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Day 27: Task- Stink Bomb

1 hour ago

It's a well known fact that a true friend is a friend who won't tell you when you're a little bit whiffy, but today one housemate will be hoping to hear those immortal words "YOU STINK!" as part of a pong-tastic task.

Gina and Dexter will shortly be told that they should choose one housemate, who will then be called into the Diary Room, where they will be faced with a concoction of stinky goodies such as fish oil. The housemate in question will have to cover themselves in the smelly substances and return to the House, where they must get at least five of their fellow housemates to comment on their, er, aroma.

If the other housemates are too polite to mention the pongy problem, the stinky one will have failed the task, and spent the day trailing stink lines for nothing.

So, who will Dexter and Gina pick? Will Hazel have a horrible honk? Or will it be Wolfy with a wicked whiff? Or will they choose Sam to sport a sulphurous stench? Well, you'll have to watch this space, won't you?


Day 27: Challum iron out their issues

32 mins ago

Remember Challum? Yeah, that didn't really happen, did it?

In fact, we'd say the relationship is pretty much in tatters, after the couple spent a verrrrrry long time dissecting their feelings towards each other earlier today, with Charlie summing it up as 'awkward' and Callum describing the situation as a "damn shame".

Charlie did a heap of mumbling as she tried to find the right words to describe why she now thinks Callum's a bit of a numpty, but it seems the beef all lies in the PE's cocky VT tape, doubled with his apparent change in behaviour.

"You're a chilled nice guy and then you have outbursts" Charlie finally mused, seemingly stating that is an offense to change your mood.

"I don't know your intentions" she finally summed up.

No amount of waffle from Callum seemed to change her mind, as his protestations that he was just a nice guy without an agenda were largely met with a non-committal 'hmm'. The best he could do was promise not to chase her around the House for chats and cuddles anymore, which seemed to be a good compromise for the pair. But let’s just say it’s left things a little bit awkward.

Oh Challum, you were never meant to be...  *sigh*


Day 27: The BIG reveal in the garden

18 mins ago

What a shock for the housemates! No, not the fact Gina and Dexter weren't evicted. Nor the Travers switcheroo. What really sent jaws dropping was the pool!

In the kerfuffle you'd think the priority would be finding out just what Gina and Dex had been up to but it wasn't the case.

All Jack and Joe could talk about was the new water feature. In fact the first thing Jack said was, "There's a jacuzzi and it's stone lined." No expense spared in the Big Brother House.

However the pair (and the rest of the House) have beenpining for a pool so why are we surprised.

And pools have historically been a pivotal point of House life – Becky's splashing entrance last summer and Denise Welch's big flash.

Let's the games begin.


Day 27: The Travers parted but still united

15 mins ago

It was a shock announcement for both of our Travers girls when Dexter and Gina revealed that they would be saving Charlie and replacing her with her mother, Jackie. The one in line for eviction swapped for the one who hadn't received a nomination. Quite a shake up and one that clearly had an effect on our pair of Travers.

Immediately upon hearing the news, Jackie blamed herself, saying the decision must have been made because of her slightly incensed outburst at Ginxter during face-to-face noms. She hugged Charlie before her girl was whisked off to view her new lodgings – the luxury Safe House with all it's lovely trimmings.

When she'd expressed her gratitude to Gina, Charlie went back into the garden for a heart-warming chat with ol' ma Travers.

"Prepare yourself for the worst but make these the best days of your life" said Charlie, as though her mum was about to emigrate to a land without the internet.

"As long as I can still see you, I will", Jackie T replied.

Little mention of Jackie's chances when the Friday night eviction rolls around. Probably because that's entirely down to you lot and, after all the twists and turns this series, housemates don't have much of an idea of how they're getting on.


<input name="og_link" type="hidden" value="" /> Day 27: Who is the better twin?

55 mins ago

Gina and Dexter have been watching the House 24/7 (it's a tough job but someone's gotta do it...) so not much has slipped under their radar. Gina's clearly enjoyed her running commentary on the House antics so it was only a matter of time before she spoke out.

"Has your opinion changed on me?" Joe asked Gina

"It hasn't changed," she replied with trademark tact, "I already knew you were bitchy. I just saw the conversations. You know you are bitchy."

Joe claimed he did not and was disappointed that she had formed that opinion of him.

Jack didn't help by joking, "Joe, you're dragging me down," causing Joe to whine, "clearly Jack's the better twin. I know I'm more blunt but I didn't expect  bitchy." If you can't do the time and all that...

In the kitchen Dan reassured him saying, "bitchy can mean a lot of different things Joe." Of course it can.

Something tells us this one's going to rumble on. Gina's done with the chat but Jack and Joe are determined to stay in the House unti their birthday and don't want anything to stand in their way.


 Day 27: Sam's a joker


After initially earning a reputation for dreadful chat up lines (remember 'You make my winky expand'?) - Sam has proved to be something of a comedian in the House.

Take this one for example (feel free to repeat it if you need to to liven up a night out over this weekend).

Sam said: "Why did the scarecrow win an award?" Go on, have a guess. Give up?

"For being outstanding in his field." Boom boom!

This one might be nice to drop in over Sunday lunch.

"I tripped over Hazel's bra the other day," began Sam. "I think it was a booby trap." Tee hee.

Tonight he's helped lighten the awkward atmosphere with more of his witty one-liners.

During a natter about age with Callum and Dan in the garden, Dan revealed he was turning 34 next month. Sam had the gang in stitches delivering this stinging blow, "Dan was at the opening of Stonehenge." A proper side-splitter!

Have you heard his one about the Ferrari and the... Actually, that's not really suitable. Shame.

Sam explained to Dan later in the evening, "I don't want to be afraid. I'm not holding back. I want to show my personality."

Strap yourselves in and enjoy a ride on the Lollercoaster


Day 27: Who Goes? You Decide!

34 mins ago

Did you see it coming? The housemates sure didn't. They woke up this morning with Callum, Charlie, Hazel and Wolfy facing the public vote but that was before Dexter and Gina piped up.

After taking up Big Brother's demand to 'save and replace' they invited Charlie to join them in the Safe House, cancelling her nomination. Phew. 

But that left a vacancy and the pair decided a Travers trade-off was the way forward, picking Jackie to replace her daughter. 

Are you keeping up? So that means Callum, Hazel, Jackie and Wolfy face the public vote.

As always - Who goes? You decide! Click here for those all important voting details.



Day 27 round-up: One housemate is Saved and Replaced

41 mins ago

It's become a regular BB2013 thing for Callum and Charlie (formerly 'Challum') to work through issues in the garden in the morning and Day 27 didn't break with tradition. But as the sun was burning in the sky, issues took a backseat as housemates soaked up the rays.

Not the ideal day for a stinky task – which is probably exactly why Big Brother made Hazel dowse herself with stinky stuff. BB loves that kind of caper.

Silliness and sun-lounging could only last for so long with Ginxter chilling out in the Safe House. The time arrived for the big reveal. Housemates were set to find out about the Big Brother Safe House and when they did it was quite something. On top of the big reveal, anominations twist was the order of the day. Ginxter chose to save Charlie and replace her in the firing line with... wait for it... her own mother, Jackie. Owch!

Mother and daughter shared a tender moment in the hubbub and then it was down to Dexter and Gina to reintegrate, deciding what info to reveal and what to hold back. Dexter kept to his word and offered Daley a word of warning. The twins were keen to know which of them was viewed the most sympathetically. Gina found Wolfy's reaction to the afternoon's fun a little strange and the twins started coming up with theories about the Safe House duo. It was quite a busy period in the House.

The man dubbed "Mr. Nicey Nice", Callum had an eventful evening too. First he had a strong vent about Wolfy and then he heard from Ginxter that he was almost saved from facing the Friday night eviction bonanza. Close but no cigar.

So much intrigue we can hardly keep up. It's only Day 27 but the twists keep coming. Stick with it, BB fans. It's only going to get more interesting..


save and replace - will Ginxsta get payback ? 10.07.13



Ginia and Dexter will decide,
save and replace is fantastic,
but these 2 are such snide,
the decision is sure to be elastic.
calculating none stop,
i bet its been a night of "Countdown",
but Dexter is no "Richard Whitely" crop,
and Ginia can never where Carrol Vorderman" crown.
of-course it will be tactical,
that's why i can not predict,
but there choice wont be sub-tractable,
its 100% going to cause conflict.
save and replace will wind,
just looking forward to the crunch,
because to Ginxsta we need to be unkind,
force feed them a "Wolfie" sandwich lunch.
really getting on my skin,
because neither of them would i save,
lets take away there smug grin,
and A.S.A.P to them both wave.


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