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3 way love triangle - Daley - Hazel and Erec-Tion 11.07.13



its so crystal,
even if its not conventional,
on show is the pistol,
a 3 way split is potential.
yes Daley does like,
but he is miss guided,
why don't he tell Eric to take a hike,
his balls would not leave us divided.
Hazel is a scab,
but with Erec she can stand,
with her cleavage she can grab,
its all about getting close with the hand.
she needs correction,
her game is sad and boring,
we all no Daley can not control his erection,
frustration is all young man's inside storing.
split these 3 please,
Hazel needs to change her game,
she is a flirt and a tease,
and that's why Erec needs to become lame.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Poor Dexter. People ask him how they are coming across on tv, then kick off at him when he tells them the truth. Strange how Dexter always ends up being the bad guy. It feels like he is the whipping boy of the house, and I don't like it.

I don't like it either, Gina is so right when she says that the people in the house are nasty

Originally Posted by machel:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Poor Dexter. People ask him how they are coming across on tv, then kick off at him when he tells them the truth. Strange how Dexter always ends up being the bad guy. It feels like he is the whipping boy of the house, and I don't like it.

I don't like it either, Gina is so right when she says that the people in the house are nasty



Day 28: Budget and bickers

8 hours ago

The dust had just about settled after Gina and Dexter's emergence from the Safe House, when Big Brother decided to shake things up on Day 28 with the introduction of this week's shopping task, The Budget.

To start the day off, the Treasury a.k.a Gina, Dexter and Charlie, decided that in this current economic climate, the first thing to go is excessive amounts of clothing. Who needs clean underpants anyways? Greedy people, that's who.

The same argument was levelled at Hazel's make-up bag and the House supply ofcigarettes, which were sacrificed in the name of the 'greater good'... and to amuse Ginxter, of course. These guys just can't get enough of that revenge pie.

But although the idea of the task is to accumulate a hefty budget, these little tykes couldn't suppress their Capitalist tendencies and decided to blow most of their (hard earned?) cash on treats. Manicures, wine tasting, pool party – just a few of the pleasures they deemed as necessary. They'll have to keep an eye on their spending tomorrow, or it looks like they'll be saying hello to their old friend, the humble chickpea.

In non task related news, it seems Ginxter have managed to successfully stir things up in the House. Charlie seems utterly confused about her new found gang, Hazel and Daleyhave seen their relationship under a microscope (and it doesn't look too good), and Jackie, well, she's just not having it. She's really not.

With Day 2 of the task about to start, will the housemates be able to pull together to make sure they dine out on sausage rolls and quiche next week? You'll have to stick with us to find out!




and there endeth the first month 


Day 29



Day 29: Who does Dexter fancy?

21 mins ago

We knew when the safe house twist was revealed, there'd be drama. What we didn't anticipate, was that it would take almost two full days to surface! And yet, it did!

After a fairly low-key evening followed the reveal, and then a nice calm day yesterday, we thought Dexter and Gina were out of the woods where retribution was concerned, but with the mild badgering and wheedling that the housemates were engaging in, came drama.

You see, the housemates are very curious as to what might have been said behind their backs, so they've been trying to get info out of Ginxter. Dexter made the mortal mistake of admitting that Hazel had said something about one of her closest allies in the House, but refused to elaborate.

This led to a full evening last night of whispers, backchat and confusion, with everyone wanting to know what Hazel had said, and Dexter agonising over whether to tell.

But why was he agonising? Well, it seems he may have feelings for the person Hazel was nattering about. If that sounds confusing, wrap your mind around this: "if I tell you, you hate me and you hate her. If I don't, you hate me."

The general consensus was that Dexter was refusing to tell because he wanted to stay in Hazel's good books, with Charlie saying "you stare at Hazel like you're completely in love with her."

But it soon transpired that Dexter has feelings for another. In fact, he likes the person that Hazel was talking about!

Who is that person? Well, watch this space for Dexter's confession video!



10:03am: The Treasury members have been called to the Diary Room to receive their second day's difficult decisions

10:28pm: BB has given the Treasury a list of tasks to set the HMs to save more money. They're not lovely.

10:32am: The HMs have been gathered in the Treasury Chamber, to receive the new taxes. Charlie is announcing them.

10:33am: After their messy alphabet spaghetti task, the twins have been chosen for another messy challenge

10:34am: The twins will be sorting mixed seafood into bowls. Yuk! Smelly!

10:35am: The Treasury have also chosen to have Wolfy and Dan handcuffed together for the remainder of the task.


Big Brother brings back overnight Live Feed online

Channel 5 is reintroducing a limited Live Feed for the current series of Big Brother, it has been confirmed.

Every night between 11.30pm and 2am, fans will be able to view live action from the house on

They will also be able to view it on the Big Brother iPhone and iPad app and on the Big Brother Facebook app.

The Live Feed will be shifted back to midnight on evenings when spinoff show Big Brother's Bit On The Side is simulcast at 11pm.

Channel 5 opted to not reintroduce the Live Feed element of Big Brother when it purchased the rights to the reality show in 2011, despite protests from fans.

The broadcaster had started introducing small segments of Live Feed in different timeslots on Channel 5 and 5* during recent series, but earlier this month axed a daily 'Live From The House' early evening show.

Digital Spy forum users spotted Channel 5 experimenting with Live Feed last night and began sharing a link to watch the show.

Originally Posted by MrsH:


10:03am: The Treasury members have been called to the Diary Room to receive their second day's difficult decisions

10:28pm: BB has given the Treasury a list of tasks to set the HMs to save more money. They're not lovely.

10:32am: The HMs have been gathered in the Treasury Chamber, to receive the new taxes. Charlie is announcing them.

10:33am: After their messy alphabet spaghetti task, the twins have been chosen for another messy challenge

10:34am: The twins will be sorting mixed seafood into bowls. Yuk! Smelly!

10:35am: The Treasury have also chosen to have Wolfy and Dan handcuffed together for the remainder of the task.


10:53pm: "We have a love/hate relationship" says Wolfy to Dan. They're handcuffed together so let's hope its a love day

11:02am: The Treasury are not very good at maths: they think they're in the red on The Budget task, but they're not!

11:04am: Dan, Wolfy and Hazel think BB wants them to overthrow the Treasury. Jackie isn't sure. Jackie's right.

11:16am: Wolfy, Jack and Joe are all quite dissatisfied about the taxes exacted on them today. Dan's fine, though.

11:23am: "Youse are well funny! You grate on each other!" judges Sophie of the handcuffed Dolfy. That's Dan & Wolfy, FYI.

11:42am: The twins are NOT enjoying their fishy task at ALL. They're singing to stave off the blues

11:45am: Jack has an interesting life lesson to teach us about shrimps.

12:25pm: Sophie is having a right rave-up birthday with her birthday blanket.


Day 29: The Dex-trous heart

So, last night, Dexter told Daley that he has feelings for Charlie. And then he told Charlie about his feelings. And now, er, nobody's talking about it.

We've been watching avidly all day, waiting for some kind of development. Would Dexter try to start up that conversation again? Would Charlie talk to Jackie about it? Would Callum have something to say?

Well, in a word, no. We thought we were in for a treat of the emotional-outburst variety when Dexter asked Gina "do you think she even actually likes me?" but Gina scotched that by basically ignoring the question. Dexter pressed on ever so slightly by telling Gina that he feels like he knows Ms Travers very well, having shared a house for the past 28 days. Gina agreed that 28 days is quite a while.

And it's not as if Charlie and Dexter have been avoiding each other, either. They've had several chats today, about the task, and about the House and about everything but the fact that Dexter spilled his love-feelin' thoughts.
Could it be that Charlie still doesn't believe this proclamation of Dex's yearnings? When he admitted his feelings to her, she didn't accept it for a second, saying she thought he was lying, and today they had a chat about Dexter's behaviour in the House, where Charlie informed him that people don't now what to think of Dexter because "there's a mystery in your eyes."

Blimey, this came out of nowhere and has quickly become as mysterious as Dexter's eyes. More on this, as it develops, if we can work out what the bleedin' 'eck is going on!


The Big Brother 2013 Budget Task continues today, and there’s  more power in store for the safe house trio.


For this week’s shopping task, the three Safe House housemates – Gina, Dexter  and Charlie – have become members of the Treasury and will be implementing cuts  for the house.

Each cut will save the housemates money, which will be put towards their  shopping budget.

The three Treasury members have the last say on the cuts, but of course they  won’t impact them, they’ll continue to live a life of luxury in the safe  house.

Day 1 saw the housemates make total savings of ÂĢ120, minus the cash that  Gina, Dexter and Charlie spent on massages and champagne.

Today, the the Treasury will make more cuts and have the following  choices:

- Daley and Hazel must suck sweets together until they’re small enough to  slot into a box: Raise: ÂĢ50

- All girls must take off and hand in their make up until the end of the  task: ÂĢ50

- One housemate of The Treasury’s choice will be cut from the show for the  remainder of the task: ÂĢ55

- The Greediest housemate has to separate mixed seafood into tubs: Raise  ÂĢ50

Charlie will be offered another temptation: a massage.

Sophie and a housemate of her choice take part in ‘Duty Free’. They go to  small task room and have an option of picking a variety of hampers – but all at  a cost.

And in one final cut, the Treasury will decide to either reveal the Girls’ OR  the Boys’ noms to the rest of the house.

Tonight, The final result is revealed; Big Brother announces the total amount  made by the housematesâ€Ķminus the amount deducted by not sticking to the  cuts.

Watch the fallout on tonight’s show from 10PM on Channel 5.

Read more:


However, C5 has now confirmed that it will be given another chance on their website.

Live streaming will now be broadcast every night from 11.30pm, or the end of spin-off show Bit On The Side (whichever is later) until 2.00am at The feed can also be accessed on the official Big Brother iPhone and iPad apps.

The announcement comes after users of Big Brother fan forums wrote about having corresponded with C5 about the issue. Its director of programmes Ben Frow has been quoted as saying the new online venture will be his ‘last throw of the streaming dice’.


Big Brother's live streaming has a new home right here!
Another great reason to visit this site (as if you needed one!) – live streaming has a new home right here.
You guys can watch the housemates live, nightly from tomorrow night between 11:30pm and 2:00am on, on the Big Brother iPhone and iPad app and on the Big Brother Facebook app. Live streaming will commence at midnight during evenings when Big Brother’s Bit On The Side is simulcast at 11:00pm.
See you here!


Day 29: Callum's bad luck

50 mins ago

Oh Callum – he’s not having a very good week, is he? First he found out that he’d be facing the public vote on Friday, which was swiftly followed by an uncomfortable conversation with Charlie where she branded their relationship as ‘awkward’.  Not exactly what he wanted to hear from the girl of his affection.

And if that wasn’t enough to contend with, he then received the news that he was almost saved by Gina and Dexter in the save and replace task, before they decided to go with his former flirt partner, Charlie.

He’s had what you may call a little bit of a shocker.

But it hasn’t ended there....

Earlier today he had the delight of sitting through this week’s nominations, only to find that his close friend Daley had put him in the firing line. And let’s just say he wasn’t best pleased at this discovery. In actual fact, he was rather miffed - so much so that he’s now convinced himself that Daley is turning people against him. Quite the jump from thinking someone is your friend.

He’s trying to shirk off his woes, stating that he just wants to have fun considering it may potentially be his last night in the House, but somehow we see this one festering.


Day 29: Budget task over, shopping budget finalised

9 hours ago

Day two of the The Budget task dawned with more tough choices following on from yesterday's tough choices facing The Treasury Trio. Decked out in their fetching parliamentary garms they chose to make the following cuts:

Jack and Joe were chosen to separate mixed seafood into tubs raising ÂĢ60

Dan and Wolfy were chosen to be handcuffed together for the duration of the task raising ÂĢ70

This week's nominations were revealed raising ÂĢ150

However, neither The Treasury nor the plebs (sorry,we mean housemates) were above giving into temptation and incurred the following costs: 

Charlie chose to have a massage costing ÂĢ30

Sophie went on a duty free spending spree costing ÂĢ90 (pamper hamper ÂĢ22, spray tan ÂĢ10, mystery box 1 ÂĢ22, mystery box 2 ÂĢ13, sweets hamper ÂĢ15, paddling pool ÂĢ8). Pretty frugal for a birthday bender, we reckon.

Getting out our calculators we can tell you the totals break down like this

Todays total raise: ÂĢ280

Todays total cost: ÂĢ120

Task total raise: ÂĢ590

Task total cost: ÂĢ310

This means there's a not so grand total of ÂĢ280 for this week's shopping.


Day 29: Is Chexter really a thing?

7 hours ago

Dexter, Dexter, Dexter... remember that advice you gave to Daley about not having your cake and eating it? You know, where you put him in his place about his behaviour towards Hazel? Yeah, buddy, that.

The self-confessed 'playboy', who only days ago was doling out relationship advice to anyone who would listen, has majorly stepped up his flirtatious behaviour towards Charlie this eve. Aside from telling her repeatedly that he has feelings for her, he’s also began a physical approach, pulling her in for a long embrace in the bedroom.

While Charlie tried to palm it off as 'just a cuddle', Dexter insisted that it was more than that, which got the former popstar thinking,

"I need to remember that even giving a boy with a girlfriend a cuddle isn't reem"  she mused.

Dexter, on the other hand, doesn’t seem too bothered about his behaviour,

"I need to lie on my sword now. I've said my true feelings for you, so I have to do a Daley now and stand by my decision."

Whether Charlie has reciprocal feelings towards him, we're still unsure, as her response when Dexter gushed that he really liked her was, "Aww cute". Probably not the answer he was looking for...

But she doesn't seem to be backing away from his advances at the moment, so it's definitely something we're going to keep an eye on.


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