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Day 14: Gina saved, Jemima and Dexter endangered

53 mins ago

Day 14 saw the continuation of the Quarantine task with six infected housemates waking up still incarcerated. Morale was low and defeated talk of giving up on the shopping budget circulated. Fortunately Big Brother had another antidote up that never-ending sleeve, unfortunately it came at a hairy price... But before we tell you about that, guess who was involved in a grooming collective of two?

Back in quarantine, the antidote involved having a stripe of hair shaved in order to access that hard-to-reach DNA (that's how it works right, scientists?) Of the two contenders for the treatment – Jack and Jackie – it was the young man who bit the bullet, or razor. Don't try this at home.

With Jack safe again but boasting a bald spot, the End Game task took place for all but the quarantined fivesome. Harnessing the power of goo and gunge and general green gunk once again, this task involved passing individual shopping items delivered by the Big Brother elves down a spray-happy disinfectant tunnel. The team did well securing precious meat and real substance came when they were reunited with their five forlorn pals once again. The task was over and all rejoiced... except Gina who was sent to jail for producing an illicit can of lager. And Wolfy who loyally kept her company while she did her time.

This time didn't amount to much yet it still wasn't to be a straightforward evening of eating, drinking and merriment. A shock announcement revealed that the housemate with the fewest public votes was to be saved ahead of schedule. That turned out to be Gina - from jail-time to true freedom in less than an hour. What a turnaround!


The lady of leisure was thrilled while Jemima and Dexter had to make 30 second pitches to evict the other on Friday. Everyone dispersed with Jemima expressing surprise at how things were panning out. All rallied in time for many a fun-time group game.  Jackie Travers outdid herself with a dance that utilised Dan to the fullest.  This you gotta see.

Newfound best mates Gina and Wolfy had a joyful heart-to-heart and their victorious spirit will no doubt result in a delightful Day 15 for the pair. Not so for Dexter and Jemima who will be experiencing the last full day before one is out on the ear. Which of them it is - as ever - is down to you...


The Quarantine task continued with a close shave for Jack



Those stuck in quarantine watched on as their HMs battled to cleanse their shopping



After a struggle, housemates scored their first proper feed in ages



Emma threw us live to the House and we learned that Gina was safe from eviction this week



Day 14 ended on a high, with Jackie grooving like a lady possessed



                   Day 15: Task- Hide and No Seek

We all enjoyed a game of Hide & Seek when we were kids, and Big Brother has surely been taking notice of the housemates playing silly games over the past few days because today’s task is a game of Hide & Seek with a twist.

A few minutes ago, Jack and Joe were called to the Diary Room for a little chat. Unbeknownst to them, Big Brother then provided the other housemates with instructions for a secret task. They must, over the course of the afternoon, hide in the store room. And here’s the twist: they must do it so stealthily, sneakily and suavely that Jack and Joe don’t even realise they’re gone.

If the twins fail to notice enough disappearances, the whole House will win a lovely treat. If they su out that something’s afoot, though, they’ll win a special twin treat just for them.

So far, we rate their chances; the housemates have spent most of the day split up into small groups, so it’s actually pretty feasible that Jack and Joe might not notice a thing...

Make sure to follow us on Twitter and check back here later for more on this deceptively difficult task.


3:54pm: The twins have no idea about the task, by the way. No idea.

4:04pm: As if to make it even easier for the hiders, the twins have ensconced themselves in the treehouse with Wolfy..

4:17pm: Wolfy's the last HM, alphabetically, so we applaud her keeping the twins in the treehouse, away from the hiders

4:25pm: ALL the HMs, except Wolfy, have managed to hide from the twins. The twins are CLUELESS

4:27pm: Wolfy has excused herself to 'go to the loo' but actually she's off to hide in the store room.

4:28pm: We here on the Digital team would like to commend Wolfy on some serious espionage

4:30pm: Unbelievable scenes here: all of the HMs except Jack and Joe are hiding, silent, in the store room

4:31pm: The twins are still unaware of their HMs' hiding. They're just up in the treehouse, singing and burping

4:39pm: The twins still don't realise they are entirely alone in the house. We didn't think this was even possible

4:49pm: The jig is up! The twins have discovered their HMs! But have they passed the task? It's at BB's discretion..


Tonight on Big Brother's Bit On The Side: Thursday 27th June

2 hours ago

Tonight on Big Brother’s Bit On The Side, our ever-brilliant host Emma Willis will be joined by some excellent guests.

Lydia Scott-Lee from last summer’s Big Brother will be on the panel, joined by Made In Chelsea’s Lucy Watson and Neighbours’ Mark Little. Unfortunately, Bouncer the labrador couldn’t make it.

As well as these fabulous guests, Stephen Daltrey will be in the studio to talk about, what else, the housemates behaviour and psychological intricacies ahead of tomorrow’s eviction. Don’t miss it!


Day 15: Twelve housemates hiding in the store room

1 hour ago

Earlier today, we told you all about a secret task that Big Brother had set for the housemates, wherein they had to hide from the twins, without the twins noticing their housemates were dwindling away.

At first it seemed that the HMs had over-thought it, with convoluted plans involving cups of tea and threadbare excuses, but then Wolfy took the matter in hand and, with a little help from the drizzle, separated the twins from the rest of the group. They went up to the tree house and the rest of the housemates wandered inside to, well, hide.

Once Wolfy disappeared (using the need to visit the 'facilities' as a cover story) Jack and Joe just hung out in the tree house, chatting, singing and generally totally missing the fact that they were home alone like Macaulay Culkin.

The other housemates, meanwhile, were milling about in the store room, whispering, giggling and generally being secretive. We've got to hand it to them, they're great hiders, but the credit should mostly lie with Wolfy, whose excellent epionage skills were surely the key to their success.

When the twins finally discovered the empty house, they were baffled. "Is everyone in the bedroom having a chat?" they mused. "Is this a joke?!" they demanded. "They’ve mugged us off!" decided Joe. Yep, Joe, yep they did. The twins were quick to find the housemates, well, once they discovered that they were gone, that is...

The final decision lay with Big Brother and, in the infinite wisdom of BB, it was decided that the housemates had gone above and beyond the call of task duty, hiding for wayyy over their allotted time. They will receive treats as a reward for being thoroughly excellent hiders. Great stuff. 


Here’s a preview of tonight’s Big Brother highlights, as the  housemates completed their latest shopping task.


At the end of the second day of Quarantine, one more infected housemate was  successful in being cured and allowed to return to the house.

Jack agreed to have his head shaved to provide Big Brother with his genetic  material to receive an antidote.

Jackie refused the same treatment and was sent back to Quarantine.

In the end game, there were 9 uninfected housemates, and housemates  successfully decontaminated a large amount shopping for the week.

All housemates were then released from Quarantine.

Meanwhile elsewhere on tonight’s show, Gina gets sent to jail by Big Brother  before she’s saved from eviction.

And there’s tears before bedtime as Wofly and Dan clash.

Tune in tonight from 10PM on Channel 5.

Read more:



Day 15: Dexter and Jemima think about the future


                2 hours ago    


Dexter's a man with a self-confessed history and a bit of baggage. He says he's in the House to find a solid couple of friends, but after being put up for eviction with Jemima and having seen Gina dodge the bullet, he needed a sympathetic ear and found one in Charlie earlier this evening. He reassured her she won't be going for at least three weeks as she's not easy to stereotype.

"You've nothing to worry about." he told her. "The viewing public ... put people into boxes."

"I don't think I go into a box." replied Charlie.

"Neither do I" Dexter went on. "There are people who can be pigeonholed and that makes it difficult for those of us who can't be categorised. I'm better suited to the later stages of the competition. I've only just started to warm up."

Charlie nodded. "Yeah, you're like me – you need time to shine."

"It's always the big characters who go in the first few weeks." said Dexter – and it's not the first time he's said this. He went on to describe how the public tend to pick boring people as winners, making his chances of winning remote.

"In the end the public tend to go for the nicest person as their winner." Charlie replied.

"Hmmm." Dexter said, wearing the look of a man who was pondering whether the public will consider him a nice big character, or just a big character full stop.

And what of Jemima?

Our entrepreneurial House cook is in the kitchen today, busying her mind with culinary preparations. She's made little mention of facing eviction tomorrow night, opting to repeat the mantra "it is what it is" and "if I go, I go." Despite this apparent disinterest in the future, she has approached Hazel to join her in wearing a bunny outfit this evening – an option the model is trying her hardest to turn down. Hazel, speaking with Daniel, made it clear she thinks this is a desperate measure on Jemima's part. She made it clear that she isn't going to go along with the plan.

To be fair, Jemima may just like dressing up. As she makes guacamole (pronounced "gwok-a-mole" by the lady herself) in the kitchen, she's dressed in a full chef's outfit. If you see any bunny ears later, make your own mind up as to why she's gone for the big-eared, carrot-chomping look. It might just be for the chuckles, after all.




RANDY Lingerie model Hazel O’Sullivan tried to “turn” gay policeman Dan Neal with a sizzling romp in the house.

Dan Neal, big brother, channel 5, gay, jimmy savile, bullying, jemima, wolfy, axe         The saucy session was considered too hot to be screened in full on Channel 5

She straddled the ex-detective as he lay in bed in the early hours and pinned him to the mattress.

The saucy session was considered too hot to be screened in full on Channel 5.

But our pictures show the pair grappling and kissing, with Dan seemingly succumbing to the Irish beauty’s charms.

A show insider said: “Dan seemed very excited to have Hazel on top of him. This had been building for a while.”

Dan, 33, has been a source of conflict in the house, having a drunken row with Jemima Slade, 41, and then being accused of bullying Wolfy Millington, 20.

But he made love not war for once as 32DD Hazel climbed into his bed, grabbed him, kissed him and then straddled him.

The pictures will stun viewers, as Dan has a boyfriend back at home in Essex.

Yet that has not stopped the pair acting like lovebirds.

“I just love him as a person.”        

<cite>Hazel O’Sullivan</cite>    

Sky Sports model Hazel, 24, is totally obsessed with the copper, who quit working on the Jimmy Savile sex abuse inquiry Operation Yewtree to go on the show.

The duo cosy up together on the sofa and some nights they snuggle up in bed.

Hazel says Dan is the spitting image of an ex-boyfriend, and fans reckon she is referring to rugby hunk Fergus McFadden, 27.

Hazel told a housemate: “I just love him as a person.

“The other night when I was in bed I thought he was my ex. I had to get out. I thought this is weird now.”

Twins Jack and Joe Glenny, 18, saw her blowing on Dan’s neck in bed in the early hours, and said: “This is such an erotic moment.”

Last edited by Former Member




                                                  Day 15: Callum loses his cool        

                    1 hour ago        

He's been a balanced and calming presence in the House since he walked in on launch night but Day 15 has seen Callum's still waters turn stormy. But what was it that turned Mr. Chill into an edgy so-and-so?

Loose talk, as usual, is what disturbed a housemate. Speaking to one another, bro-to-bro, Daley and Callum were chatting about Callum's demeanour in the House. It was mentioned that perhaps our footballing coach spends more time than necessary "making people feel good." Callum wasn't too happy with the implications of that – whatever those implications might be – and things soon inflated, from small beginnings to a raised voice scene in the living area. And it didn't help much that Dexter stuck his oar in.

The dating coach – who faces eviction alongside Jemima tomorrow night – said that Callum's general diplomacy may seem a little "contrived" to the viewing public. Callum didn't like that one bit and within minutes the whole scene had blown up into a confused argument in which Daniel was attempting to make the peace, Dexter was defending himself, Daley was watching on baffled and Callum was babbling like a man who's had his very existence questioned. It was a right old mess, with Jemima offering thoughts from the sidelines in the latter moments. The argument ended with Callum unconvincingly telling everyone it's "all good", but the look on his face betrayed his assurances.

Meanwhile, Wolfy, Jack, Joe, Hazel and Gina lazed around in the bedroom enjoying some bonding chuckles. It's a house split between those in the mood for a laugh and those who are just in a mood. If you thought we were already well into the drama, it seems we hadn't even got started.

Last edited by Former Member

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