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BIG Brother playboy  Dexter Koh’s dirty little secrets have been revealed by his lingerie model ex-girlfriend.

Big brother, dexter, hazel, sex, couple         The model slammed Dexter, 28, as a desperate “blagger” and says he faked his famous ÂĢ121,000 bar bill last year

Sizzling Danielle McMahon insists Dexter is not the millionaire bedhopper he claims to be.

She says he has no money, blags his way into top restaurants and is useless with women.

Danielle claims self-styled love god Dexter also has a “designer” manhood that measures just five inches.

Agent Provocateur model Danielle, 24, of Barking, Essex, blasted: “When I see him on BB I can’t believe the lies he’s coming out with.”

She dated Dexter for four months but he never went all the way because of his challenged manhood.

And when she dumped the celebrity publicist in March, he bawled for hours in the dining room of London’s five-star Langham Hotel.

Danielle recalled her conversations with Dexter, saying: “He told me: ‘I’ve got a designer penis. It’s very neat and tidy, I got it changed surgically when I was younger.’

“He said he was very proud of his five-inch willy.”

But Danielle said he did not know what to do with it, adding: “We went shopping and I tried on a jacket. He was like: ‘The things I would do to you in that jacket. I would bend you over.’

“It was almost as if he was trying to convince himself.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if there was more to his sexuality because it wasn’t as if he had the persona to pull those lines off.”

The model slammed Dexter, 28, as a desperate “blagger” and says he faked his famous ÂĢ121,000 bar bill last year.

She said Dexter hired her to play one of his “sugar babies” as he tried to publicise a nightspot and dating website. He promised her free bubbly and a ÂĢ350 fee.

But she said: “No champagne bottles were opened at all. They brought out about 20 and made a big fuss, with confetti and everything.

“The bottles sat on the table for an hour then the staff took them away.

“It was really embarrassing but I was just in awe that so many people bought into it. I wanted to scream that it was fake.”

          “When I see him on BB I can’t believe the lies he’s coming out with.”        

<cite>Sizzling Danielle McMahon</cite>    

Despite a rocky start, the Glasgow-born babe fell for Dexter’s charms.

But his lies soon began to unravel as he admitted that, far from owning a swanky bachelor pad, he lived in a semi-detached house on the outskirts of Liverpool.

Alarm bells rang when he asked her to move in after just two dates. Danielle said: “He sent me some pictures and his house was very, very basic.

“Papping celebrities was his main source of income.

“He claimed to own a strip club but he was actually just a waiter.”

Dexter once got out of paying a bill at a London eaterie owned by celebrity chef Marco Pierre White, 51.

Danielle said he refused to pay, saying a waiter had ruined their meal with his foul body odour.

She said: “He told the manager: ‘I’ve got a fanbase of 20,000 people on Twitter. I will go to town and say I’ve had an awful experience.’

“Everyone was looking. I was so embarrassed



Day 15 round-up: Fear and loathing in the Big Brother House

1 hour ago

It's been a grumpy and pensive day in the Big Brother House. The shock of seeing Gina become safe from Friday's public vote on Day 14 may have set the scene, but whatever the catalyst Day 15 saw the housemates wake up in a ponderous mood.

Daley kicked things off with concern over his behaviour on the show and how it'll be perceived in the outside world. Back within the House, Callum was wondering what exactly is going down in romantic terms with the object of his affections, Charlie. Thankfully, Wolfy was on hand in the tree house to offer insight.

A task came along to momentarily distract everyone from this navel-gazing. Hide and No Seek saw the twins duped by their fellow housemates. All but Jack and Joe hid in the store roomunder orders from Big Brother and waited to see how long the duo would take to twig. It took them a little while – but when they rumbled the sheltering group they were rewarded with doughnuts and sweets. Hurrah!

But then, after a little chat about ghostly goings on and left to their own devices, the worry and fretting set in all over again. Dan was dubbed bossy by Joe. Dexter self-analysed in the company of Hazel. Wolfy and Charlie had a ding dong and then, just before bed, Callum questioned his very existence.

So much anxiety, it's hard to keep up. If this is how housemates react to a successful shopping task result, imagine how they're going to be if they fail the next one. Crash helmets on, people.


Daley awoke in a reflective mood. The hoodie was essential for getting this vibe across


Callum opened up to Wolfy about love and emotions and grown up things


Jack and Joe left the tree house to find a deserted bungalow - and they thought the Quarantine task was over


Wolfy and Charlie discussed body issues and it didn't end too well


Callum found himself being dubbed "nicey nice" - and he didn't look too pleased about it




Day 16: The Key, The Secret

3 mins ago

The word 'secret' hasn't been far from the housemates' lips since Day 1, and since it transpired that Michael was a mole, speculation has been rife. The past couple of days, though, everyone seem to have calmed down, taking things at face value and trusting each other a little bit more. Well, that's no good, is it?

This afternoon, Big Brother will set housemates a task that will require them to share their honest, truthful opinions about each other, face to face, for the chance to unlock a literal box of secrets. Every opinion given will earn the housemates a key, to unlock one of three padlocks that locks the box.

The catch? The keys are hidden amongst 100 decoy keys. The more revelations the housemates make, the closer they will get to a video that will reveal a variety of secrets about their fellow housemates.

As we write, the housmeates are lined up behind their plinths, ready to let rip.

Will the housemates' opinions on each other cause ructions? Will they manage to unlock the box? What secrets will be revealed? Well, you'll have to check back to find out.


2:38pm: BB has asked "which HM makes you feel uncomfortable?" ans SAM has buzzed in

2:39pm: Sam has chosen JEMIMA, because she makes innuendo-laden jokes

2:42pm: Dan has just admitted to the House that he liked Dexter on first impressions, but has since gone off him

2:47pm: Gina has named Dexter as the biggest game-player in the House, because he has told her he's playing a game

2:49pm: For a second there, we thought Gina had had some luck, but the three padlocks remain locked tight.

2:50pm: Charlie has told the House that she thinks that Wolfy does not like her

2:53pm: Sophie just told the House that she thinks Gina should not have been chosen as a BB HM. Blimey.


2:55pm: "This is terrible!" says Joe, apropos of nothing.

2:58pm: Jack has announced that he would like DEXTER to be evicted tonight because Jemima cooks a lot.

3:03pm: Dexter has pointed the finger to Jemima, when asked which HM is there for the fame.

3:04pm: Dexter surveyed the padlocks before choosing his three keys...a winning tactic?

3:04pm: Unfortunately, Dexter's tactic didn't pay off; the padlocks all remain locked


3:06pm: Sophie thinks Callum should make more effort with his eyebrows.

3:08pm: BB asked "which HM do you think has a crush on you" and Jackie has buzzed in. She thinks ALL THE BOYS fancy her

3:12pm: Jackie has unlocked one of the padlocks!!! She will be one of the HMs who will watch the secret video

3:14pm: BB has asked "who is pretending to be something they're not?" and WOLFY has buzzed, for three goes at the locks.

3:15pm: Wolfy thinks Dexter is pretending to be something he's not.

3:16pm: WOLFY has unlocked the second padlock! She says she sensed it


3:21pm: BB has asked "which HM do you not trust, and why?" and Gina has buzzed in.

3:22pm: Gina has answered that she mistrusts Jemima, due to past confrontations.

3:25pm: BB has asked "which HMs are you considering nominating next week and why?" Eek!

3:26pm: Dexter has chosen the twins because he thinks they could win, and Jemima because she's in it for the fame.

3:26pm: For naming his possible noms, Dexter has earned FOUR keys... but will he get lucky?

3:28pm: Nope, none of Dexter's four keys unlocked the final lock.


3:30pm: BB asked "which HM is the most 2-faced?" and Jemima has buzzed in. She thinks Dexter has that dubious honour.

3:33pm: For a staggering FIVE keys, BB asks "what lies have you told your fellow HMs?"

3:36pm: Unsurprisingly, the HMs did not answer that question satisfactorily, so BB has moved on to another question.

3:37pm: "which two HMs secretly fancy each other?" asks BB..

3:38pm: Dexter buzzed in, and it seems he's thinking the same as us, as he thinks Charlie and Callum fancy each other

3:39pm: "I'll have you know, it's very platonic!" insists Charlie. Callum is saying nothing


3:42pm: For SEVEN keys, BB asks "which HM do you least respect?" and the twins buzzed in. They choose Dexter.

3:44pm: The twins now have seven chances to unlock the final padlock...will they do it?

3:46pm: Nope, none of the twins' keys fit. The case remains locked.

3:47pm: For a massive TEN keys, BB asks "who is the most selfish HM and why?" and Sophie buzzed in

3:48pm: Sophie has chosen Dexter. Dexter is getting a bit of a battering in this task, eh?

3:51pm: Even with ten keys, Sophie has not managed to unlock the final padlock.


3:52pm: For ten more keys, BB asks "which Hm is the least popular, and why?" and Dan buzzed in.

3:54pm: Dan believes Dexter is the least popular, because he's a game-player, and hopes that Dex will change if he stays.

3:55pm: None of Dan's keys fit, either.

3:57pm: Despite all the negativity, Dexter continues to smile. What a little soldier

3:58pm: For ten keys, BB asks "which of your fellow HMs have you gossiped about, and what did you say?"

4:00pm: Gina admits to having gossiped about Jemima and Charlie, and now gets ten goes at the final lock.


4:05pm: Unlucky, Gina! Not one of her keys fit the lock.

4:06pm: For ALL the remaining keys, BB asks "who is the bitchiest HM?" and Sophie buzzed in

4:07pm: Sophie has failed to answer the question satisfactorily, so BB has opened it up to the rest of the HMs.

4:08pm: Gina buzzed in, and says she had two HMs in mind, but Dexter is the most bitchy

4:10pm: "Sorry, Dexter!" shouts Gina as she skips off to definitely unlock the final padlock.

4:13pm: FINALLY, the last padlock has been unlocked. Gina, Jackie and Wolfy will enjoy a little video sesh later on.

4:16pm: And in the chest....a VHS! Blimey, that's retro.


In order to shake things up a bit, Big Brother set the housemates a task this afternoon that asked them to reveal their true opinions of each other. In all honesty, we expected sparks to fly, as they often do when honesty is concerned.

Once the task got underway, it soon became clear that there's one housemate that everyone has an opinion on: the one and only Mr Dexter Koh.

In the course of the task, Dexter was named: a game-player, the one who deserves most to be evicted tonight, a liar, two-faced, the least respected housemate, most selfish and bitchiest. Unsurprisingly, perhaps, he was also named as the least popular housemate.

Throughout the rather dramatic task, Dexter remained chipper, smiling and joking with the other housemates. Ever the profesional.

When Dan pointed the finger at Dexter as the least popular in the House, he also said that he hoped, if Dexter survives tonight's eviction, that he would drop the facade and allow his housemates to get to know him a little better.

Later, chatting to Gina and Wolf, Dexter might have hit on something when he said "the thing is, I can take criticism..." Could it be that the housemates made Dexter a scapegoat to avoid fireworks for naming more, ahem, sensitive people? In Big Brother, anything is possible.

By the end of the task, Gina, Wolf and Jackie had managed to unlock a padlock each, meaning they've earned a treat later, where they will watch a video packed full of their housemates' secrets. How very, very exciting.


Big Brother's Bit on the Style: Friday fashion fix!

1 hour ago

In your face Paris Fashion Week, we've got it all going on in Elstree and Borehamwood thanks to our trendsome trio - AJ, Emma and Rylan. After last week's vavavavavavoom tux (x2) and that awesome citrus yellow bodycon number, what will we have this week? The wardrobe department currently looks like a scene out of a rom-com fashion montage - oh, imagine the LOLs if Rylan ended up in Emma's tux again. Imagine...

Tune in to watch Emma's entrance on C5 at 9pm, and AJ and Rylan's on Bit on the Side at 10.30pm.

           Day 15: The Dexter and Jemima face-off         

Two of our first night entrants face the chop tonight in an eviction that could go either way. Both Jemima and Dexter, in two short weeks, have managed to gain their own burgeoning fan-bases but, when it comes to the crunch, nobody knows which way the public vote is going to go.

Both of them have had arguments here and there in the House, but interestingly not with one another. In fact, the only real time they've spent together was during a merry and slightly bizarre bout of flirtation in the bedroom one night and then, a few days later, when they suffered in sync during the Quarantine task – a far less fizzy occasion.

So who looks like they'll grab a lifeline and stay in the competition tonight?


It's been said Dexter is deeply misunderstood – most notably misunderstood even by himself. According to his own confession, he blows money on material things like it's going out of fashion, leaves the ladies dizzy then leaves them full stop and promotes selfish seduction like it's going out of fashion. But, in the past fortnight, we've seen a different side to this 'snake'. He's admitted, tearfully, that he's clung too hard to a character of his own creation and that he wants to find the real Dexter within. He's opened up perhaps more than any other HM on his confused sense of self and he's told us that he's got no real friends. He's a fascinating and contradictory individual – though whether this will prove a turn on or a turn off for viewers remains to be seen.


Where Dexter might be seen as slightly slippery but lovable deep down, Jemima goes the opposite way and comes across as a very straightforward lady who wears her heart on her sleeve – sometimes in a slightly shrill manner. At the age of 41 she's repeated that she's got more life experience than most of the other HMs and she's proved this by lending a shoulder to cry on for a number of sniffly sobbers. She's also cooked up a storm on a daily basis, vying for kitchen position with Jackie and feeding her fellow housemates despite a limited list of ingredients. This should help her cause, but then there was that argument with Jackie. And the argument with Dan. And her uncomfortable bed invasion with Sam. All of these things may count.

As ever, it's not an easy call. The only way to find out for sure is to tune in to Channel 5 at 9pm tonight – and the only way to change the way it's going to go is to head over to the voting page quick smart!

Last edited by Former Member

Big Brother 2013 live streaming axe brought forward
Channel 5 is to drop the nightly Big Brother 2013 live feed earlier than expected, it has emerged, with the last edition now due to air this Sunday.
Earlier this year the broadcaster announced it would air two hours of streaming every night between 7pm and 9pm on digital channel 5*, following continued campaigns from viewers for the 24hr feed to be reinstated.
After the daily streaming drew lower viewing figures than the slots had previously achieved, it was confirmed on Wednesday that it would be dropped from the schedules from Saturday 6th July.
However, in a further blow to Big Brother fans, it now seems the cancellation date has been brought forward, with 5* EPG listings now showing repeats of shows such as My Name Is Earl from next Monday, the 1st of July.
This means the final daily instalment of ‘Live From The House’ will now air on Sunday at 8.00pm.
C5 will continue to broadcast a half hour of post-eviction streaming on Fridays at 11.30pm, following spin-off show Bit On The Side.



Day 16: Jemima evicted from the Big Brother House


                2 mins ago    


16 days after entering, Jemima Slade finds herself back in the real world after a two week stint in the Big Brother House. If you needed a Jemima primer, hopefully her 16 days in the Big Brother House provided you with an insight into our 41 year old from West London.

On her first night, Jemima found herself bonding fast with young Sam – a friendship which lasted, strengthened by the fact that she took the time to understand the boy from Wales' 70-80% hearing loss and was instrumental in explaining his situation to the group. When it came to the Quarantine task she also provided sympathy for Jackie when she refused to shave a strip of hair from her head. This was a woman with compassion in her bones.

But it wasn't all plain sailing. Jemima also had something of a falling-out with housemates, principally Daniel, when she accused Jackie of rushing to her daughter's defence too often. This one blew up in a big way, amplified by raised voices and ultimately changed her standing in the House.

But aside from that blow-up, Jemima earned respect for her industrious work in the kitchen, a cheeky way with a selection of party costumes but mainly with her supportive way with her fellow housemates. So long, Jemima. The buzzer has gone on your Big Brother timer. 



The Big Brother 2013 housemates will nominate face to face next week, Channel 5 has confirmed.


Earlier tonight, Jemima became the second housemate to be kicked out in the latest Big Brother 2013 eviction results, ahead of Dexter Koh.

On Sunday night, the housemates may get suspicious when there’s no mention of the latest round of nominations, but it’s not because there’s another mole.

Instead Big Brother will ask the housemates to nominate one anotherâ€Ķ face to face and live on Monday evening!

The three or more housemates who receive the most nominations from the group will be the third to face the public vote.

One will be saved in next Wednesday’s show while the one housemate with the most votes to evict will be kicked out during next Friday’s latest eviction.

It seems that Big Brother is going to be tough this year!

Who do you think will be put up for eviction? Which of the housemates are already getting on your nerves? Share your opini

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