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 Day 31: Jackie thinks Dan's an actor


Remember when housemates filled their days by suspecting each other of being actors? Then everyone chilled out. Well, Jackie's re heating that cold dish by launching the theory that Dan is an actor.

With the former copper out of earshot in the Diary Room she launched her suspicions with the passion of a woman who has been meticulously compiling a case for some time.

"Hell of a shout, Jackie, if you're right,"said Callum, looking amused.

Jackie thinks Dan talks about his police work too much, as if over-compensating. She thinks the Detective Dan task yesterday was Big Brother overcompensating.

"I told you about Michael and you said 'Mum, you're a nutter,'" she said to Charlie.

Dan has since emerged from the Diary Room and been exposed to this theory.

"I think you might be a personal trainer," Jackie told him.

Oh Jackie, you're so much better at dancing than detecting


EVICTED Wolfy Millington says a relentless grilling by ex-copper Dan Neal left her an emotional wreck

wolfy, millington, big, brother, eviction, dan, police, yewtree, jimmy, savile,          Wolfy felt victimised by Dan's constant interrogations

The wacky student, 20, last night branded the bitchy Big Brother housemate a bully and claimed his constant questioning left her feeling victimised.

In her only newspaper chat since being booted off the show, Wolfy said: β€œBeing interrogated by him was the toughest part for me. That was my lowest moment.

β€œI really broke down in the diary room at one point because it got too much. It really started to affect me and I got quite emotional.”

Before quitting the force, Dan, 33, worked on celebrity sex abuse claims in the Operation Yewtree probe launched in the wake of the Jimmy Savile child sex scandal.

Millions of viewers saw Dan quiz Wolfy about her private life in a detective-style bid to expose her as a fake.

Revealing how he made her life hell, she said: β€œI definitely felt victimised. And in that house if you’re being bullied you can’t escape the bully.

β€œBeing interrogated by him was the toughest part for me. That was my lowest moment. I really broke down in the diary room at one point because it got too much. It really started to affect me and I got quite emotional”        

<cite>Wolfy Millington</cite>    

β€œIf you’re tormented you can’t get away. And you are literally sleeping next to the enemy. It’s vicious in there. That doesn’t come across on TV.

β€œWhen I’ve watched the show I’ve always thought people were idiots when they walked out but now I understand why people do it. He was interrogating me all the time – it was all day, every day.

β€œAnd it would happen randomly. He’d suddenly ask about my girlfriend or where I live.” Wolfy and Dan had a string of rows as he continued to pester her with intrusive questions.

She added: β€œI had to just walk away from him after a while and that pissed him off. I’ve had a lot of sh*t in my life when people have been horrible to me and I just didn’t need it on national TV in front of all the viewers. Dan is very paranoid. Nothing is ever as it seems with him. He’s constantly paranoid and he is always on the edge. He could fall off at any moment.”

Practising shaman Wolfy was mocked by housemates for talking to animals during her stint on the Channel 5 show but she credits her connection to nature with helping her survive her treatment from Dan.

She said: β€œIt kept me going. I didn’t have any friends in the house because everybody backstabs.

β€œBut nature gave me something to escape to. My animal friends were always there. I love doing it. I’ve spoken to a butterfly since leaving the house.”

Dan and Wolfy constantly argued in the house         Dan and Wolfy constantly argued in the house

The Bolton student left the house to jeers during Friday night’s live show but insisted she didn’t care.

She said: β€œI was playing a game. I wasn’t trying to impress anyone. I am gutted to be out because I was in it to win it but I’ve got enough friends.”

She also claimed twins Jack and Joe Glenny, 18, are fooling viewers, adding: β€œThey are by far the fakest housemates and they have a really good game plan. If they want an argument they will not back down and they can be quite bitchy.

β€œPeople really like them and don’t suspect anything.”


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31: Dazel move into the Safe House


It was the morning after Wolfy's eviction, but if you thought the shaman's exit would be on the housemates lips you'd be wrong, as there was far more drama to contend with on Day 31.

We are of course referring to the new inhabitants of the Safe House, Hazel and Daley. After winning the public vote, the duo were whisked off to the private quarters where they will reside until the end of the week, gaining immunity from nominations.

The news was music to Dazel's ears, as they also learnt that the other housemates will be at their beck and call for the duration of their stay.

Now what do you think Hazel done with this information? If you answered – "get sweet, sweet revenge on Gina", then you would be correct.

And when they weren't focused on retribution, the duo also found the time for a little pillow fight, an impromptu opera performance and some really 'sweet' impersonations. Ahhh.

Safe House hijinx aside, there were further accusations of an actor residing in the Borehamwood bungalow. This time, it fell on the shoulders of former accuser Dan, after Jackie became suspicious of his Diary Room trips. Talk about the tables turning.

Meanwhile, Callum has devised a plan to woo Charlie, which includes getting Mummy Travers out of the way. The lady herself, however,is far too busy worrying about Daley.

But the big shocker of the night came in the form of a stark naked Dexter running around the garden in a forfeit streak. We're still blushing at the memory.

As the night drew to an end, and with the other housemates asleep, Daley and Hazel started to show troubles in paradise. Is the pressure of being alone in the Safe House too much for the ill-fated couple? Or is this just a bump in the road to a beautiful friendship?


 Dexter Koh gets naked on Big Brother 2013!


As part of their week in the safe house, Hazel and Daley have the power to request anything they want from their fellow housemates.


phone in the Safe House has become a request hotline for the Safe House Residents. The Safe House Residents are able to call another phone in the Main House and bombard the other Housemates with as many requests as they wish.


Housemates must not miss a phone call and must answer the phone β€œHello Safe House request hotline.” The Safe Housemates are allowed request whatever service they like from the others, and are not allowed to leave the Safe House area to do anything for themselves (unless Big Brother calls them to the Diary Room).

One of their late night requests saw the pair call Dexter on his promise to strip if he avoided eviction last week.


And the wannabe PR guru obliged, running around the garden completely starkers save for apicture of himself on his chest.


But when Charlie ripped the picture off, Dexter (and Little Dexter) were left very vulnerable!



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 Hazel O’Sullivan, Daley Ojuederie row in the safe house



The couple were voted into the secret room by viewers, but even immunity from eviction and a life of luxury couldn’t please the pair.

It all started rather innocently, with Daley remarking on Hazel looking better with less make up and fake tan as she prepared to take a shower.

β€œI know you’re always going to put the tan thing on, but I like your colour,” he said. β€œIt brings out your features more, sometimes you don’t need to put it on because your natural colour is fine.

β€œSometimes you with less make up is better as well.. chill out. The person loves you for you, not the girl who’s getting all made up.”

Daley continued with what he saw as compliments, saying: β€œI liked you the other day with no make up, because I saw you for the first time as you.”

While Hazel didn’t really respond, her face told Daley she wasn’t impressed.

β€œI’m saying it in a good way and you’re not really processing it,” he explained.

β€œI’m just not used to people talking to me like this, ever,” Hazel said.

β€œWell you should get used to it while you’re here [in the safe house],” snapped Daley. β€œWhat do you mean no one’s talked to you like that? What do you mean? What? You find me rude?”

Hazel stayed quiet before finally whimpering: β€œBecause you’re telling me something that I don’t want to hear… I dunno…”

But Daley raged: β€œI think I know what you’re problem is, You’ve got your f**king own way all the time, but with me you can’t because I tell you how it is and you don’t like what I have to because no other f**king guy speaks to you like that.

β€œHave a shower.”


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This lunchtime on Rylan's Supersized Celebrity Bit on the Side – 14th July 2013

3 mins ago

It's Sunday and that means, as soon as we've left church, we all run home to watch Rylan doing his lunchtime thing.

Rylan's Supersized Celebrity Bit on the Side begins at 11.50am on Channel 5 and you must tune in because it's going to be an awesome thing! First of all, we've got 2013 Big Brother winner Luke A in the studio. If anyone knows anything about getting through a series of BB, it's this dude. Wolfy's also coming along for the ride with her fresh insight on this current batch of housemates.

Fans of pop music and pretty boys are also in luck as Lawson are going to be rocking out on the  BOTS stage – and there'll also be all the usual nattering, with a smattering of exclusives.

See you there, you beautiful people.




Day 31: Task- The Interview  Everyone knows interviews where you don't hold the cards can be nerve-wracking. Of course, Big Brother is fully aware of this, which is why today we'll be watching as Hazel and Daley get to grill each and every housemate, armed with some serious inside info.
Big Brother has collated some juicy details from the housemates' application forms, and has now delivered that secret-filled payload to Hazel and Daley's safe house. They will soon call their housemates one by one to the safe house to get to the bottom of all the outrageous claims made in their applications.
You can bet your bottom dollar there'll be drama and suspicion whipped up by this task. And that's just the way we like it...

Originally Posted by Aimee:

I don't get why Daley and hazel are getting the hms to do what they won't for them? 

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there was a powerful King and Queen called Dexter and Gina. They played with their subjects, delighting in making them do their bidding, particularly one subject called Hazel. They took away her armour, which she called 'makeup' and made her clean the dirtiest corner of the kingdom. That was then. The fickle Gods of the kingdom deposed the King and Queen (and a new princess called Charlie) and called for a democratic election. The public decided that Daley and Hazel would rule. Daley and Hazel have been enjoying playing with their power.'Mud facials' were dispensed to the lowly housemates with only Sophie and Charlie spared. Daley claimed it was very good for the skin. Haha. Sure. A special punishment was saved for former-queen Gina. She had to clean the garden still wearing mud. Enjoy our dirty gallery of these events.

Originally Posted by Aimee:

I keep checking in her for the YouTube clip of Daley and Hazel argument as I can only watch them on my kindle, I wonder why they aren't showing anything 

as that was shown on LF last night they might not do a clip but will gloss over it on tonights highlights show 


they have chosen to do the kiss clip which was after LF finished instead 

Originally Posted by Aimee:

I don't get why Daley and hazel are getting the hms to do what they won't for them? 

phone in the Safe House will become a request hotline for the Safe House Residents.

The Safe House Residents will be able to call another phone in the Main House and bombard the other Housemates with as many requests as they wish.


Housemates must not miss a phone call and must answer the phone β€œHello Safe House request hotline.”


The Safe Housemates are allowed request whatever service they like from the others, and are not allowed to leave the Safe House area to do anything for themselves (unless Big Brother calls them to the Diary Room).

Entering their new bedroom, Hazel declared to Daley: β€œThere’s been a shift in power. It’s payback time”.

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