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Originally Posted by Aimee:

I'm thinking Charlie is upset by the questions she thought the viewers had asked in the DR, I also think she is getting frustrated with her mum was she's drinking 

I'd forgotten about that, I think you're right. I don't remember seeing a vid of her being questioned or remember seeing it shown on hl's so maybe I read about it - or maybe my memory's going lol

Yellow Rose

Day 26: Making the Headlines - Task

20 mins ago

Big Brother has concocted sleazy tabloid headlines and left it to Gina and Dexter to choose which housemate each headline is about.

The duo we've dubbed Ginxter were called to the Diary Room earlier and given fake headlines with blanks where a name should be. They were told to add the name of any housemate to each of the blank spaces.

These fake headlines will form a 'Front Page Quiz' for the other housemates who will be given the same blanked-out headlines with just one crucial difference...

The housemates will believe these headlines are completely real and have come from well-known newspapers in the outside world. They will be told that in order to win rewards for the task, they must correctly provide Big Brother with that names that complete the headlines.

The housemates will win summery rewards of water guns and ice lollies for each correct answer.

In all their scandalous glory here are the headlines. We've left the blanks blank so you can have a little guess yourself. Bear in mind that the mischevious Posh and Dex  might have motives beyond their own opinions for selections. Careful with the scroll button if you want play along because Gina and Dexer's answers are just below...











Gina and Dexter's choices






6. DAN

7. JOE



As we write, housemates have been called to the living area where they are staring agog at the props. Stay tuned for news of how they get on...

Last edited by MrsH
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

I'm thinking Charlie is upset by the questions she thought the viewers had asked in the DR, I also think she is getting frustrated with her mum was she's drinking 

I'd forgotten about that, I think you're right. I don't remember seeing a vid of her being questioned or remember seeing it shown on hl's so maybe I read about it - or maybe my memory's going lol


that was yesterday so should be in tonights highlights   

Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

I'm thinking Charlie is upset by the questions she thought the viewers had asked in the DR, I also think she is getting frustrated with her mum was she's drinking 

I'd forgotten about that, I think you're right. I don't remember seeing a vid of her being questioned or remember seeing it shown on hl's so maybe I read about it - or maybe my memory's going lol


that was yesterday so should be in tonights highlights   

Oh right, thanks I'm losing the plot on what happens on what day

Yellow Rose


5.59pm: The water pistols HMs received as a reward are causing havoc. Dan was just singled out for a complete drenching.

6.09pm: The water fight's still a high energy event. Charlie's turned into a regular gunslinger and the twins just got soaked.

6.21pm: The water fight's over and the pistols are back with BB. Hazel and Daley enjoyed themselves

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Day 26: Busted! Jackie, Sam and Sophie sent to jail

16 mins ago

Another day, another rule break and this time it wasn't the usual suspects – well not all of them.

Talking about nominations is one rule our housemates cannot seem to keep but as Big Brother sees all, such slip-ups do not go unpunished.

Sam was first to be sent to the slammer for dropping the nom-bomb into a convo wilth Callum.

Sam said, "I just can't see anyone nominating them two."

Callum replied, "The twins?" To which Sam responded, "No, Hazel and Jackie."

Blatant or what?

But what's this? Jackie doing time? That's right. During last night's socialising sesh she indulged in illegal banter with previous offender Sophie.

Soph said, "You know you want me at your birthday party. You'd better not nominate me," prompting Jackie to utter the incriminating line, "I'm not nominating you in a million years." Oops.

So while the other housemates get wet and wild with a water fight in the garden, the three bad 'uns are under lock and key, forced grins on their previously glum faces. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.


More about tonight's twist



          There’s a Big Brother 2013 nominations twist in store for the housemates on this evening’s live show.
Yesterday morning, Big Brother gathered the housemates to inform them that the latest nominations would start in just one hour’s time.
The housemates are still unaware that Friday’s double eviction was a fake, with Gina Rio and Dexter Koh currently watching their every move from a secret safe house.
Gina and Dexter are immune from this week’s nominations, and were able to watch the nominations unfold from the luxury of their safe house, with they’ve continued to be provided booze and treats over the weekend.
With Gina and Dexter gone, this week’s nominations should be wide open, with the pair having attracted the majority of the votes in the first three weeks.
But just who will be the unlucky few that do have to face eviction?
Whoever is put up by fellow housemates, it could all change, with Big Brother teasing that Gina and Dexter will get to have an influence on the results.
It’s unclear exactly what will happen yet, but a spokesperson for Channel 5 and Big Brother commented: “There will also be some exciting news for the safe housemates regarding nominations.”
Tonight’s Big Brother, from 10PM on Channel 5, will go live to the house from 10:45PM for the nominations twist!

Read more:

Day 26: Nominations are in... with yet another fiendish twist

3 mins ago

With Dexter and Gina given immunity from the nominations process for a whole week, our nominated housemates this week are...

*drum roll*

Callum, Charlie, Hazel and Wolfy!

But the fun doesn't stop there. As we all know, Dexter and Gina are currently granted unusual powers over in the Safe House and this week they'll be able to Save and Replace. This nifty little shift in the usual process will involve our Safe House duo taking their pick from the four nominated housemates, selecting one they'd like to grant immunity and replacing them with another to face the eviction crowd on Friday night.

We'll have the exclusive on all the action tomorrow afternoon including who Dexter and Gina have selected, so stick with the website for all the juicy details.

Big Brother Summer 2013
  • The  latest Big Brother 2013 nominations took place in the house  yesterday, but who nominated who?


For the third time this series the housemates had to turn on another, and  they were back in the Diary Room after last week’s face to face nominations.

The housemates were unaware however that Gina and Dexter, who had been ‘fake  evicted’ on Friday night’s live show, were watching on from the Safe House.

Naturally, Gina and Dexter were immune from being nominated this week.

But just who nominated who when it came down to the crunch yesterday? Here’s  our week Four run downâ€Ķ

Charlie nominated Callum and Wolfy

Daley nominated Callum and Wolfy

Dan nominated Wolfy and Callum

Jackie nominated Wolfy and Callum

Callum nominated Wolfy and Hazel

Jack and Joe nominated Charlie and Wolfy

Hazel nominated Callum and Wolfy

Wolfy nominated Charlie and Dan

Sam nominated Wolfy and Sophie

Sophie nominated Sam and Hazel

Therefore, Wolfy received 8 nominations, Callum received 5 nominations and  both Hazel and Charlie received two nominations.

Sophie, Dan and Sam received one nomination each, while Daley, Jackie and  Jack and Joe received no nominations.

Are you happy with the nomination results? Who do you think will go? Add your  comments belowâ€Ķ

Read more:

  • 4 Housemates potentially face eviction from Big Brother 2013 this week after the latest round of  nominations.


Yesterday, for the third time this series the housemates had to turn on  another, and they were back in the Diary Room after last week’s face to face  nominations.

The housemates were unaware however that Gina and Dexter, who had been ‘fake  evicted’ on Friday’, were watching on from the Safe House, content in the  knowledge that they were immune from being nominated.

After each of the housemates had voted, Wolfy received 8 nominations, Callum  received 5 nominations and both Hazel and Charlie received two nominations.

However, tonight Big Brother had a surprise in store for the safe house  housemates.

Tomorrow night, Gina and Dexter will have the power to save one of the  nominated housemates from being put up for eviction.

And in an extra twist, the pair will get the power to replace them with  another housemate before lines open and the public have their  say

Read more:



 Day 26: Four face up to nomination

Boom! Big Brother dropped a whopper of a nombomb today leaving four housemates  going head to head to avoid the chop!

Callum, Charlie, Hazel and Wolfy took the bad news with varying degrees of humility as their fellow housemates rallied round with comforting words.

Most upset was Jackie who struggled with seeing her daughter face the public vote.

"Oh darling," she said. "I'll go out with her. I'll be very lost if she went."

Charlie was having none of it. Perhaps she is secretly relishing the idea of cutting the apron strings.

Hazel fell into Daley's open arms muttering, "At least we can have a drink now." Her glass was clearly half empty as she added, "I said if me and Charlie were put up for the public vote we'd be gone."

Callum chucked in his two pence. "I know the reasons for mine," he said, "but I can't comprehend the reasons for yours Hazel."

And what about our fourth nominee? Well she saw it all coming. A natter with a big fly in the garden had apparently given her the lowdown ahead of the announcement.

"It didn't phase me because I know I'm the genuine article," she said.

"I am very aware. Did it surprise me? No. Nature told me. There was a bluebottle buzzing around. It's really strange, I never had a negative message off nature until I came into here. And now I've had two."

The night is still young. Will there be tears before bedtime?


Wolfie - Charlie - Callum - Hazel - have you decided or can i persuade you 09.07.13

its the second chucking,
but all is not what it seems,
everyone is teaming up and clucking,
being formed are fake teams.
Wolfie has shot her feet,
she is the UK hate trigger,
but now her destiny is sweet,
off Callum we should wipe the snigger.
he is to cool,
add up do not the numbers,
can he fool,
lets take down the "Fonz" cucumbers.
Charlie leaves me undecided,
but we need to ring her bell,
we need her mum divided,
so that she can come out of her shell.
Hazel has to stay,
she has more then one layer,
sexual manipulation is her play,
but is there more under the layer.
i have made my choice,
Callum is who i am choosing,
on Friday please ring and voice,
Jim Carey look a like is the one to be loosing.

( so can i persuade you ? are you with me ? )



Day 26 round-up: The big Save And Replace announcement

1 hour ago

Dexter and Hazel have been in the Safe House for rather a long time now and they began Day 26 pondering what awaits them when they finally leave. That Ginxter coupling were back at the headphones and plasma in no time at all though and they kicked off the day by scrutinising the behaviour of Wolfy and Hazel. And Sophie too. As well as everyone else.

While Ginxter watched on, the House was in danger of meltdown and not only because of the intense summer heat. Daley and Hazel revealed a dislike of Callum – shared by others in the group. Mother/daughter combo Jackie and Charlie Travers weren't exactly on top formand the twins managed to have a shouting match over the top of all this rotten activity.

The Making The Headlines task saw HMs tricked into a game of choosing negative traits the "media" had supposedly applied to a few of their number, when really it was Ginxter who picked all the labels. The reward was seasonal lollies and water pistols for all housemates apart from Jackie, Sam and Sophie who'd been naughty and discussed nominations. Off to jail for that trio then.

Before the evening wore on, there was still time for some Wolfy speculation. Jackie Travershas her suspicions about the House shaman, but Wolfy remains defiant.

Then it was time for the revelation. As far as the main housemates were concerned, it was all about the nominations results which, in itself, was enough to cause quite a reaction. Over in the Safe House, Ginxter had been primed and knew that, on Day 27, it's down to them to Save and Replace one housemate for another.

We're guaranteed a shake-up, so make sure you check the website tomorrow to see who our trouble-making twosome choose for the massive swap. Quite frankly, the big reveal is bound to be little short of sensational.



Tonight on Big Brother's Bit on the Side: Tuesday 9th July

2 mins ago

Hey guys – we've only got an 80's pop legend on our show tonight. Ya-ha... Get some sparkly eyeliner on standby, as we'll be joined by none other than Visage frontman, Steve Strange. We think that warrants a 'whoop whoop!', dontcha think?

And joining the Welsh wonder, we have BB8's Liam McGough, comedienne Hatty Ashdown and fortune teller, Sacha Bonasin. Not too shabby for a Tuesday evening, we think you'd agree.

So join us, and the Willis, at 11pm on Channel 5 for what promises to be a ruddy good show!



from the STAR today


Later today Big Brother will reveal to the gang that Dexter Koh, 28, and Gina Rio, 24 have been living in a secret safe house.

Dexter and Gina will then be told to save one of the four housemates facing eviction.

However, they will then have to select another housemate to put in the firing line instead.

A show insider said: “We will really mess with their heads.”



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