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BIG Brother went into lockdown yesterday when Jimmy Savile detective Dan Neal sparked a drunken fight.

Dan Neal, Big Brother, fight, cops, police, Jemima Slade         Dan Neal clashed with Jemima Slade

Bosses feared police might raid the BB house as Dan clashed with gold-digger Jemima Slade, because of his previous involvement with Operation Yewtree.

Security guards were poised to rush in if the bust-up exploded into violence and the live TV feed for fans was halted as staff anxiously monitored what was happening.

Scotland Yard have been keeping tabs on Dan’s behaviour in the spy house in case he compromises Operation Yewtree, the inquiry into celebrity sex crimes that he worked on.

“This row exploded out of nowhere. They had all had a good drink. Tempers just reached boiling point and it looked like it was going to kick off.”        

<cite>A show insider</cite>    

One source on the show said: “There’s concern they might want to question him. They’ve done it before with other housemates.”

No actual blows appear to have been exchanged during yesterday’s screaming match, but the atmo- sphere was said to be “pregnant with violence”.

A show insider said: “This row exploded out of nowhere. They had all had a good drink. Tempers just reached boiling point and it looked like it was going to kick off.

“As soon as we saw it getting seriously heated in the house we moved the security guards into the camera run so that they could get into the house in seconds.”

The angry scenes came when Dan, 33, who quit the force to take part in BB, waded into a row between Jemima, 41, Charlie Travers, 26, and mum Jackie, 59. Only a small part of the barney was screened last night but we can reveal the shouting and taunts went on till 5am.

Things turned nasty after Hazel O’Sullivan said an ex-boyfriend had killed himself and Charlie asked: “Was it because of you, then?”

As housemates turned on Charlie, her mum Jackie hit back: “Charlie’s been through a lot in life, she’s only just grown up.”

Jemima said they had all had rough lives but that was no excuse for bad manners. She told how she had battled to resuscitate her baby daughter after the tot had “died” in front of her.

At this point Dan leapt into the row, claiming the girl was now alive and kicking and Jemima was exaggerating to gain sympathy.

Jemima exploded and the fierce row lasted for hours, with Jemima repeatedly claiming that Dan had “wished my baby was dead”.

Our show mole added: “It escalated into a massive barney. Jemima was screaming her head off but Dan refused to back down.”

Last edited by Former Member

Day 13: Disinfectant time

9 mins ago

Good news has come to team quarantine. Charlie and Dan went to the Diary Room and returned wearing extreme suits and wielding a disinfectant spray. The administration of the spray evoked firemen discharging cascades of water. 

The disinfectant arrived not a moment too soon for all had been gradually going barmy.

Sophie discovered conditions in the room were easier to bear when walking round in circles. Cue: housemates doing baby laps.

Singing has been a popular way to break the monotony of over 12 hours in confinement. Queen's I Want to Break Free has been the most poignant of the bunch but show tunes, as usual, have made an appearance.

The entertainment crown has to be lavished on Jack for his fashion decision to transform his blue gown into a 'belly top'. Younger readers may need to use a popular search engine to envisage that look.

But it's not all over for the quarantined housemates. It seems like the spray is of the slow-acting variety so they are bedding down for a sleepover.

Good night, sleep tight, don't let any leftover zombies bite


Day 13 round-up: When zombies came

2 hours ago

"It's a good way to wake us up," was Callum's response to terrifying zombies pounding on the House windows this morning. The Quarantine task began before any of the ladies had time to put on makeup – the definition of a rude awakening.

It didn't stop with the zombies prowling around. Housemates were sent to collect gas masks from the Diary Room. There were 6 to go round 14. With only 30 seconds to decide who would get the protective head gear with no indication what it would mean either way, Wolfy, Hazel, Charlie, Callum, Daley and Joe donned the bug-eyed face-hugger.

Turned out they were the winners as without the masks the 8 'infected' housemates were placed in quarantine and made to dress in blue hospital gowns with grim green fluid passing for medicine.

The Quarantine task continued to dominate the day – whether it was the safe six dressing up in khaki to channel a protective vibe, or lucky old Gina and Dan gaining safety with particularly gruesome cures.

Desperate times called for desperate measures and some of those still in quarantine made botched escape attempts, with noxious bodily gases being released in the process. Thanks Sam.

In the main House, Joe pondered on love and in the wee hours hope came to the increasingly pent-up infected housemates in the form of disinfectant spray. It's just a shame it was of the slow-release variety and they will be waking up in Day 14 still in quarantine.


Day 14: Another day in quarantine paradise

56 mins ago

It may be Day 14 in the Big Brother House, but much more importantly at this point, it is Day 2 of the Quarantine task.

This morning, the quarantined housemates were given a rude awakening by their bio suit-clad housemates, when the lucky uninfected sorts stormed the quarantine area and gave the infected a disinfectant spray down. Maybe it was the earliness of the hour, or maybe he’s bored of that green spray, but Dexter didn’t seem to enjoy it half as much as he did yesterday, though he did raise a smile.

Later today, the infected will be given another chance at a cure, in a rather hair-raising manner, before the End Game decider, which will literally put the fate of the week’s shopping into the housemates’ (unfortunately slippery) hands.

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and check back throughout the day to see how the shopping task unfolds!


Tonight on Big Brother's Bit On The Side: Wednesday 26th June

Boy, oh boy, do we have a brilliant BBBOTS for you this evening. The ever-fragrant Emma Willis will be presiding over the fall-out that is sure to occur when the housemate with the fewest public votes finds themself safe for another week, and she’ll be joined by some fabulous guests.

Christopher Maloney made waves and divided opinion on the X Factor, so we’re sure he’ll have something to say about the House’s more controversial denizens. Also offering up their judgement will be record breaking Cheryl Baker and the lovely Shievonne from last summer's BB, who hopefully will not be keeping it mute.  

BBBOTS regular Judi James will also come along for the ride, analysing the body language of the housemates. Remember, you should never underestimate the importance of body language.



late night/morning task tweet catch up 


11.52pm: Dan and Charlie visited the Diary Room, returning in special suits with disinfectant. Looks like quarantine may be over.

12.03am: Quarantined HMs have been sprayed as a final indignity.

12.08am: "Oh my God, Jemima, you ain't got no pants on," says Sophie as Jemima promptly peels off her soaked clothes.

12.21am: Dan and Charlie are back in the House. The rest of their gang have to wait for the disinfectant to work. Unhappy faces.

12.53am: The disinfectant is taking a long time to work. Team quarantine are huddled under silver blankets.

2.04am: As the main House still enjoys mellow wind-down chats we are breezing off. See you in the morning.

only 2 beds in task room so assuming some slept on the floor 



8:06am: Goooood morning! That's to you lot, of course; our HMs are all snoozling away still. Bless.

9:10am: Team quarantine are up, up and awake. They're not very chipper. Cheer up, guys!

9:21am: Well, that was short-lived; it seems that team quarantine have decided to try and get a bit more shut-eye

9:34am: BB has woken up the non-quarantined HMs, and they're instantly burrowing under their duvets in search of more sleep!

9:42am: While the uninfected HMs reluctantly get ready, team quarantine snooze on. But not for long, we'd wager.

10:09am: Gina and Daley are bio-suited up and ready to give their infected friends a little morning treat.

10:17am: Nee naw! Nee naw! The infected HMs have been rudely awoken by a loud alarm, and Gina and Daley have entered quarantine


10:18am: "Rise and shine, it's disinfectant time!" shouts Daley. Yep: the infected HMs are getting a wake-up disinfectant shower!

10:19am: First up for the morning disinfectant shower is Jack. He is not chuffed. At all

10:23am: Jackie appears to be trying to sleep through her disinfectant shower. What a pro

10:23am: "Don't get my hair!!!" shouts Jemima. But, Jemima, what if your hair is also infected with zombie germs?

10:25am: Though he had a little grin, Dexter didn't revel in the disinfectant this morning. Bored already, Dex?

10:27am: And that's your lot, infected HMs! Hopefully that disinfectant will do its special scientific work..

11:39am: Jack and Jackie are in the quarantine smoking pen getting a bit of air. They're also having a whinge, naturally

11:41am: "How can they still say we're infected? IT'S A FAKE DISEASE!" announces Jack.


11:54am: Dexter says he's fed up of quarantine

11:58am: Jemima thinks the public are voting to keep her and her fellow infected HMs in quarantine. Dexter agrees. WRONG!

12:25pm: Jackie's mishearing of the word 'custody' has awoken a craving in quarantine. A craving for custard.

12:36pm: Team quarantine are really rather subdued. That zombie virus really takes it out of you.

what a boring task 


Wakey wakey, housemates!



Time for a lovely disinfectant showe



Dexter manages to smile in the face of another grim shower



Not the best thing to wake up to



Though Sam seems fairly unruffled


1:13pm: Joe and Charlie are bonding because they feel sad without their family-member-HMs. Aw, bless.

1:37pm: Team quarantine are napping. Bless them

2:15pm: The next part of the quarantine task is afoot, and some HMs might be in for an impromtpu HAIRCUT!!!

2:17pm: Charlie and Joe have chosen JACK and JACKIE to receive the next stage of the cure.

2:18pm: Charlie and Joe are shocked to learn that they will have to shave off the hair of their family-member-HMs...  


2:31pm: Jack and Jackie have entered the laboratory-cum-salon

2:33pm: Everyone is watching in trepidation to see whether Jack and Jackie will agree to their haircuts.

2:34pm: Jack is undergoing his radical haircut with a fairly stoic air. We'd be crying like babies!

2:39pm: Jack has received his impromptu 'do, and he is a little downcast

2:41pm: Jack is now cured of the zombie virus!



2:42pm: Jackie has refused to have the treatment (a scary haircut) and is trying to bargain with BB.

2:52pm: Charlie is comforting Jackie, who has declined the chance to receive a dose of antidote.

2:53pm: "We picked you because we thought of family!" Joe tells Jackie. Well, that's nice, but Jackie doesn't look too pleased.

2:55pm: Jackie has been instructed to return to quarantine as she has refused the hair-raising antidote.

3:00pm: Jackie has received sympathy from Sophie and Jemima. They know hair's a big deal for a lady.   

3:02pm: "Don't worry about it, Jackie!" says Sam. Bless him.

3:12pm: The HMs are unanimously in support of Jackie's decision. We love when they agree!


Day 14: A hair-raising antidote

16 mins ago

Earlier we hinted that Big Brother would be giving the infected housemates a hair-raising chance at an antidote, and here we have pictures of Jack and Jackie being selected for this experimental treatment.

It seems Big Brother has, through tireless scientific research, developed a way of extracting an antidote from a patient's DNA. Unfortunately, that DNA is best extracted from the hair on top of the patients' bonce.

Well, what are you waiting for? Flick through to see who, if anyone,  lost their hair over this task..



Hi, Jack!


And Jackie, too! Welcome to the lab-cum-salon!


The patients ready themselves


Joe explains the task


And Charlie comforts her mum


Jackie declined the treatment


Jack's new 'do


Enjoy that antidote, Jack! You earned it...


Originally Posted by Baz:
Mrs H , I've just read on FB that LF is being axed Have you seen anything about it pleased ?

only whispers but .... have just seen the message

Nightly live feed on 5* has been AXED! It will end 6 July.


maybe they will confirm tonight 


Big Brother 2013: Live Feed AXED due to poor ratings, will be dropped from schedules next week



Big Brother fans, it has happened again… Live Feed has been AXED by Channel 5 and will be removed from schedules as of next week.

Prior to Big Brother returning, it was confirmed that Live Feed would make a comeback on a bigger scale for the new series, but just three weeks into the current series the feed will be scrapped.


The Big Brother live feed currently airs daily on 5* from 7pm-9pm Monday through Saturday, but only airs between 8pm and 9pm on a Sunday evening.

However, due to poor ratings, it has today been revealed that Channel 5 have announced plans to scrap the live feed as of next week.


A spokesperson confirmed: “Big Brother’s live streaming has been removed from the 5* schedule from next week.”

Since Big Brother returned earlier this month, the Live Feed has been put up against the soaps, which receive million of viewers each and with barely any promotion, it doesn’t take Einstein to work out this outcome was inevitable. Live Feed on 5* kicked off with around 60,000 viewers, but has since dropped to around the 35,000 mark.

Back in 2000 when the show launched on Channel 4, viewers had the opportunity to watch Live Feed 24 hours a day and even had the chance to change between different rooms. However, 24-hour feed was dropped not long after. Back in 2008, Channel 4′s red button Live Feed output was cut down due to dwindling ratings.

However, back in 2011, Channel 4 brought back the 24-hour Live Feed for the final series on the channel, in which 1,000 free passes were given out. Otherwise, it cost £0.49 for a day pass, £1.99 for a weekly pass and £14.99 for the whole series.

big brother eye 2013

When Channel 5 took the reins, they confirmed that the 24-hour feed would not be making a return, but last year Live Feed was brought back following big events such as evictions or arrivals. After increasing complaints and petitioning from fans, Channel 5′s new Head of Programming, Ben Frow made the decision to increase the Live Feed output to 2 hours per night, and 1 hour on a Sunday, however, due to falling ratings, the feed has been axed without a second glance.

A full statement is set to be released later today from producers. The Big Brother nightly Live Feed will cease as of 6th July


3:45pm: BB has given team quarantine some bananas. "Potassium!" declares Jackie, while Sam makes a rude banana joke. Typical Sam!

5.25pm: Yikes - Joe's reading the rules of the Quarantine to HMs who have been gathered in the living area.


5.32pm: Safe housemates are wearing white suits, never a good sign. We're bashing out a break down of for you right now.

5.45pm: is on. HMs decked in dashing red gloves are passing food items down a line towards the safe zone.

Day 14: End Game - task

15 mins ago

This is the endgame, beautiful housemates, the endgame of everything that stands for Quarantine. In the endgame, any cured housemates as well as housemates that were never infected will be able to take part to win as much shopping as they can.

In short, everyone except Dexter, Sam, Jackie, Jemima and Sophie – who continue pacing sadly round their enclosure – have just changed into white suits and are ready to prove themselves worthy of shopping.

Here's what they're going to have to do.

Big Brother will deliver a full week's worth of shopping to the garden. However, all of this shopping has been in the outside world and is of course contaminated.

To fix this problem housemates will have to work together to pass each piece of shopping through a long radioactive-style de-contamination chamber towards the safe zone at the end.  This won’t be easy as the pesky decontamination chamber will spray them with water and green disinfectant. Gloves will be provided however they will be covered with a slippery solution, making them prone to butter fingers. A trough of green ooze runs murkily beneath and any delicious item dropped in there will be forever lost.

The End Game is against the clock. Any food that they successfully pass down the line to the safe zone within the time limit will be won for the House.

After this final game Big Brother will announce that the whole Quarantine task has been a test of the Big Brother emergency procedures and allow all housemates to leave the Quarantined zone, but will they emerge to feast or famine – stay tuned to find out.




6pm: is over and HMs are having a mini water fight with the ooze. Recycling the green. Very good.


Day 14: Gina's got a friend on the outside

12 mins ago

In the celebratory atmosphere of the quarantined housemates returning to the relative glory of the House, Gina cracked out a lager she had secretly stashed.

We know what you're thinking. Gina drinks lager? She's lived at the Savoy, spends tens of thousands on wardrobe and drinks lager - the tipple that would get you to 'lad' in a word-association game with one swift move?

It beggars belief. We need a drink to wash this news down, maybe a... lager?

Okay. We're good.

Big Brother called Gina to the Diary Room, not to query her lifestyle downgrade but to send her to jail. That's right, Big Brother believes in reform through institutionalisation.

Gina was not best pleased. Luckily she had the patient ear of Wolfy to absorb her troubled words and the pair conferred in the bedroom. Wolfy gave her pal the ultimate token - her poncho - as both a practical way to keep warm in the garden-based cell and a symbol of her support. She also vowed to come and visit with the solemnity of one about to lose a loved one to the penal system for years.

And true to her word Wolfy visited.. and visited, sitting loyally beside her chum while other housemates came and went.

"It's absolutely ridonkulous," complained Gina to the largely sympathetic housemates.

Dan and Hazel trotted down to thank her for doing the time. Sophie strode along for a stint and even Mama Travers put in an appearance.

And luckily for the lady of leisure, Big Brother let her out early. For good behaviour? It's hard to say, but what's easy to call is Gina has a friend in Wolfy. They've been getting pally over the last few days but nothing as a big as this. Forget animal's talking, it's all about what a ponch loan says.


Day 14: Gina is safe - Dexter or Jemima to go

5 mins ago

Gina has been saved from eviction by the public meaning that either Dexter or Jemima will be leaving on Friday.

Emma called the housemates to the sofas for the shock news that the housemate with the fewest public votes would no longer face the possibility of eviction.

After a dramatic pause Gina's name was read out. Wolfy cried "YES!" and went flying out of her chair on the other side of the room to gave her friend the biggest hug. Charlie and Dan were not far behind.

"Oh my God," said Gina, joy spreading across her face, "Am I dreaming?"

No, you're not Gina. This is real. So get your votes in to evict Jemima or Dexter. All the voting details can be found on the Channel 5 website.



BIG Brother detective Dan Neal faced being axed last night after bullying a female housemate so badly she had a physical breakdown.

Dan Neal, big brother, channel 5, gay, jimmy savile, bullying, jemima, wolfy, axe         BB bosses are monitoring gay Dan’s behaviour in the house

Wolfy Millington vomited and her nose “exploded” from the stress of the Life On Mars-style grilling.

The blonde broke down in tears and sobbed: “He’s gonna get sh*t on the outside for this.”

Her condition was so worrying that a doctor was on alert ready to give urgent medical assistance.

Now BB bosses are monitoring gay Dan’s behaviour in the house – and they may pull him out if he continues to cause problems.

Yesterday the Daily Star revealed that Dan – who was part of Scotland Yard’s Operation Yewtree probe into celebrities’ sex offences – was at the centre of a drunken bust-up with Jemima Slade, 41.

Producers put their security team on standby and feared police might even haul Dan in for questioning about his antics.

His attack on Wolfy was prompted by his conviction that she is an actress planted in the house to cause mayhem.

He correctly guessed that Michael Dylan, 29, was a professional actor last week, and now appears paranoid that others on the show are fakers.

Dan, 33, from Ongar, Essex, decided to confront Wolfy, 20, by checking out her claims to be a lesbian and a hippy who enjoys fishing for mackerel.

He interrogated her about her childhood, her coming out as gay to her family and her dealings with the law in the hope he might catch her out.

“He’s gonna get sh*t on the outside for this.”        

<cite>Wolfy Millington</cite>    

But it ended in blood and tears. Wolfy grew so stressed by his aggressive manner that she vomited and ended up with a nosebleed which one housemate described as like “an explosion”.

Wolfy, from Bolton, Lancs, confided in Irish model Hazel O’Sullivan, 24, and London socialite Gina Rio, 24: “I’ve given myself a nosebleed because of this.

“Why does he need to know every detail of my f***ing life? He’s so judgmental. He’s pushing and pushing.

“Why can’t he just leave it? I don’t question him about everything. Why am I so f***ing fascinating?

“It’s bang out of order. He thinks the sun shines out his arse because he was in the police for eight years.

“I don’t want people to know everything about me.”

She added: “It’s like everything’s too unbelievable for him. He has to question everything.

“He’s gonna get sh*t on the outside. You can find him 10 to the handful where I’m from. He’s not an individual. He’s a drama gossipy bitch.”

Dan had previously sparked a row with dating website boss Jemima which got so heated that security guards were set to burst into the house to stop it.

Housemates can face the axe if they are considered to be guilty of aggressive or bullying behaviour.

Last night a show spokesman said: “We are monitoring the situation between Dan and Wolfy.”

Last edited by Former Member

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