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Day 33: Nominations shake up the House

45 mins ago

"Expect the worst and you'll never be disappointed." Wise words from Gina who along with Dexter has been nominated every week so far bar the one the pair of them were sitting pretty, immune inside the Safe House.

Other housemates did not manage to put such a positive spin on this week's nominations bombshell.

The announcement that Jack and Joe were up for the first time was greeted by cries of, "Whaaaaaat!" from the other housemates – Sophie and Jackie being the most vocal.

The twins looked pretty shell-shocked with Joe admitting they were disappointed. Joe concluded, "We became an easy target when Wolfy went." He didn't expand on his argument so we'll leave you to attempt to unravel the logic.

"I’ll enjoy my week but I don't think we’ll make it past Friday," Jack said. "It’s sod's law – this is the week we wanted to be in for. At least we’ll get to see mum and dad for our birthday if we go."

Jackie was proper miffed, "It's those two I can’t understand," she said. "They are the nicest boys on the planet." That's some serious praise.

Travers senior herself was concerned that Charlie might be upset about her possible exit. She needn't have worried. "No, no," her daughter insisted, "I'm just getting used to the fact I'm not nominated." Charlie said she is convinced Jackie and Callum will both be off on Friday. Tactful.

And what about Dexter? He's been repeating his mantra, "someone is going to have to vote for their friends at least once." That's one way of looking at it.


Day 33: You've got a friend in me says Charlie

16 mins ago

Poor Dexter. He may think he's a womaniser, but he's not having much luck the ladies is he? Well, one lady in particular – Charlie Travers. Not only has he been categorically knocked back by the ruler of the roost, Jackie, but he's not having much luck with the lady herself.

Chatting in the bedroom earlier this evening, Charlie made it very clear that she is only interested in one thing from Dexter, and it begins with friend and ends in ship.

Saying that she's  looking forward to meeting up with him after the show, she pressed the point that she's hoping that'll will give her the chance to get to know the 'real' Dexter, adding,

"That's when I'll know it's a genuine friendship".

There's that word. Friendship. Not romance. Fri-end-ship. You could almost see his little face deflate.

"We need to enjoy ourselves in here..." he flatly replied, trying to put a positive spin on the conversation.

Well , what else can you say when your hopes of romance have been dashed?

So it's looking like our last hope of a romance in the House has been quashed. Unless Sam finally puts the moves on Jackie that is


Day 33: Five face eviction

1 hour ago

A whopping five housemates will do battle for the public vote this week!

The housemates appeared to have totally forgotten about nominations when Big Brother announced it was time to put some names in the frame.

The majority dutifully donned some smarter togs than they had been lounging around in during the  day and each one picked the pairs they wanted to wave goodbye to with minimal fuss.

Big Brother announced Callum, Jack and Joe, Jackie, Gina and Dexter had received the most nominations.

With half the House potentially facing the chop, this is a tough one to call. Who will be having a one-on-one with Emma Willis on Friday night? You decide. Voting will open tomorrow.


Day 33 round-up: A difficult day in the House

1 hour ago

The housemates were left reeling after today's announcement that Daley had been removed from the Big Brother House. The group took some convincing that this wasn't another Secret and Lie but eventually accepted his departure.

Before the news broke the House experienced more turbulence, this time centred around the sink. With her mum hat firmly in place, Jackie demanded Gina and Dexter pull their weight and do the dishes. Gina had a good rant about the oldest member of the House.

Charlie got stuck with a spell in the clink for talking about nominations – this is one rule the housemates just keep on breakin’.

And speaking of noms – the housemates each hit the Diary Room today to deliver their decisions. Callum, Jack and Joe, Jackie, Gina and Dexter face the public vote on Friday.

Not everyone took the news in their stride. Jack and Joe were pretty shocked and Jackie certainly said her piece.

We don’t know about you but that lot has left us plum tuckered out. We look forward to what Day 34 will bring.


the complexity of Callum 16.07.13



i love to study,
complex or sh rude,
when things get muddy,
or awkward or just rude.
Callum is a great one to dissect,
so much to unravel,
a fresh breath of air to inject,
his complexity is as devious as "savile".
in full control he thinks,
Callum does love to self promote,
but here is a great "line" with winks,
"i am very intelligent" quote.
is it all show,
did we find the great pretender,
or is Callum a self inflicted blow,
will he be put in the BB blender.
he has set the fall,
no one likes self praise,
but BB and Callum we must stall,
because his presence we must not erase.



Daleys departure and sam's confidence 16.07.13



a once in a life time opportunity,
now finished in shame,
removed from a great community,
sorry but over is this game.
a disgraced man is crystal,
but this is no gangsters paradise,
a confused message from his pants and hidden pistol,
humiliation is the biggest price.
hearing about your tough up bringing,
yes its a factor,
this will leave a taste that's minging,
but the truth always brings out a BB actor.
Daley has got lost,
was he a complete and utter fool,
will it be his biggest ever cost,
for self control you need school.
onto a happy note,
Sam's confidence did heart break,
thinking not good enough for the "Hazel" vote,
really was to much to take.
Sam you are fine,
when out you will see,
the sun over you will shine,
a delightful man everyone must agree.



Day 34: Remote Control - Task alert!

7 mins ago

For this week's shopping task housemates will be at the mercy of Big Brother’s Remote Control.

This Remote Control will pause, rewind, and fast forward housemates throughout the two day task. Big Brother gathered housemates to the sofas to play them sounds that signify each order. Decrease and increase volume are also to be functions, and the housemates truly enjoyed gabbling at the tops of their voices as they trialed that particular baby out.
In order to pass the task, all housemates have to do is obey the Remote Control – no matter what else happens. Big Brother will be sending in distractions to test the housemates’ resolve including a flock of sheep, a dance troupe and even family members.

Any failures to remain paused in the face of adversity, or failure to react to a Remote Control command will incur a fail.  Housemates are allowed a pre-determined number of fails, which will be revealed at the end of the task.

"What 'appens if you're in the toilet?" asked an ever-practical Sophie. Great question. We'll have to see how that one PLAYS out.




That remote's bigger than Dexter!




Callum and Sam are baffled by the task rules



Everyone gathers round... hear Dan read out the rules

Last edited by MrsH

Tonight on Big Brothers Bit on the Side: Tuesday 17 July

48 mins ago

It's a Tuesday and therefore an Emma Willis day. The returning queen will play host to a returning lover of the queen, Scottish beauty queen, BB 2012's Sara Maclean. (How many times can we say 'queen'?)

Sara will be joined on the panel by former celebrity housemate and good-natured TV all-rounder, Anne Diamond, as well as Dean Sullivan, famed for playing denim-loving badboy, Jimmy Corkhill in Brookside.

As ever, they'll be exclusive content galore and opinions flying faster than even Dexter's tongue. Tune in to Channel 5 at 11pm.

Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:

I've read that Emma will be interviewing Daley tonight - do we know if this is confirmed?

I am assuming it is correct at this stage by the various sources reporting it - guess he has a right to reply ?


hopefully it has been pre recorded and he isnt actually on the show 

Precisely one week on from Emma interviewing his GF Katie!

Cold Sweat


10.15am: It's a remote control task. HMs will have to play, pause, fast forward and rewind as and when BB calls for it



10.17am: Other functions are increase and decrease volume and slow-motion. HMs are enjoying practising

10.18am: The task is ON! They have ben paused as Hazel is mid-pouring cereal

11.36am: Sheep are in the garden! And a sheepdog! AND A SHEPHERD! HMs are trying to stay paused

11:40am: Charlie is trying, very hard, to resist this baaaaa-my distraction.


LIVE Feed and the fan sites SAVE Big Brother, C5 run around like headless chickens!

The last 48hrs for Channel 5 let’s say have been chaotic and the website is still feeling the strain after what some are describing as the biggest story EVER on reality television.

We can say for certain when channel 5 fail the Big Brother community all pull together and ensure people get to see what’s really going on.

Since the weekend the digital team over at Big Brother have failed to upload youtube clips and the website has been pretty much unusable and fans were desperate to find out what the hell is going on.

Big Brother Xtra played maybe the biggest part with capturing most of the footage of what really happened,  we then filtered this around many of the other fan sites and forums – bbspy and bbcouchpotatoes also played a major part re-posting our material.

Around 1pm yesterday Big Brother decided to start removing most of the live footage that we captured, we then decided to re-upload the material ensuring its not lost and people actually got to see what really happened and not get covered up by Big Brother.

Many of the channel 5 presenters have always criticized the live feed saying its stupid and a waste of money, however how do you think things would have gone down without live feed?

This is beyond proof that we need 24 x 7 live feed,  its essential for the future of Big Brother and will take us beyond 2014 if channel 5 continue to broadcast Big Brother.
Originally Posted by MrsH:

LIVE Feed and the fan sites SAVE Big Brother, C5 run around like headless chickens!

The last 48hrs for Channel 5 let’s say have been chaotic and the website is still feeling the strain after what some are describing as the biggest story EVER on reality television.

We can say for certain when channel 5 fail the Big Brother community all pull together and ensure people get to see what’s really going on.

Since the weekend the digital team over at Big Brother have failed to upload youtube clips and the website has been pretty much unusable and fans were desperate to find out what the hell is going on.

Big Brother Xtra played maybe the biggest part with capturing most of the footage of what really happened,  we then filtered this around many of the other fan sites and forums – bbspy and bbcouchpotatoes also played a major part re-posting our material.

Around 1pm yesterday Big Brother decided to start removing most of the live footage that we captured, we then decided to re-upload the material ensuring its not lost and people actually got to see what really happened and not get covered up by Big Brother.

Many of the channel 5 presenters have always criticized the live feed saying its stupid and a waste of money, however how do you think things would have gone down without live feed?

This is beyond proof that we need 24 x 7 live feed,  its essential for the future of Big Brother and will take us beyond 2014 if channel 5 continue to broadcast Big Brother.

Originally Posted by MrsH:

LIVE Feed and the fan sites SAVE Big Brother, C5 run around like headless chickens!

The last 48hrs for Channel 5 let’s say have been chaotic and the website is still feeling the strain after what some are describing as the biggest story EVER on reality television.

We can say for certain when channel 5 fail the Big Brother community all pull together and ensure people get to see what’s really going on.

Since the weekend the digital team over at Big Brother have failed to upload youtube clips and the website has been pretty much unusable and fans were desperate to find out what the hell is going on.

Big Brother Xtra played maybe the biggest part with capturing most of the footage of what really happened,  we then filtered this around many of the other fan sites and forums – bbspy and bbcouchpotatoes also played a major part re-posting our material.

Around 1pm yesterday Big Brother decided to start removing most of the live footage that we captured, we then decided to re-upload the material ensuring its not lost and people actually got to see what really happened and not get covered up by Big Brother.

Many of the channel 5 presenters have always criticized the live feed saying its stupid and a waste of money, however how do you think things would have gone down without live feed?

This is beyond proof that we need 24 x 7 live feed,  its essential for the future of Big Brother and will take us beyond 2014 if channel 5 continue to broadcast Big Brother.



Day 34: Rylan and Judi make a House-call

9 mins ago

If there's one person who inspires awe and excitement wherever he goes, it's Mr Rylan Clark. We know we can hardly contain ourselves when we bump into him backstage, so the housemates had a huge challenge today when, as part of the Remote Control task, they had to completely pretend that Rylan wasn't there!

Rylan popped into the House with body language expert Judi James to analyse the housemates' bodily undulations. The catch? The housemates had been PAUSED by Big Brother's Remote Control, meaning they had to stand, frozen, while Rylan and Judi loudly discussed their every move.

So, what was in store? Well, when they stopped by Dexter, Rylan asked "is he looking at Charlie's bum?" and they then postulated on Dex's claims that he has feelings for Charlie. Judi wasn't sure if he was checking out Miss Travers' butt, but she was sure that his body language says he isn't into Charlie.  Interesting...

On to the twins, Judi judged that Jack and Joe have provided a double-act of LOLs, they have both grown as individuals in the House. She also thought they were quite surprised to be up for eviction. Sophie was described as "the baby of the House", which rather disgruntled her.

Entering the bathroom, after saying "I don't analyse weeing!" Judi surveyed Jackie, who she says has become "the mother of the House." When Rylan asked Judi who she thought Jackie would trust with her darling Charlie, Judi said Callum. When they left and BB unpaused the action, though, Jackie revealed that she would trust Dexter with Charlie. Callum, you can imagine, didn't like this one bit. Jackie was more concerned with the fact she'd heard Rylan describe her as a "legend", which is high praise indeed.

Keep your eyes peeled for a video of all this and more!


Dan can hardly contain his excitement



Up close and personal with Dexter



"The legend that is Jackie Travers!"



from FB 






Last edited by MrsH
Originally Posted by Aimee:

They've done a task like this before  calling Jackie a legend and the twins funny  that's them thinking they are staying Friday  I don't think they should bring people in though as they get to much info, poor Callum getting the boot put in again 



they follow instructions Aimee -  Jackie if fav to go by a long way at the moment 



the precious Mr Couch Potato is at war with Rylan on Twitter for having outside contact  - Rylan has blocked him now 




3:57pm: Dinner is served! Dan is serving up some delicious looking spaghetti

4:04pm: The HMs are quite tickled by this shopping task. After Quarantine and The Budget, is a walk in the park!

4:05pm: Well, they were enjoying it 'til BB hit PAUSE in the middle of dinner.

4:13pm: Ooh, BB has sent in a whole bunch of can-can dancers! Can the HMs stay PAUSED!?

4:18pm: BB has pressed PLAY, leading to the HMs discussing the difference between can-can and Gangnam dancing.


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