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Day 22: Who can Callum trust?

2 hours ago

The morning after the party night before has left the House a bit blurry around the edges. Callum in particular has been trying to iron out a couple of fuzzy conversations that have left him feeling on edge.

In the kitchen he confided in Jack about chats with Dexter and on/off love interest Charlie.

Basically Dexter had told Callum he feels they've grown apart(ahhhhh) and that Callum has been making some unwise moves. Dexter being something of an expert on this topic...

Callum vented:  "It's the same s*** from the other day again. If I want to wash up or ride the bike then I shouldn't have to worry about what people think about me, if I want to do something nice."

Fair enough right?  And Callum did nominate Dexter so he could have an axe to grind. But wait, what's this? Callum revealed Charlie has given him a speaking to that had made his head spin.

He explained to Jack: "I think she said, 'Cal, there's something about you and I don't trust you.'

"I thought woooowaaaah what. You're one of my people in this House. So I need to be sure she said that. Someone whose shoulder I cried on this afternoon has said I don't trust you. Maybe Dex is right." Golly, maybe he is.

Callum is planning to approach the pair today so we'll keep you posted. And he's feeling positive.

He said: "I'm not going to let last night ruin the mood and define me." Cue big manly hug with Jack. Grrr.


Day 22: Animals Say The Funniest Things - the result

6 mins ago

The Animals Say The Funniest Things task today saw Wolfy communing with animals to try and get the gist of what housemates have on their mind. In a slightly unscientific test, the gang practiced by chatting with cuddly toys before being let loose on the garden, one-by-one, where an emu (Brian), an oyster (Margaret) and a rabbit (Mr Tops) were hanging out. Each housemate spoke in turn with the animal of their choice before returning to the living area and keeping their chinwag schtum.

It didn't seem like all housemates were taking the task too seriously. Hazel seemed a little embarrassed when delivering her secret and Daley in particular offered a bit of an off-the-wall insight about his male grooming routine. This may have affected the results somewhat.

After housemates were done it was Wolfy's turn to see if she could discern the secrets the animals were keeping. In the event, she managed to get one of her pals' innermost-thoughts from the livestock in the garden, which means the crew will receive a solitary reward later on today.

Before that they've got the arrival of the shopping to look out for – so luckily spirits remain rather high.




I have lost my buzz   I hate this second house twist and I hate that whoever goes out will get interviewed and then back in 


what happened to NO contact with the outside world 


how long will this second house thing be - just the one week and then back in at the next eviction night or longer


was trying to remember how long other twists like this have lasted but the head is  today  

Originally Posted by MrsH:



I have lost my buzz   I hate this second house twist and I hate that whoever goes out will get interviewed and then back in 


what happened to NO contact with the outside world 


how long will this second house thing be - just the one week and then back in at the next eviction night or longer


was trying to remember how long other twists like this have lasted but the head is  today  

I should think they return to the main house Wednesday when we have the live to the house section of the HL show ,or Thursday via a party.

Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by erinp:

I should think they return to the main house Wednesday when we have the live to the house section of the HL show ,or Thursday via a party.

  I hope not - shudders at the thought of another fight night 

Fight night if it was Dan/Wolfy as they find it difficult to contain their emotions ,not if it's Dexter/Gina just look at what has been thrown at them and they have stayed level headed

Originally Posted by Aimee:

They all really giving wolfy air time today, the other's nominated must think the same 


I am also wondering if they are wondering   why no-one got saved last night - tis no secret they have it sussed they go live Mon - Wed and Fridays - they spoke about it on live feed 


I do miss those 2 hours .... 

Originally Posted by Baz:
But I agree Mrs H ...I don't like it when they mess with nominations either ! It should be our right to evict whoever is nomm'd !


I think the pairings should have chosen by the vote as well - I see why they have paired as they have but  they are tampering too much for me - the housemates choose Gina and Dexter for reasons we dont see - we have others that are too quiet that might come into the mix now but I still dont agree how they have done it 

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by erinp:

I should think they return to the main house Wednesday when we have the live to the house section of the HL show ,or Thursday via a party.

  I hope not - shudders at the thought of another fight night 

Fight night if it was Dan/Wolfy as they find it difficult to contain their emotions ,not if it's Dexter/Gina just look at what has been thrown at them and they have stayed level headed

cant argue with that - just hate the boredom of watching 2 people in a room with headphones  

Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by erinp:

I should think they return to the main house Wednesday when we have the live to the house section of the HL show ,or Thursday via a party.

  I hope not - shudders at the thought of another fight night 

Fight night if it was Dan/Wolfy as they find it difficult to contain their emotions ,not if it's Dexter/Gina just look at what has been thrown at them and they have stayed level headed

cant argue with that - just hate the boredom of watching 2 people in a room with headphones  

but this is luxury house and they get to play pranks

Originally Posted by MrsH:


later  will be around most of the evening 


sorry for the moans ^^^  I really am in a grump about this twist today amongst other things in my world 


I know how you feel.. I am in a right stinker, 4 days and  no Gym ,very little sleep because I have a sh*t cough.

See you later MrsH  ,we can be grumpy together



In summary, the secrets each housemate shared with the animals were:

· Callum told Brian the emu that he was gutted Charlie had lost her faith in  him and was questioning things.

· Charlie told Mr Tops the rabbit that she is feeling judged and intimidated  by certain people in the house.

· Daley told Mr Tops the rabbit that he trims his bum hair.

· Dan told Mr Tops the rabbit that he thinks the task was set to make them  look stupid because Wolfy is leaving tomorrow night.

· Dexter told Mr Tops the rabbit that he has romantic feeling for someone in  the house who’s not Hazel and this mental connection is confusing him.

· Gina told Brian the emu that she feels more comfortable with the animals  than she does the housemates.

· Hazel told Brian the emu that everyone is driving her crazy and she is  uncomfortable having to deal with so many open emotions in the house.

· Jack told Mr Tops the rabbit that he is fed up with all the deep  conversations in the house because they get dull.

· Jackie told Brian the emu that she found the first two weeks difficult but  is now starting to relax more.

· Joe told Mr Tops the rabbit that sometimes he feels like the most lonely  person in the house.

· Sam told Margaret the oyster that he was cheesed off with Daley.

· Sophie told Mr Tops the rabbit that she thinks people in the house only see  what they want to see and didn’t keep an open mind regarding Wolfy’s unusual  beliefs.

Wolfy attempted to discover three of these secrets by talking to the  animals:

She thought Callum told Mr Tops the rabbit that he has a problem with how  people are reacting to the fact that he is always seen as ‘Mr Nice’. This was  INCORRECT.

She thought Jackie said she wished there was someone on her wavelength in the  house. This was INCORRECT.

She thought Jack wanted a fun experience in the house, but felt that  sometimes people enjoyed deep conversations too much. This was CORRECT.

As Wolfy discovered one secret correctly, she won one reward – ingredients  for a fish supper for the whole house

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