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5.44pm: Now Sophie's had a visitor and everyone's crowding around her and cooing. It's coo-city in there at the moment   

5.51pm: just keep perfectly still, HMs. It's just a wedding party filing through the building.

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6.00pm: Sophie's delighted to have seen her boyf briefly but she expresses dissatisfaction that he's had his hair cut too short.   

Dan and Hazel.
Tonight’s Big Brother 2013 sees Hazel O’Sullivan telling the housemates about why Daley Ojuederie was kicked out of the house.


Yesterday Big Brother booted Daley from the show for being abusive, aggressive and threatening to Hazel in the safe house the night before.

Following the announcement to the house by Big Brother, the group were naturally keen to understand what had happened.

Detective Dan naturally led the questioning, asking Hazel: “Did he try it on hard or something?”

“No he just flippedâ€ĶI don’t need anybody knowing this at allâ€Ķit was just really weird, like we were messing and I hugged himâ€Ķwe were messing around pulling on each other’s covers and play fighting like you do when you’re drunk,” Hazel explained. “I don’t know he just turned; the eyes and everything. I had my knees up to his chest trying to push him away, really really intense.

“I just grabbed his throat, pushing him away saying you don’t think I am afraid of aggressive men do you, I was pushing him away. Then at that second Big Brother were like ‘Daley come to the diary room.’ I didn’t want anyone to be kicked out, just got a little bit of a fright.”

Dan claimed: “I am not surprised this has happened.”

Hazel admitted: “I just can’t believe it got him kicked out.”

But Dan asked: “You were scared right?”

“Yeah, I was terrified,” commented Hazel.

Dan told her: “There you go. If you were scared and you felt threatened by that then even if it was a f***ing joke it was too much then the right thing has happened.”

Speaking later with Dan and Charlie, Hazel said: “I just don’t want my whole time in this thing to have been about him. My mind was changed last night; he was very drunk last night.”

She added: “As well and good as it is being in the there, it is very intense. I’m a very straight person, my personality doesn’t change much. So when people flip on me, when I don’t know what somebody is going to do next, that frightens me.”

Big Brother UK airs tonight at 10PM on Channel 5.

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Dexter's mum has got it going on

57 mins ago

As Dexter sat frozen in the garden by the shopping task remote control, Big Brother had one heck of a surprise for him. It was his mum!

We caught up with the lady herself after she'd found her way back out of the House.

"It was amazing," she told us. "It's been a year and a half since we last saw each other face-to-face. We're very close but I live abroad. I was shaking like a leaf. He is so determined to do well and he really didn't want to break the task.  He couldn't respond so it was like he was a little boy again – it was really strange."

So are we seeing the real Dexter? Surely mum knows best. She said, "I wish he'd relax more and be himself. He's actually really funny when he relaxes. He's got his work head on. The most real he has been was when he was disappointed to be evicted then elated when he was saved. Oh, and when he streaked around the garden!"

And what about potential romance? Does mum think his feelings for Charlie are genuine?

"I think he is looking at Charlie as nice normal girl," she said. "She is a refreshing change for him and what he is looking for – not a model or a stripper or a celebrity. If he met her on the outside world he would go for her.

"I would have liked to have a mum-to-mum chat with Jackie. She's not understanding him at the moment. They're all so locked into the game that they are not thinking of each other as real people. If Charlie brought him home in the outside world and she took time to get to know him, she would accept him."

A mum off! Now that we would like to see. But does mum think her boy has what it takes to go all the way to the BB final?

"He's been up for eviction every week apart from when he was immune and I think that is stopping him being himself. I don't think Gina is as bothered but he will see it as a failure. He was so scared when he went in," she mused. "He said they'd all hate him and he would be the only one to go in to boos so I'm so pleased he has gone this far.  I'm so proud he even got onto the show."

If he makes it to the end then mum will be there waiting for him! Tune into Bit on the Side at 11pm tonight to hear more from Dexter's mum.




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