Charlie Travers isn’t known for her tact and she’s put her foot in it again prompting a backlash from Gina.

It all got a bit muddled but in short, during one of Charlie’s ill-advised speaking sessions, she used Gina as an example of a girl you might not fancy at first, if you were Sam, but after a couple of weeks you would realised you were attracted to her. This has happened to Charlie before when she was doing her ski season.

Gina said, "So basically you are calling me ugly," and went on to exclaim, "You always say the wrong things all the time. And it’s annoying. Oh my god."

Charlie has apologised but that hasn’t stopped Gina spreading the word, telling housemates that Charlie has to realise she needs to watch what she says.  

Callum tried to gently break the news to Charlie, "You have two ears and one mouth," he said. "Use them in proportion."

Whether or not she got the message was tough to tell, he spent a lot of time spinning twisted bit of wire and explaining how he used it to try and understand people which may have distracted Charlie from the lesson in hand.

In the garden, Hazel let Charlie know that Gina had been chatting to Dan and Sophie about Miss Travers' loose lips – apparently she is still stinging about the time the gaffer got muddled up with what she did for a living. Hazel did have some words of comfort, adding: "It’s just a settling period. When you day sorry to someone it takes a while to sink in."

We don’t think we’ve heard the last of this one. Chalrie changed the conversation to whether or not they should have eggs for breakfast but Gina isn’t going to forget so easily.


 Day 40: The housemates analyse Callum's therapy


It's fair to say that Callum has seized the opportunity to play House therapist with both hands. But how are the other housemates reacting to his words of wisdom? Hmm, let's just say it's a mixed bag.
Both Dan and Hazel emerged from their sessions with a similar air of suspicion. Speaking to Charlie post- chat, Hazel warned, "He's been made to try and catch us out", with Dan adding, "Just be careful. It's a catch."
Dexter also had his suspicions, telling Gina in the bedroom that he thinks Callum used the opportunity to 'have one over on him'.
"He said my journey was complete, like he was insinuating that I'm ready to leave," he mused. 
Is Callum using his new found power to get his own back on his sparring partner, or is Dexter looking too much into a throw-away comment? Who knows with these two.  They play so many mind games that not even we can keep up.
Meanwhile, the Twins were just happy to have free biscuits and Gina came out of her slot telling anyone who would listen that she had a whale of a time.
"I had a biscuit and I laid down and I chilled. It was lovely", she said.
Well you win some, you lose some, but maybe you shouldn't give up your day job just yet, Cal.


Rylan Clark to host tonight’s Big Brother live twist

Posted July 22 2013 by Matt Scott
Rylan Clark to host tonight's Big Brother live twist

A live segment will be broadcast at the end of tonight’s highlights episode, in which Sam and Sophie decide whether Callum, Dan or Jack and Joe will join them in the safe house and become the third nominee.

However, unlike previous Monday live segments – which saw directors cross straight to the house – tonight’s will be fronted by Rylan, who will also appear on BOTS afterwards with AJ Odudu.

Tweeting about the news, Rylan said: β€œPresenting part 4 of the @bbuk main show tonight! Bit nerve! Then @bbbots straight after with @AJOdudu.

β€œIt’s @Emma_Willis day off, hope she’s sunbathing on my behalf.”

It is the first time in Big Brother UK’s history that the main show will be anchored by a personality other than its official presenter.

During its Channel 4 years, Davina McCall was almost always on hand for such instances – with bosses opting to cancel a live special during the 2010 series rather than proceed without her when it emerged she wouldn’t be able to make it to the studio on time.

However, Willis stood in for McCall for one episode of spin-off Big Brother’s Big Mouth during the seventh Celebrity run in 2010, when she had entered the house as part of a task.

Big Brother’s Little Brother star Dermot O’Leary was also kept on emergency standby for the 2001, 2003 and 2006 public series as a result of McCall’s pregnancies.


Tonight’s Big Brother airs at 10.00pm on Channel 5.

Read more:

Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

"A live segment will be broadcast at the end of tonight’s highlights episode, in which Sam and Sophie decide whether Callum, Dan or Jack and Joe will join them in the safe house and become the third nominee."


So it will be shown right at the end of the show and we won't see the fallout till tomorrow's show, annoying!

I think we will see more on BBBOTS

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

"A live segment will be broadcast at the end of tonight’s highlights episode, in which Sam and Sophie decide whether Callum, Dan or Jack and Joe will join them in the safe house and become the third nominee."


So it will be shown right at the end of the show and we won't see the fallout till tomorrow's show, annoying!

I think we will see more on BBBOTS

Hope so Erin, it would be more interesting than some of the stuff they talk about lol

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

"A live segment will be broadcast at the end of tonight’s highlights episode, in which Sam and Sophie decide whether Callum, Dan or Jack and Joe will join them in the safe house and become the third nominee."


So it will be shown right at the end of the show and we won't see the fallout till tomorrow's show, annoying!

I think we will see more on BBBOTS

Hope so Erin, it would be more interesting than some of the stuff they talk about lol

Then there's Live Feed from midnight - might be a bit more lively tonight!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Day 40: Callum picks his favourite patient

28 mins ago

Our House agony uncle for the afternoon was Callum. As part of the I'm All Ears task, "Mr. Nicey Nice" (as he's been dubbed since he crossed the House threshold) listened sympathetically to every housemates' issues in an attempt to lighten their load and soothe their brains.

A great variety of housemate issues spilled from the crazy gang's mouths when they weren't chomping the provided biscuits. Dan talked about his problems with being a greedy so-and-so. Dexter mentioned that he had problems with people in the group – highlighting his own therapist of the moment, Callum, as a particular bugbear. Hazel revealed that she's frightened of opening up because she worries criticism will be heaped upon her. Gina's issue was reintegration after living the Safe House high life.

When the twins sat on the couch and vented, they made it clear the House 'love triangle' was giving them grief and also revealed that they're sick of being "talked down to". Charlie was next on the settee and she chose to speak to her on-off masseur about thinking before she speaks – as well as her issues with trust. Sophie had less to say, mainly fuming that people in the House annoy her and that washing her underwear in the sink is proving to be a pain. The poor love.

Ultimately it was Sam who won the task. At Big Brother's command, Callum decided it was the Welsh lad who'd opened up the most. He was "open-minded", he "opened up" and he even "welled up" – so Callum was impressed.

His reward? The lucky beggar got to reverse rolls and cross-examine Callum back. He also got to munch more of those delicious biscuits. Hooray!


A Digital catch-up with Lydia Scott Lee

18 mins ago

Considering Lydia Scott Lee (nee Louisa) made such a huge impact on the summer 2012 series of Big Brother, we had questions for the former housemate on how she feels the current crop are getting along. As luck would have it, she was in the Green Room and available to offer her wisdom – looking stunning ahead of her guest spot on tonight's Bit On The Side...

Hi Lydia! Firstly, how's married life?

It's only been two months but it's exciting. It's nice to be married. We went to Las Vegas and I'll always remember how different and fun it was. Really romantic but a really fun trip.

In terms of the House, who's the most Lydia-like housemate?

It would have to be Dexter. He's using his brain and he's thinking ahead. I was thinking ahead a lot about all the different scenarios. He probably walked in there a bit like me, knowing he's not going to win the show, doing the best he can under the circumstances. Dexter would have been my ally. Benedict was the same kind of character.

So Dexter's got a game-plan, but is it the biggest in there?

No – I'd actually say it's Charlie. I don't think she necessarily walked in with a plan like Dexter and Callum but I think she realised there are a lot of big characters and she's not one of them. So she's had to use what's around her. She's using the men and that's a major game-plan. He mum was a lot more entertaining.

If you could go into the House now, whose antics would you expose?

Well I can be ruthless – like Dexter – but I am actually a nice person! But who would I try and show up ... I think the twins would drive me insane, living there. But it would be Callum. I find his game-plan quite obvious. I'd tell people what I could see going on. I would definitely expose Callum.

Who do you think will win - and who should grab the prize?

Personally I'd like Dan to win. He's slightly different to previous winners and a bit more vocal, which I respect. He puts it out there with his emotions. But Gina could win, aside from the fact the prize is money and she's apparently very wealthy. But hey, we've still got three or four weeks left or something. It could change. People seem to be saying Sam or Sophie but I don't think that's the case. I hope not anyway!

All our questions answered and the current housemates shown no mercy. That's our Lydia – plain-speaking and taking no prisoners. Firm but always fair! If only we could throw her in this very evening to see how she gets on with the class of 2013... but she's got Andy Scott Lee and married life to hurry home to.


Day 40: Dan joins the Safe House and faces eviction


After much deliberation and VT watching, Sam and Sophie have chosen Dan to join them in the Safe House, ditching Callum and the twins as options. As far as housemates know, this is a great moment for Dan. Little do they know it's a disaster. He will now face the public vote, along with the equally oblivious Sam and Sophie.


After Jackie left on Friday, out of respect for their niceness, housemates put Sam and Sophie into the Safe House where they would enjoy luxurious surroundings and - apparently - immunity from this week's nominations.

However at this moment the public learnt that this was the latest secret and lie and Sophie and Sam had just been put up for eviction.  

You try to do someone a favour...

As an extra twist, Sam and Sophie were yesterday given the task of choosing another housemate to be 'safe' from eviction. They have been taking their great responsibility seriously, whittling names down to their favourite trio when deciding who to, as Sophie poignantly and inaccurately described it, 'share the good life with'.

Finally, this evening, Big Brother called all housemates to the sofas and told them another lie to explain the lack of nominations this week. New lie: all bar those in the Safe House will be facing eviction.

Sophie and Sam were then asked for the name of the housemate to join them.

Dan looked quietly thrilled as he was told of his fate.

"I feel really weird," he said.

You'll feel even weirder when you know the truth, Mr Detective, sir. We feel pretty weird ourselves with all this misinformation flying about.
Voting lines are now open. For all the details you need head over to


 Day 40: Charlie the chatterbug


Dear universe, Big Brother calling. We wanted to warn all your inhabitants that voicing an issue with Charlie will result in more concerned conversations than any person can reasonably hear out.

Earlier today Charlie, the last Travers standing, put her foot in her mouth with Gina. As day has turned to night these issues are still playing on her mind.

First she invaded Sophie's Safe House to tell the dental nurse about her pain. Not one to let grass grow under her feet, Sophie took the conversation outside straight to Gina, telling the Savoy dweller that Charlie was still feeling royally blue about what she'd done.

"Oh my god, drop it woman," drawled Gina, tacking on the reassurance, "I don't hate you."

Callum was next in line for a Charlie-shaped earworm. He relished his role and was quick to use Charlie's doubts about her House role to big up his own. If we had a pound for every time he said, "I am trusted", well,  we'd weigh more than the Royal baby.

Even Callum soon had enough and retreated to the bedroom.

Come in Dexter.

There followed a bizzare, baffling exchange, which Charlie found helpful because "I haven't chatted to anyone all day."


"I think you'll only understand when you watch this [Big Brother] back and see people's reactions," said Dexter.

Too right.


Day 40 round-up: Sam and Sophie's choice

1 hour ago

Day 40 in the Big Brother House was a contender for the most twisted and poignant of them all. And this is in a series that has seen an actor posing as a housemate with significant betrayals as a result.

The day got started with a classic Charlie Travers gaffe. The female point of the 'love triangle' managed to insult Gina. Not again.

Fortunately the I'm All Ears task saw Callum becoming House therapist, just when a bit of healthy perspective was most needed.  Dr Knell saw everyone but was most impressed by Patient Evans. The Welshman won the chance to analyse Callum right back. Wonder if he rolled out corny Doctor, Doctor jokes...

Callum probably shouldn't give up the PE teaching just yet as Charlie's stress levels continued to be high. "Leave it alone, woman," drawled Ms Rio, who had moved on. But that's just not the Travers Jr style. She moved on only as far as another subject, Dexter, who she dissected to kingdom come with Hazel.

But all this was but an appetiser for the main meal, the short before a feature presentation, a ripple before a stream of television drama. As we are all aware, this week the housemates are blind to the reality of the nomination process. Safe House dwellers Sam and Sophie are anything but safe despite everyone believing this. Their important and proud decision to welcome Dan into their ranks actually means he is up for eviction too. 

Not that anyone knows this. All bar these three have been told that they are up for eviction. The safe think they're in danger and those in danger think they're safe. It's a genius and dastardly twist, not to mention a confusing one. So read thisand then head to our vote page.

Who goes out of Sophie, Sam and Dan? You decide.


Tonight on Big Brother's Bit on the Side: Tuesday 23rd July

13 mins ago

Now we've got all that royal baby stuff out of the way, let's focus on the important stuff... like tonight's rip-roaring Big Brother's Bit on the Side. 

Joining us on the panel tonight, we have pop royaltly, S Club's Tina Barrett, a man that's come all the way from under to join us, Neighbour's Mark Little and former Big Brother contestant, Scott Mason. 

And as a special Tuesday treat, we've drafted in psychologist and dancer, Pete Lovatt. 

What's that you say? Sounds like it's going to be a sublime show? We couldn't agree with you more.

You know the drill by now – see you after the main show at 11pm on Channel 5.


Day 41: The Right Answer task

32 mins ago

To win a luxury shopping budget this week, the housemates will take part in Big Brother's glitzy game show – The Right Answer, hosted by none other than Big Brother. 

Throughout the next two days, the housemates will be asked questions such as "Who is the biggest snake in the House?" with the chosen person acting out the answer in all sorts of weird and wonderful ways. You can guess what will happen for this scenario – the person will indeed have to dress as a snake. 

But there's a twist – of course there is, it's secrets and lies! The answers have been decided by you, the public, via our online poll. For every question they answer correctly, they will win money towards a Toatilser. 

And this is where it get's interesting...

At the end of Day 2, the amount of money that the housemates have accumulated over the two days becomes a countdown in a final game. The housemates will be tasked with putting themselves into the order of who they think should win the show according to the viewers. The money on the Totaliser will count down while they make their decision and they will win however much is left on the Totaliser when they finally solve the correct line-up.

So, how self-aware are the housemates? And will they be able to second-guess the public? Stick with us to find out!


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