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The Big Brother 2013 housemates have been told that Gina Rio is  the favourite to win.


Messages attached to tennis balls have been finding their way into the house  all this series, with notes having included ‘Dan is an actor’, ‘Daley has  slaughtered Hazel in the press’ and ‘Jackie is 100% going on Friday’.

The latest message from the outside told the group that Gina was the bookies’  favourite to win, and wasn’t wrong.

But do the housemates believe it? Gina certainly didn’t, branding herself a  “loud mouth” and suggesting she’ll be evicted tonight.

Taking credit for the stunt, Charlie Hill told the Daily Star today that he  and his pals have been using a slingshot to get the balls over the security  fence and into the house.

Charlie, who is local to the show’s studio in Borehamwood, North London,   told the newspaper: “We just want to stir things up a bit.

“The security guards don’t have a chance of catching us because it takes them  ages to get round to that side of the house.

“Once they do, we are already gone.”

Big Brother have tried their best to stop the housemates reading the  messages, but so far their efforts have proved unsuccessful, leading to plenty  of paranoia and speculation amongst the group.

Although the messages so far have only frustrated Jack, who told the group  this week: “I don’t understand why they haven’t given us one saying if Kate’s  baby is a boy or a girl, that’s all I wanna know!”

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I saw the hm's being told last night to come indoors, some of them then went outdoors to see if there was something in the garden, they never found anything. When they went back in they all wondered why they'd been told to come in when everybody was already in the house at the time. So who found the new message


I don't mind Gina being fave to win I think she's great, more deserving than Sophie or the twins who the hm's expect to win.

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by erinp:


Day 37: Task - The pursuit of Charlie




With the possibility of Jackie leaving the House tonight, it's only right that we get to see her dancing skills one more time. Can you imagine never seeing the Jackie Travers shuffle ever again? Oh, the horror! It's not worth even thinking about...
Thankfully, Big Brother has played ball and created a scenario to do just this.
Later on today the lady in question will be tasked with choreographing a dance routine that will demonstrate the highs and lows of Dexter and Callum's pursuit of Charlie. She'll have the help of the crème de la crème of the Borehamwood arts movement (a.k.a the other housemates) and if she manages to pull off a five star performance, the House will be rewarded with ice lollies and ice creams later today.
We have a feeling this is going to be good viewing. Stick with us to see what they create.



2.24pm: The rehearsals have begun. Charlie is finding the whole thing very embarrassing   



Day 37: The pursuit of Charlie rehearsals

2 hours ago

The housemates have spent the afternoon twirling, swooping and bopping to the tune of Jackie Travers, in preparation for the much anticipated debut of 'The pursuit of Charlie'.

Whilst we wait for the grand performance, check them out in rehearsals..


Jackie introduces the 'swoop'



Working it like a pro



Begging, begging yoooouuuuu.



Callum mid-freestyle. We think it's called spaghetti legs



Joe demonstrates his best jazz hands



I'm spinning Soph round, get outta my way...



The closest they'll get to sweeping Charlie off her feet



Well done guys. Encore! Encore!




The audience barriers are up, the queueing has begun, the police are here, paramedics are here... It's all go. And go someone will!


As bright and sunny as it is, there's a handful of fierce dark clouds overhead. How significant.




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With the Big Brother 2013 eviction looming, thoughts inside the house  are turning to who will be leaving tonight.


Callum, Jackie, Jack and Joe, Gina and Dexter are all up for the chop in this  evening’s latest live show.

Speaking in the Diary Room in tonight’s show, Callum says he hopes to be  seeing the back of Jackie.

Callum tells Big Brother: “I really do think that if certain people such as  Jackie were to leave, the dynamic would be completely different.

“I wouldn’t feel there was a looming presence overlooking my behaviour and my  actions particularly when I am around Charlie. So, if Jackie was to leave and I  was to stay, I would thoroughly enjoy it.”

Meanwhile, Jackie is also in the diary room talking to Big Brother about her  feelings ahead of the eviction.

Jackie says: “I think everybody at this stage would like to think they could  stay for at least another week or two, that would be great but to have done five  weeks in the BB house.

“My personal journey with Charlie has been incredible. I like being mum of  the house. I do like to look after them all and yes I would like to think I  deserve to stay because I will never ever get this again and I’ve had such a  great time.”

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Jackie has been evicted from the Big Brother House

10 mins ago

She came, she saw and she danced. Flipping heck, did she dance. If you've never seen Jackie Travers dancing – we mean really dancing – then we're sad to report you've barely lived. She can also spit a rhyme – but that's another story.

Jackie Travers entered the Big Brother House as part of BB's first ever mother/daughter coupling. This was an interesting arrangement that saw the odd spot of (highly entertaining) mother daughter bickering and further intrigue later on, particularly involving daughter Charlie's potential suitors.

As the eldest and most worldly member of the House, Jackie immediately took up position behind the stove, a fact that riled our second evictee Jemima to some extent. With Jemima gone, Jackie was queen of the kitchen and could be relied on to cook up a storm even on an economy budget. Only Jackie T could make chickpea burgers so appealing.

Having watched Charlie being wooed, massaged and caressed by housemate Callum, Jackie was rather put out when she was given the keys to a VHS tape that showed the football coach detailing how he once bedded a mother and daughter. Conflict arose as a result, and from that point on, Jackie had issues throughout the House. Her run-ins with Dexter, who'd declared his feelings for Charlie too, were great television, even if they were a bit of a hard watch.

But Jackie wasn't all arguments and cookery. She was often a ray of light in a House that's shrouded in suspicion, secrets and lies. Her firm friendship with Dan was a delight to watch – especially when they bust a move together. Even more joyful viewing could be found in her scenes with Charlie. Family bliss – and bust-ups – all under the Borehamwood roof.

Cheerio Jackie Travers. You were and are an inspiration


Day 37: Big Brother's latest Safe House twist

4 mins ago

So, Emma just announced a really rather spectacular twist after Jackie's eviction, eh? Sam and Sophie have been chosen, in a very tense minute, to enter the Safe House.

The housemates think they have granted Sam and Sophie immunity but, of course, this is a big fat fib: they are actually up for the public vote for next week's eviction.

And that's not all, oh no. On Monday, Big Brother will let Sam and Sophie grant Safe House access and privileges to one housemate of their choosing.

And that housemate will also be told they're safe from eviction. But they will also be up for the public vote!

It could be anyone! Make sure you don't miss Monday's show, when we will go live to the House to see who Sam and Sophie condemn to nomination with their kindness.


 Day 37: The House chats about Jackie's departure


She came, she danced and when Emma called out her name she left with her head held high.

Jackie Travers's departure had left Charlie in tears but with the House mum away, the kids can go wild!

Housemates have rallied round Charlie, reassuring her that House life will go on.

"I hope I don’t start feeling lonely without her," she worried. But her wobble was over in a matter of seconds. And she’s confident mum will be fine.

Dan had a few reassuring words. "It’s not the worst crowd we’ve heard. Jemima’s was. Then Wolfy’s." Well that’s good top know.

Jack was more positive, "You could hear it in Emma’s voice. She likes her. She’ll be lovely to her."

The twins are chuffed – they’ll be in the House for their birthday. Dexter is smiling like a Cheshire cat and Gina was literally jumping up and down – OMG!

Charlie is resolute. "Onwards and upwards Charlie!" she said. Our sentiments exactly.


Jackie Travers has been evicted in tonight’s latest  Big  Brother 2013 eviction results.


Monday’s latest round of Big Brother UK nomination results saw Callum  Knell, Dexter Koh, Gina Rio, Jackie Trvaers and  Jack and Joe  all put  up for eviction by their fellow housemates.

The group nominated as usual after a planned live nominations twist was axed  following Daley’s removal from the house, although Hazel remained immune thanks  to the safe house twist.

During the live show, the five nominated housemates each had the chance to  plea for votes.

Callum said: “I’ve had the best week in here and I think I’ve come out of my  shell bit by bit, some people like me and some people don’t, but I won’t change  who I am.”

Dexter said: “I’ve been on a fantastic journey, the public should keep me in  because I want to experience it to the end.”

Gina said: “Please keep me in, I’m having so much fun, and hopefully if you  keep me in you’ll see much more.”

The twins said: “We’re just having the best time, we’re loving every week and  every one, we just want to be here for our birthday tomorrow!”

Finally, Jackie said: “This has been the most unique experience and I’ve  learned never to ever grow up and please, I’d love to stay!”

Shortly after, the lines froze before Emma Willis announced that Gina, Dexter and the Twins  had been saved, leaving Callum and Jackie to go head to head.

Emma then returned to the house 15 minutes later to reveal that, with the  most votes to evict, Jackie Travers was leaving the show.

Jackie left to huge boos from the crowd, who had been chanting ‘Get Jackie  Out’ all evening.

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Last edited by Former Member

 Big Brother wants you to give The Right Answer


Big Brother needs your help! For next week's shopping task, housemates will be tested with a series of questions, and we need you to help provide The Right Answer. So please complete this survey for your chance to influence what happens in the House...

Voting will close on Sunday 21st July at 11:59pm. Stay tuned to from Tuesday to see how your responses will go down with the housemates...


 Day 37: The safe house twisters have been taken in


Sam and Sophie were picked tonight by their housemates to enjoy the comforts and luxuries of the safe house, including immunity from nomination. The housemates figured that they should pick the two that would be least likely to receive nominations, so as not to influence the course of fate, or something. It was very rushed; they only had a minute!

But it was all in vain, because, in putting Sam and Sophie in the safe house, the housemates have actually put them up for eviction! Whoops.

Jack did voice a minor concern, saying "we just can't believe anything Big Brother says any more" but this was a viewpoint that was given short shrift, generally. Sophie had her own fears, saying "me and Sam sleep talk worse than everyone else!"

When Big Brother let them into the safe house, a few of their housemates naughtily sauntered in, too. Dan took a minute to survey the plush surroundings, saying "it's so cool in here!" before Big Brother told the non-safe house inhabitants to get back to their side of the velvet ropes.

As they settled in and unpacked, a little bit of doubt did set in. Sophie voiced concern, causing Sam to ask her "do you think we're not safe?" But Sophie veered off the scent, reasoning that Big Brother wouldn’t give them "all this stuff" if they weren't safe. Oh, Sophie, bless!


Day 37 round up: The dance off

1 hour ago

It was an anxious House that awoke on Day 37 and no wonder, it was eviction day once more.

Fortunately there was a task shaped distraction and Jackie was at the helm. The Pursuit of Charlie Travers task had Jackie choreographing the House in an eye-opener of an interpretive dance routine. A few had moves like Travers, most had two left feet. It didn't matter, they triumphed in the task and earned themselves ice cream! Cool.  

All too soon it was time for one of their number to head for the door. Dexter, Gina and Jack and Joe were handed an early lifeline, scoring the lowest number of public votes and a lucky escape from eviction.

That left Callum and Jackie going head to head and this time Charlie wasn't the focus. It was the lady with the fancy footwork who stepped out of the House as Jackie Travers became the fourth housemates to be evicted.

Her departure caused a ripple with Charlie fretting about being on her lonesome but BB wasn't done yet. There was one more twist – and it involved the Safe House! BB instructed housemates to select two of their crew to take a break in the luxury location.

The pair would "earn immunity" from eviction.  Little did housemates know this was a big old fib – infact the twosome would be up for eviction next week. Led by Charlie, they innocently sent in Sam and Sophie like lambs to the slaughter.

The Safe House residents are loving their new home but for how long?



Big Brother 2013: Twins worried Gina Rio is going to win!


The fallout from yesterday evening’s latest Big Brother eviction seems to be more about Gina than Jackie.


Last night saw Jackie become the latest housemate to leave in the Big Brother 2013 results, booted out ahead of Callum Knell.

But all most of the housemates could talk about were the hugely positive chants for Gina.

The group were previously made aware that Gina was the bookies’ favourite, having been told the odds via a message thrown into the garden on a tennis ball.

“Gina got such good reaction, f**k Gina’s going to win this,” the twins remarked.

“The tennis balls have been right in that sense, Gina is the favorite, and Jackie did go…” Dan commented.

But Jack tried to play down the crowd response, saying: “I think everyone is going to get booed at some point, the cheers don’t mean a lot.”

“The winner got booed before,” said Sophie, referring to BB12 champ Aaron.

Meanwhile, Charlie was in the Diary Room contemplating life in the house without her mum.

She told Big Brother: “I’m a little bit emotional, but that’s natural, we came in here to together.

“Once I’ve got over tonight, I’ve just got to remember it’s a fresh experience for me in from tomorrow. It’s now me on my own as Charlie and I’m really excited. Hopefully it’ll be good. I felt bad that she went to boos, but at least she was 100% herself in here.”


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Tonight on Big Brother's Bit on the Psych: Saturday 20th July

1 hour ago

Who fancies delving into the minds of the housemates for an hour this evening? Good, us too... 

Join us at 11pm where our resident panellists, comedian Iain Lee, performance coach Kate Marlow, and psychologist Dr Funke, alongside the latest evictee Jackie, will be discussing what's been going down this week. And as ever, holding the fort we have that girl from up north... it's the lovely AJ Odudu.

Miss it and miss out.


well done voters and will Charlie change and a marriage proposal 20.07.13



i did advice,
not that i thought anyone would listen,
now its a great equalize,
this is one vision.
Jackie is a lovely lady,
nothing would i alter,
but now we can see perhaps "shady",
all in her daughter.
yes i will miss the "shame",
on Charlies face its written,
but the love is no game,
and with both i am smitten.
could Charlie crumble,
or will she explode,
any sign of "quiet" and "humble",
i would love her to go into "game mode".
thank you for ridding mum,
Charlie is now my outsider,
and if she wants a bit of scum,
i will marry her and she can be my provider.

(if Charlie ever reads this - i hope she smiles. and if she says yes - you are all invited. )


Day 37: Callum and Dexter try to 'put things to bed'

9 hours ago

It's not unusual for these two chaps to have a good old natter about their feelings for one another, especially past unsociable hours.  Tonight on the other hand, after making quite good progress on their 'friendship', an obstacle arises... in the form of a Charlie.



while I remember last night in Twitterland  after BOTS aired Dexters RL supposed on/off Girlfriend started tweeting - asking what was said about her on BOTS - someone answered that Dexter says he hasnt a girlfriend - she replied with *Freedom* - oh and she wants Gina to Win 


follow her here and have a read - ironically she is a Charlie as well



Wolfy reacts to Jackie's eviction
14 hours ago
We sneaked into the Bit on the Side green room and shoved a camera in Wolfy's astonished face, as she found out which of her former housemates would be joining her on the outside world...

Originally Posted by erinp:

MrsH we had difficulty here last night  ,we kept getting locked out so I had trouble trying to do updates.

The CH5 site only uploaded one vidwhich I managed to embed.


I have given up waiting for their uploads - I dont see them catching up the back log now and putting on u tube but thought I would link a few today as they occur and if u tube get them will edit posts


since the Daley/Hazel saga and 2 hour LF  CH5 seem to have gone to pot  


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