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Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

not sure if this is the right lace for it, but an hour ago, Katie ( Daley's  girlfriend) tweeted " closure" .

yeah just saw that  

she flies to Dubai tomorrow - wonder if he is going as well ??


Day 34: Pause for a party

44 mins ago

Party time! Housemates were expecting the shindig laid on by Big Brother this evening to be full of friends and family (for no reason other than over-active imaginations) and were excited at the prospect.

No friends and family were present, but one look at the chocolate fountain and they forgot all about everything else. You would though, wouldn’t you?

Big Brother spoiled things a bit by pausing and rewinding the party at awkward moments – all as part of the weekly shopping task, Remote Control – but all the same, housemates enjoyed a well-deserved boogie and chomped on sweets until they all felt poorly. Amazing scenes, BB fans. Amazing scenes.



Callum and Dexter - the dance duo from heaven



Hazel channels her inner angel while Charlie goes buccaneering



Dan dresses to the nines in a feather boa



Dexter tries to win over potential in-law Jackie with a new look



A selection of our furry friends



Gina was in her element



Erm - Sam? You're meant to say "cheese"



Jack went bananas



Looking fresh, Jackie T!



We sense a new popular music sensation forming



We can't wait to tag this one on Facebook



En guard!





Day 34 round-up: Pause, rewind, play

43 mins ago

Housemates woke up and faced the music at the start of Day 34 – quite literally. Nope, it wasn't a Jackie Travers dance sesh, just Big Bro launching the shopping task.

Big Brother had left a giant remote control in the living room and housemates were at the mercy of the pause, rewind, and fast forward buttons.

Not content with controlling their every move, BB threw in a heap of distractions in an effort to trip them up. These included a flock of sheep, a wedding party and the formidable duo that was Rylan Clark and body language expert Judi James. There were also a few interruptions closer to home closer to home...

With housemates paused and unable to move a muscle,Dexter's mum and Sophie's boyfriend were sent in. Dex and Soph stayed strong and resisted chatting to their loved ones.

What a tricksy day! Big Brother must have been impressed though because the housemates were rewarded with aPARTY! Naturally there was a twist...

Housemates went to town on the chocolate fountain, threw some spectacular shapes on the dance floor and dressed up in silly wigs. In short, they pretty much partied themselves out. Then Big Brother hit rewind and they had to do it all over again!

With another day of this task to go, we can't wait to see what BB throws at the housemates next. They are on tenterhooks!


any true BB fan will vote out on Friday ? or Rachel Rice will happen again 17.07.13

from the start,
i did not comprehend,
but now i love with my heart,
clearing deadwood i will defend.
Jackie is a lovely lady,
but she needs the boot,
the same as the "twins" and being shady,
because up my boredom pole they shoot.
please vote out the bores,
keep BB entertaining,
every-time it goes on the twins snores,
my health this is maiming.
Charlie has potential,
we just need rid of mother,
but evicting the twins is also essential,
i have to expose the cover.
Ginia is evolving,
a chance we have to heed,
but as soon as the house stops revolving,
we all no mayhem will lead.
its up to the voter,
i have tried to be nice,
if we don't rid Jackie or the twin meter,
we are going to be left with one more Rachel Rice.


BIG Brother boxer Daley Ojuederie last night blamed Hazel O’Sullivan for his shock exit over the TV “sex attack’’ – and wants her kicked out too.


Big brother, daley, hazel. fight, sex, pictures, row, violence



The distraught 28-year-old, who was thrown out of the famous spy house after play-fighting between the pair got out of control, blasted her as a “devious liar” who stitched him up.

And he says he never wants to see the “evil” model again.

Daley, whose romance with Hazel had gripped viewers, last night spoke of his anger, shock and hurt that she told Big Brother she was “terrified” when he put his hands around her throat and told her he would “nut her’’ and yelled: “Do you understand?”

In an exclusive interview with the Daily Star, he said: “Forty-eight hours ago Hazel and I were mates.

“Forty-eight hours on, I never want to see her again. I don’t need to and don’t want to.

“I can’t believe what she said. I’d never hit a woman in my life.”

The sportsman said he was “stunned” to be axed from the Channel 5 show over the row, which also included him smacking her bottom and her pulling down his pants.

He said the pair’s behaviour was no different from the couple’s previous romps.

He explained: “A lot of the time we would play fight like that and talk like that.

“The drink that night probably escalated things but that was us most of the time.

“They just never showed it on TV.

“What people didn’t realise is while I am saying things like ‘nut you’ and ‘finish you’ I am smilingand laughing. She was doing the same.”

“I may have had my hands around around her throat but there was no pressure there. I know thislooks bad on TV and if I have offended anyone I apologise. It was a joke. I was never trying to choke her.”

He said he even thought that once the pair had been called separately to the Diary Room the matter had been resolved.

“Hazel never said she was frightened,” he said. “I asked her if she was all right and she said she was.

“We even went to bed afterwards and cuddled. It was a done deal as far as I was concerned.”

Late on Monday Daley, who went to the same school as former X Factor judge Tulisa, got a massive shock when he was told he was being taken out of the house because Hazel felt ‘’in danger’’.

He said: “When they called me in I thought I had spoken about nominations and was being sent to jail.

“I didn’t expect to be thrown out. Then I discover what she said about me. Why did she do this to me?

“I don’t want to waste my breath on her. I do now think she should have gone as well. I told Big Brother she was devious and a liar. I never want anything to do with her again.”

And when told Hazel admitted she felt guilty, he said: “You can’t say you feel threatened one minute and then feel guilty the next.”

The pair’s fling on the Channel 5 show had left Daley’s girlfriend ­Katie Corriette watching back home in disbelief.

The couple were reunited last night but Daley admits he does not know if they will stay together – even though he said he didn’t even kiss single Hazel, 28.

“I don’t deserve to be taken back,” he said. “I have always loved her. I was weak in there. I don’t know what will happen. I have apologised.”

Last night Hazel said: “I feel guilty I was involved. But I was scared.

“I hope he will be OK.”

Asked what he planned to do next Daley, who spent his childhood in foster homes, said: “I don’t know. This has messed my head.

"I am a closed book and not used to socialising. I went on Big Brother to try to change for the better.

“I only have one friend and met some amazing people in there like Dexter and Sam.

“I didn’t want to leave in this way.

“I am not a bad person.”

Daley’s brother Dudley revealed: “Daley is in a very bad place right now. He feels stitched up.”


Tonight on Big Brother's Bit on the Side: Wednesday 17th July

3 hours ago

Have you got those midweek blues? Does the weekend seem just a little bit too far away? Well how about the promise of a rip-roaring BBBOTS this evening to get you through the hump day... 

Joining us on the panel, we have popstar and ex-CBB housemate Michelle Heaton, BB 10's Rodrigo Lopes and Lucy Spraggan of X Factor fame. And fresh from her stint in the House, we have body expert Judi James.

Believe us when we say it's going to be a good'un.

So join us, and the devilish duo Rylan Clark and AJ Odudu, at 11pm on Channel 5.

Be there or be square!


Day 35: Rewind to this morning

1 hour ago

Have we paused and rewound to Day 34? Or is it Day 2 of theRemote Control task? (Answer: The latter).

For a second day in a row the housemates will be dancing to the tune of Big Brother's remote control, meaning every time they hear an instruction from the big boss man, they must stop, rewind or fast forward whatever they are currently doing. 

There was no rest for the wicked this morning, as Big Brother pressed rewind not once, but twice, resulting in the housemates experiencing the delights of returning to their comfy beds, only to be chucked out two minutes later. Oh BB, you can be cruel.

And once they were finally up and at 'em, Big Brother decided things down a bit, which unfortunately for Dan was the same time he decided to do his morning workout. Slowed down rep curls in this heat? Rather him than us. 

But we have a feeling that won't be the hardest challenge of the day (in fact, we have it on good authority that today's distractions are going to be hard to ignore). So do stick with us to find out what they'll be...


Big Brother 2013: Twins Jack and Joe are under attack!


Big Brother twins Jack and Joe are beginning to rub their housemates up the wrong way.


The duo were put up for eviction for the first time this week, and they didn’t take the news well.

And it sounds as though the pair could get even more nominations next week if they aren’t evicted on Friday.

“With the twins, I have a laugh of joke with them but if I wanted to talk about something serious, I would do it with you,” Sophie told Dan this morning.

“They are lovely boys, they’re not malicous but at times it’s just…” Dan replied. “With Jack, it’s what you see is what you get, but I find Joe really frustrating sometimes.

“He can be too nice sometimes,” Sophie suggested.

“It’s just too much sometimes, the reason I would never say it…” Dan continued.

“I wouldn’t want to hurt his feelings, he’s too nice,” Sophie finished.

“I dont think he would take it the right way, it’s not a major, major thing, but it’s becoming one if I’m honest,” Dan added.


Read more:


12.49pm: The HMs have paused for a quick waxing session

1.04pm: Not the chest! Not the chest!

Embedded image permalink

2.24pm: The twins' parents have entered the House. They're doing a rubbish job at ignoring them

2.38pm: The twins feel guilty that they reacted to their parents when Dexter and Sophie didn't to their loved ones.


Day 35: The Remote Control task - Day 2

1 hour ago

The housemates have been quite distracted today and who can blame them? How often do they see a Conga line and the twins' parents in the House? And they certainly haven't had the experience of being waxed when they're least expecting it before now. We'd be a little surprised as well.

Here's a few snaps of them in action...



What's that coming over the hill? Is it a Conga? Is it a Conga? Ohh yes...



Kudos to the housemates for resisting a Conga line. That is the ultimate challenge!



Leg waxing? Yeah, sure. Sam is one cool cucumber!



Callum's face says it all.



These lot can't hide their smirks as they watch the boys getting waxed



Noooo not Dan the man's rug



Dan weeps for the loss of his prized possession



The Twins get a visit from their parents



Jack can't resist going in for a hug with his Dad



The boys get a little teary after seeing their Mum and Dad. Aww, bless!





Day 35: Will housemates win a luxury shopping budget?

32 mins ago

Housemates have just discovered how they fared in the Remote Control weekly shopping task after a couple of days filled with devilish distraction. Check the video to see how much cash they managed to land themselves!

Even if it's not the full whack, it's still a hard-earned reward that saw housemates reacting to a massive remote control placed in the living area and dictating their every move. If the remote control paused, housemates were forced to stand or sit still until 'play' was pressed again, no matter how tough that proved. The massive oofer-doofer also sent them back in time with the rewind function. It was a multifunctional piece of kit.

Amongst the fun and games, the crew had to ignore the presence of a shepherd and his flock. They were forced to pay no mind to Rylan and Judi James entering the compound. They had to remain oblivious to a wedding party, a conga line and a barbershop quartet. BB even ruined a party laid on for them last night.

But probably even more difficult to ignore was the sudden entrance of family and friends.Dexter's mumSophie's boyfriend and the twins' parents all wandered in to test housemates' resolve. Despite some tears, for the most-part, they managed to keep their wits about them.

That's money in the bank then. Chow down, housemates. The next meal's on BB.



Exclusive: Big Brother refuses to explain nominations

Posted July 17 2013 by Matt Scott
Exclusive: Big Brother refuses to explain nominations



Big Brother 2013 bosses have refused to explain why Jackie Travers and Jack and Joe Glenny are facing this week’s eviction after fans raised questions over this week’s nominations.


On Monday, it was announced that Callum, Dexter, Gina, Jackie and the twins had recieved the most nominations this week and would therefore go up for the public vote.


During last night’s highlights show, it was then revealed that Callum had recieved seven votes, while Dexter and Gina had four each, Jack and Joe had three, and Jackie had two.


This prompted much confusion among viewers, as the Big Brother rules traditionally dictate that only the two or more housemates with the most nominations should face the following eviction. If this had been the case, only Callum, Dexter and Gina would be up this week.


So far, there has been no explicit confirmation of any changes to this rule.


However, when approached by bbspy for an explanation earlier today, a show spokesperson simply said: “The nomination process is at Big Brother’s discretion so can change accordingly.”


This stock response will no doubt add fuel to existing online speculation that the producers put forward extra housemates for the vote in an attempt to save Dexter and Gina, who are widely regarded as two of the series’ most entertaining characters.

Read more:


Day 35: Sam and Gina build bridges

7 hours ago

They'd barely spoken after 35 days in captivity together but finally Ms Gina Rio and Mr Sam Evans broke their barrier of silence and had a heart-to-heart.

As the garden bubbled with talk of the bizarre love triangle that's gripping the House and with Callum running to the Diary Room after yet another Jackie Travers confrontation, Sam and Gina agreed in the living area that they're with Callum on this one.

From there, things blossomed.

Gina asked "What happened?"

Sam replied "Jackie was giving him grief." He followed that cheekily with "You love the gossip!" He went on to explain that Jackie was giving Callum too much of a "hard time". He wondered if maybe people pick on Callum because he got booed on launch night.  He said "I don't even think Callum's a womaniser. He can't even pull women." Gina replied  "There's more to life than pulling birds." Then she said "she [Jackie] doesn't like me, Dexter or Callum. But whatever – we don't care."

Somehow the talk developed into Sam's issues with Gina. "I think you wear too much make-up" he said, rather bluntly. Then, in a smooth 360, he referred to when Gina's make-up was taken away and said "I've seen you without your make-up and you look gorgeous... "

Before you get the wrong idea, it looked like this was Sam's way of flattering Gina rather than romancing her. Which is probably a good thing as Gina was quick to mention her boyfriend. "I know you don't mean it that way" she said, leading to a conversation about the many merits of her beau, with Sam asking lots of questions about her loved ones.

And then off they went, doing impressions of Sallie Axl, talking about money and the benefits and pitfalls of affluence along with a whole host of other topics.

We love it when housemates get along. Especially when they've barely uttered a word to each other in the preceding month.


Day 35: Fast forward to task success

1 hour ago

Day two of the Remote Control task played on from the very beginning, with housemates getting rewound back to bed, not once, but twice. Watch the pain and pleasure of this.

With not long now till another departure, Dan and Gina had a stealthy eviction chat about who they think will go. Is this incriminating enough to see both or either in BB's clink?

conga line was the latest in a series of attempts to break the housemates' com-pause-ure (see what we did?). Yet even that was not a patch on the bald patches left by invading waxers who targeted the boys with hairy parts with adhesive strips. The day went from tears of physical anguish to tears of big emotion as Jack and Joe's parents entered the House. Then it was time for a sing-song in the form of a barbershop quartet who sung, "You're all fake."

Despite contentious times and blubbery upper lips, the task was passed and housemates were awarded their favourite things: food and booze. Here's a handy task summary for those keen to rewind at their leisure.

The evening shift started out chilled as all basked in post-task relaxation. Charlie mustered up an impression of a person whose pretty important to everyone in these parts... her two admirers had a bit of male bonding, slightly ruined by Dexter immediately running off to tell Charlie. He's like a f-f-f-f-ferret.

Then it was over to Travers Senior to put the sparks into the night sky. A spat with Callum went from big to bigger. Meanwhile Gina and Sam were doing their bit for peace with a long overdue natter.

35 days in and still new alliances are being forged. And all the while, old wounds continue to fester. Here's to Day 36 and all the drama it will bring.


This task is very like the 'expect the unexpected' one that CH4 did, or at least I think that's what it was called, the HM's weren't allowed to react in any way to anything that they saw or that happened.


Tonight on Big Brother's Bit on the Side: Thursday 18th July

2 hours ago

We have one heck of a show for you tonight! Emma Willis will be joined by Bit on the Side favourite Helen Lederer, TOWIE’s Jessica Wright and ex-housemate Mario Mugan.

Life coach Diane Youdale will dishing out her thoughts on the housemates.

Get out of the heat and enjoy the sizzle from 11pm on Channel 5. 


 Ofcom complaints over Daley Ojuederie


TV watchdog Ofcom has been receiving complaints over Daley Ojuederie’s aggressive attack on Hazel O’Sullivan.


Daley was booted out of the house on Monday following the incident on Sunday night, with Hazel telling Big Brother she felt “terrified” by the boxer after he “flipped”.


She told Dan Neal this week “He just turned; the eyes and everything. I had my knees up to his chest trying to push him away, really really intense.”


Despite Channel 5 warning that the show contained “disturbing scenes” before airing, some 60 viewers have still complained that they should’ve never shown the clip.


While others have complained suggested that Hazel too should’ve been ejected, when she was just given a warning after pulling down Daley’s boxers and slapping him on the bum.


Ofcom said it was looking at the complaints and would decide in due course whether or not to launch an investigation.


Last year saw Channel 5 get a telling off from the TV watchdog over its handling of Conor McIntyre’s threats to Deana Uppal.


He ranted: “Get your epilator and stick it up your arse. We don’t give a f**k! Stick it up her f**king m**ge, stupid b**tard.


“I’m gonna play loads of pranks on her. F**king piece of s**t, I don’t give a f**k if I’m pulled up to the Diary Room.”


But Ofcom ruled that Big Brother’s warning was too light, and viewers expected a more harsh response from Big Brother.



Channel 5 declined to comment on these latest complaints.


Read more:


really is inside Job, Production crew admit to Family Friend. Fans are not happy!

BREAKING #Tennisballgate really is inside Job, Production crew admit to Family Friend.

BREAKING #Tennisballgate really is inside Job, Production crew admit to Family Friend.


It appears things have taken a dramatic turn since last night’s tennis ball incident, and a family friend has come forward confirming it’s a inside job!

When the family friend asked why,  he was told they wanted to mess with the housemates minds and create drama.







More Soon.


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