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Day 2: Housemates prepare for a full House

4 hours ago

Not long now until our wide-eyed housemates are joined in the House by a host of new faces and, as you might expect, talk has turned to speculating about their new roomies.

Sprawled all over the living room in text book housemate style, they have pondered as to whether they get their suitcases back, will there be a twist and most importantly, will the newbies be a welcome addition?

Sallie has plenty to say on the subject. "I'm going to be so jealous of all the girls when they come in with all their stuff and all the different outfits," she whined. This is the downside of entering the House in little more than a woolly hat.

Dexter is confident Big Brother is going to fill the House with people he can't get on with. Surely not.

He and Jemima have been constructing hilarious pranks to play on the innocent new entrants.

"We could pretend to be a married couple," guffawed Jemima. Wouldn't that be a giggle?

Joe had a novel suggestion, "There might not be anymore housemates." Now there's an idea. Could leave the second launch night a little flat though.

We'll just have to wait and see. Not long to go!







Last edited by MrsH

11:33pm: We're live streaming now on so why not watch along with us

11.37pm: Loving Dexter's smooth moves there - Hazel looks bowled over.

11.41pm: Sam and Gina are getting on like a house on fire. When two different planets collide

11:44pm: Look at the twins escorting Jackie on her own guided tour of the garden. Introductions don't get much sweeter.


11.50pm: And we're back on your screens. Slip your shoes off, we're getting ready for bed by the looks of things...

11.52pm: We're on Sallie's third beanie. Not that we're beanie-counting.

11.55pm: Sallie and Hazel finding common ground there. At the expense of every single male in the world.

11.58pm: Possibly the silliest request ever - Sam asking Daley (the boxer) to give him his hardest punch. Thankfully declined.


One for the BB family album

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Hazel and Gina are bonding over their very clingy frocks. What they need are onesies.

Do chickpeas count as protein? Hazel thinks not. Pulses are always a subject for debate in the BB House

12:29am: Sam is currently surrounded by ladies. Hazel, Jemima and Jackie. He looks utterly delighted.

12.34am: Daniel bursts into the kitchen singing some Gloria Gaynor, replacing 'I Will Survive' with 'Pour Me Some Wine'.


1:00am: Where's Father Abraham when you need him?


1.02am: Sallie is telling Charlie she never bitches behnd people's backs. Famous last words in this House. (Sets up a 'Charlie bitchfest' alert! )


1.08am Dan has told Sallie she looks like Jodie Marsh. What do you reckon?


1:17am: Sallie's response to Dan's 'Jodie Marsh' comment? She tells Dan he looks like Dale Winton. The gloves are off.


1:28am: Gina and Sophie are getting on very well in the garden, talking about family and friends.


1.42am: Despite claiming she never bitches behind people's backs, Sallie is in the garden with Hazel not giving Jemima great PR. (Well, that didn't take long! )

1.54am: We'll leave Sallie and Hazel bonding in the garden and Wolfy whispering with Michael in the bedroom. See you in the morn!


Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

8:19am: Good morning, good morning, one and all! The HMs are still asleep, bless their little cotton socks!


8:55am: they're all still snooooooozing away. Well, it is a weekend, after all.


9.20am: They're really going for it with the sleeping. Sleeping, sleeping, sleeping. That's what our HMs are all about right now.




Breakfast time!



Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Last edited by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

9.35am: Michael is muttering about tea. We understand. A morning isn't right until after the first cuppa.


9.56am: Let's play a fun game and guess whether the HMs are still asleep. Spoiler: they are.


10.17am: Michael's eyes are open and his arms are reclining behind his head in the manner of a pin-up. Take note Sallie and Hazel.


10:36am: Wakey wakey, HMs! Big Brother has rudely awoken them with some lovely sunshine. Hope they enjoyed their lie-in!


10:48am: The HMs are discussing the best way to remove toast from a toaster. (Umm.... )


11:00am: "I think there's a force field around the House, because I haven't seen any birds," says Michael. ( this leading to something?)




I'm off again. I have a TV stand to assemble, in readyness for the new TV arriving,

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing




Day 2 round-up: Getting on like a House on fire

3 hours ago

Six new housemates burst into the Big Brother House tonight and slotted straight in as if they'd always been there. Before we review their performance so far, let's take a look at what went down in the House earlier today.

Michael continued to play his part despite resident shaman Wolfy's mystic ways almost exposing the truth. Jemima went from cougar to cook overnight, stepping out of Sam's path and into the kitchen to bake bread. Sam meanwhile was working out in the bedroom, pummelling pillows – a touch of frustration perhaps?  Jack expressed a bit of trouble settling into the House but fortunately Michael and Sallie were on hand to dish out some advice.

Back to launch night number two. Big Brother gave us spoilt princess Gina, ex-cop Dan, model Hazel, unbeaten boxer Daley and BB's first ever mother and daughter, Jackie and Charlie.

Dexter set his sights on Hazel, following her around like a puppy and flexing his flirting muscle from the off. Sallie and Hazel also bonded over puppies. Self confessed mummy's boys Jack and Joe gravitated towards Charlie's mother and Sophie and Gina forged a friendship. Daley dropped some celebrity friends into his conversations and Sallie made Dan and Charlie welcome – she really is the hostess with the mostess. Even if she does wear a hat indoors. Game plan?

You the public saved the new housemates' suitcases but Big Brother is not going to be happy to see the newbies get off so lightly. What will Day 3 bring? We can't wait to find out.



















Day 2: We need your Killer Questions

1 hour ago

Exciting times – the People's Puppet is up to his tricks and needs your help!

Our lovely actor Michael has slipped seamlessly into proceedings and, so far, is viewed as a genuine housemate by his new pals. Long may this continue, as it means we can use him to manipulate the entire gang without them having a clue about it...

We're kicking off the fun with some Killer Questions. Michael's leaving the House very briefly on Sunday to pick up a list of queries from the Bit On The Side rabble to put to his fellow housemates – and they're going to be provided by YOU. So hit us with your questions for the housemates!

They've got to be original, it's probably best if they're amusing but, most of all, they need to be utterly killer. Get yourself on Twitter and fire them over to @BBUK . We're relying on you – so you'd better get to work!



Day 3: Wolfy wonders about Dan the man

1 hour ago

While the rest of their housemates milled around the kitchen, welcoming the new additions to their humble abode, Wolfy and Michael had a little chat about one of the newbies in particular. Well, Wolfy chatted while Michael gently protested "I am trying to get some sleep now..."

It all started when Wolfy went to check up on Michael, as he'd opted for an early night instead of partaking in the hubbub. At first they touched on Michael's status as 'head housemate', with Wolfy affectionately telling him "you do all the work," before moving on to discuss their new housemates.

When asked if she has any first impressions of "the new lot" Wolfy instantly said she thought friendly copper Dan would cause controversy. Though he had been a sleepy head 'til then, Michael sprang to life, demanding "tell me everything! I need to know! You sound like you don't trust him."

Of course, Wolfy was happy to oblige, saying simply "I am quite good at reading people...his energy's weird..."

Whether she thinks Dan's a mole, a snake or some other form of woodland creature is yet to be seen, but we're left to wonder, if Wolfy's so good at reading people, why hasn't she discovered Michael's moley secret...?


Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

I'm not sure if this is the right thread for this but ......................that wallpaper/back drop in the bedroom. I'd just love to spend hours looking at all the book titles - seeing which ones I've read and chatting with others about what they may have read.


This is why I would be an absolutely c*ap BB contestant.

Probably be the highlight of our day Soozy. A lot more interesting than speculating if BB was going to deliver some booze, what kind and how much.

Or tales of Sam's winkle!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing


Day 3: Good morning? Good morning!

1 hour ago

The housemates weren't exactly leaping around like Judy Garland with songs in their hearts this morning, even after Big Brother gave them a bumper Saturday lie in. But, bless 'em, they did look cute as the lights came on, a little like moles snuffling around in a bid to avoid the sun's glare.

Dexter impressed with a red and grey onesie – demure compared to animal-themed ones from days of yore. Many House females channelled a different animal, the panda, with their full faces of make up. Points for recycling and keeping to the eco theme there, ladies.

But why would we chatter on when pictures are what will tell the story. Enjoy...


















Day 3: The treehouse philosophers

31 mins ago

Ah, the treehouse, a little refuge in the sky, high above the garden. A special place for the housemates to chill out and contemplate their deeper thoughts.

This morning, Dan, Sam, Michael and Dexter formed a boys' club in the treehouse, where they philosophised to their hearts' content.

Dan stared out of the window, and mused "standing here and looking down on it makes you realise you're in the Big Brother House" to which Dexter could only say "it's a reality check..." Deep, man.

Meanwhile, Michael wondered aloud "where did the watering can come from?"

Wolfy soon joined them, turning the treehouse into a shamanic classroom and teaching Sam and Michael a variety of bird calls. Lovely.













11:14am: Hazel thinks the garden looks bigger in the daytime. It's all about perception and mirrors and, er...we're not sure...


11:26am: Jemima is going to make bread again today. She's BB's very own master baker..


11:51am: the boys have all been hanging out in the treehouse today. All they need is a sign that says "no girls allowed!"


11.55am: Sophie's on the bike and reckons she will come out weighing 2 stone. Science disagrees with you there, lass.


11:59am: Dexter is talking about pretty girls and flashbulbs. He's like some kinda modern day Byron or something...


12:12pm: Jemima is working out in the garden, using milk bottles as weights. Innovative.


12.27pm: Watching Daley's intense man press-ups is making us hungry. *Takes giant chomp of toast*.


12:45pm: It's raining, it's pouring, the HMs are sheltering under the treehouse.


12.45pm: Hazel's telling Sallie about Sam's 'unfunny' jokes last night. We enjoyed them. What do you think?

1pm: BREAKING NEWS: Sallie is not - we repeat NOT - wearing a bikini. Stay tuned for developments on this.


1.20pm: Charlie, Jackie and Hazel are having a bonding session. Three is family.


1.33pm: There's a hair-plaiting drive happening among the girls. We always said life in the House was multi-stranded.


1:47pm: Dexter is telling Hazel about the clothes he lost in his 'shredded' case. Oh, Dex, we're sure you'll see them again.


2:08pm: Jemima, Jackie and Michael are cooking up a storm, making a big ol' housemate lunch.


2.21pm: Dan is telling Dexter and Hazel fascinating stories from his life. The dapper dude has creativity bursting to come out.


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