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Day 38: Trash for treats

35 mins ago

The sun may not be shining over Borehamwood today, but Big Brother has a task in store that is sure to brighten up the downbeat housemates. 

To win a personalised prize, the housemates will play a game that will test whether they are selfless or selfish. Here is what they are playing for:

CALLUM: A romantic dinner with a housemate of your choice.
DEXTER: A romantic dinner with a housemate of your choice.
GINA: Laundry service for a week. 
SOPHIE: Luxury beauty pack. 
HAZEL: Luxury chocolate hamper. 
JACK: Half a birthday bash.
JOE: Half a birthday bash.
CHARLIE: Luxury cheese and wine hamper.
SAM: Sports trainers.
DAN: Luxury pamper kit.

In pairs, they will stand back to back in front of a box. Inside their box is a token revealing their prize. They'll have ten seconds to decide whether to smash their box, with the repercussions being thus; if they both smash the box, neither will win the prize. If one of them smashes the box, then they will win the prize and their opponent will lose theirs. If they both decide to not smash their box, then they will be rewarded with a small treat.

The pairs are as follows:

Dan vs Joe
Gina vs Hazel
Dexter vs Callum
Sophie vs Charlie
Sam vs Jack

With some competitive pairings in the mix, who do you think will do the dirty and reach for the hammer first?


2.10pm: Charlie's reading the brief for which tests the HMs selfishness and selflessness.


2.20pm: Each housemate is standing at their individual plinths. Jack and Joe even count as separate people for once




2.23pm: First to go head-to-head are Hazel and Gina. These gals aren't each others' biggest fans so may be playing selfishly.


2.27pm: Hilarious. Gina and Hazel lost no time in showing selfishness. Hence - in world - they both lose prizes



2.29pm: Sam and Jack are next up. Sam has played selflessly allowing Jack to win half a birthday bash.


2.34pm: Guess the outcome of Charlie vs Sophie. All we'll tell you now is... it was an interesting one



2.37pm: Dan vs Joe time. Will Dan be selfless for the sake of the birthday boy? Let's wait and see


2.40pm: It's Callum vs Dexter. Both are playing for a romantic date with a HM of their choice.



2.42pm: BB has truly saved the most dramatic duel till last. Other HMs are chanting "Awkward! Awkward!"


2.46pm: Game over on C vs D and let's say a friendship isn't about to bloom. Stay tuned for the full results of






Day 38: Trash for treats in pictures

1 hour ago

Earlier, the housemates got the chance to win a treat in a game called 'Trash for treats'. Here's how they got on:

Dan vs Joe: Joe smashed his box, but Dan resisted, meaning Joe has won a birthday party for himself this evening.

Gina vs Hazel: Both of the girls instantly smashed their boxes, meaning neither won the prize

Dexter vs Callum: Dexter smashed his box, but Callum did not. Therefore Dexter has won a romantic dinner date this evening. Controversially, he chose Dan, and not Charlie, as his date.

Sophie vs Charlie: Neither of them smashed their box and were therefore rewarded with six eggs.

Sam vs Jack: Sam let Jack smash his box, meaning Jack will also receive a birthday party this evening.


Selfish or selfless? That's the question



There's a lot riding on it for Callum



Hazel isn't taking any prisoners



Jack merrily smashes away to win a birthday party for himself



Sam takes one for the team and let's Jack win



Give over Charls, you were never going to smash it...



And here's what Sophie could have won



Dan let's Joe win a birthday party as well. All together now *awwwwww*



Callum pretends not to care about Dexter winning



Dexter was chuffed to win the prize, controversially choosing Dan as his dinner date  




Originally Posted by MrsH:

Day 38: Trash for treats in pictures

1 hour ago

Earlier, the housemates got the chance to win a treat in a game called 'Trash for treats'. Here's how they got on:

Dan vs Joe: Joe smashed his box, but Dan resisted, meaning Joe has won a birthday party for himself this evening.

Gina vs Hazel: Both of the girls instantly smashed their boxes, meaning neither won the prize

Dexter vs Callum: Dexter smashed his box, but Callum did not. Therefore Dexter has won a romantic dinner date this evening. Controversially, he chose Dan, and not Charlie, as his date.

Sophie vs Charlie: Neither of them smashed their box and were therefore rewarded with six eggs.

Sam vs Jack: Sam let Jack smash his box, meaning Jack will also receive a birthday party this evening.


Selfish or selfless? That's the question



There's a lot riding on it for Callum



Hazel isn't taking any prisoners



Jack merrily smashes away to win a birthday party for himself



Sam takes one for the team and let's Jack win



Give over Charls, you were never going to smash it...



And here's what Sophie could have won



Dan let's Joe win a birthday party as well. All together now *awwwwww*



Callum pretends not to care about Dexter winning



Dexter was chuffed to win the prize, controversially choosing Dan as his dinner date  




Lol, that will surprise the hm's, especially Charlie, good one Dex  

Yellow Rose

Day 38: Task turns the House against Dexter and Charlie

35 mins ago

If Big Brother wanted to trash more than boxes with Trash for Treats, then a self high-five is in order. 'Love triangle' rivals Dexter and Callum were pitted against each other in the hope of creating drama and they, especially Dexter, delivered a treat.

There were shades of Conor from last year's Big Brother as Dexter smashed his box mere moments before the klaxon went. Callum, either through designs on the high road or slow wits, did not smash his box back, meaning Dexter won a romantic dinner to share with a housemate of his choice.

Everyone expected him to choose Charlie but he choose Dan, which led to a strange psychological one-upmanship competition with his beaten opponent.

"It was about that, it was about beating Callum," Dexter told his housemates.

"Do you feel like you've beaten me?" asked Callum, not understanding the basic principle of game-playing.

"It cancels his good act if I haven't' done it for emotive reasons," crowed Dexter.

"It was predictable that you did it," said Callum, playing the 'deceptively intelligent' card, "I knew you were going to smash it and not choose Charlie."

The griping rumbled on between the two men and despite Dexter not having selected Charlie, somehow that relationship became the focal point for not just Callum but the whole damn House.

Behind their backs then to their faces almost everyone turned on the pair, expressing their exasperation and boredom. It fell to House pragmatist Sophie to ask Dexter if he fancied Charlie, and Charlie if she fancied Dexter. With clear answers of 'yes' then 'no' respectively, you would think that put the matter to bed.

But seeing as it's still all anyone can talk about, it would seem Chexter are going to drag on.

All hail, Big Brother, the real winner of Trash for Treats.



Dexter and Dan's romantic meal prize I am guessing 





It's a lovely day for a picnic, as Dexter and Dan know well.


changed the prize slightly I think 


Dexter vs Callum: Dexter smashed his box, but Callum did not. Therefore Dexter has won a romantic dinner date this evening. Controversially, he chose Dan, and not Charlie, as his date.


Jackie's first day of freedom

46 mins ago

We caught up with this week's evicted housemate, Jackie Travers, for a little chat about her first 24 hours in the outside world before she headed into the studio to prepare for her appearance on tonight's Big Brother's Bit On The Psych (11pm, Channel 5). Let's see what she's been up to...

So, you've been out less than 24 hours, what have you been up to?
Well, I came out and had my interview with Emma, and did Bit On The Side which I absolutely loved- it was fun! Then I went back to the hotel and had a couple of drinks, relaxed with some friends, and had a long chat. It was such a novelty to watch TV, that I watched it 'til 3am! I saw Wolf and had a chat with her, and she introduced me to her 'missus'! Then I had some lunch.

Have you had a chance to speak to your family?
Nope! I can't get hold of my son because he's at a festival! I spoke to my partner and had a chat with him. I'm going to see my dog tonight, which'll be lovely!

So, they've shown you tonight's episode, how was it for you to see Charlie cut loose and fool around?
Oh I know! It was fun, you know...good fun. She's obviously let loose. I've just been watching it and I think it's hysterical. She pulled Dexter into the shower with his shirt on, and Callum's face was a picture! Classic Charlie Travers.

Usually we ask evicted housemates who they want to win, but I guess that's a weighted question in your case, so who would you like to come second?
Things change, you know, from week to week. The twins, no, Dan, actually. It's neck and neck. I love Dan. Obviously if Charlie won that would be amazing, but if she doesn't, I did say that Sophie would probably be int he running, that's for sure.

Where do you think Charlie will finish?
Probably, possibly she'll be in the top 3, possibly. Fingers crossed.

Originally Posted by MrsH:


Dexter and Dan's romantic meal prize I am guessing 





It's a lovely day for a picnic, as Dexter and Dan know well.


changed the prize slightly I think 


Dexter vs Callum: Dexter smashed his box, but Callum did not. Therefore Dexter has won a romantic dinner date this evening. Controversially, he chose Dan, and not Charlie, as his date.



5:54pm: It's's picnic tii-iiime! Dan and Dexter are about to sit down for a lovely romantic picnic


6:30pm: The picnic duo are discussing love at first sight. Turns out they both believe in it. How romantic!



6:35pm: BB has given Dan and Dex some romantic questions to ask each other. Some of them are real corkers!


6:38pm: "What is my most attractive feature?" asks Dex.

"Hmmm...your style" says Dan.


6:43pm: Dexter & Dan have decided they're going to have swans at their imaginary wedding. Because swans mate for life, apparently



6:53pm: We must say, BB's really spoiled Dan and Dex: their picnic treats appear to be never-ending!


7:00pm: As Dan and Dex clear up the picnic treats, Dan has taken pity on the other HMs and is letting them scavenge the leftovers.



7:04pm: "Does Dan understand you a bit better now?" asks Charlie. "It was fun" says Dex.



Day 38: Dexter gets Dan-alysed

27 mins ago

Earlier today, Dexter won the chance to have a romantic picnic with one housemate of his choice. Anyone who's been paying attention these past couple of weeks would have bet their bottom dollar on him choosing Charlie to share the champers and treats, so we were a little surprised when he decided to invite Dan.

When Dan and Dex sat down for their al fresco treat, they soon got to chatting about the lovely Miss Travers, and Dan didn't hold back on the probing questions.

"Do you have real feelings for her?" asked Dan, to which Dexter insisted "obviously, I fancy her, I'm not gonna lie!" Which was pretty conclusive. Dan did make sure to ask about the H-bomb, though: "what about Hazel? Didn't you tell her..." and Dexter cut in "not right out, no" which seemed to put the kibosh on D.I. Dan's line of questioning.

As their conversation developed, Dan hit on one definite point, saying "maybe I'm taking on Jackie Travers' role, because I care about Charlie. But if you do genuinely like the girl..." and it seemed that, though he trailed off, Dan was giving Dex the go-ahead for a pursual of Chexter.

But Dex won't be making his move yet, oh no: he maintains that "[Chexter] is something I wanna pursue in the outside world" so anyone rooting for a Chexter kiss might be a little bit disappointed..


8:19pm: Sam & Sophie will have a champers party tonight, and their guests will be the HMs who were selfless in the task earlier


8:24pm: "I thought the selfish ones would get it, to prove a point..." says Hazel



8:27pm: The selfless HMs are getting dressed up ready for their party. They're quite excited.


8:30pm: So, it's Dan, Callum and Charlie joining Sophie and Sam in the Safe House.


9.09pm: The party's begun! Selfless HMs - Charlie, Dan, Callum and hosts Sophie and Sam - are guzzling treats. WOO.



9.22pm: Dexter and Hazel aren't happy. There's music at the party and when they were in the ? No music. SO unfair.


9.30pm: Gina and Hazel commentate sarcastically on Sam and Callum's dancing in the . Hazel: "Poor Dan"



9.34pm: Dexter on Callum's dancing - "He looks like a squaddie on weekend release".


9.42pm: While the partiers dance like loons, the selfish HMs are eating #'SaltyMash in the kitchen. Such a contrast.




Last edited by MrsH

the body - the prison - the thoughts - is it normal ? 21.07.13



OMG it was a treat,
a splendid view that's sick,
Charlies body is cherry sweet,
i am booking into that "nick".
yes days will be long,
Jackie patrolling in the yard,
but looking forward to the "thong",
24 hours a day hard.
Charlie, you i will clean,
no dirt will stick,
look away this is obscene,
every area covered by the lick.
talking all day and night,
this is a "porridge" gruel,
i don't want to see the tunnel light,
because "Charlie" is my fuel.
keep the champagne flowing,
me and Charlie are going to toast,
Jackie can watch our love growing,
can not wait to show you off at my family Sunday roast.

Originally Posted by MrsH:

Day 38: Trash for treats in pictures

1 hour ago

Earlier, the housemates got the chance to win a treat in a game called 'Trash for treats'. Here's how they got on:

Dan vs Joe: Joe smashed his box, but Dan resisted, meaning Joe has won a birthday party for himself this evening.

Gina vs Hazel: Both of the girls instantly smashed their boxes, meaning neither won the prize

Dexter vs Callum: Dexter smashed his box, but Callum did not. Therefore Dexter has won a romantic dinner date this evening. Controversially, he chose Dan, and not Charlie, as his date.

Sophie vs Charlie: Neither of them smashed their box and were therefore rewarded with six eggs.

Sam vs Jack: Sam let Jack smash his box, meaning Jack will also receive a birthday party this evening.


Selfish or selfless? That's the question



There's a lot riding on it for Callum



Hazel isn't taking any prisoners



Jack merrily smashes away to win a birthday party for himself



Sam takes one for the team and let's Jack win



Give over Charls, you were never going to smash it...



And here's what Sophie could have won



Dan let's Joe win a birthday party as well. All together now *awwwwww*



Callum pretends not to care about Dexter winning



Dexter was chuffed to win the prize, controversially choosing Dan as his dinner date  




Callum looks like Robbie Williams.


Day 38 round-up: A post-Jackie Travers fog descends

1 hour ago

It was the day after Mrs Jackie Travers left the Big Brother building and there were bound to be some hangovers lingering in the air.

Day 38 kicked off with some info-sharing between unlikely allies, Dan and Callum who both felt Dexter was a little out of line the previous evening. Callum was clearly a little sore after witnessing the Chexter shower from the previous evening from a brooding distance and hedidn't hold back in letting Dan know about it. Dan's ears must have been burning, because over in the bedroom Dexter was discussing his habits in a not too favourable light. At least Callum and Charlie made friends at one point to lighten the mood. Again.

In other news, it was the twins' nineteenth birthday. Yay! Except not yay, because they thought there were no fun-times coming their way.

But along came the Trash For Treats task, so at least everyone could get on with the day and stop their mithering. The game involved smashing boxes and seeing who in a pair would break first. Here's how that one went down.

After Dexter's clever gameplay, there was quite a reaction to the task and the House once again rumbled with disapproving glances. Not to be swayed from enjoying his treat, Dexter chose Dan to picnic with him and the pair had a lovely time. The afternoon was far more pleasant than the morning, with muscle rubs for Joe and some strange vocal stylings from Dan the focus.

As evening wore on, BB had a treat in store for those HMs who hadn't been selfish in the task. Selfless housemates were told to get dressed for a party, so Charlie, Callum and Dan joined Sam and Sophie in the Safe House for music and treats. Much to the annoyance of the remainder. Hey ho!

A bit of a glum post-eviction mood on Day 38 then. Perk up housemates – we know you miss Jackie but try to get some perspective... 



Today on Big Brother's Bit on the Side: Sunday 21st July

15 mins ago

A truck load of awesome guests, a chart topping band and one fabulous presenter bring you today's  Supersized Celebrity Sunday!

Rylan will be joined by ex Celebrity Big Brother housemate MC Harvey and Liberty X's Kelli Young.

The one and only dancing queen Jackie Travers is in for a chat – and hopefully a boogie.

And if that wasn't enough, the oh so lovely Scouting for Girls are performing at the end of the show.

Sundays were made for this kind of ground breaking viewing.

Stick the telly on Channel  5 at 12pm and enjoy the ride.   


Big Brother 2013 housemates split as half are given a VIP party!


The Big Brother 2013 house was split up last night as one half enjoyed a VIP party.


Yesterday, the group took part a task called Trash orTreats.


The housemates were paired up and tempted with treats behind glasses boxes.

But the housemates would be told that if neither of them smash their box then both Housemates would share a small ‘treat’ which would be revealed after their turn, such as a two toilet rolls for the whole House.


If one Housemate smashed, then they would win their personalised treat. However by choosing their own personalised treat, they destroyed their partner’s – who will get nothing – and have to spend the evening in jail watching the rest of the House enjoy their treats.


And finally, if both Housemates smashed their box, both will lose their treats. Housemates were not allowed to communicate with each other, or any of the other Housemates, when making their decisions.


But there was a twist, as Big Brother invited the selfless housemates who had forgone their treats to a party with Sam and Sophie in the safe house.


It mean Sam and Sophie were joined by Callum, Dan and Charlie, as Dexter, Gina, Jack and Joe and Hazel all watched on from outside.


The safe house gang enjoyed champagne, booze, music and food, as well as access to all of the safe house’s luxuries such as the pool.


But the other housemates quickly got jealous, and critical.


A riled Dexter looked on in anger as Callum danced with Charlie, before sharing a bath with her.


Hazel on the other hand criticised Callum’s dance moves, snapping: “Just what is Callum doing?”


And Gina claimed: “They’re just not having fun.”


However in the safe house it seemed that the group were loving their time together, as they sipped on champagne and gorged on strawberries, first in the pool and then in the bubble baths inside.


The task and party will air on tonight’s highlights from 9PM On Channel 5.

Read more:


 "Bored" Hazel O’Sullivan hates all of her fellow housemates


A “bored” Hazel O’Sullivan lashed out at her fellow Big Brother 2013housemates yesterday.


The Irish model is seemingly misses the fun and games she enjoyed in recent weeks and now wants out of the house.

Or some brand new housemates.

Speaking to Charlie Travers in the bedroom, Hazel complained that none of her fellow housemates were interesting enough for her, and Charlie didn’t exactly seem to be excluded in Hazel’s rant.

“I’m bored of everybody now. No one is interesting me anymore, I just want to cause trouble, this is what happens when I’m bored,” the brunette beauty complained.

“I’ve had a week now where I’m bored, no one interests me in the slightest. I’ve had one boring week now,” she repeated.

With most of the house still occupied by the Dexter-Charlie-Callum love triangle, and with Sophie and Sam locked in the safe house, Hazel complained that she was up for causing some more mischief.

“I’m sick of everybody I just wish everyone would just shut up,” she moaned some more.

Hazel continued with an interesting analogy: “I’ve taken everything from every person that I can. Like a squeezy yoghurt, I’ve squeezed out all I can.”


She added to Charlie: “This is the real me, I’m mischievous.”


Read more:



Day 39: Sam and Sophie take control

35 mins ago

The Safe House duo were thrown a curve ball today when Big Brother presented them with a big decision to make.

Sophie and Sam need to select a third person to wallow with them in the lap of luxury.

To ensure they make a good selection, Big Bro has tasked them with coming up with questions for three potential Safe House housemates.

The twins, Dan and Callum are the housemates they want to ask but coming up with what to ask is taking some deciding.

The pair have been agonising over these asks for a very long time.

"We gotta remember them," Sophie said. "What was the one for the twins...?" This could take a while. Stay tuned for updates.


 Day 39: Two's company


The fate of one housemate will be unwittingly decided by Sam and Sophie but before they cast their final vote they have narrowed the number of possibles down to three.

That's right Callum, Dan, Jack and Joe could be up for eviction this week by gaining a spot in the Safe House. Not that they know that yet.

The question is, which one would fit in best with the current Safe house residents?

Callum and Sam are good pals but could the pair's laddish exploits get on Sophie's wick? She's formed no particular bond with the man from Maidstone – perhaps a little time away from the rest of the housemates might change this.

Dan and Sam have been paired up in a couple of tasks and proved they get on but would Dan be furious that Sam and Sophie had put him in a precarious position? During their deliberations Sophie said, "I love Dan. I love him to bit,." So she'd certainly be happy to have him join the Safe House sleepover. Like Callum, he has already passed the entrace exam having partied the night away in the bath on Day 38.  

And what about Jack and Joe. Would they have to share a bed if they were selected for the Safe House – there are only three slumber spots as far as we can see. Will that make them bicker more? On the plus side – the twins are a right giggle and this potential lineup has got the makings of a ratings winner of a sitcom.

We're just going to have to wait and see. We'll keep you posted


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