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Day 16: Gina, Jackie and Wolfy ask awkward questions

13 mins ago

In the midst of Jemima's evacuation and Dexter's relief at remaining a housemate for the next seven days at least, you might've forgotten that a task played out earlier. The Key, The Secret saw a privileged trio – Gina, Jackie and Wolfy – handed a pass to watch some of their fellow housemates revealing their best and worst facets.

That's right  - they saw some selected launch night VTs. Dexter and Callums' caused the biggest reaction and, as the eviction night dust settles, the threesome are using the background info to do some undercover work.

Gina kicked things off, speaking with a perma-grinning Dexter. Asking about his work, Gina wanted to know more about Dexter's day-job. Instantly suspicious, Dexter asked "have you seen my VT?"

"No!" exclaimed Gina, but Dexter carried on, saying he was cringe-worthy throughout his audition phase to try and make a mark and nobody is more embarrassed than him about how he came across. He then outlined all the silly things he'd said, thus removing any hold Gina's knowledge may have had over him. The clever boy.

On the other hand, Jackie's doing some detective work on our resident smoothie, Callum. Trying to extract the truth about his mother / daughter liaison claims, our dancing matriarch's been hot on his trail all night, asking all kinds of awkward questions. As yet, Callum's not given anything away.

As we type, Jackie's filling Charlie in on what she's learned. This could be the end times for that burgeoning Challum relationship. The ball is firmly in Callum's court, but the power is in Jackie's hands...

Originally Posted by erinp:

Daily Star

BIG BROTHER cougar Jemima Slade had a secret sex fling with a lesbian boxer.



The self-confessed gold-digger, who got the boot from the show last night, boasted on TV how she only went after rich young men.

But she did not tell her housemates that she was once obsessed with a female boxer.

Jemima, 41, met champion fighter Jamie “Rocky” Johnson after one of her matches and the pair soon became close pals.

When Jemima claimed she had nowhere to stay following a love split, she moved in with Jamie in Tunbridge Wells, Kent. And one night, she pounced on her.

Transgender Jamie, 49, who says she is “a man trapped inside a woman’s body”, said: “She’d never given me any signals that she was sexually interested in me until she moved in.

“One day I was asked to go on a TV chat show in London and she said she’d come with me.

“She didn’t book her own room, she just said she’d stay in mine.

“After filming we’d had a bit to drink. And then she got horny.

“The TV presenter Nicky Campbell got into our lift and she handed him our room key.

“He just gave it back and went: ‘No thanks,’ and got out. I was very embarrassed.

“When we got back to the room she struck and we ended up in bed together.”

However, the fling didn’t last long. Jamie claimed money- obsessed Jemima, who runs a dating agency for women to meet rich guys, was only after cash.

She added: “Once she realised I wasn’t loaded, that was it.

“She told me she had met a new guy who had lots of money and I didn’t hear from her again.

“What’s funny is this happened years ago and I thought people had forgotten about it.

“But now people are seeing Jemima on BB and I keep getting stopped in the street.”

Jemima, from west London, lost out in the eviction vote last night to Dexter Koh, 24.

She had been at the centre of several controversies on the Channel 5 show, sparking arace row, “preying” on 23-year-old Sam Evans and having a furious bust-up with Dan Neal, 33.

After her eviction, she said: “I didn’t want to go. I wanted to get to know everyone and I wanted them to get to know me.”


that was her SECRET they never found out about then 


Day 16 round-up: An eviction and an education

3 hours ago

The spectre of a Friday night eviction loomed over the House in the morning of Day 16. In fact, it loomed for the majority of the day, as you might expect. Dexter was self-analysing as day broke, assessing his performance in the House so far as the evening began to draw close. This kind of navel-gazing was par for the course for the better part of the day, until a task rolled around to keep the gang busy.

The Key, The Secret saw housemates standing behind buzzers, preparing to tell some honest truths about their in-House relationships in exchange for some keys. The keys to exactly what, they weren't sure – but that didn't prevent them from gushing their innermost feelings. In Gina's case, she gushed then gushed some more. Dexter seemed to get the most grief, but our dating coach took it mostly on the chin.

The reward for this task saw Gina, Jackie and Wolfy gifted with a pass to watch some video footage of their fellow housemates – their VT tapes to be specific. But before they could work out how to react, it was time to primp and preenfor the coming night's action.

When the moment came, Jemima was out on her ear and Dexter lived to see another week in the House. The public's choice didn't shock Dan, and to be fair the House was in fine spirits as the evening wore on.

Our trio of enlightened ladies – Gina, Jackie and Wolfy – began to ask awkward questions as a result of their newly gained info, but spirits were so high it's likely we'll hear more of The Key, The Secret and all its fall out on Day 17. Stay glued to Big Brother for all the action as the BB bandwagon rolls on..



Jemima reacted to the news of her eviction with grace



We don't need to describe Dexter's reaction to being safe...



Earlier on, the task saw Gina let rip with the housemate criticism



Jackie struggled to hide her feelings during the task - not angry, just disappointed





Tonight on Big Brother's Bit on the Psych: Saturday 29 June

2 hours ago

Tonight's Bit on the Psych promises to be very hilarious indeed. Not only do we have funny man Iain Lee, we have funny woman Helen Lederer. Not only is this doubly hilarious it is gender equal. Hooray for fair representation. Hooray for laughter.

Jemima, the latest evicted housemate will be stepping into the limelight to tell all about life on the inside - fromt he outside - while psychologist Dr Funke will also be talking about the inside... of the mind.

The lovely AJ Odudu will be hosting this psychological comedy festival at 10pm on Channel 5. And you can enjoy it without lashings of mud, unlike other festivals we could mention. See you there!


Afternoon MrsH and all 


Thanks for the updates 


Sorry I haven`t been around to help. My pooter`s got a virus which redirects me to other sites...some to where the children shouldn`t go    It only happens on here and Google - which redirects me to Romanian Google  


I`m able to post on here but every few minutes, I`m off on another magical mystery tour....   


I`ll see if the man down the road can fix it on Monday 


Bye the noo   

Last edited by Scotty


It's been a touchy-feely start to the day in the Big Brother House. We think there's something about losing one of their numbers that makes housemates want to huddle together. From Wolfy leaping into bed with Callum the moment the lights came on to Sophie valiantly trying conceal Jack's bald stripe with a comb-over the gang have been all over each other.
What a pity there'll be a round of nominations soon to shake this sweetness.

Last edited by Former Member

Day 17: New task - 'Command on Demand'

6 mins ago

For today's task our housemates must follow Big Brother's orders as quickly as possible.

A number of props have been put in the garden such as eggs, horns, a box of feathers & flour, a shock buzzer and a selection of pies. Above each item is an instruction:

'Splat!' above the eggs - which housemates must smash on their heads.

'Honk!' above a series of horns that they must honk.

'Munch' above a stack of pies with gravy they must take a bite of.

'Shock!' above a buzzer, which when presses, will provide an electric shock.

'Dunk!' above a box of feathers that the housemates must dunk their head into.

A series of instructions will be called out by Big Brother which must be completed by the housemates. These get faster and faster until the HM cannot keep up. If the housemate falls too far behind the commands their turn is over and the next team member jumps in to take their place. This continues until all team members have had their turn.

The housemates will be competing Boys vs Girls. This will be a relay style race where the team that stays in the game for the longest time wins the task.

The winning team will win various treats for a girls or boys night in.... with a twist.

Stayed tuned to the website for video highlights from this task.


Jemima's first day of freedom

3 hours ago

So it's fair-thee-well to Jemima, but we couldn't let her go without one final chinwag. After a quick sleep and a spruce up, we hauled her back in to see how she's feeling about being back on the outside. 

So what have you been up to since you left the Big Brother house?

Well, I only left last night so, obviously, just a few interviews and then back to the hotel to see my sister and my friend, laid in bed, drank some wine! It's nice to be out, back in the real world, although obviously I miss everybody inside.

Has it dawned on you yet, everything you've been through since you entered the House?

I don't think it will dawn on me for quite a while, really. I have quite a structured life at home, so I'll probably just fall straight back into it. The realisation of it all probably won't hit until I actually start watching it all back, bcause, even though it's a studio, it's still a house at the end of the day. You make it your home, you cook, you clean. I had to teach Sam how to clean the toilet! 

Do you think the House has changed your life? 

100 percent. It's a massive learning curve going in the House, especially the fact how I lived when I was in there; no clothes, no food, living on basic rations, learning how to make eight different meals out of chickpeas and tomatoes! You reflect a lot on your life and it makes you happy with what you have on the outside. I've never experienced anything like that in my life before.


What are three things you've learnt from this experience? 

To appreciate, to listen more, and to say my pleases and thank yous! 

Did you ever think you could win?

I never thought about winning. It's only when it started to get closer to going in and started thinking about, "Oh my gosh there is prize money at the end of this game." You don't run a race to come last! But when I got in there I knew from Day two there was obviously no way I was going to.

Who do you think will win/like to win? 

I have a feeling Jack and Joe have a good chance of winning – they are big characters when theyre together, they're like a double act. I'd actually really like Sophie to win. She's a great girl. I need to watch back and see what they've said about me, which obviously is a bit scary!




The winning team will win various treats for a girls or boys night in.... with a twist.

4:12pm The winners are.... the boys team! Big Brother announces that they will be given a special prize later on today

9.18pm: The men are all adorned in face masks and pretty dresses. This may be as a request of Big Brother, or just a general urge.

9.24pm: After a dance-a-long, the men are all doing each other's nails after face masks. Sam has been told he looks like the joker

9:39pm Jack is hoping that Big Brother lets the boys watch a romantic comedy. Callum just wants to hear some more music

9.51pm: After some incredibly manly dancing in dresses, the girls are unleashed back into the living room for more feminine fun.

9.59pm: Big Brother has given the housemates a mysterious box! What could this possibly entail? Three words. Truth or Dare...


Day 17: Life's a drag

1 hour ago

After another female housemate bids the boys and girls farewell, Big Brother decided tonight to bring some much needed feminine touches back to the House.

Sure, they could've shipped in a few vases of petunias or at least an aloe vera air freshener, but that wouldn't be half as much fun as it was to dress up the boys in pink frilly negligees, making them dance with face masks on now, would it?

As the real women watched enchanted from the garden, the results of a group of men pillaging a make-up box were not exactly that of a Vogue photoshoot, as Sam emerged in his face mask looking like he was about to murder Batman.


The twins finally find a way to look like their own, erm, men.



Even Callum can't quite butch up a pink vest.



Naily Daley seems to be taking his beautifying very seriously.



In a frilly negligee, Dan's posterior is far superior.



The men certainly aren't enjoying their feminine transformations.






Wolfy and the others look on from the window, watching their new lady friends gracefully transform.



Callum and Joe feign disinterest at Big Brother's plans for them this evening.





Day 17: The Key, The Secret comes out in the wash

11 mins ago

Remember that Gina, Jackie and Wolfy managed to earn themselves some inside info on the way a few of their fellow housemates conducted themselves before they entered the House?

Well, all that information is now spilling out of their mouths. The result is a House bristling with mixed emotions and, funnily enough, the most rattled housemates of all are the trio who earned the sneaky reward.

Slowly but surely the secret of what the ladies were up to on Day 16 when they entered that tas room has dripped out. Jack and Joe had worked out the ploy and eventually, after a few fizzy drinks, the living area was filled with the question "what do you know?"

One by one, the threesome revealed what they'd seen with Gina taking the lead. The reactions were mixed. Dexter seemed amused, revealing "I thought it'd be far worse" – understandable considering he's already told us all his dirty secrets. Callum was interested to hear his VT relayed and over-compensation was the by-word as he told all how he'd amplified his exploits for effect. It was Hazel who looked the most rattled. When Gina revealed that the model had said she wanted to "stir" in the House, Hazel disputed the manner in which she'd said it which led to an uncomfortable discussion over different stirring techniques.

When it was over, Wolfy, Gina and Jackie decamped to the bedroom and had a confused, babbling conversation in which Gina was upset that the other two hadn't backed her up. They all revealed that they couldn't perfectly recall what was said in those VHS tapes, and now there's a very peculiar atmosphere permeating the House. But that last fact, in itself, is perhaps nothing altogether new.






TERRIFIED Jemima Slade last night feared a violent backlash over her race row clash with Gina Rio.



The self-confessed gold digger, 41, is concerned about her safety now she has left the Big Brother house and worries her family could be targeted.

In her first chat since being booted out the brunette also told how she:

Begged bosses to take action over Dexter Koh’s sleazy sex chat.

Felt targeted by bullying ex-policeman Dan Neal.

Struggled to cope with the constant rows.

Viewers saw Jemima rapped by ­producers after she told housemates: “I wouldn’t normally go for a black guy.”

She said: “I was so worried viewers would see me as a racist. I was upset for a few days worrying about it.

“I was really concerned about my ­family’s wellbeing and my own wellbeing when I came out of the house. I was ­incredibly embarrassed. I didn’t want to be perceived in that way.”

Jemima was devastated when execs ­handed her a formal warning.

She added: “I really was extremely upset by that. I was very emotional about it ­because I have a lot of friends of every ­nationality.

“Of everything that happened, that upset me the most. I had a couple of chats in the Diary Room and they promised me I wouldn’t be branded as a racist and it wouldn’t come out on the show.

“It wasn’t meant in a racist way.”

Fans also saw Jemima clash with Dan, 28, last week after claiming she had watched her baby die in front of her.

When it emerged her daughter Lily had stopped breathing but was later ­rescusitated, Dan kicked off and kept shouting: “She didn’t die.”

Jemima said: “He shouldn’t have got involved. I thought out of everybody he would understand the most because he’s worked with children. He was incredibly insensitive when he was shouting ‘She’s not dead, she’s not dead’. That hurt me.”

Asked if she was bullied by the hunk, Jemima said: “I did sometimes feel that. He always had opinions. He does blow quite a lot.”

Single Jemima also revealed she was on the verge of demanding official action after playboy Dexter asked her a string of X-rated questions.

She said: “He made me feel incredibly uneasy. He spoke about his girlfriend one minute and then he made sexual advances to me and Hazel.

“I went to the Diary Room and said I was unhappy about the way he was speaking to me.”

Jemima, who left to boos in Friday’s live show, said the pressure of being in the house was tough to cope with.

She added: “It’s a difficult environment. We didn’t want to fall out but at the end of the day it’s not a holiday camp, it’s a game show. It really is a rollercoaster.”


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