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Day 12 round-up: The unexploded nom bomb

1 hour ago


Nominations dominated tonight's action but before then the House had a task to contend with.

Jack and Joe took centre stage (the Diary Room) in the Feast Like A Beast task. The other housemates had to guess which animals they were impersonating in order to win a slap up meal, the tricky part being the twins had to act out each animal through the medium of eating food.

Housemates successfully guessed enough correctlyto secure a curry for dinner.

In other news, Dan had a striking new haircut, housemates convinced themselves there are two Dexters and Gina was the latest housemate to be labelled as an actress.   

Big Brother dropped the nom bomb revealing that Dexter, Gina and Jemima would be facing the public vote this week.

Housemates reacted like a damp firework leaving us wondering if this was just the calm before a big old storm.

Will the touch paper reignite today? We'll have to wait and see.



Tonight on Big Brother's Bit on the Side: Tuesday 25th June

23 mins ago

Clear tonight's schedule folks, 'cause we've got a proper humdinger of a show lined up for you this evening.

Not only will we be graced by the Queen of BBBOTS, Emma Willis, but we've also drafted in comedian and Xtra Factor presenter, Matt Richardson, and glamorous ex-CBB housemates, Danica Thrall and Paula Hamilton. Yeah, we know – it's a good'un.

And it doesn't stop there; we've also called in psychic, Sky Silverstone, to tell us what messages she picking up from this year's housemates.

We wouldn't want to miss it and neither should you – so join us after the main show at 11pm on Channel 5.


10.13am: Morning!


1 0.16am: The HMs have been gathered on the sofa for a very important news bulletin.

10.20am: The infection has spread in the BB House, but there are only six gas masks...


10.30am: Hazel, Charlie, Wolfy, Joe, Daley and Callum have been saved. The rest have been infected and will go into quarantine.




10.37am: The infected HMs are getting acquainted with the quarantine room. They don't seem impressed with their new abode

Last edited by Former Member

Day 13: The Quarantine - task time!

2 hours ago

Day 13 is going to be unlucky for some as Big Brother has introduced a 'dangerous virus' into the House.

If the housemates thought the morning wake up alarm was bad, they sure were in for a shock as this morning they had zombies banging on the bedroom windows.

They were hastily gathered in the living room and played an emergency news bulletin showing  the virus wreaking havoc on the Big Brother studios, before green smoke poured from the ceiling indicating the virus had hit the House.

With only six gas masks between them they had to decide who would get one and they chose Hazel, Charlie, Wolfy, Joe, Daley and Callum. The rest became infected and were sent to quarantine (the large task room).

In order to return to the House those in quarantine must be cured through 'treatments' or remain until the end of the task.

Those who are virus free need to cure them so they can help in the task and earn luxury shopping items.

The quarantined housemates will only be fed liquid food, be sprayed down by the other housemates from time to time and have to crawl through a tunnel if they want a cigarette break!

Hang on, we think we can hear some scratching at the digital department's office door.... It is all a task, isn't it?


11.50am: Jackie is looping around the quarantine borders. She's clearly missing her morning workout.


12.02pm: The infected HMs have only been in quarantine for an hour and they're already kicking up a fuss.


12.12pm: There's a lot of talk about eggs going on in the quarantine pen. How do you take yours? The HMs seem to agree on poached


12.26pm: Its time for the quarantined HMs to take their medicine. Cue lots of wrinkling noses and gags



12.38pm: Today's task has inspired horror film chat in the main House.


Last edited by Scotty

Day 13: Wolfy's warriors

42 mins ago

As the threat of infection wages on, the main House survivors have taken action to prevent further zombie invasions. Well, if you count putting on army gear that is - though everyone knows that a flash of khaki will put a zombie in a right tiz...

Heading up the troop we have Sergeant 'Wallhammer' Wolfy – a mean, green, fighting machine who will crush anything in her path (when she isn't talking to birds, of course...).

Helping her wage a war on the undead, we have rebel of the pack 'Charlie Chaos', the advancing force of 'Juggernaut Joe', the dangerous 'Hazardous Hazel', the sneaky charms of 'Corruption Callum' and the muscle of the pack, 'Demolition Daley'.

We wouldn't want to mess with this feisty bunch, would you? 


The leader of the pack


You don't want to mess with 'Hazardous Hazel'


'Corruption' Callum's death stare


She'll cause chaos wherever she goes...


Don't be fooled by the smile, he's a force to be reckoned with


Juggernaut Joe is on the case!




1.35pm: The infected HMs are slowly dwindling in energy. They're not exactly loving their enclosure.

1.40pm: The non-infected HMs are playing army. They're very convincing.

2.11pm: Joe and Daley have been given antidote instructions to save Gina from quarantine. Will it work? Let's see.

2.20pm: If Gina wants to get better, she must eat a blend of dog food, sheep's eyes and fermented herring.

2.25pm: She's drinking it! She's drinking it! We can't believe our eyes.

2.29pm: Gina has consumed three doses. We're impressed.


2.47pm: Gina has been cured! We commend her for her brave behaviour

2.52pm: BB has let the infected HMs know that there's more medicine on it's way. Bet they can't wait.

3.08pm: Jack is day-dreaming about winning the luxury food budget, "I just want crisps and meat". Can't say fairer than that.

3.20pm: Dan and Jackie are lifting the mood in quarantine by singing songs from Oliver. And yes we are singing along.

   Day 13: The cure          

For the infected housemates, there is a glimmer of hope this afternoon. There is an antidote to the virus, in fact there are a number of antidotes and these need to be administered by the healthy housemates.

First to receive treatment today was Gina who was hit with the Upside-Down Antidote. Big Brother turned alchemist and transformed everyday ingredients into one healing drink. In order to maximise the effect of this creation, Gina had to be spun upside down after drinking it.

With the featured ingredients being dog food, fermented fish and sheep's eyeballs, Gina had quite a mouthful.

Dan was next to face his fate in the shape of Adrenaline Therapy. Big Brother discovered that high levels of adrenaline kill off the virus but reaching such heady heights requires extreme stimulation.

In the treatment room he was greeted by tanks of terrifying animals including a tarantula, a snake and leeches. He was blindfolded, strapped to a chair and told he would have to touch the creepy creatures. In fact what he actually had to touch was pineapple, a toilet brush and a jelly snake!

Callum and Hazel administered the treatment and gave an Oscar worthy performance convincing Dan he was grappling with some freaky beasts.

Gina and Dan both earned themselves an early release from quarantine leaving Jack, Jemima, Sophie, Jackie, Sam and Dexter languishing in the large task room. Will the housemates manage to save anyone else? Stay tuned.


Day 13: Food glorious food

1 hour ago

A day sure should feel like a long time in the big Brother House without such daily distractions as work, television and freedom.

So what must it seem like for those housemates in quarantine?

Well, the remaining five – Jackie, Jemima, Sam, Jack and Sophie have certainly been lamenting their time spent incarcerated – 10 hours at the last count. And their biggest moan – the food.

But Big Brother had a treat in store for out hungry housemates who have been on a liquid diet so far.

Sensing some good snacking was in the pipeline they speculated about what dishes would be served up, hoping for toad in the hole, roast beef and sweets among other delights.

And what did BB serve up? Plain rice. Oh dear. Cue some serious whining.

The group have been patting themselves on the back for their tolerance to date. Jemima said: "Imagine Gina in here for this long." Just imagine.

To which Jack responded, "Could you put up with her incessant moaning. She's a cop out. She was only here for three hours."

Fair enough but Gina was served a cocktail of sheep's eyeballs, fermented herring and dog food. Makes plain rice sound pretty appealing from where we're sat.  

"This is the hardest Big Brother ever," moaned Sophie.

 We reckon you ain't seen nothing yet


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