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Hazel O’Sullivan

5th July 2013

By Daily Star reporter


SEXY model Hazel O’Sullivan claims lesbian Wolfy Millington is trying to bed her.

big brother, hazel o'sullivan, wolfy millington, unwanted, advances, coming, on, gossip         Hazel O'Sullivan is in a blossoming romance with Daley Ojuederie

But the Irish beauty, 28, pictured in the house yesterday, has no interest in the hippy and says Wolfy’s unwanted advances are freaking her out.

In a heart-to-heart with Dan Neal, 33, she told him: β€œWolfy makes me uncomfortable coming on to me.”


β€œWolfy makes me uncomfortable coming on to me”        

<cite>Hazel O’Sullivan</cite>    

Last night viewers saw the house gossip about her blossoming romance with Daley Ojuederie, 28.

She told him: β€œI feel like I can’t speak to


Day 23 round-up: The day Big Brother opened the Safe House doors

51 mins ago

We all knew it was coming but we might not have suspected it was going to be THAT much fun. The Safe House doors opened on the evening of Day 23 and the public chose Dexter and Gina (or 'Ginxter' as you were quick to dub them) as their pair to cross its luxury threshold.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves, because before all that our housemates thought a straightforward eviction was on the cards so the usual routine was in full swing. Unaware of what lay ahead, Gina pondered meeting her ex-housemates and Dan – also in the firing line – aired a few more of his theoriesin the afternoon as well as the morning. Eviction nights mean scrubbing up so Joe even found time for a quick trim beforefalling out with his twin brother in spectacular style. Later on in the day Daley also had his head seen to β€“ but he wasn't overjoyed with the result.

A task came out of the woodwork later on which saw Sophie filmed up close and personal, with Wolfy and Gina set the challenge of embarrassing her. She suffered, but the reward was a lovely spread, courtesy of the Big dude.

Soon it was time for the evening we've all been hanging out for the whole week. The Safe House was ready. The housemates were convinced at least one of them was leaving. The stage was set.

Gina was the first to leave and the housemates watched on, goggle-eyed. Dexter wasn't far behind and, as soon as they'd been 'evicted', Big Brother delivered the extremely good newsthat they'd made it into a more palatial setting. For a whole week too.

They were shocked. They started listening in on their old pals and they started hatching plans. Essentially, they started as they mean to go on and those who voted for this twosome are likely to love the way this week is going to play out.

Despite this delightful twist in Big Brother's meandering tail, 'Ginxter' might have a slight cause for concern. Detective Danappears to be suspicious that something might be up and we all know what he's like when he feels that he might be onto something...


Tonight on Big Brother's Bit on the Psych: Saturday 6th July

22 mins ago

It's Saturday (hurrah!), it's sunny outside (woohoo!) and it's that time of the week again... Yup, it's your weekly dose of Big Brother's Bit on the Psych.

Joining our spritely weekend host, AJ Odudu, we have psychologist Dr Funke, performance coach Kate Marlow, body expert Judi James and last, but certainly not least, comedian Iain Lee.

So just like the weather forecast, it promises to be a scorcher!

See you at 11pm on Channel 5.

Originally Posted by MrsH:

Tonight on Big Brother's Bit on the Psych: Saturday 6th July

22 mins ago

It's Saturday (hurrah!), it's sunny outside (woohoo!) and it's that time of the week again... Yup, it's your weekly dose of Big Brother's Bit on the Psych.

Joining our spritely weekend host, AJ Odudu, we have psychologist Dr Funke, performance coach Kate Marlow, body expert Judi James and last, but certainly not least, comedian Iain Lee.

So just like the weather forecast, it promises to be a scorcher!

See you at 11pm on Channel 5.


Hi MrsH,


Love that picture of Emma ^

Bit shallow I know 

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities






BIG Brother playboy Dexter Koh was given a final warning last night after sparking shocking sex and race rows in the TV house. Channel 5 show chiefs read the celebrity publicist the riot act for talking about a sleazy sex act



BIG Brother playboy Dexter Koh was given a final warning last night over sex and race shockers.

The celebrity publicist was read the riot act by TV bosses after he made sick boasts about β€œrodeo-ing girls” – a reference to a sleazy sex trick.

And he caused further upset by making a jibe about gypsies in front of housemate Sophie Lawrence.

Dexter, 28, from Liverpool, was hauled into the diary room and told he was now on the verge of being booted off the show in disgrace.

His outbursts over the last 24 hours broke strict Big Brother rules about acceptable behaviour. An insider said: β€œHe is on the brink. He could be axed as one of the most dishonourable BB contestants in history.”

The Scouser, who has bragged that he has slept with 2,000 women, turned the air blue during a chat about sex in the early hours of yesterday.

He bragged about β€œrodeo-ing”, hinting that he had been involved in doing it. The former male escort said: β€œThis is where a guy and a girl have sex and the guy covers the girl with a sheet and loads of men run in the room.

β€œIt’s like a rodeo. Men put sheets over the girl. Loads of men run in and do stuff and wait to see if she notices.”

Housemates were speechless, with Wolfy Millington, 20, trying to change the subject by saying: β€œOn that note...”

Daley, 28, told him bluntly: β€œThat’s f***ing rape, bruv.”

Within minutes Dexter was summoned to the diary room for a dressing-down by bosses. When he emerged, he confessed: β€œI got into trouble.”

But yesterday afternoon he was at it again. He and fellow housemate Callum Knell, 28, were given a secret mission to try to annoy Sophie, 20, and make her lose her temper.

Dexter took the prank too far and made a nasty jibe, saying: β€œYou can’t take the caravan park out of the girl.”

His words stung the dental nurse, who has previously told housemates of her gypsy roots.

She went mad and branded him β€œa prick”.

Last night a show spokeswoman said: β€œDexter has been reminded about the use of inappropriate language in the house. He has since apologised.”

But there was some good news for Dexter last night as he and Gina Rio, 24, were voted into a secret luxury room.

The gang think the pair were evicted by viewers – but Dexter and Gina will spend the next few days spying on them.

Last edited by MrsH

Day 24: The Viewer's Takeover task

56 mins ago

Big Brother is handing over the reins today but as ever, there is a cheeky twist.

Housemates will be told that today the viewers will be controlling the House as part of Big Brother's Viewer's Takeover. It will be claimed fans have voted on certain situations, deciding what will happen and who it will happen to. Sounds convincing, right?

Little do they know, it won't be the audience pulling their strings but instead Dexter and Gina attempting to cause havoc from the comfort of their Safe House. That's more like it.

Housemates must comply fully with all instructions in order to earn a takeaway for the whole House.

Scenarios will include:

Which two Housemates should be sent to jail for the day, who should clean the House from top to bottom and which two Housemates should receive a cake and a bottle of wine as a treat.

Let the games begin!


1.07pm: Hazel is scrubbing in the kitchen. RT if you want to see a picture of her in full cleaning outfit!

1.25pm: Here you go Hazel fans. She's really getting stuck in.

Embedded image permalink

1.49pm: Wolfy had been given a gross lunch to eat by Gina and Dexter. She is not reacting well to the challenge. Yuk

1.54pm: Sophie in not impressed that Wolfy spat out her strong cheese sandwich. In jail, Daley doesn't seem too chuffed either.


Day 24: Jackie's been in the wars

29 mins ago

The House was served a shake-up this morning when Jackie Travers took a tumble during her morning workout.

Our dancing queen slipped and hurt her arm, causing enough alarm to earn a pass out of the House to receive medical treatment.

Fear not, it takes a lot to get Travers senior down and Charlie's mummy was back complete with a cast and sling not long after lunch.

Jackie revealed she'd fractured a bone in her right wrist. Housemates were thoroughly relieved and welcomed her back with hugs a plenty and yells of, "Jackie's back!"

Joe quipped: "She just wants us to cook for her."

"No I don't," retorted Jackie proving her sense of humour has remained firmly intact.


2.08pm: Gina is very happy with the lunch drama. It even got a thumbs up.


2.20pm: Sophie is getting flustered with Wolfy's lunch eating attempts. "She better not lose"" she grumbles


2.34pm: Callum and Sam are discussing Daley and Hazel's relationship. Again.


2.49pm: The housemates who aren't in jail or in the are soaking up the sun. Lush.


3.04pm: Gina and Dexter are bored... What, watching the HMs sunbathe isn't interesting?


3.21pm: Wolfy may have finally finished her disgusting lunch. Phew.


3.40pm: Jack, Joe and Sophie are taking part in a task where they have to discuss the housemates. It's quite revealing.


  /> Day 24: Gina and Dexter take control


Gina and Dexter have brought a grey cloud over an otherwise sunny House today, after being challenged by Big Brother to take part in The Viewers' Takeover. From the comfort of the Safe House, the duo have been plotting and scheming galore to cause as much drama as possible... and, boy, are they loving it...

To kick off proceedings, the duo picked Wolfy and Daley to take a trip to the slammer for the day. Gina hoped their time away from the group would bring out the housemates' true feelings towards Wolfy, whilst the decision to incarcerate Daley was purely to keep him away from his flirting partner, Hazel.  

There seems to have been a method behind the madness, however , as the housemates have indeed had a thing or two to say about the Bolton student - especially after her poor performance in eating a stinky lunchbox as part of today's task. It wasn't the salt and vinegar covered grasshoppers that caused the most distress, but rather the Stinking Bishop Cheese sandwich. We know what we'd prefer.

And as for Hazel and Daley, this too seems to have worked, but mainly because the Irish model has been forced to clean the House from top to bottom.  However we have a feeling it'll pick right back up from where it was left as soon as the boxer serves his time.

With a private chat, a treat delivery and an interrogation on its way, we're sure Gina and Dexter will be able to stir up some drama before the night is over.


Ask AJ: "I wouldn't want to be in the Safe House

13 mins ago

She lets you, the fans, have your say on Bit on the Psych but how has the House action hit AJ Odudu this week? We found out.

On the Safe House

AJ said: "I love it! I'm glad Dexter and Gina are in there but I'd really like to have seen Gina and Dan in there. That would have been great. Dan is so suspicious and he accuses everyone of being an actor and a mole so I'd like to see him being one himself. As for Gina, she's straight talking and not going to hold back. The same with Dexter.

"It's going to make Dexter and Gina feel completely powerful and the housemates haven't got a clue.

"I wouldn't want to be in the Safe House because there is only one person to interact with and it would be like being in a posh prison cell. However, if the House is as disgusting and smelly as the housemates say it is, then it might be good to get away."

On Dexter and Gina

AJ said: "I don't see Dexter as a clever game player. They all know he talks behind people's backs. He just gets on the wrong side of people and says inappropriate things. I don't think his presence is going to be missed.

"Gina is the clever one. She gets away with doing the minimum in the House and people only nominate her for that. They don't dislike her. She picks and chooses who she is friends with and when she is friends with them. It's really interesting how she does it.

On House romance

"I don't think Charlie and Callum will get together. Obviously we don't know what she is like when she fancies someone but Jackie says she's not behaving like she really likes him. When Sallie came out of the House she said she was just really touchy feely. Jackie has already done a good job of sabotaging any potential relationship anyway.

"I feel sorry for Hazel because Gina has been saying lots of horrible things about her and Daley making out it is all her fault. She's forgotten Daley started it all. Daley's an attractive guy, you'd be tempted but he's leading her on and it's not right. I think if anything happened between them it would be the end for Hazel because women would turn against her.

On this week's tasks so far

"I'd put Hazel and Dan in the jail so we could see how far he would go. It would either make him do something or be the end of all this. This is the only exciting thing Daley has done so far.

"I loved Dan and Sam as two peas in a pod. They did really well. The Animals Say the Funniest Things task was interesting because it was funny and although they were taking the p**s a bit, they were respectful but Callum decided to tell everyone how gutted he was about his relationship or lack of with Charlie."

On tonight's Bit on the Psych

There will be plenty of high energy banter from Iain Lee and me, loads of exclusives from the House and our experts will analysing the housemates, telling you all those interesting things you never thought of.


Day 24: The Viewers' Takeover- Interrogation Time

5 mins ago

The Viewers' Takeover task has already seen Hazel scrub the House from top to bottom, Sam and Dan enjoy a delicious cake treat, and Wolfy and Daley sit in the slammer for a while, and now Dexter and Gina have the opportunity to ask one housemate some revealing questions.

They were told that one housemate would be called to the Diary Room and asked a series of questions. These questions would, of course, be dreamed up by the safe house inhabitants, but the housemate would think they were questions from the public.

Once they fully understood just how much they could stand to find out from this interrogation, they hotly debated which housemate to choose. They both decided against Daley, agreeing that "he's boring" and though Callum looked like a likely suspect at first, they soon settled on the realisation that he's "too diplomatic" and "won't be nasty".

For a brief moment, it looked like Charlie would be in the hot seat, but Gina pointed out that Miss Travers would play it safe with her answers, saying "she wants to be liked" and that she'd just "run to mummy" once she came out of the Diary Room.

So, who did they choose? Well, as if it weren't bad enough that Hazel's been scrubbing the floors in a tabard, she has now been chosen to face the dastardly duo's questions.

Hazel will shortly be called to the Diary Room to face their tough-cookie questions, which we can reveal will include "the public think you use your looks to manipulate certain men in the House- do you think that is true?" which initially included the phrase 'good looks' until Gina devilishly declared "not 'good looks', just 'looks'- don't want to make her head bigger than it is!" Ohhhhh, Gina!

Make sure to check back to see how Hazel fares under the heat of the interrogation.


Day 24: Takeover and takeaway

2 hours ago

Today's secret-tastic task saw Gina and Dexter take control over aspects of House life, making Hazel clean the House in a very unflattering tabard, making the twins and Sophie have a private conversation in the treehouse, sending Wolfy and Daley to jail, and treating Dan and Sam to a delicious cake. They also had the chance to interrogate Hazel via a bunch of questions, that Hazel would think had been put to her by the general public.

Because the housemates all went along with the instructions that Gina and Dexter gave them, Big Brother rewarded them with a lovely Chinese takeaway. Great stuff, and well done, housemates!



Get stuck in, Callum!



Wolfy serves up



Dan's a shady customer



Jackie Travers loves prawn crackers




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