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Originally Posted by MrsH:

thanks erin for keeping us up todate 



 4.02pm: Wolfy's filleting mackerel like it's going out of fashion.  

4.08pm: Most HMs are avoiding the fishy smells from the kitchen by lounging in the garden  

Decent fish shouldn't smell!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Safe house twist: Big Brother’s latest big scam

Posted July 4 2013 by Matt Scott
Safe house twist: Big Brother's latest big scam



Big Brother 2013: Secrets & Lies is about to introduce a ‘safe house’ twist – but is it really a scheme to keep save this week’s four nominees from eviction? Here we present the evidence…

Just three weeks ago, this series of Big Brother looked like it was going to be one of the best ever – well, the best on Channel 5 at least.

A brand new boss had finally answered our prayers and drafted Emma Willis in as the main host, there would me more live streaming to provide a less edited insight in to the housemates, and the new theme of secrets and lies made the pre-launch build-up the most exciting for years.

However, three weeks in, and it’s now turned out to be a bit of a damp squib.

The launch twist that they promoted for three weeks and described as ‘never been done before’ actually borrowed from two previous years and only lasted for nine days. They reversed one of the few good changes C5 had made to the show by bringing back vote to evict. The live feed was cancelled rather than given another chance in a timeslot where it wouldn’t have faced competition from the juggernaut soaps.

And now, it seems the producers are again up to their crafty old tricks.

Back in January, we proclaimed that they’d ‘destroyed any shred of credibility left in the Big Brother format’ when they allowed Celebrity housemate Rylan Clark out of the house for work. But with all the fresh changes they’d made for this series came a glimmer of hope that they might have changed their attitudes.

It turns out we were stupid to think so, as this week’s eviction is now not going ahead as expected – with either Dexter & Gina or Dan & Wolfy instead set to be fake evicted to a ‘secret safe house’.

Spin-off show Bit On The Side – masters at glossing over controversy – may want you to believe that there’s no ‘conspiracy theories’ or ‘fixes’ involved.

But they’re not pulling the wool over our eyes. We’re convinced that this twist was cobbled together at the last minute to save all four – and below, we sum up why.

Reason 1: It wasn’t announced before nominations

First of all, we should acknowledge that we’re fully aware that the safe house – which is located just off the garden – hasn’t been built overnight. Its existence was revealed to viewers when the house floorplans were shown on BOTS a fortnight ago.

However, we’re pretty sure that the top brass had planned to use it later in the series, and have instead hastily brought its introduction forward.

Usually, when major twists like this are about to come in to play, they’re announced to viewers in the live eviction show the week prior. However, it didn’t happen this time.

If Emma had given us even just the slightest teaser last Friday night – ‘next week’s nominees will not face eviction’, or something along those lines – the whole safe house twist would have been above board and we wouldn’t have published this article.

However, she didn’t – and that speaks volumes.

Reason 2: The nominees are big characters

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past week you’ll be aware that the four housemates nominated this week have been at the centre of the action.

With the house already having lost Sallie and Jemima, it’s highly likely the producers couldn’t bear to see another big character leave – so why not cook up a twist that’ll save all four and make two of them even more prominent instead?

Reason 3: The pairs have been pre-selected

Usually, viewers get to cast their votes for individual housemates. But instead of opening each of Dan, Dexter, Gina and Wolfy’s lines, bosses have instead paired them off – so you can only for either Dexter and Gina to move houses, or Dan and Wolfy.

If what was said on BOTS is to be believed, Dexter and Gina were coupled because they had the most nominations, while Dan and Wolfy had the least.

So it’s just a coincidence that these are also the pairs that have the most tension between each other, therefore maximising the potential drama in them living together?

We call bulls**t.

Reason 4: They originally had another twist planned

The Daily Star doesn’t exactly have a reputation for telling the truth, especially among Big Brother fans. Their annual ‘sex room’ rumours give us all a chuckle – and let’s not forget they promised us not one, but four 24 hour live feeds for Channel 5′s relaunch of the show.

However, the Star and C5 are both owned by the same company – Richard Desmond’s Northern & Shell – so they also have the inside track on what’s going down at Elstree.

And in recent years, they have nailed the finer details more often than not, having almost entirely accurately reported details of last year’s Wildcard housemate, launch night nominations and White Room, as well as January’s CBB basement.

So there’s no doubt in our minds that, when they said earlier this week that last night’s twist would involve housemates saving one of the nominees, they were correct at the time.

After all, the sad fact is that the Big Brother execs are now just as trustworthy as a tabloid newspaper.

It’s a real shame that the new safe house twist has ‘fix’ written all over it, as if it had been done legitimately it would most likely have been quite decent – even if the whole secret house thing has been done to death in years gone by.

But it has come at the cost of yet more of the producers’ integrity. Their meddling will no doubt be on our minds as we watch the next week play out – and that’s not a feeling you want to have about a ‘reality’ show.

Read more:
Originally Posted by MrsH:



a reference to Dexter and having a secret was made on his Twitter account by his work friend who is running it for him - wonder what it is 

   <small class="time">28 Jun</small>

Big brother is a game show like deal or no deal, Dexter may have told a few white lies in his VT, but his secret is yet 2 be revealed


DAN Neal enraged BB fans last night by secretly plotting to cash in on his fame as “Big Brother’s Savile sex cop”.


dan, neal, police, yewtree, scandal, big, brother, channel, 5 Dan Neal shocked Big Brother viewers with his comments yesterday

The former policeman is convinced his role in the investigation and his time on the show can help him make a fortune.

Dan has even lined up an agent and reckons he will have no trouble raking in cash by making nightclub appearances, modelling and even starring in his own reality show.

“I gave up everything to do Big Brother, crazily,” he told Gina Rio. “I’ve suppressed the creative side of my personality. I feel Big Brother is the push I need to get out. It’s exciting, very daunting, but I have to believe I can do well.”

In a cosy late-night chat Gina, 24, even offered to introduce him to her agent Jaine Brent, who looks after celebs including Phillip Schofield, 51, Russell Grant, 62, Kerry Katona, 32, and the band Blue.

Gina told him: “Looking at your aura, I see you in the papers. I see you being papped all the time.”

Excited Dan told her: “Does your agent have men on her books? I wonder what she will do with me?”

“It would be extraordinary if a Yewtree policeman was making money on the back of this when so many people have seen their lives put on hold”

<cite>A showbiz source</cite>

The 33-year-old has become one of this year’s most talked-about housemates following a series of bust-ups.

He made headlines when he went on the Channel 5 show because he revealed he had quit his job as a detective working on Operation Yewtree, which probes celebrity sex abuse claims, to go in the house.

No stars quizzed in the inquiry, including Freddie Starr, 70, Jim Davidson, 59, and Dave Lee Travis, 68 – none of whom has been charged with any offence – were able to talk about Dan’s cash bid last night.

But one showbiz source said: “It would be extraordinary if a Yewtree policeman was making money on the back of this when so many people have seen their lives put on hold.”

Last night viewers saw Dan suffer a mini-meltdown in the diary room after he was branded a bully and put up for eviction.

He sobbed: “What is wrong with me? I don’t want to cry. I feel a bit lost. I feel lonely.”



Day 22 round-up: Housemates and other animals

Day 22 started early as Day 21 turned into a late-night party. With all the tongues wagging over Hazel and him, Daley assured Charlie that far from tongues, he wouldn't even kiss the model on the cheek. Dexter gave Callum a warning over his in-House behaviour. Then all the feelings alchemised into goo as the group shared a hug before bed.

A sleep later and Callum awoke haunted by words from the previous night. Who can he trust now? Even Charlie, his thwarted amour, has mixed feelings about him. But before they could rabbit on too much a real rabbit was introduced to the House, along with an emu and an oyster. Animals Say The Funniest Things was a task that allowed Wolfy to lead the others in a spot of communicating with creatures.

Task over and chat was on again for Callum and Dexter who reignited thoughts from the previous night, mulling over what had gone wrong for them. Sophie had wronged in a different way and she was sent to the slammer for the original Big Brother sin – talking about nominations. Housemates tried to cheer her up by putting on an al fresco show but all they really showed up was their inner kids.

As the day wore on, familiar threads picked up with Hazel vowing to distance herself from Daley and the two male housemates up for eviction dominating proceedings in distinctly different ways. Dan had a weep and was comforted by the Travers' women. Dexter channelled his powers of speech, first alluding to a big secret that he's reluctant to confess, then imagining the shocks that lie in wait today.

Oh sonny, you have no idea. There's still time to vote Dexter and Gina or Wolfy and Dan into the Safe House. Go go go.



Big Brother 2013 housemate Dan Neal has been issued an official warning over comments he made about Callum Knell in the house.


Dan and Callum have been clashing all week since Callum nominated Dan in Monday night’s face to face nomination, resulting in the former copper being put up for eviction (or so he believes).

Dan raged to Hazel earlier this week after nominations: “The reason I’m now up is because he nominated me for a lame reason. There must be more to the nomination that he didn’t have the balls to say.”

He later confronted Callum but the pair failed to see eye to eye and have continued to bicker all week.

Yesterday Dan continued to rant, saying: “I felt like punching him in the face.

“He f***ing winds me up. I could have punched him. I don’t like him.

“It’s the way he speaks. I want to punch him in the face.”

Big Brother was quick to call Dan to the Diary Room to cool down, before giving him a formal warning for the outburst.

Earlier, Callum had told Big Brother in the Diary Room that he would be happy to sit down with Dan and talk things out.

He said: “I’m happy to sit down with any one and let them in here (points to head) and explain things to them. I won’t be chasing him, I don’t want to make the situation worse by offering an olive branch or anything like that, and I don’t feel like I have done anything wrong.”

A spokesperson for Channel 5 and Big Brother commented last night: “The normal protocols were followed.”

BBUK airs nightly on Channel 5.



Day 23: Hair today,

22 mins ago

With our housemates just having surpassed the three-week mark, it's no surprise that a few of them are looking a little bit overgrown in the barnet department. Luckily, budding beautician Sophie was on hand to help Joe discover a whole new him, via the medium of a short back and sides.

It was only Sophie's second ever haircut, and we think she pulled it off with aplomb. Joe is pretty pleased with his new look, and we reckon Jack, who had an unwanted haircut in the Quarantine task, is a little bit jealous.

What do you think of Joe's new 'do?




What a change!



Sophie hard at work



Fabulous, dahling!







1:21pm:In today's task, HMs must make Sophie laugh, shout & yawn while she's got something on her head...



Day 23: Task- In Your Face!

14 mins ago

As we exclusively revealed to Emma on last night's Big Brother's Bit On The Side, today will see a little task whereby one of our lucky housemates will be given a camera that will film her face all day.

That housemate will be our bubbly blonde Sophie, and she will be told that her every word, action and grin will be captured for a new segment on BBBOTS called 'Up Close And Personal'. As ever, Big Brother's beautiful task team has a trick up their sleeve, and the real task will be for the rest of the housemates.

While Sophie's face is being relentlessly filmed, the other housemates will have to elicit a whole range of emotions from her. Some of these may be quite simple: official Funniest housemates Jack and Joe will have to crack Sophie up with one of their trademark  jokes. Other emotions might be tougher: will Dexter and Callum manage to annoy her so much she shouts at them?

If the housemates manage to get Sophie to express annoyance, laughter, fear, lust, embarrassment and boredom, Big Brother will reward them with a spot of afternoon tea. Oh how very proper!

Make sure you follow us on Twitter and keep checking back here on the website for updates on this task and all the other action from the House.



2:31pm: Sophie's in the Diary Room, and the other HMs are dissecting their task behaviour.


2:36pm: The twins are discussing different ways to prepare potatoes


2:43pm: Dan is sitting in silent repose. Contemplating the eviction, perhaps?


2:55pm: While we await the results of the task, Wolfy has a question: "does anyone have the toe-dividers?" Well? Do you have them?


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