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Day 23: Nothin' doin' on eviction day

4 hours ago

Usually, eviction days are fraught with a nervous energy that verily crackles through our monitors, but today seems to be an exception to that rule. Today, the housemates are uniformly calm, cool and collected. Honestly, we had to double check that it was definitely Friday.

Sure, it's not a real eviction, what with two of our housemates entering the safe house rather than the real world, but they don't know that!
The nominated housemates have come over all Zen. Wolfy has spent the morning chilling out and sharing her secret hot chocolate recipe, while Dexter and Dan have been making the most of the delicious weather.

To her credit, Gina has already spent a good 90% of her waking hours on her hair and makeup. Apart from Gina's beautifying regime, they're all far too chilled out!

Don't just take it from us; Jack's noticed too! He mused "it's Eviction Day! I don't know how they're all so calm!" to which Hazel pointed out that while "nobody wants to go in the first couple of weeks" some of the nominated housemates might be less stressed out at the prospect of being out third.

Hmm, maybe, Hazel. For his part, Dexter thinks he'll get nervous later on, remarking "it usually gets worse after breakfast."

So, watch this space, we guess...



Day 23: Tea for thirteen

1 hour ago

After today's task, where housemates had to embarrass, annoy, scare and bore Sophie without her suspecting a thing, Big Brother decided to treat them all to scones, cakes and other goodies. It was a right royal afternoon tea.

What a lovely treat, eh? Check out this gallery of the housemates enjoying the fruits of their labours.


Sophie was delighted



And who wouldn't be, with these delicious cakes on offer



Jack got stuck in



And Hazel certainly enjoyed her scone






Ladies what lunch















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Exclusive! Safe House pictures

30 mins ago

Tonight's the night - two housemates will have to suffer a fake eviction, before being whisked off to Big Brother's top secret luxury Safe House. From here, they will be able to watch their housemates every move, and even influence events in the House.

Ahead of tonight's live show (9pm, Channel 5), Big Brother kindly allowed us to sneak in to the Safe House, to bring you these exclusive snaps. Maybe they'll help you to decide which pair of housemates should be sent there? There's still time for you to cast your vote...

Last edited by Former Member

Day 23: Gina and Dexter voted into the Safe House

11 mins ago

Dexter and Gina have entered Big Brother's luxurious Safe House where they will eavesdrop on life in the House and enjoy immunity from next week's nominations.

This result is the peak of an iceberg of dramatic irony. Since Wednesday night the public has been voting for which pair (Dexter and Gina or Dan and Wolfy) they want in the secret Safe House.

Meanwhile clueless housemates have been mentally preparing for an eviction as usual. To the flies in BB's web of lies, tonight's surprise was the 'double' element of this 'eviction'.

Gina "with the most votes" left first as the group chanted "We love you Gina, we do!"

Shortly afterwards, the muted group were recalled to the sofas, none the wiser that Dexter's name was inevitable. When the moment came, the celebrity publicist palpably jumped before thanking everyone curtly, his devastation obvious.

"You deserve to stay," he told Dan as they hugged.

Outside, when Emma spilled the beans, his face crumpled and he reached out to his fans in the crowd. Reeling, he entered the Diary Room to join Gina where the pair giggled in confusion and delight as they were briefed in full about what was in store for them.

Minutes later they entered the candy-coloured Safe House whispering, tip-toeing and generally leading us to believe that they'll be pros at this spy's game.

As we write they are drinking champers and watching their fellow housemates. Stay tuned as we watch them watching their housemates...


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