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Day 36: Big Brother the movie

7 mins ago

Not content with being prime time TV stars, the housemates have been fantasising about who would play them in a movie. Basking in the sunshine in the garden they have pretty much cast the film.

Jackie wants Joanna Lumley to take on her role, or maybe Julia Roberts, and Louie Spence was a popular suggestion for Dan, although he'd rather Rupert Everett.

Billie Piper was considered a "good shout" for Sophie by everyone apart from her, before the housemates settled on either Lacey Turner or Emma Bunton.

Dexter (who knows a lot about celebrities) suggested Tyra Banks brought Gina to the big screen, Sarah-Jessica Parker played Jemima (obvs) and Katie Price for Sallie. Or maybe Jodie Marsh.

 James Corden and Matt Lucas were Callum's choices to take on the role of the twins but Jack was adamant. Corden can play the pair – like Lyndsey Lohan did in, "that movie she was in."

This is shaping up to be a cracking watch. Obviously Big Brother has a hotline to all the A-list agents so watch this space... Can you suggest any back-ups in case the big shots are fully booked?



 Day 36: Jackie gives Dexter the seal of approval


Are Dexter's charms finally wearing off on Jackie? After many attempts to get on her good side, it seems Mummy Travers is starting to see the self-proclaimed 'playboy' in a better light. "I like Dexter. He's a sweetie... He's just a lost soul," she told Charlie in the garden. She even added that she hopes to meet up with him in London when they get out of the House. But what's sparked this new fondness for the guy who she said has 'no chance' with her daughter? "He's broken down the initial ridiculous game plan and now he's becoming his real self," she said, reiterating that she is very fond of the new Dexter. And she's even started to worry about who will look after him when he leaves the confines of the Bungalow, stating that "It'd be nice if he met a nice girl..." Hmm, we have one in mind...  *ahem* Charlie Travers. You never know, it still could happen.


Day 36: The Impassable task

1 hour ago

A task that cannot be passed has greeted housemates this afternoon. Not that they realise this – they think they just need to work out how to pass it.

The garden has been filled with props and puzzles, each one suggesting an interaction.

They include a bath tub full of beans, and instructions to relax, a magnetic board with a list of fake housemate quotes on it and magnets with all the

Housemates names on it and a podium with a microphone that says 'Entertain Big Brother'. A meter on the wall moves between pass and fail.

Earlier in the day Callum had been called to the Diary Room and given a secret brief. Later in the living room he relayed Big Brother’s Instructions saying, "something in the Garden will cause Housemates to pass or fail. The task will continue until Housemates either pass or quit. If Housemates wish to quit the task, one Housemate should come to the Diary Room to tell Big Brother." 

Little do housemates know, this is in fact a fake task. In reality Callum is controlling the task via secret signals to Big Brother. He has been tasked with doing everything in his power to stop the housemates quitting. The longer the housemates attempt the task, the greater their reward.

The task will only come to an end when either the Housemates decide to quit, or they reach the jackpot maximum time limit.

Originally Posted by MrsH:

Day 36: The Impassable task

1 hour ago

A task that cannot be passed has greeted housemates this afternoon. Not that they realise this – they think they just need to work out how to pass it.

The garden has been filled with props and puzzles, each one suggesting an interaction.

They include a bath tub full of beans, and instructions to relax, a magnetic board with a list of fake housemate quotes on it and magnets with all the

Housemates names on it and a podium with a microphone that says 'Entertain Big Brother'. A meter on the wall moves between pass and fail.

Earlier in the day Callum had been called to the Diary Room and given a secret brief. Later in the living room he relayed Big Brother’s Instructions saying, "something in the Garden will cause Housemates to pass or fail. The task will continue until Housemates either pass or quit. If Housemates wish to quit the task, one Housemate should come to the Diary Room to tell Big Brother." 

Little do housemates know, this is in fact a fake task. In reality Callum is controlling the task via secret signals to Big Brother. He has been tasked with doing everything in his power to stop the housemates quitting. The longer the housemates attempt the task, the greater their reward.

The task will only come to an end when either the Housemates decide to quit, or they reach the jackpot maximum time limit.



Day 36: Look! It's impassible - pics


1 hour ago

Housemates feel like they are making some headway with this afternoon's task. 

Callum knows better. Check out some of the situations they have found themselves in so far. 



This is not a spa treatment Gina is familiar with



Callum is in control



Dan and Charlie get stuck into an '80s fundraising fave



Hazel has her cake



Jackie gets a mouthful



Golden boy Dan



Jackie tries to piece together the puzzle



Should Sam relax?





Today, Big Brother has set the housemates a task which they  cannot complete.


Housemates are faced with a mysterious task in which the garden is filled  with unusual props and puzzles. A meter on the wall moves between pass and fail,  indicating how close they are to success. Big Brother tells the housemates that  “something in the garden is causing them to pass or fail” and they must get the  meter all the way to ‘pass’ in order to win a reward. The task will continue  until the housemates succeed, or until a housemate comes to the diary room to  quit the task.

However, all is not what it seems, as one housemate – CALLUM – is secretly  controlling the pass / fail meter with signals to Big Brother, and the real task  is to keep the others trying for as long as possible.


The Real Secret Task Big Brother explains to Callum that he will secretly  be in control of today’s task. By giving secret signals to Big Brother, Callum  on the secret task will be able to make a pass/fail meter go up and down towards  pass or fail. His task is to use this power, along with any other tactics he  wishes, to get the housemates to keep trying to pass the task for as long as  possible. The longer housemates attempt the task the better their reward.

The Fake Task From the other housemates’ perspective, the task will  appear to be a mystery in which the garden is filled with unusual props and  puzzles, and the housemates need to work out what they must do in order to pass.  A pass / fail meter indicates their progress towards either pass or fail.

Big Brother’s instructions are very simple:

“Something in the garden will cause housemates to pass or fail. The task will  continue until housemates either pass or quit. If housemates wish to quit the  task, one housemate should come to the diary room to tell Big Brother.”

The garden is filled with various props that are all deliberately suggestive,  and seem to need something done with them:

* A Bath tub full of beans, and instructions to ‘relax’. * A magnetic  board with a list of fake housemate quotes on it and magnets with all the  housemates names on it. * A podium with a microphone that says ‘Entertain  Big Brother”. * A container filled with white and brown rice a pair of  chopsticks and two empty cylinders one saying brown rice and one saying white  rice. * A giant chocolate cake a sign saying eat me – but they can only use  their mouth. * Onions, a chopping knife and a vial marked tears. * A  plinth, marked HUMAN STATUE, and a bucket of gold body paint.

PASS / FAIL The task will only come to an end when either the housemates  decide to quit, or they reach the jackpot maximum time limit (2 hours).

QUIT If the housemates decide to quit, one must come to the diary room  and tell Big Brother. Big Brother will then announce that the task is over, and  gather the housemates at the sofas. Big Brother will then reveal the secret  task, and also announce how many rewards the housemates have earned.

MAXIMUM TIME If Callum on the secret mission manages to keep the other  housemates trying at the task for the maximum amount of time, the housemates  will win the jackpot prize. If this happens Callum on the secret mission will be  called to the diary room. The other housemates will then be gathered and all  will be revealed.

Read more:

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by MrsH:

A HUGE spat going on between 



and apoligies if I have posted any incorrect info today anywhere regarding the tennis ball saga 


I followed the link to here



 <small class="time">         </small>      


BREAKING Both balls have SAME signature! (Letter A is Identical) 100% Inside Job!


had made me think about the balls with some of his tweets today - just wondered if he was taking the scent away from BB

Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by erinp:

Still no vids

we are all of yesterdays missing - doubt we will get them although I have seen comments asking where they are 



Erin - I wont be around so much during the day for a few days - will be about evenings though as far as I know 

No probs MrsH you have worked all week. Take care, catch you when I catch you. 



Day 36: An impassable dream and some footie skills

4 mins ago

As day dawned on the thirty-sixth day in the Big Brother House, Dexter thought it would be a perfectly opportune time to wiggle his jiggle in a pair of pants of unknown providence. Well, what else to do on a Thursday morning, we ask?

After their disagreement last night, Jackie and Callum seemed to bury the hatchet in the kitchen, which was nice to see. Lord knows, we just want these crazy kids to get along! The housemates then sat around in the sunshine and chatted about who'd play them in a movie. That's a film we'd want to see, especially if Tyra Banks got involved.

The day had a big obstacle in the form of the Impassable Task, which saw the housemates instructed to do a whole host of wacky activities to wiggle the pass/fail dial into the green. What they didn't know was that the task had a secret puppetmaster in the shape of Callum, who had to motivate the housemates to ensure they kept on at the task. This involved a bathtub full of beans, hands-free cake eating, and other hilarious funtimes.

They were rewarded for their success in the task with some picnic snacks and a football. Even the, er, less sporty housemates got involved and great fun was had by all.

Even though the housemates had a lovely picnic laid on by Big Brother, Jack and Joe cooked up a delicious dinner of cheesy pasta, which the housemates enjoyed.

As the evening progressed, a few home truths were spilled, before some naughty souls decided to cool off on a balmy night by jumping into the pool. We're sure Big Brother will have something to say about that little rule break...

Our sleepy-headed darlings toddled off to bed early, no doubt to get their beauty sleep before tomorrow's eviction. Well, with a quintet of potential evictees, it's likely to be a good 'un!




well tellyzone totally ballsed that one up, the idiots pasted the dms i had sent them! Yes its true me and doc created some fake drama



Don't want anyone to think im being cocky and forgot about the whole thing because i haven't, but I'm not gonna hide away also. I am SORRY.


If H truly felt scared then im SORRY, I thought we were play fighting. Also sorry for offended anyone else and most of all Sorry to Katie.



Originally Posted by MrsH:

Day 36: A secretly truthful evening develops

8 hours ago

As the big eviction day draws closer, some of the housemates have a few truths they wish to discuss. Luckily for them, the person they're talking about is no where in sight, but will their secretive antics get them into trouble further down the line?



Why does Callum feel the need to adopt a strange sort of sign language when speaking to Sam? Doesn't he know that Sam is excellent at lip reading?

Not sure I like this 'version' of Callum,

I think Dexter is playing the old game of 'keep your friends close and your enemies closer'



Tonight on Big Brother's Bit on the Side: Friday 19th July

2 hours ago

It's sunny! It's Friday! It's eviction day! And boy do we have a cracking show planned for you this evening...

As ever, Rylan and AJ will be bringing you all the post-eviction action from the House, including an exclusive interview with the latest evictee. But who will it be? Jack and Joe, Callum, Dexter, Gina or Jackie? You'll have to tune in to find out!

And joining the panel this evening, we have the lovely Angelica Bell, BB 12's Tom O'Connell and last week's evictee, Wolfy.

So don't forget to tune in at 10.30pm on Channel 5.

And why not join in the conversation over on Twitter @BBBOTS using the hashtag #bbbots. We'll see you there!

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by MrsH:

Day 36: A secretly truthful evening develops

8 hours ago

As the big eviction day draws closer, some of the housemates have a few truths they wish to discuss. Luckily for them, the person they're talking about is no where in sight, but will their secretive antics get them into trouble further down the line?



Why does Callum feel the need to adopt a strange sort of sign language when speaking to Sam? Doesn't he know that Sam is excellent at lip reading?

Not sure I like this 'version' of Callum,

I think Dexter is playing the old game of 'keep your friends close and your enemies closer'

It does come over a bit David Brentish doesn't it? Interestingly though it seems that Sam gets on with Callum better than anyone else. Perhaps it does make life easier for him. Also it's interesting that Sam has a bit of a problem with Sophie -  I would imagine it might be difficult to read her lips as she has a regional accent very different to Sam.

Soozy Woo

Day 37: Irritations, incarcerations and omlettes

51 mins ago

Not only is there an eviction to contend with this evening, but now two of the potential evictees, Gina and Callum, alongside Dan and Charlie, have the added frustration of being locked up in the jail for the day. Well, that's what you get for breaking the rules folks. When Big Brother says you can't go in the pool, you can't go in the pool. It's pretty easy to understand.

"Dan it's all your fault" Gina whinged, as she settled in to her new abode.

"I didn't fully go in, so hopefully I can leave earlier" she added, trying to put a positive spin on the situation. Somehow, we don't think she should hold her breath. 

Jackie is having a similarly dismal morning. She's been in a bit of a grump after running out of time to do her hair, but she's had no sympathy from daughter Charlie, who's basically told her to pull herself together. You can imagine how well that went down.

Meanwhile, Jack and Joe have put their new omelette making skills to the test and have been rustling up a batch in the kitchen. And Dexter? Well, he's an old pro at this by now. He's just taking it in his stride. 

But as the day goes on, we're sure to see a few nerves from the group. Who goes tonight? You decide.

Originally Posted by MrsH:

Day 37: Irritations, incarcerations and omlettes

51 mins ago

Gina and Callum, alongside Dan and Charlie, have the added frustration of being locked up in the jail for the day.

"Dan it's all your fault" Gina whinged, as she settled in to her new abode.

"I didn't fully go in, so hopefully I can leave earlier" she added, trying to put a positive spin on the situation. Somehow, we don't think she should hold her breath. 

Jackie is having a similarly dismal morning. She's been in a bit of a grump after running out of time to do her hair, but she's had no sympathy from daughter Charlie, who's basically told her to pull herself together. You can imagine how well that went down.


Big Brother bosses are reportedly monitoring Callum  Knell after an “aggressive” outburst last night.


Callum was seen clashing with Jackie in the garden in front of the other  housemates after she barged in on his discussion about her daughter Charlie.

But when Callum seemed to lose it, Jackie told the group: “I would worry  about someone like that.

“You don’t know where that kind of behaviour will lead.”

And a worried Jackie explained: “No-one’s ever spoken to me like that before,  it’s his eyes, he is an aggressive man, aggressive as hell.

“I will not put up with it. The only reason he stopped it was because he was  on TV.

“The sort of guy that gets aggressive like that is not worth it. He’s  aggressive towards me – I’d be terrified of him if I was his wife.”

Speaking in the Diary Room later, Callum complained: “Embarrassed.  Frustrated. Upset and generally not good enough. Jackie does not feel that I am  good enough for her daughter. She has only had 4 Â― weeks with me so what is she  basing that on, my appearance. My appearance isn’t good enough for her  daughter.”

He later went to speak to Charlie alone, telling her away from Jackie: “I  don’t feel like I went about it the wrong way but if I was aggressive I didn’t  mean to beâ€Ķyou are a knockout you will go places.

“I can’t convince youâ€Ķhopefully one day I will sweep somebody off their feet.  Just do your own thing. Top bird. Top bird. I mean that. I never looked at you  once and thought ‘I am going to pull that.’ I looked at you and thought ‘wow’.  The more I talked to you and the more I got to know you I saw you didn’t see the  wow yourself.”

Read more:



Day 37: Task - The pursuit of Charlie




With the possibility of Jackie leaving the House tonight, it's only right that we get to see her dancing skills one more time. Can you imagine never seeing the Jackie Travers shuffle ever again? Oh, the horror! It's not worth even thinking about...
Thankfully, Big Brother has played ball and created a scenario to do just this.
Later on today the lady in question will be tasked with choreographing a dance routine that will demonstrate the highs and lows of Dexter and Callum's pursuit of Charlie. She'll have the help of the crÃĻme de la crÃĻme of the Borehamwood arts movement (a.k.a the other housemates) and if she manages to pull off a five star performance, the House will be rewarded with ice lollies and ice creams later today.
We have a feeling this is going to be good viewing. Stick with us to see what they create.



2.24pm: The rehearsals have begun. Charlie is finding the whole thing very embarrassing   


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