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Day 39: Two's company

3 hours ago

The fate of one housemate will be unwittingly decided by Sam and Sophie but before they cast their final vote they have narrowed the number of possibles down to three.

That's right Callum, Dan, Jack and Joe could be up for eviction this week by gaining a spot in the Safe House. Not that they know that yet.

The question is, which one would fit in best with the current Safe house residents?

Callum and Sam are good pals but could the pair's laddish exploits get on Sophie's wick? She's formed no particular bond with the man from Maidstone – perhaps a little time away from the rest of the housemates might change this.

Dan and Sam have been paired up in a couple of tasks and proved they get on but would Dan be furious that Sam and Sophie had put him in a precarious position? During their deliberations Sophie said, "I love Dan. I love him to bits." So she'd certainly be happy to have him join the Safe House sleepover. Like Callum, he has already passed the entrance exam having partied the night away in the bath on Day 38.  

And what about Jack and Joe. Would they have to share a bed if they were selected for the Safe House – there are only three slumber spots as far as we can see. Will that make them bicker more? On the plus side – the twins are a right giggle and this potential lineup has got the makings of a ratings winner of a sitcom.

We're just going to have to wait and see. We'll keep you posted.

Originally Posted by MrsH:


I dont believe that Charlie Hill and his balls  [ tennis]  vid and comments

I still think it is an inside job and he could be any part of the set up - the main reason I have doubts is the Hazel one was thrown or planted during the evening before the story in the DS the next day that the BALL refers to 

Maybe BB put the first ones in as it seemed odd all the messages were facing up, and weren't they quite close together, and the people in the vid sent the others in. Just guessing lol

Yellow Rose


Week 5 round-up: The remote controlled love triangle

38 mins ago

The week started on something of a bum note on Day 33 with news that Daley had been removed from the House – with the gang needing convincing that they weren't being lied to. Charlie got stuck with a spell in the clink for talking about nominations on the day of nominating. When the results came in, it was Callum, Jack and Joe, Jackie, Gina and Dexter facing the vote. Learning of her fate, Jackie had something to say.

At least Day 34 offered a cheery start. Housemates woke up to some fun music as the week's shopping task rolled out with a bang. Remote Control saw housemates controlled by a pause, rewind, and fast forward button situated in the living area. Controlling their every move, BB threw in distractions including a flock of sheep, a wedding and Rylan Clark accompanied by body language expert Judi James. Throw in Dexter's mum and Sophie's boyfriend and the day turned quite emotional. A party was the obvious reward. Shame BB kept messing with linear time with that Remote Control.

Day 35 was Day two of the Remote Control task and it began right away, with quite a repetitive wake up call. And thus began more madness. A conga lineinvading waxers, Jack and Joe's parents and an outrageous barbershop quartet completed the challenge. Amazing. But it wasn't all fun and games. A spat with Callum went from big to bigger.

As Day 36 arrived, so did talk of Dexter's underpants. This important development didn't distracrt from the previous evening's disagreement, even if Jackie and Callum seemed to bury the hatchet. The Impassable Task soon came into view, with HMs instructed to attempt to shift a pass/fail dial into the green, little knowing that the task had a puppetmaster in the shape of Callum. That bathtub full of beans was happily no barrier to success in the task and great fun was had by all in the shape of a football game as a reward. Only one way to cool off after that - some naughty souls jumped into the pool.

An anxious House awoke on Day 37 for eviction day but the Pursuit of Charlie Travers task had Jackie choreographing the House in quite an amusing mannerThey triumphed in the end and earned themselves ice cream!

When the eviction rolled around, it was Jackie Travers who became the fourth housemate to be evicted, causing something of a ripple for Charlie. A twist came in the form of BB instructing housemates to select two of their crew to take a break in the luxury location, but the immunity from eviction line BB fed housemates was a big old fib â€“ in fact the twosome would be up for eviction next week. Sam and Sophie were like lambs to the slaughter.

Day 38 kicked off with info-sharing between Dan and Callum who both felt Dexter was recently being out of line. Elsewhere, Dan was being discussed by Dexter and amongst all this love triangle madness, Challum made friends. Again.

Over in another part of the compound, the twins thought there were no fun-times coming their way despite it being their birthday but along came the Trash For Treats task. The game involved smashing boxes and seeing who in a pair would break first. Here's how that one went down. The twins won themselves a Diary Room party, which was nice.

Dexter's clever gameplay caused quite a reaction, especially when he chose Dan to picnic with him. Later on there were muscle rubs and some strange vocal stylings from Dan. The perfect way to set the scene for selfless housemates. A party was all theirs, and Callum danced like a man possessed.

So we come to Day 39 and some will be overjoyed that Charlie decided to put all this 'love triangle' stuff behind her. But even more importantly, Sam and Sophie had a big decision to make. Who would join them in the Safe House? They set some questions for three HMs to test their mettle and narrowed their search down to three. Even Detective Dan's too busy with other issues to figure out what's going on with this twist. The limbo dancing that broke out distracted them even further.

While Jack and Joe counted down how much time they've been in the House, Sam and Sophie chowed down on some top notch grub.

But what of our love triangle? Well talk had petered out somewhat. Callum received strong advice from his pal Sam then spent the evening massaging a head that – shock horror – wasn't Charlie's. Before bed, just time for a bedtime story from Joe.

That's the week just gone in a nutshell and here's to another that's just as eventful.





Tonight on Big Brother's Bit on the Side: Monday 22nd July

1 hour ago

It’s double the fun on Bit on the Side tonight with Rylan and AJ calling the shots.

Ex-housemate Lydia Scott-Lee will be airing her opinions on this year’s BB residents along with reality stars Joe Swash and Stephanie Pratt – sister of the formidable Spencer!

Life coach Dr Pam Spurr will be looking at housemates’ behaviour.

Tune into Channel 5 at 11pm for this and a whole lot more


Live streaming: when and where to find it!

26 mins ago

We're sure you've heard all about Big Brother's live streaming, but here's a little recap so you know exactly what's going on. ..

The live feed is available to watch right here and on the Big Brother iPhone and iPad apps from midnight to 2am each day. There's also an additional 30 minutes of live streaming from 11.30pm on Sunday evening - bonus time!

If all this crazy heat has turned you nocturnal creature, it's theperfect night time activity.

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