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the arrogance killed the wolf - not the curiosity killed the cat ? 13.07.13

totally delusional,
with a false belief,
still not conclusion,
more publicity she is to thief.
it does not add,
that's why we had to pull the plug,
now the Wolf has been h add,
gone is the look of smug.
go and talk to the ants,
let the birds whistle you a tune,
because you were pants,
and us not being gullible busted your balloon.
a complete and otter mess,
you left me snoring,
nature is not a good guess,
because arrogance made this wolf boring.




Dexter's attempt to get Charlie - cheap - Maureen 118 (13.07.13)

you may have bucks,
but you are a creep,
and for Charlie to prepare for sucks,
is confirmation she is cheap.
it's blatant and there is no cover,
sad there is no protection,
absolutely blind is her mother,
its more obvious then "Daleys" erection.
does Charlie need a prayer,
will she drop Callum like a brick,
i think its all to do with the "player",
Dexter has got a gold ????.
bring it on and let it unfold,
is Charlie a "final" book-er,
or has her dignity been sold,
will she ever rid the name "hooker".


Day 30 round-up: Wolfy evicted as the House is twisted

1 hour ago

Another Friday, another eviction and another secrets and lies-style dance we call the twist.

In the Safe House, Dexter and Gina felt pent up for different reasons while the quartet of nominees (Jackie, Hazel, Callum and Wolfy) got their heads round what the evening might have in store. We mulled over the enigma that is Callum. Is he clever or clueless? Clue-full Dan was set a detective task, and given a fabulous outfit, part-stripper, part-sleuth, to help him figure out which of the housemates was sabotaging his day. Unluckily for the culprit, Dan sniffed him out and Sam was banged up with Dan being rewarded for his wits with exercise materials. Gotta keep the body as agile as the mind.

Wolfy took a rogue and clothed dip in the pool as a way of cooling the heat of the incoming eviction. As usual the rest of the House was in a slump of pre-match nerves.

Emma Willis's voice was finally beamed down to them. The housemate with the least public votes who was saved first was Callum. AS the leash around Mr Nicey Nice's throat was loosened (to emotional effect) it was tightened around three others. Tension was palpable for Hazel, Jackie and Wolfy until... the first two were let off and Wolfy became the fourth housemate to be evicted from the Big Brother House. The shaman left to a roar of boos, which she took in her bare-footed strides. Let's remember her for her best bits, andthoughtful interview style.

But, as the detective Colombo would say, there was just one last thing. Gina, Dexter and Charlie were given their marching orders from the Safe House. However it won't be open to the squatters of Elstree and Borehamwood as you, the public will be voting in a pair of your choice. The pairs are pre-ordained. One of them is Hazel and Daley. Another is Charlie and Dexter. Of course. This is Big Brother. What were you expecting?


Tonight on Big Brother's Bit On The Psych: Saturday 13th July

51 mins ago

Prepare your minds for insight never seen on this planet before. It's Saturday and that means it's Bit On The Psych day – and that means that AJ's back with dazzling broadcaster Iain Lee and insightful brain expert Dr. Funke for some truly stimulating chat.

On top of our regulars, the radiant Judi James is coming in to the studio to offer us ideas on body language and hierarchy and all that other good stuff. You don't want to miss it, so stick with Channel 5 after the main show – we're on at 11pm!

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The Big Brother 2013 producers have been criticised after allowing viewers to vote controversial couple Hazel O’Sullivan and Daley Ojuederie in to the private safe house.

Both fans and housemates have been left uncomfortable by the pair’s increasingly romantic relationship, as Daley has a girlfriend of eight months on the outside world.

Katie Corriette appeared on spin-off show Bit On The Side earlier this week to give her side of the story, saying she’d been left ‘heartbroken’ and ‘humiliated’ by their tryst.

However, last night, the public were given an opportunity to replace Dexter, Gina and Charlie in the safe house with one of six pre-selected pairs – including Hazel and Daley.

This has led to Big Brother chiefs being accused of prioritising ‘entertainment’ over the welfare of Katie, who broke down in tears during her live interview.

On Twitter, @LJay815 wrote: “C5 just proved how happy they are to exploit every housemate and their family, screw up lives.”

@lucy_larkman said they have ‘no respect whatsoever’, while last year’s Big Brother winner Luke Anderson added: “I think it’s pretty disgusting that BB has paired up Daley and Hazel for the safe house. Might as well watch a public execution.”

The show’s main presenter Emma Willis was also against the move, urging viewers not to vote for them. Speaking on last night’s edition of BOTS, she said: “I don’t want them to go in there, I really don’t. Just leave that. It’s so delicate a matter. I hope people don’t do that.”

The winning pair – who will also be immune from the next eviction – will be revealed later today.

Hazel narrowly escaped being booted out this week, with eventual evictee Wolfy losing out by a margin of ‘about 150â€ē votes in the closest result ever.

Originally Posted by erinp:

THE RESULTS ARE IN! Find out which couple have made it in to the this week:


I am peed off

This is ridiculous! People haven't had a chance to think about this. Most people would probably want to sleep on it then vote sometime today. Now the majority of voters won't be able to vote at all.

Did they tell us anywhere that we only had a couple of hours in whicn to vote?

Because I don't vote I didn't pay much attention.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Wolfy's first day of freedom

9 mins ago

The House said goodbye to Wolfy last night but we're not likely to get away that easily. We've got questions and a warm seat awaiting her on Bit On The Side. The day after the night before, we sat down with her to see how our shamanistic fisherwoman's getting well. She's not too shabby, is it turns out...

So how have the last 18 hours been?

A rollercoaster of emotion, in not too many words. Obviously out of the House – devastated – but many positives. My best friend and girlfriend came down from Manchester and we had a rocking night at the hotel. They had lots of RosÃĐ, I had lots of cola and yeah – it's just been crazy. I'd be sitting having a smoke and people would come over and say 'you're from Big Brother – can I have a picture?". Someone said they'd give me a haircut for free. Z-list priorities!

It's been pretty positive then.

Yeah definitely. I've had a lot of positivity despite the boos.

Did that reaction phase you?

Not at all – Speidi got booed and I loved them. I got voted 'fakest housemate ever' by Gina and Dexter - that puts Nasty Nick to shame! Who cares what people think of me?

Have you had a moment alone yet?

Nope. I've not had one moment alone.

When you do get that moment, a chance to chill, what are you going to do with it?

Fishing. Lots and lots of fishing. That's all I can say – it's all I'm gonna do. It's the one time nobody can bother me because I'll just be in my element catching a load of roach and birch.

Are you going to keep watching?

Of course! I'm a massive Big Brother fan. I can't wait to see the rest of the curveballs. I want to see how the House is without me. I want to see what Hazel and Daley get up to too. Everyone calls Hazel the "home-wrecker" but for me it takes two to tango. It's always the woman who gets the blame. It's his girlfriend I feel sorry for. We used to talk about our girlfriends every day and then one day all of a sudden he said "I don't know if my girlfriend's going out with me". It's a weird one.

Any predictions for the final 3?

Gina, Sophie and... probably Jack and Joe. When you live with them – maybe it's the fact they can discuss nominations – they are quite bitchy. Recently they've liked to start arguments to get a bit of uproar – not from each other but from other people. When they argue with each other they do it just for laughs. I think they're being provoked more towards the edge and sooner or later they might fall off.

Who do you think's going to win?

I'd really like Sophie to win because she deserves her own salon. She gave me four dreadlocks and a wonderful undercut. Also Gina because she ate sheep's eyeballs, went straight to jail and did it – she's really down to earth. She might've bitched about me – I don't know why we had a falling out – but she did the knife-throwing thing and I think she's one of the favourites now.

And one last thing – looking forward to appearing on Bit On The Side tonight?

Of course! Any day of the week! Hit me up! Do it!


Day 31: Big Brother installs the Safe House Request Hotline

1 hour ago

Sometimes things change in barely the blink of an eye.

As keen observers will have noted, the Safe House was repopulated this afternoon and is now the temporary home of Daley and Hazel. Just as Dexter and Gina were granted all kinds of privileges on top of immunity from the nomination process, our latest pair have been granted many lovely benefits.

Chief amongst these is the newly installed Request Hotline. When Ginxter called through for Room Service, they had to run it by Big Brother but Hazel and Daley will be blessed with a whole team, dedicated to keeping the Safe Housers happy. The team is made up of their fellow housemates, whose job it will be to answer to their every beck and call.

Here's how it will work:

Imagine Daley fancies a delicious sushi platter. He'll be able to call the Safe House Request Hotline, mention that he wants a plate of fishy sweet-meats and then his order will be put through to the House. Housemates will be provided with the ingredients and will make the order up. The fact that BB won't be providing any recipes should not mess things up. Not at all.

It doesn't stop at food. Housemates will be expected to provide entertainment, hugs, compliments, rubs and also act as messengers and, if it's called for, foot-stools. If they don't – rest assured – they will be PUNISHED.

The Safe Hours doors are back open and the Request Hotline is ready for business! Bring it on.

Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

Did they tell us anywhere that we only had a couple of hours in whicn to vote?

Because I don't vote I didn't pay much attention.

voting lines opened and BB said the announcement would be later today 

the start of the clip announcing to the housemates it starts by saying the public have been voting for the last 24 hours ....  


quite right what you say many would have gone to bed and maybe voted at some point today - doubt many were around this morning with voting on their minds knowing BB was going to cut it as short as they did 



3.51pm: Charlie and Dan are discussing the new Safe House residents. They're not feeling hugely comfortable with the situation.

4.02pm: Hazel to Daley: "There's been a shift in power. It's payback time"

4.17pm: Hazel and Daley are in the pool. Gina's in the Diary Room and it looks like she's rather annoyed

4.57pm: Daley's just learned that the shower door in the is not entirely opaque.

5.11pm: Hazel and Daley are enjoying some cocktails in the garden

5.25pm: are in the Diary Room having a giggle while everyone else bakes in the sun

5.50pm: Hazel's told Charlie she and Sophie must give everyone a mud facial. "Tell them it's good for the skin," pipes up Daley.


Why are the hms being their slaves  Gina and Dexter had to make the others do things to win the shopping not just for the hell of it, I'd refuse if I was them  lot's on FB not happy with the result, how do they think we'd believe Hazel just managed to stay in and overnight we've changed our minds and want her to stay in LUXURY they must think we are stupid 


6.36pm: As Gina cleans, Jack sings songs from Les Mis - the famous musical about the poor and downtrodden. Powerful stuff

6.56pm: The Lord and Lady of the Manor are ready for their dinner. Naturally the housemates will be preparing it.

7.13pm: The Travers' are chilling on the sofa while the Safe House minions whip up some grub  

7.29pm: The Lord and Lady Dazel are reclining on their bed in grey fluffy dressing gowns. Madness in this heat


"Imagine Daley fancies a delicious sushi platter. He'll be able to call the Safe House Request Hotline, mention that he wants a plate of fishy sweet-meats and then his order will be put through to the House. Housemates will be provided with the ingredients and will make the order up. The fact that BB won't be providing any recipes should not mess things up. Not at all."


I like the sound of that!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Hazel O’Sullivan has confessed to getting “a bit  carried away” with Daley Ojuederie in the Big Brother 2013 house.


In scenes on tonight’s show, Daley remarks to Hazel: “I’m not saying that we  haven’t got a connection, you know that. But I don’t want people to over analyse  just ’cause we’re in Big Brother.”

Chatting before the latest eviction, Hazel says:  “I’m not a drama queen kind  of girl, but there was a point where maybe we were getting a bit carried away,  but I think we’ve caught it in time.”

Meanwhile the house’s other budding romance between Charlie and Dexter shows  no signs of actually going anywhere.

Speaking to Big Brother, Charlie says in the Diary Room: “Him saying he has  feelings for me is a massive throw off, ‘cause I think he genuinely feels for  Hazel, big time. Yet he’s saying all this stuff, ‘he has feelings for meâ€Ķ, he  wants to see me afterwards.’ Never say never because I’ve had that before where  something’s evolved.’”

Later, she tells Dex face to face: “I really wanna love you, I just don’t get  you sometimes, you’re so creative, perceptive and intelligent. Then you’re cold,  cutting, game-playing, untrustworthy and unclear. Your s**t qualities confuse  me. I think you’re playing a game. You’re such a bloody sneaky snake.”

Read more:


Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there was a powerful King and Queen called Dexter and Gina. They played with their subjects, delighting in making them do their bidding, particularly one subject called Hazel. They took away her armour, which she called 'makeup' and made her clean the dirtiest corner of the kingdom.
That was then.
The fickle Gods of the kingdom deposed the King and Queen (and a new princess called Charlie) and called for a democratic election. The public decided that Daley and Hazel would rule.
Daley and Hazel have been enjoying playing with their power.'Mud facials' were dispensed to the lowly housemates with only Sophie and Charlie spared. Daley claimed it was very good for the skin.
Haha. Sure.
A special punishment was saved for former-queen Gina. She had to clean the garden still wearing mud.
Enjoy our dirty gallery of these events.

I walking down my local high st with a friend and my friend pointed him out to me. I asked for a photo with him and had a quick chat about BB, he was really nice about it. He told me he thought the fakest housemates were Wolfy and Dan. Michael also said Dan is trying to become a 'gay icon' and told me they are alot more fame hungry then they appear on tv. He thinks Sophie or the twins should win. I also asked him why he didn't stay longer and he said he chose to do only a week, producers wanted him to stay longer. i look awful in the photo, I'm sorry lol
TIBB member

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