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Day 24 round-up: Better safe than sorry

2 hours ago

The safe house fun kicked off in quite some style on Day 24, with housemates thrown a curveball right from the off. Those remaining in the main House were told that the viewers were taking over for the aptly-named Viewers' Takeover task when in fact it was your troublesome twosome, Gina and Dexter, who'd be taking the reins and dishing out treats and punishments as though they were Big Brother himself.

Dexter and Gina took to their headphones right away, starting their day off with some Daley and Hazel analysis. The merry mischief they got up to was off the chart, with stinky lunchboxes and prison spells among the treats for their old pals. There may have been a few close calls but Ginxter managed to pass the day in style – and soon there was more intrigue as Interrogation Time began. After that, Dexter applied his people-reading skills to Callum's gait â€“ we can't vouch for the veracity of his claims though. Gina and Dexter have had regular pow-wows on the responsibility they're going to have to summon when they return to the House. They're going to need to get the balance right between venting and holding their tongues. But that didn't stop them laying into their 'two-faced' HMs from the safety of their new digs.

Back in the House, our friends were enjoying a delicious takeaway having passed their earlier task but that didn't stop Dan from pondering all the weirdness he's picking up on. Sam, of all people, also had a good think about some of the stranger elements of this year's series. On top of all this, poor Jackie suffered an injury but, don't worry, she's been attended to and is firmly back in the House.

Nobody was spared Dexter and Ginas' point of view, from the obvious (Wolfy) to the less so (Jackie). This is likely to continue now that Day 25 is upon us. It's going to be a lot of fun watching this wagon roll on...



Today on Big Brother's Bit on the Side: Sunday 7th July

40 mins ago

It's huge, it packed full of celebrities and it is the only way to spend your Sunday! That's right it's Rylan's Super Sized Sunday.

Today's tip top bloomin' marvellous guests include actress Jessica-Jane Stafford, reality star Hugo Taylor and Finnish Eurovision songstress Krista Siegrids.

Rumpologist Sam Amos will be geting to the bottom of the housemates' behaviour.

Stick the telly on Channel 5 at 12.55pm. You'd be a fool not to.


 Day 25: Frying in the noms heat... and sun

14 mins ago

What a Sunday. It's 28 degrees outside, Murray's doing battle on centre court and the third round of nominations is happening in the Diary Room. The combination of crazy heat and judgement day is melting everyone. Housemates don't have the energy to vocally fret like usual at this time of the week.

Staunch sun worshippers Hazel and Charlie have  put in the hours basking in bikinis, with their housemates lolling around them, slightly more covered  but equally inert.

In the Safe House, our dear spies are too blissed out to be as catty in their comments on their victims.  A brother/sister vibe is starting to blossom between the pair you've brilliantly dubbed Posh and Dex. Even Gina's snoring can't come between them.

But the sun has to set on this incredible day, on Wimbledon and on the climate of uncertainty that holds the House in its sweaty palm. Tune in to tomorrow's show on Channel 5 to join the housemates in learning who will face eviction next Friday.

And while you wait, why not tell us who you want up. This poll may not affect the result but it sure feels good to cast your vote.



Posh and Dex


 Day 25: Mum's the word


As one of their many trouble-making tasks, Dexter and Gina have had the opportunity to put some tough questions to Hazel and Charlie, with Big Brother making out that the questions had been sent in by members of the public.

Yesterday, Hazel didn't seem very ruffled by her Diary Room quizzing, but today, after spending quite some time facing the questions from 'the public', Charlie seemed quite fazed.

Her main bone of contention was that three of her questions focused on the presence of one Ms Jackie Travers in the House. The biggest impact was made by Ginxter's clever question: "would you have more fun if your mum wasn't in the House?"

This threw Charlie into a mini tizz, so she took to the safe haven of the treehouse with Dan to talk it over. After a barrage of "oh, I just don't know, I don't know I don't know..." Charlie got real, tackling the question head on:

Charlie- "Probably..."

Dan- "...Maybe"

Charlie- Yes...and no.

Oh, wait, so she didn't really tackle it at all. It fell to Dan to sum it up, putting those analytical skills to good work: "your mum goes to bed before you a lot of the time...I don't think [you would have more fun without Jackie] because your mum has a lot of fun...and she would never judge you for how you are in the House." Charlie agreed.

So, there we go. She wouldn't have more fun. Or she would. Or, wait...we don't know. Maybe we need Dan to help us out here!


Day 25: Dancing divas

23 mins ago

Big Brother's decision to blast some unexpected music into the House has caused mass hysteria this evening. 

Booties have been shaken, arms have been twirled and we've witnessed A LOT of grinding - we're looking at you in particular, Daley and Hazel. Mmhmm.

But the best bit? The Jackie Travers shuffle, of course! Dang, that woman has the moves...


That's a Dad dancing face if we've ever seen one.




Daley better hope the wind doesn't change



Ah Jackie! Look at her go...



Excited much, Jack?



These two were extremely up-close and personal



Joe and Wolfy - shake it like you mean it



Dan is taking his dancing very seriously



Dexter getting in on the action in the Safe House



Day 25 round-up: Boogy nights

44 mins ago

After spending two nights in the Safe House, Dexter had something important to address with Gina on Day 25 – her snoring. There's only so much heavy breathing a man in such a confined space can take, after all.

And it wasn't only the D-man who was feeling a little ratty, with the twins doing a terrific job of winding each other up. Maybe it was the sweltering heat, or could the pressure of the third round of nominations be taking its tolls on the duo? The same couldn't be said for the rest of the housemates, who seemed far more interested in getting a tan than fretting about something as small as nominations...

In the afternoon, the paranoia meter went off the scale, after Charlie answered questions from the 'viewers' (or Gina and Dexter as they are otherwise known). Their carefully crafted inquisition was enough to put the former rebel in quite a tizz - much to the amusement of the Safe House dwellers.

Spirits were high in the evening after Big Brother dropped some impromptu tunes, which resulted in an outbreak ofquestionable boogying. Shapes were thrown all over the shop as the housemates got very up close and personal – some more than others (*ahem Daley and Hazel*).

Although the boxer tried to shrug it off as 'friendly banter', the other housemates didn't seem too convinced. It seems this latest incident has given Daley a few things to think about when it comes to his relationship with Hazel.

As the housemates chatted into the early hours, there was one thing on the housemates lip – who will face the public vote this week? You'll have to tune in to the highlight show at 9pm to find out!


Tonight on Big Brother's Bit on the Side: Monday 8 July

37 mins ago

Tonight Luke Scrase and Ashleigh Hughes, better known as Lushleigh, the couple from last year's Big Brother, will return to the panel. Will sparks fly between them? Will Ashleigh be wielding a pie and dressed as a clown?

Paul Ross, media all-rounder and, for our money, the most elegant of the Ross fraternity (he is the big brother and you know we like our brothers big) will be chipping in, while psychologist Rachel Morris will be analysing up a storm.

Our delightful Rylan will be hosting said crew plus exclusive clips and news at 11pm on Channel 5.


Day 26: Dexter wonders about life after the Safe House

20 mins ago

"With all this luxury and all this power there has to be some kind of price," said Dexter to his roomie.

Big Brother reinforced the 'luxury' part of that sentence by delivering a cooked English breakfast.

Munching on hash browns, Dexter's brain kept whirring.

Would Big Brother dump them back in the House with no introduction, leaving them to decide how to play it? They could be secretive and lie, telling of the outside world and media coverage... But, Dexter reasoned, this wouldn't be very moral, would it?

Inspiration struck a little later.

"We could say we were let out to a record a single and it's already number 5 in the iTunes chart!"


Dexter directed his curiosity back to the present.

"If you had to give the money to someone who would you give it to?" he asked.

Gina recoiled at awarding ÂĢ100, 000 to any of her former housemates, her line of reasoning being no one was planning to open a small business.

Very logical.

Pushed, the infamous hotel-resider, decided she'd give Callum the money.

"He's the nicest person in the house and cycles for everyone in the  morning - who else does that?"

An interesting observation. Does this mean Gina will be taking a friendlier line with the people's cyclist when she reenters the House? As usual, only time will tell.


Big Brother 2013 nominations twist live tonight!


There’s a Big Brother 2013nominations twist in store for the housemates on this evening’s live show.


Yesterday morning, Big Brother gathered the housemates to inform them that the latest nominations would start in just one hour’s time.

The housemates are still unaware that Friday’s double eviction was a fake, with Gina Rio andDexter Koh currently watching their every move from a secret safe house.

Gina and Dexter are immune from this week’s nominations, and were able to watch the nominations unfold from the luxury of their safe house, with they’ve continued to be provided booze and treats over the weekend.

With Gina and Dexter gone, this week’s nominations should be wide open, with the pair having attracted the majority of the votes in the first three weeks.

But just who will be the unlucky few that do have to face eviction?

Whoever is put up by fellow housemates, it could all change, with Big Brother teasing that Gina and Dexter will get to have an influence on the results.

It’s unclear exactly what will happen yet, but a spokesperson for Channel 5 and Big Brother commented: “There will also be some exciting news for the safe housemates regarding nominations.”

Tonight’s Big Brother, from 10PM on Channel 5, will go live to the house from 10:45PM for the nominations twist!


Read more:


Day 26: Trouble in Travers-dise

47 mins ago

Today Charlie woke up and thought "I don't give a s***".

"I'm actually an argumentative person. I'm very opinionated. My friends would look at me and wonder why I'm being so reserved," she told Hazel.

This passionate outpouring came after an emotional talk with Dan which came after an emotional Diary Room session.

Her emotions landed after a night of getting embarrassed by her mum which came before separate chats with Daley on Hazel and Hazel on Daley.

Got it?

The point is Charlie Travers has been a busy bee, or as Dan delicately put it: "You're often helping other people deal with their emotions so maybe you don't have time to deal with your own."

Turns out she finds helping others cathartic so that won't be changing. The projected change area concerns her bluntness.

"The emotions were a sign. I had to be ready. I have woken up this morning and am not afraid now to speak my mind and argue, just in terms of opinions. "

It seems likely that Hazel and Daley might be hearing a lot of those opinions. She told Dan about an early pact between herself, Daley and Callum (who has been making waves with both Daley and Hazel for holding up his end) to keep Daley chaste.

You have been warned.


Hi all Just been catching up on the vids and news as I didn't get to see much of the hl show last night, thanks for sharing  I enjoy seeing the fun they're having in the safe house, they may not have too much fun when they go back in the house when the others realise what's been happening.


I was reading the tweets and it seemed there was a bad atmosphere between some of the hm's last night - apart from the Hazel and Daley thing - but they don't explain why, hope we find out tonight.

Yellow Rose

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