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Day 30: The nominated four prepare for eviction

1 hour ago

Friday's always a tough day for nominated housemates. Whether they're leaving or not, there are suitcases to be packed and outfits to be prepared, along with a whole load of mulling over how they found themselves in such a pickle in the first place.

This morning saw Safe House residents Charlie, Dexter and Gina wake up with no such worries while, across the way, the nominated quartet of Callum, Hazel, Jackie and Wolfy concerned themselves with a breakfast of dry cereal (no milk) and packing.

Callum made black coffee for everyone while complaining loudly about how it's unfair that he's up for eviction simply for "being nice" and cleaning, his argument that being pleasant isn't a crime and cleaning is a habit he can't kick. Nobody was really listening, sadly, and elsewhere Gina and Dexter were talking about how clever a game-player they find him to be. "Deceptively intelligent", perhaps?

Hazel joined Jackie in doing some packing and the pair of them stayed practical. When Charlie graced them with her presence Jackie grew noticeably more irate, but so far these two are keeping it locked down.

Then there's Wolfy. Our House shaman spent the morning walking circuits of the garden. At one point she was joined by Gina and she talked to her on-off pal about how she feels she can hold her head high if she leaves this evening. "I've not played the game" Wolfy said, "unlike other game-players in here."

Fewer signs of the confidence that was labelled "arrogance" by a few of the other housemates there from Wolfy today then. In fact, all of the nommed HMs look a little cautious and unsettled today. The spectre of eviction night can do that – especially when it's as wide open as this one.

If you want to have your say on who should leave the House tonight, there's still plenty of time. Head over here to make your mark:


 Tonight on Big Brother's Bit On The Side: Friday 12th July

5 hours ago

As if the main show isn't enough to get excited about, tonight's Bit On The Side's guaranteed to be a right riveting watch. Under the studio lights we'll have TV presenting genius Matt Johnson (his face will sound familiar) and we've also got Big Brother legend Aisleyne along for the fun.

On top of that, ex-housemate Jemima Slade's coming along to say 'hello' to whoever gets evicted this evening. Hopefully that won't get too awkward.

Frankly, if you miss this one, you're going to miss out on a lorry-load of larks




Day 30: The Detective Dan task


If you think Dan's already been implementing his detective skills to maximum effect, you ain't seen nothing yet. Today's task is set to test Dan's intuition to the max as he'll be out to uncover which of his fellow housemates has been set a secret mission to disrupt his day. To make things worse for our ex-copper, the rest of the HMs are in on the secret, meaning he's not going to get any help when he looks to uncover the truth.

Loveable rogue Sam's the man who's going to sabotage everything Dan gets up to on Day 30. He'll be burying Dan's toiletries in the vegetable patch, spicing up Dan's meals with extra hot sauce and, to top it all off, dumping his clothes in the pool.

Either Sam or Dan will win a reward depending on who's the most successful.

Will our boy from the Valleys successfully spoil Dan's fun undetected or will Dan click and suss out Sam's ninja moves? We can't say until we watch this one unfold, but it's bound to be fun finding out.


4.33pm: makes a bold statement. "Somebody's got my dirty pants. I'm gonna find out who it is". Sam looks sheepish.


4.36pm: Only 13 minutes of investigation time left for . His suspects? Gina, Hazel and Wolfy. Not Sam. Whoops


4.42pm: Sam escaped a grilling from . He's now being schooled by Callum regarding spiking Dan's drink with chilli.


4.47pm: Dan started to rumble Sam. He said his suspect list was between Sam and Hazel, but then started questioning Sophie. Focus


4.50pm: 's sophisticated investigation currently involves him hiding under a bed. Essential police work


4.54pm: Gah! Dan saw Sam throw his clothes into the pool. "It's definitely Sam then" he says. Daley says "Could be a bluff, bruv

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Aimee:

Loveable rogue Sam  I can see him winning, I said it on launch night  he's another one that has hardly spoke, I do wonder if he finds it hard to keep up when everyone is talking, I did notice the other day when Callum was reading something out he gave Sam a copy to read for himself 

I told you all on night one that Sam will win, he doesn't even need to open his mouth to win, his deafness will see him through.


Day 30: Detective Dan - a case summary

18 mins ago

Earlier in the day the Detective Dan task begun.

Sam was set a secret mission to ruin Dan's day, without him working out that it was him. He was set the following tasks to complete in secret:

Bury Dan's toiletries in the vegetable patch
Throw Dan's clothes in the pool
Poor hot sauce in his drink/food

The stunning denouement of the task came when Dan was called upon to name the culprit. Watch this video of the moment of truth.

Then enjoy our album of the winner and loser of this task facing the music - in one case happy music, in the other; sad music. Think Adele on a down day.



The face of... hmmm. The face of hmmm



Sophie skips into the reward



And Sam rots in jail.



Dan was given exercise aides for an hour





Wolfy has been evicted from the Big Brother House


After 30 days in the Big Brother House, our shamanistic fisherwoman from the Cornish coast has been evicted after losing out in the public vote to Callum, Hazel and Jackie.

Wolfy's had a very dramatic month in front of the cameras, winning fans and detractors all over the place – no more so than in the House itself. Very early on in her stay she mentioned that she was a little weirded out by Dan's 'energy' and this set the stage for a small-scale war between the two. His constant wondering out loud if Wolfy's an actress set her on edge. It didn't help that she was hit with some unflattering labels throughout her time in the House and that argument with Charlie about body issues also messed with her mojo.

Despite those low moments, Wolfy forged some fine friendships. She found pals in the twins, regularly cuddled with Callum and also had an intriguing on-off friendship with Gina. Her communion with the animals threw up some surprises (especially when a fly correctly confirmed Dan's suspicions) and she certainly added some intrigue to the Secrets and Lies of this twisty, turny series of Big Brother. Have fun out there in the real world, Wolfy – we will meditate in your honour daily.


Vote for who goes into the Safe House!

10 mins ago

You have the opportunity to put a new pair into the Safe House, where they will not only be immune from eviction next week but also have the power to make a decision that will rock the House. 

For couple 1 - Jackie & Callum, call: 6 50 58 15

For couple 2 - Dexter & Charlie, call: 6 50 58 16

For couple 3 - Sam & Sophie, call: 6 50 58 17

For couple 4 - Hazel & Daley, call: 6 50 58 18

For couple 5 - Jack & Joe, call: 6 50 58 19

For couple 6 - Gina & Dan, call 6 50 58 20

For full terms, visit


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