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12.46pm: Sophie, Hazel, Wolfy, Jack and Joe are donning shower caps, pouches and bowl hats. This task is going to be a hoot!

12.53pm: The 'unhealthy' HMs are getting ready for the first challenge. They are going to have to bounce their way to a win.

1.02pm: This is one seriously messy task. We have no idea if the HMs are doing well or not but it's very entertaining

1.12pm: SPOILER ALERT! Take a look at just how mucky our task HMs are getting

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1:17pm: The first challenge is over, and competitors are rinsing off in the shower. The results will be revealed soon...


Day 20: Four sides to the nominations story

1 hour ago

If there's one thing housemates hate (and to be honest, there are a bloomin' lot of things they claim to despise), it's face-to-face nominations which is probably why Big Brother loves them so much.

In the aftermath of their first face off, HMs have been playing it safe today but the four nominees just can't keep their feelings to themselves.

Wolfy has taken a typically philosophical approach saying, "Yesterday I got told there were four people up for eviction and I was one of them – you can't question nature, it's always right."

She has got it in for one fellow housemate though. Can you guess who? "I ain't taking no more s*** from Dan," she revealed.  "I'm putting my s*** shield up." Sounds messy.

Dexter has taken the opportunity to do a little soul searching. He announced, "If I've made myself look like a t*** then I need to find some other ways to get myself up there – you never stop learning." That's pretty deep isn't it? So far he's attempted to apologise to/chat up Hazel – is this a new tactic? Not from where we are sat.

Dan opened his heart to Sam, sticking the knife (this is a metaphor) into Callum. "I think his reason for nominating me is weak," he whined. "I think the fact he said we are not close isn't real - there's more to it than that.

"I've said it before. I go with my gut," he continued.  "Some of the closeness in this House isn't real.  I'm real, I say what I think. That's what's annoying." You keep it real Dan.

Only Gina has remained tight lipped since waking up. This is her third time in the frame. Perhaps she's just used to it.

For now there is a shopping task to distract the gang – we're certain there's more fallout to come. Don't

Originally Posted by erinp:

Day 20: Four sides to the nominations story

1 hour ago

If there's one thing housemates hate (and to be honest, there are a bloomin' lot of things they claim to despise), it's face-to-face nominations which is probably why Big Brother loves them so much.

In the aftermath of their first face off, HMs have been playing it safe today but the four nominees just can't keep their feelings to themselves.

Wolfy has taken a typically philosophical approach saying, "Yesterday I got told there were four people up for eviction and I was one of them – you can't question nature, it's always right."

She has got it in for one fellow housemate though. Can you guess who? "I ain't taking no more s*** from Dan," she revealed.  "I'm putting my s*** shield up." Sounds messy.

Dexter has taken the opportunity to do a little soul searching. He announced, "If I've made myself look like a t*** then I need to find some other ways to get myself up there – you never stop learning." That's pretty deep isn't it? So far he's attempted to apologise to/chat up Hazel – is this a new tactic? Not from where we are sat.

Dan opened his heart to Sam, sticking the knife (this is a metaphor) into Callum. "I think his reason for nominating me is weak," he whined. "I think the fact he said we are not close isn't real - there's more to it than that.

"I've said it before. I go with my gut," he continued.  "Some of the closeness in this House isn't real.  I'm real, I say what I think. That's what's annoying." You keep it real Dan.

Only Gina has remained tight lipped since waking up. This is her third time in the frame. Perhaps she's just used to it.

For now there is a shopping task to distract the gang – we're certain there's more fallout to come. Don't

That's why he has got to go.


Big Brother 2013: Gina Rio hates everyone!

GINA RIO [Big Brother 2013)


Even before being put up for eviction, Gina’s not too happy with life inside the house.

She moans: “I just hate everyone; I just don’t want to talk to any of them I just don’t want to. I don’t want them around me. It’s hard. I don’t want anyone around me.

“And if anyone thinks I am going to work my ass off for another shopping task they can p**s off. I would rather live on sugar and Ready Brek for the whole duration of this time. I don’t care. I have never been around so many fake people in my entire life. Ever.”

Big Brother asks “Who do you enjoy spending time with?”

But Gina responds: “No one really. Wolfy is really p**sing me off. She loves being cuddled by Callum and it’s really weird to watch that too. Really weird. And I don’t really like her. There is more to life than just cigarettes or moaning. I can’t be bothered.”

Later Gina returns to Big Brother after being nominated to rant some more: “I’m heartbroken in a way. I feel that Wolfy snaked me and was extremely extremely unloyal and too faced and completely betrayed me, Judasâ€ĶI don’t really care. I don’t care. It’s not like I like these people in this place anyway. I don’t care.”

Big Brother airs at 10PM tonight on Channel 5.

Read more:



PICTURES! Big Brother 2013 face to face nominations



Here’s a picture recap of this week’s Big Brother 2013 nominations, which happened live and face to face.


Following the latest round of Big Brother 2013 nomination resultsDexter KohGina RioDan Neal and Wolfy Millington were all put up for the axe.

This week it was the second chance that the housemates themselves have had to vote but there was a twist: They couldn’t hide in the Diary Room!


Instead, each housemate was given a whiteboard and pen to write down the two names of the housemates they wanted to nominate before revealing them to the group with their reasons.


There were some surprising (and some not so surprising) votes when it came to who nominated who, with the housemates having to name names face to face.

Dexter almost scored a full house with ten nominations, with only Gina not nominating him, while Gina herself attracted four votes.

It was very close between Dan and Wolfy, and had Dexter not been banned from nominating, it could’ve all changed, but in the end the pair both had two votes which was enough to put them up for eviction this week.

Browse our pictures belowâ€Ķ

















Read more:


Big Brother 2013 eviction: Wolfy Millington boasts: 'I won't go, I'll make the final'



Last night the housemates nominated live and face to face, with Dan, Dexter, Wolfy and Gina all being put up for eviction in the latest Big Brother nomination results.

It’s Gina and Dexter’s third time in as many weeks facing the axe, while it’s the first time up for both Wolfy and Dan.

A cocky Wolfy told Dexter: “I’m your biggest competition [to win] here. Everyone knows I’m going to make it to the final. I’m so chilled. I know I ain’t going nowhere.”

Dexter’s nominations were voided for talking about nominations earlier this week, although it’s not as if he would’ve been able to save himself having received another ten nominations.

But he told Wolfy: “I’ve got to do things for tactical decisions.”

Wolfy wasn’t too concerned by Dex’s game playing, telling him: “That’s the only way you’re going to get further in the game.”

Meanwhile, Dan confessed to some of the other housemates that he was worried he’d be leaving on Friday night.

“I think I’m really in trouble, especially if Wolfy is the genuine, nice person she thinks she is and I’ve not been too nice to her,” he said. “Also, both Gina and Dexter have been saved before, I think I would be in trouble.”

Read more:


A Perspective, from a former Endemol member of Staff.

Hello all.

Okay just to give a quick brief, I used to work for Endemol. Most of the time I was working on the Big Brother production team and I did this from 2002 - 2008 at which point I left to work on the production team for a different show outside of Endemol.

Now in no way shape or form was I an executive producer or even a higher up member of staff so there are some things I did not know but there were obviously things that I was not privy too. Also there are some things I will not mention out of respect to Endemol because they were only ever good to me. 

I just was meaning to join this forum for years but never really got round to it and a friend just basically talked me into doing this. With all respect intended this will not be a Q & A session I just wanted to provide some clarification on certain things just out of courtesy really. I also for obvious reasons will not be providing my full name.

If you for whatever reason do not believe me or anything I say, that’s perfectly fine. I will not go into a long debate over things because it will probably lead me to bring up things that I shouldn't.

So first things first, granted while I have not been at the show for 5 years now. (Wow it does not seem that long). So I have not been on the team since it moved to Channel 5 but here goes nothing.

Live Feed! It’s a big issue constantly, even in the years of Channel 4 when people wanted the multi screen available after it was scrapped. Now this is a very tricky one to handle but I have seen it on highs and lows as it was cut down when I left the team (Series 10). Live Feed was initially well received by Channel 4 but this was at a time when the highlight shows were averaging between Four and Five Million roughly. So as common sense would dictate there would more viewers for the live feed. As the viewers went down after a few incidents in 2007 then naturally live feed viewers went down too.

Despite what a lot of people seem to think, it DOES cost to do live feed. Obviously the cameras run 24/7 regardless but with Live Feed especially when it was on constantly (Remember the hidden Sky Channel ). When it’s on constantly there are more people needed constantly to man the cameras as sometimes certain cameras stay fixed until something warrants a movement. Also more people are needed to constantly edit footage, watch out for bad language, watch out for singing and so on.

Also it runs a cost and risk like any show on any channel. Advertisers will pay for the higher rated channels. Although LF will appease Hardcore BB fans if it replaces a show that gets more ratings than it then the Channel naturally loses Advertising revenue. Advertisers historically will pay more for the Highlight, Eviction and Spinoff Shows (BBLB, Big Mouth and Probably BOTS). 

Another thing to consider is that Social Media works against the live feed. As things like Twitter and Facebook grow then people will check for tweets etc for something interesting to be happening before they switch the LF on providing another contribution to the decline in ratings.

Endemol do not hate live feed, when it worked they benefited from it as did Channel 4. When this ceases to be the case they have to think logically rather than unfortunately just for the Hardcore BB Fans.

Another point to raise would be this place. Digital Spy, it is more important to the BB team (Or was when I was there) than you will all probably appreciate. It was recognized just how busy it was and we used it to gage the reactions to events. DSBB is also usually going at giving the ultimate extreme views.

PEJ especially paid a lot of attention here and talked several times about joining the forum. Whether he got round to it im not sure but it would not surprise me if he did. Some people tried to talk him out of it because they were worried about people giving him a hard time. Either way it has provided a lot of media coverage and generated interest for Big Brother and it has never gone un-noticed.

As for meddling with tasks and nominations, I actually agree to a certain extent. It can be frustrating as a viewer (I still watch it, though not as much as I used to but that’s because I worked there). At least from when I was there, the plan was not to intentionally meddle in someone’s favour. Everything we did (As with the Big Brother show to begin with) was Trial and Error. We tried a lot of things, some worked and some didn't. For example in Big Brother 8 with the fake eviction, we did not know Charley was going to be nominated. Yes it could be argued we should have seen it coming but she had been very good at avoiding it up until that point despite what we all thought would actually happen.

When a Big Character is evicted, someone else steps up 99% for the time, its common human psychology. They see an opportunity to be the Alpha Male/Female and take it. For Endemol it makes absolutely no difference who wins the show as usually that’s where the partnership ends between the two parties most of the time. Channel 4/5 may benefit from who wins but they are not the ones who get to edit the programme.

Like everybody and every show out there, we made mistakes and they probably still do. But how will they know what works and not if they don't try it at least?

As for Big Brother recruiting wannabes, they seem for the most part to have actually avoided them this year with the exception of a couple. However they are unavoidable, there have always been fame chasers on the show. Even Big Brother 1, though I was not there I can tell you although they did not know how well Big Brother would be received they still knew they were going to be on TV. That I think speaks volumes.

Last thing I can think to mention for now in regards to presenters. I thought Emma Willis would get the job when it moved to Channel 5 and she seems to be doing quite well. I know she especially has a cult following on here. As for the Channel 4 days we never had a problem with any presenter who was there permanently. Davina loved Big Brother and made the perfect presenter because of her enthusiasm. Dermot really enjoyed the show and so did Russell Brand and now they are 3 of the biggest names in the entertainment industry. Davina, Marcus and Dermot especially were also 3 of the nicest people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting.

I feel that your current line up of Emma, Rylan and AJ will do well as they seem to all enjoy Big Brother. Rylan and Emma especially, Iain Lee also makes a nice edition. He had us all in stitches whenever he did BBLB.

So that's pretty much all I can think of to say, remember im not coming here trying to blow smoke up anyone. I'm definately not looking for an argument either. Just to remind you that you people do matter to Endemol and if you really enjoy the show don't lose faith. BB is a perfect for Channel 5 now especially with Richard Desmond also owning a large part of relevant media that covers Big Brother

I hope you gained something fromt his for what it was. Or you could choose to ignore me, just thought id share what I can




< Day 20: The first day of the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 task has mixed results

10 mins ago

Today the housemates faced their third shopping task, titled 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and have had mixed success. First they were tasked with the collection of liquid in a hilariously-designed helmet bowl, in the 5 A Day challenge.

Sophie, Jack, Joe, Wolfy and Hazel were deemed the least healthy housemates and had to transport super healthy juice into a large tank. They unfortunately didn't manage to collect enough of the precious liquid, failing this portion of the task.

Later, the House chose Dan, Jackie Callum and Joe as their smartest members, and the foursome suited up in morph suits to spell out a variety of Four Letter Words relating to quotes from their time in the House. They guessed 3 out of 5 correctly, securing 30% of their shopping budget. Great work, housemates!

As well as the biger challenges, the housemates wil have to face a number of 'trigger' tasks whenever they hear the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 countdown. Already today, Dexter has passed one of these triggers, but when the four nominated housemates were tasked with eating a whole peeled lemon in 45 seconds, they failed. Failure of the trigger tasks may affect the overall shopping budget.

Don't forget to follow all the live action on @BBUKlive and check back here on the website for all the up to date task news


What a pile of PR horse shite!  


Particularly liked this bit! 


 'Just to remind you that you people do matter to Endemol and if you really enjoy the show don't lose faith. BB is a perfect for Channel 5 now especially with Richard Desmond also owning a large part of relevant media that covers Big Brother.'


A perfect what? Steaming turd? 


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