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Day 19: Nom chat offenders jailed

18 mins ago

World hunger may be abolished, politicians may legislate for happiness but housemates will never, not ever, learn not to discuss nominations.

Big Brother called housemates to the sofas to reveal that at 10.40pm last night Gina, Dexter and Dan discussed who they nominated and who they thought nominated them last week.

This is an offence in violation of Big Brother's core code and the three were promptly sent to jail.

To make the punishment worse still, in the same breath as the trio were sent down, the rest of the housemates were told family photos were theirs for the taking.

Gina, who has been inside recently for a different offence immediately protested her innocence. But it was no use. Unlike in traditional societies, the People's Republic of Big Brother is ruled by an all-seeing eye that makes no mistakes.

There is no court of appeal and no media guru to run a positive PR campain. The three better start getting comfy in their cells.

Last edited by Former Member

Big Brother will ask the housemates to nominate one anotherâ€Ķ face to face and live on Monday evening!

The three or more housemates who receive the most nominations from the group will be the third to face the public vote.

One will be saved in next Wednesday’s show while the one housemate with the most votes to evict will be kicked out during next Friday’s latest eviction.

It seems that Big Brother is going to be tough this year

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Originally Posted by MrsH:

4.40pm: How civilised. After disappearing into separate corners to mutter for most of today, the HMs are communing in the garden.

do you think they will nom late this evening and we go live for the tail end to find out who ?

we get to see them nomming in tomorrows highlights dont we ?

No I think we see it live tonight then it's straight over to BOTS.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by MrsH:

4.40pm: How civilised. After disappearing into separate corners to mutter for most of today, the HMs are communing in the garden.

do you think they will nom late this evening and we go live for the tail end to find out who ?

we get to see them nomming in tomorrows highlights dont we ?

No I think we see it live tonight then it's straight over to BOTS.

Edited to add ....I've just read your post properly - I think you're right - probably get the full lowdown on BOTS.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by erinp:

Big Brother will ask the housemates to nominate one anotherâ€Ķ face to face and live on Monday evening!

The three or more housemates who receive the most nominations from the group will be the third to face the public vote.

One will be saved in next Wednesday’s show while the one housemate with the most votes to evict will be kicked out during next Friday’s latest eviction.

It seems that Big Brother is going to be tough this year

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Not tough enough IMO

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

At the end of the HLs, as far as I know.

  last fifteen minutes of highlights usually 

Thanks and fluffy  they'll never get it done in 15 mins 


they usually only announce tonight and then show tomorrow so I guess they will cut in at the end to announce who is up 


I am watching tweets for confirmation of this to see when they start nomming on there 


I am so bored and missing LF tonight   I hate highlights show 

Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by erinp:

Time out for me ,I have something called faringitis(no clue how to spell it) and I cant go to the gym...nothing

Catch you later

Pharyngitis - inflamation of the pharynx (or pharynges - basically a sore throat).

nothing basic about it I feel like sh*t


Sophie Lawrence loses it on Big Brother 2013 in an argument with Dexter Koh.
Like so many rows in the Big Brother house over the years, the fight came down to the rationing of cigarettes.
With Wolfy one of the few housemates still with some of her stash left, the other housemates discussed how best to ask, but Dexter went off and asked Wolfy anyway.
“Sorry, she said no,” Dexter reported back. “I said that I’ve come to ask you for fags for everyone. I’m not going to lie. Can we have a cigarette? And she said no.
“I said, ‘Look I promise I won’t give it to Dan. Can me Sophie and Gina have one’ and she said no. She said she was disappointed that Gina and Sophie didn’t come and ask her because she thought that you two were more friends than me so she was disappointed.”
“Oh my God. We didn’t tell you to ask her though,” Sophie snapped.
Walking into the bedroom, Wolfy told the group: “I thought you [Gina] and Sophie were mates so why wouldn’t you just come and talk to me.”
“I wanted to but Dexter said “I want to talk to her.’,” Gina said.
Wolfy replied: “I don’t give a s**t. I don’t even like that guy man. He spreads s**t like he’s a bad smell following you around the place.”
Sophie repeated: “We didn’t even ask you to do it Dexter.”
“So everyone was willing to smoke the cigarette if I went and got it but you are not willing to fess up,” Dexter told her.
Sophie then raged: “Dexter, Dexter listen to me. You are a f***ing s**t stirrer. You go about. Everyone has said it to you. You go about to everyone causing f***ing trouble. You have caused trouble between us tonight.
“You’ve gone to Wolfy and asked for a fag. Listen. You’re missing my point. You come to her and said we asked you to get a fag. We did not ask you to do f**k all! We asked you to wake her up. I’m fuming! I hate every inch of you, you’re a w***er!”



Awwww Sophie, she's so lovely.


thanks vids



I sympathise with the lack of nicotine - I would be a complete and utter bitch in there if I didnt have any 


BB messed with the luxury shopping last week when they should have got some and because Wolfy has baccy left they know it will cause bother - she is playing them nicely by dictating who and when can have a smoke - hope she forgets and leaves it outside and it gets wet 


A teary Wolfy is seen getting wound up again on Big Brother  tonight over Dan Neal.


The copper has once again been pressing her on her past, convinced she’s an  actress.

Speaking to Big Brother in the Diary Room in tonight’s show, Wolfy says: “I  have never been in a situation such as this Big Brother. I have never surrounded  myself with negative people. I have never surrounded myself with people who get  a thrill out of seeing people suffer. I think it’s disgusting.”

Wolfy then leaves the diary room crying and walks into the kitchen where  Hazel and Daley are, telling them: “I’ve just got so much anger, frustration  inside me. I’m letting other people in the house change me. I don’t feel like I  can be true to myself.”

Hugging Hazel, Wolfy says: “It’s the one thing I said I would never let  happen, to let people change me. And it already has happenedâ€Ķ.Listen to me; I’m  being bullied in here by one person and your best friends with him.”

She explains: “He constantly interrogates me. He questions my life. He wants  to know everything. He disrespects my family. Then he disrespects me. He makes  me feel this f***ing low. And now I feel like I’m physically possessed by this  demon of anger and rage, its not who I am.

“It’s not who I f***ing am and please don’t say anything. I know your friends  with him, I can’t deal with it. All I want is a f***ing fag and I can’t even do  that without people being on my back. Because I was the only person clever  enough to smoke three fags a day I am being penalised for it. I can’t deal with  this.”

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