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Day 28: Shopping task - The Budget

10 mins ago

Yesterday, when Dan realised that it was Tuesday, he momentarily set aside the surprise of the Safe House reveal to wonder aloud why they hadn't yet been set a shopping task. "Something's not right" he mused more than once. We're sure that today, when the task is announced, he'll be momentarily relieved. Well, until he realises that the House is about to feel the bitter sting of austerity.

For the next two days, Charlie, Dexter and Gina will form the Treasury, presiding over the House's finances, making tough cuts to things the housemates hold dear. They'll have difficult choices to make, like deciding whether to remove all the cigarettes or all the luxury food from the House, or which housemate to deprive of that ever-important staple, makeup.

The Treasury and housemates will also be offered expensive treats, which will incur penalty fines if accepted. Will they be able to stay strong and resist temptation?

"Times are tough, let's pull together." That's the motto of this BB Treasury, but with Treasury members living in the lap of luxury and housemates facing the reality of austerity, let's see how that works out, eh?

George Osborne, eat your heart out.

Make sure to keep checking back here, and on Twitter, for updates on this penny pinching task.


Day 28: The Budget begins

17 mins ago

This week's shopping task, The Budget, has hit the House, and already the Treasury (Charlie, Dexter and Gina) have had a tough decision to make: they had to decide whether their HMs would lose their beds or their clothes for the duration of the task.

The Treasury made the call to take the clothes away. Let's face it, half of the House has already gone a whole week without their cases anyway.

This particular cut has earned the House ÂĢ90 for their shopping budget.



It's MP Charlie Travers!



Politics: the beautiful game



Dan is not impressed that he'll have to wear that vest for 2 days


They're no oil paintings




"Explain that one more time, please?" It's a bit early for politics...



Politics is a bit boring...



That's very MP-esque behaviour



Hazel is not happy about this turn of events



Joe remains chipper




Cheer up, Sam, you've got a jumper on!




Boys, it's not that bad





Tonight on Big Brother's Bit On The Side: Wednesday 28th July

3 hours ago

Boy, have we got a great BBBOTS for you tonight, eh? The wonderful Emma Willis will be joined by past housemates David Ramsden (BB10) and Nicola McLean (CBB9) offering their own perspective on all the goings-on in the House.

We will also be welcoming impressionist Francine Lewis, who will hopefully unleash at least one impersonation of one of our housemates. Maybe Wolf?

And that's not all! Judi James will be on hand to analyse the housemates' body language.

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2:57pm: Gina's getting her makeup and nails done...will this have repercussions on The Budget? You betcha!

3:43pm: Everyone's wondering where Gina is. "She's been gone awhile" they muse. She's beautifying in the task room!

3:45pm: Gina has returned to the main House. "What's going on! Where've you been?" demands Dexter

3:50pm: Gina has deflected the HMs' enquiries craftily, but now feels bad about deceiving them. She looks great, though.


5.14pm: Charlie is holding court in the treasury chamber. It's very serious

5.26pm: The treasury are deciding between losing the luxury food budget or the ciggies. The latter is trumping so far..

5.35pm: Bye bye cigarettes. The food is saved!

5.52pm: "You've got to be cruel to be kind," rants Dexter from his soapbox (bed). They forfeited the cigarettes, by the way.

6.04pm: Dexter is enjoying a spot of wine-tasting courtesy of the budget


Big Brother couple Louise and Jay divorce because they ‘don’t get on’


Big Brother's Jay and Louise split because they 'don't get on'The pair tied the knot last year (Picture:

Big Brother stars Louise Cliffe and Jay McKray have split after one year of marriage, citing ‘not getting on’ as one of the reasons for the separation.

The pair, who met on Big Brother 12 in 2011, tied the knot last year in a lavish ceremony, but it seems the wedding cake decorated with Love Heart sweets wasn’t enough to save their marriage.

After speculation on Twitter that the couple had split, Jay took to the social media site to tell his followers that the rumours were true, saying they had drifted apart.

‘No am not with her,’ he wrote. ‘We don’t get on, end ofâ€ĶSome people just drift apart.’


The wedding was attended by the great and good of reality TV [Picture: wedding was attended by the great and good of reality TV (Picture:

He added: ‘This nout 2 do with any 1 just sick of the tweets asking me ! So if ya did not no well ya do now , can that please. Be the end of it !’

The former reality star later wrote: ‘Just wanna say a big thank U 2 al my twitter follower that have stud by me not long now av been busy put things in place were ready 2 go’.

Having formally announced the split, Jay then resumed his usual Twitter style, tweeting: ‘Dying 4 me dinner like’.

Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

Not surprised by that ^ 


Are they meant to be spending all the money in this task? 

The Treasury and housemates will also be offered expensive treats, which will incur penalty fines if accepted. Will they be able to stay strong and resist temptation?

ok thanks, I thought it was just the treasury 

Originally Posted by MrsH:

Big Brother couple Louise and Jay divorce because they ‘don’t get on’


Big Brother's Jay and Louise split because they 'don't get on'The pair tied the knot last year (Picture:

Big Brother stars Louise Cliffe and Jay McKray have split after one year of marriage, citing ‘not getting on’ as one of the reasons for the separation.

The pair, who met on Big Brother 12 in 2011, tied the knot last year in a lavish ceremony, but it seems the wedding cake decorated with Love Heart sweets wasn’t enough to save their marriage.

After speculation on Twitter that the couple had split, Jay took to the social media site to tell his followers that the rumours were true, saying they had drifted apart.

‘No am not with her,’ he wrote. ‘We don’t get on, end ofâ€ĶSome people just drift apart.’


The wedding was attended by the great and good of reality TV [Picture: wedding was attended by the great and good of reality TV (Picture:

He added: ‘This nout 2 do with any 1 just sick of the tweets asking me ! So if ya did not no well ya do now , can that please. Be the end of it !’

The former reality star later wrote: ‘Just wanna say a big thank U 2 al my twitter follower that have stud by me not long now av been busy put things in place were ready 2 go’.

Having formally announced the split, Jay then resumed his usual Twitter style, tweeting: ‘Dying 4 me dinner like’.

Is it just me or does the bloke next to Jay in the bottom picture look like his face is a cardboard cutout.?

Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Videostar:

Is it just me or does the bloke next to Jay in the bottom picture look like his face is a cardboard cutout.?

none of them look *natural* to me 

I'm on record as saying early-on in BB12 that I thought Jay and Louise "looked like they were made for each other". Admittedly I didn't entirely mean that as a compliment, but there was an obvious chemistry there, and I always wished them well in their life outside the house.


TBH, though, there was always the feeling that they were being rushed into a decision to marry. The JayLou camp (both family and followers) seemed to bizarrely think they were in competition with "Faaron" relationship-wise: who moved in together first; who stayed together longest; who married first. Some of us more cynical souls couldn't help but sense the hand of Ma McKray in the background, and the fact that their wedding seemed deliberately timed to tie-in with the start of BB13 was deeply suspicious.

Well, now it's over. I don't have a lot of sympathy for Jay with regards constantly being questioned about his relationship on Twitter, as he and Louise played the "couple" card for all it was worth. However I still wish the two of them all the best in their future lives.

Eugene's Lair


Day 28: Bills, bills, bills


The housemates are yet to understand the concept of today's task. Or if they do, then they just don't give one iota about living on a basic budget next week, as these guys have been spending like there's no tomorrow. Hey, don't they know there's a triple dip recession on? Cleary not.

Every single temptation that has been sent their way has been gobbled up like, well, a really greedy person who doesn't know when to say no frankly. A bit of girlie pampering? Yeah, why not said Gina, racking up a bill of ÂĢ20 – probably nowhere near the amount she pays in the Savoy, but that's at least a substantial contribution towards the weekly meat budget. Just think of the lamb chomps they could buy...

Add to that a ÂĢ40 wine tasting experience for Dexter and a  casual ÂĢ25 bottle of champs for the trio, and you're looking at cool ÂĢ85 bill from the treasury. And they're the one supposed to be looking after the budget!

And the other housemates haven't been much better, racking up a ÂĢ30 tab for pizza and forking out ÂĢ75 for some booze, party tunes and access to the pool. Yeah they may be partying now, but there won't be so many frivolities when they're dining out on chickpeas next week.

Will the treasury make enough cuts tomorrow to make sure the housemates see through the week? They way they're going, we see dark times ahead...

Originally Posted by MrMincePie:

11.40pm: Hazel has asked Dexter to tell her how she's coming across. She should have asked Gina, she has a lot to say about that.


11.50pm: "You look like a cold-hearted b***h" Dexter tells Hazel. Ouch.





12.10am: Drama alert. Charlie's pulled Dexter into the garden to say "there's a feeling Hazel and I are trying to be split up."

12.36am: Dexter and Hazel are hashing things out in the treehouse. They've got enough material to be there all night

12.48am: "You know what you said about Charlie" Dexter cryptically tells Hazel

12.50am: Eek, Daley wants in on the treehouse situation. He thinks they're talking about but it's more about Hazel!

12.58am: From the Gina and Charlie are peering out at the garden altercation between Daley, Dexter and Hazel.

1.11am: That was tense for a bit but Dexter, Daley and Hazel just hugged it out. Phew. It's alarming when big men get angry.

Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by MrMincePie:

11.40pm: Hazel has asked Dexter to tell her how she's coming across. She should have asked Gina, she has a lot to say about that.


11.50pm: "You look like a cold-hearted b***h" Dexter tells Hazel. Ouch.





12.10am: Drama alert. Charlie's pulled Dexter into the garden to say "there's a feeling Hazel and I are trying to be split up."

12.36am: Dexter and Hazel are hashing things out in the treehouse. They've got enough material to be there all night

12.48am: "You know what you said about Charlie" Dexter cryptically tells Hazel

12.50am: Eek, Daley wants in on the treehouse situation. He thinks they're talking about but it's more about Hazel!

12.58am: From the Gina and Charlie are peering out at the garden altercation between Daley, Dexter and Hazel.

1.11am: That was tense for a bit but Dexter, Daley and Hazel just hugged it out. Phew. It's alarming when big men get angry.


1.42am: Saved by the BB-bell. Dexter has been called to the Diary Room just as Gina has begun to pipe up in his direction.

1.45am: Charlie's popped over to her mum's gaff to explain her Dexter frustrations. She thinks he fancies Hazel.

1.48am: Jackie's motherly wisdom is "Don't trust people." "Thanks," says Charlie, slightly sarcastically

1.51am: We're thinking Dexter should batten down the hatches in the Diary Room. He's all anyone can rant about in the House

1.55am: Hazel and Wolfy are warming to Charlie's theory that Dexter's game revolves around fancying Hazel.

2.05am: We're out of here but the trouble boils on in the House. Come back to us tomorrow morning for an update.

8:06am: After a rather dramatic night, the HMs are all sleeping soundly in their beddy-beds. Bless


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