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Jemima-has-been-teaching-her-11-year-old-daughter-Lily-how-to-be-a-gold-digger-for-years         Jemima has been teaching her 11-year-old daughter Lily how to be a gold-digger for years

Some, however, go to extreme measures to secure a future for their little ones. Jemima Slade, 38, is a prime example of a new breed of mother who have started training their daughters to marry for money.

Jemima, from Marylebone, London, has been teaching her 11-year-old daughter Lily how to be a gold-digger for years.

Armed with such skills as how to attract wealth by the way you dress, where to socialise and how to interact with the rich, Jemima is certain Lily will graduate from her “gold-digger training academy” with flying colours.

“There’s the age old saying that money can’t by you happiness but, in my mind, this couldn’t be further from the truth,” says Jemima.

The self-proclaimed gold-digger says there is nothing wrong with educating her daughter in using men for money and insists she will continue to “train Lily up” so that when she is old enough to start dating, she will be fully prepared to bag a millionaire, or two.


Jemima boasts about having dated 15 men worth more than £50million between them, and she doesn’t intend to stop. Her addiction to millionaires started in 1996 when she met Patrick, a multi-millionaire entrepreneur who lavished her with gifts.

“On our first date Patrick took me to Claridges and our bill came in at over £1,000,” she recalls. “Weeks later he bought me a horse purely because I said I was interested in learning to ride.” Jemima was also treated to a five-star holiday in Mexico on Patrick’s yacht.

“We would lie on the deck in matching Ralph Lauren swimsuits and drink Cristal. It was a lifestyle I never thought I’d have and I knew I wouldn’t be able to let go.”

However, when she and Patrick split six months later Jemima started dating a labourer. “I thought I wouldn’t miss the money and I let myself fall head over heels with him. We even had our daughter Lily together but soon I realised that although I was buying him clothes and spending my money on him, he never spoilt me in return.”

Jemima wistfully recalled her time with Patrick and the lifestyle she’d had. “I split with him and made a deal with myself: I was going to date only millionaires.”

Wearing designer clothes and heading to one of the most exclusive hotels in London, Jemima soon spotted a wealthy man to fund her lifestyle. “He had an air of confidence about him that exuded money,” she purrs.

Jemima’s millionaire radar had worked a treat: “I started chatting to him at the bar and discovered he was a Saudi prince. I knew instantly I had struck gold. Patrick’s wealth was merely loose change to this guy.” Jemima dated the prince for more than a year and he lavished her with Bvlgari jewellery, paid for the renovation of her house in Kent and gave her a chauffeur-driven Bentley, which he nicknamed “the black cab”.

“I started training Lily while I was dating him,” says Jemima. “We would go for drives in the Bentley and I’d say to her: ‘Don’t you want a car like this?’ I made her aware of what I was getting by dating rich men.”

However, Jemima ended the relationship when she discovered her prince was married with children. “It didn’t change my opinion on rich men,” Jemima says, “it just made me even more determined to find another millionaire quickly.”

Jemima and her sister set up a dating website aimed at gold-diggers and millionaires. “We created in 2008 and have more than 28,000 members. It seems I’m not the only one striving to date men with full wallets.”

With access to hundreds of millionaires through her website, Jemima has no trouble meeting wealthy men so she is now concentrating on training up Lily.

“I’ve taught Lily that what you wear is very important for attracting wealth,” she says. “The other day I came home to find her in a pair of my blue silk Versace trousers. When I asked her why she was wearing my clothes she replied: ‘because they are expensive.’ I have taught her well.”

Jemima is also teaching Lily tricks for wrapping a man around her finger. “Lily wants to be a pop star and I have a friend who works in the music industry,” she says. “Whenever Lily sees him she does everything she can to impress him, from laughing at his jokes to complimenting him on his clothes. She knows he has money and can help her get what she wants.”

Jemima and Lily have spoken about Lily’s future when she is old enough to date and Jemima has put a “no labourers” rule in place. “I constantly tell Lily that she needs to mingle with quality rich. There are lots of women out there who date footballers just for their money. In some ways I suppose we are quite similar but I don’t want Lily to target footballers; they are a bit chavvy for me. I like classy men who know how to spoil a woman.”

Lily has been shown “appropriate places to be seen and socialise”. her mother takes her to top London restaurants and she isn’t adverse to Lily using her website when she turns 18: “There are lots of eligible men on there who’d I’d be happy for her to date.”

As for Lily’s “schooling”, Jemima has every confidence that her lessons are going according to plan. “She’s learning from the best,” she says with a smile


7.03pm: Housemates are playing blind man's buff. But Big Brother has an announcement to make.  


7.10pm: Uh oh! The housemates aren't going to like what BB has to say... #BBUKLIVE


7.21pm: Breaking news. There's been a rule break!!! Someone's been talking about nominations. More to follow

Last edited by Former Member

Day 11: Anyone for a game of kiss chase?

28 mins ago

Remember the joy of playground games? The thrilling uncertainty of hopscotch, the exhilaration of the skipping rope, the butterflies of kiss chase? Well, our housemates do, and this evening they had a brief game of kiss chase.

The game was brought on by Callum's makeover at the hands of Sophie. He took one look at himself in the mirror and clearly thought "this lipstick was made for kissing!"

Much fun was had by all, as he kissed Dexter, Jackie and, most interestingly of all, Charlie.

Hmm, we're starting to think this game might have been an elaborate ruse to give him the excuse to kiss young Ms Travers...




Day 11: House jail rock

7 mins ago

Everyone knows that Big Brother takes rule-breaking very seriously, and one of the biggest BB rules is Do Not Discuss Nominations. When Hazel, Joe, Jemima and Jackie discussed nominations today, Big Brother got serious and sent them to jail!

That's right, jail. A lovely, stylish wooden jail has been constructed in the garden, and Big Brother sent the naughty rule-breakers down. They'll spend the night there without any creature comforts such as bedding and refreshments, and hopefully this'll give them adequate time to think about what they have done.

As you can imagine, Hazel, Joe, Jemima and Jackie are all pretty unimpressed at their incarceration, and we can only assume that their housemates will take this as a learning


Big Brother's big quiz: Week 1

55 mins ago

Calling all big Brother lovers. Show us what you're made of by completing this week's big quiz!

Think you know all there is to know about the show so far? Here's your chance to prove it. We want to see 100 per cent from all of you.

If you're struggling, you'll find all the answers on the website.

Originally Posted by erinp:

Dr. Detroit ‏@BBCouchPotatoes 4m So if Jack and Joe ARE ONE, then why is Joe the only one in Jail? #BBUK #DoesntMakeSense

They were also on opposite teams for the 'Remember, remember' task.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Day 11: Dan thinks he knows who's faking it

1 hour ago

House harmony is all well and good but we do like to see the cracks beginning to show and we're sure you do too. From where we're sitting it looks a lot like Dan shares our passion.

This evening he's been laying the foundations for a bit of a shake up. His bug bear – who's keeping it real and who is acting up.

He had a heart to heart with Charlie and got her to admit she has been guarded so far and is keen to expose her wild side. What will mum Jackie have to say about that?

During the chit chat Dan hinted that there was a housemate who he was really not sure about. Who could it be? All became clear later when he snuggled up to Hazel later on the living room sofa.

 "I'm sure he's a nice guy but he's not for me. My positive is also my negative and  I give everything – my observation is it doesn't come naturally with him. I think he's playing it too safe. Everything is so nicey nicey. Do you get it? Do you promise?"

"I do. I do," Hazel replied. "Do you think he is sitting on the fence."

"Definitely," Dan said. But he wasn't done. "It's interesting that I had a similar conversation with Charlie," he mused. "I didn't name anybody but I think she thinks the same.  A couple of days ago I thought they'd be a love interest but now I'm not so sure..."

Did you guess who he was talking about. Callum. Surely one of the least offensive characters in the House, right? What's Dan up to?

We catch up with him again later in the pow wow. "What I've resigned myself to is that I'm not going to be friends with everyone here. I can get along with them but I won't be friends some of them and that includes him."

Are we seeing game plans starting to be exposed. Is Dan pouring poison into the girl's ears or are his sleuth like senses barking up the right tree. Could Callum's pleasant persona be a big old act? The tension is almost too much to bear.



Weekly round-up: the first eviction and a big reveal

1 hour ago

The first full week in the Big Brother House started off pleasantly enough, what with Wolfy modelling her new line of couture bin bags and Sallie and Gina bonding over their similarities. But of course, drama wasn't far away, and Monday saw our very first bona fide nom bomb as Michael delivered the public's nominations to Big Brother, putting Sallie, Gina and Dexter up for eviction. Naturally, the housemates didn’t have the foggiest that Michael's nominations were all decided by the public, and a few of them gave Michael a piece of their minds.

A mere day after putting three of his housemates in the frame for eviction, Michael was tasked with sabotaging the weekly shopping task, which he did with great aplomb, condemning them to another week on basic rations. The housemates were understandably upset to fail, but they managed to keep their spirits up, especially when the sun started shining.


With everyone starting to get along, it was time to stir up the drama in the House, which Big Brother achieved by inviting the housemates to share suggestions for each other, via ananonymous suggestion box. A selection of these suggestions were revealed to the House, and when Michael was given the chance to save one of the three nominees,Dexter revealed that he had called Dan 'bitchy'. Of course, Dexter was actually saved by virtue of having had the fewest public votes, but he and the rest of the housemates thought it was Michael's decision, and this very much annoyed Sallie in particular.

With Dan and Dexter getting on OK, and the rest of the housemates living in relative harmony, Big Brother decided to shake things up on the day before eviction. This involvedtaking the opinions of the public and getting Michael to pretend they were his opinions. So, the housemates looked on in disbelief as he 'judged' Wolfy the least attractive and least hygienic housemate, and gave Dan the title of sexiest and cleverest housemate. Unsurprisingly, this task had ramifications: Wolfy was upset and it was suggested that Michael may have had reasons for picking Dan in such complimentary categories...

And then it was eviction day. After toying with many a wardrobe change, Sallie and Gina joined their housemates on the sofas, to hear our fabulous host Emma Willis announce that Sallie would be the very first evictee. The housemates barely had time to react before Emma made another announcement, exposing Michael as an actor and a mole, and causing Dan to jump up and down and shout "I KNEW IT!"

With the exit of both Sallie and Michael, the House was somewhat less turbulent, a matter helped along by Big Brother finally giving the housemates their suitcases back. A collection of bizarre additions to the House gave theRemember To Remember task a surreal edge, and the housemates set about memorising them. This was less than useless, as the task was actually a test on what they could remember from the dazzling conversation and activity of the day. The course of the task revealed that Dexter was quite the talk of the House.

And that brings us to Sunday. The housemates had a fairly quiet day, all told, with the notable exceptions of nominationsand a handful of the naughty tykes being sent to jail briefly for discussing their votes. Nominations will be announced tomorrow during Big Brother's Bit On The Side, so make sure you check back!


11.27am: A discussion is afoot in the House between Hazel, Charlie and Dan about moving in with each other after BB. Steady on

So it must have been Gina (Gins told us she pretends to be asleep ,last nights HL show)


Tonight on Big Brother's Bit on the Side: Monday 24th June

1 hour ago

Got that Monday feeling? Well here's a bit of good news to get you through the dreary work day...

We have an absolute blinder of a show lined up for you this evening, fronted by our terrific twosome, AJ and Rylan. Joining them on the panel, we have Eastender alumni, Daniella Westbrook, presenter Andy Shepherd and ex-CBB housemate, Tricia Penrose. And taking us through the dynamics of the House, we have life coach extraordinaire, Dr Pam Spurr.

Sound good to you? We'd agree! So join us after the main show at 11pm on Channel 5. Be there, or be square.




12.27pm: The HMs are convinced that Dexter is a twin and that they swap out during the night. To confirm, this is not true


Day 12: The twin theory

7 mins ago

Move over D.I. Dan, you've got some competition in the House. As the tensions in the Borehamwood bungalow rises, mainly fuelled by Michael's shocking reveal last week, it seems the housemates are relying on their detective skills to decipher what's a secret and what's a lie.

oday their attention has focused on sugar daddy Dexter, who they suspect is a twin who swaps in and out of the House with his 'brother'. They've even compiled a list of evidence to prove their theory, which ranges from him looking different to his photo on the wall, the fact that he had spots on his face when he entered and now he doesn't and his changing styles when it comes to his attire.

As you can see, it's not exactly concrete, but it's enough to keep them hooked on the conspiracy. And the man himself hasn't done much to disprove the theory – in fact, he's positively relishing in it.

However he isn't the only person in the firing line, as 'actress' accusations have also been flung in the direction of Gina. The crime? Too many trips to the Diary Room, apparently.

"She gets called five times a day I've noticed", Charlie offered to the group.


What's next  - Jackie getting accused of sending messages to the outside world via the medium of dance? We wouldn't put it past this suspicious bunch.



Last edited by Former Member

Sophie Lawrence the new favourite to win Big Brother this year  according to Ladbrokes.


Since Friday night’s eviction the Londoner has attracted 78% of all outright  bets, seeing her odds tumble into favouritism at 9/2, leaving Jack and Joe in  second spot at 5/1.

Given that Sophie’s barely been shown on screen so far, we’re not sure  exactly who is betting on her!

Detective Dan has seen his odds slip after days and days of going on about  actors and is now quoted at 6/1 with Wolfy and Charlie sharing odds of 7/1 for  glory in three months’ time. And after surviving the chop Gina’s odds of winning  have crashed from a huge 100/1 to just 20/1.

Jessica Bridge of Ladbrokes said: “Gina’s no longer the most unpopular  housemate with punters, passing the infamous title over the Jemima. Sophie’s a  crowd pleaser and it’s no surprise to see her well backed.”

Ladbrokes latest betting

Big Brother winner 2013

Sophie 9/2 Jack and Joe 5/1 Sam 6/1 Wolfy 7/1 Charlie 7/1 Dan 9/1 Callum 10/1 Hazel 16/1 Jackie 16/1 Daley 16/1 Gina  20/1 Dexter 33/1 Jemima 66/1

Read more:



Day 12: Hair today, gone tomorrow

24 mins ago

There's something in the hair in the House today. Housemates are lining up to be styled by Jemima - a hairdresser as well as a dating website owner, remember? - and Sophie - the dental nurse whose desires to become a beautician mean her usual day involves dishing out a pampering.

We noticed very different hairside manners from the youngest and oldest females in the House. While Jemima channelled a steely focus, Sophie wasn't afraid to make comments like, "You look like a conehead!" Good thing the good-natured Sam was in the chair and they had a good old laugh together.

Note to Sophie, insulting your work when your work is your customers has been known to backfire.

But he did look a bit like a conehead. Or a T-bird. Or... why not look and judge for yourselves...


Jemima's a hairdresser, remember?


A hair-raising pout


Do you think Sam looks like "a conehead"?


Laughing at locks


Focus can make people look scary sometimes


Who's the most cleverest housemate?

2 hours ago

Before the housemates entered the House, we set them a general knowledge quiz. Smartphones, the internet and that ancient reference form, books, were banished from reach. For your information we have published their results below. But first, why not get into the spirit of mental challenges and guess which two housemates got every question right?

Who is the Prime Minister?

Callum: David Cameron
Charlie: David Cameron
Daley: David Cameron
Dan: David Cameron
Dexter: David Cameron
Gina: David Cameron – who else!
Hazel: David Cameron
Jack: David Cameron
Jackie: David Cameron
Joe: David Cameron
Jemima: David Cameron
Sam: Tony Blair
Sophie: David Cameron
Wolfy: Coalition. David Cameron

Answer: David Cameron

Who is the manager of the England football team?

Callum: Roy Hodgson
Charlie: Alex Ferguson
Daley: Roy Hodgson
Dan: Roy Hodgson
Dexter: Roy Hodgson
Gina: Not a clue... Sven?
Hazel: Alex Ferguson. I'm not up to date enough to know the new one (female)
Jack: Roy Hodgson
Jackie: Alex Ferguson
Joe: Roy Hodgson
Jemima: Don't know lol
Sam: Roy Hodgson
Sophie: That man with the really red face lol. My boyfriend's gonna be p**sed with me
Wolfy: When I watched football it was Sven Goran Eriksson (think it’s an Italian now)

Answer: Roy Hodgson

In what year was the Battle of Hastings?

Callum: 1066
Charlie: 1066
Daley: Pass
Dan: 1066
Dexter: 1066
Gina: Beginning of 1066 when King Edward died!
Hazel: 1066
Jack : 1066
Jackie: 1066
Joe: 1066
Jemima: 1066
Sam: No idea
Sophie: Aye?
Wolfy: 1066

Answer: 1066

Who discovered gravity?

Callum: Isaac Newton
Charlie: Isaac Newton
Daley: Pass
Dan: Isaac Newton
Dexter: Isaac Newton
Gina: Sir Iasac Newton
Hazel: Isaac Newton
Jack: Sir Isaac Newton
Jackie: Isaac Newton
Joe: Isaac Newton
Jemima: Sir Isaac Newton
Sam: No idea
Sophie: Some geezer who was clearly bored
Wolfy: Isaac Newton

Answer: Isaac Newton

What's the nearest planet to the Sun?

Callum: Mercury
Charlie: Mercury or Pluto
Daley: Neptune but not sure
Dan: It's a guess... Mars?!
Dexter: Mercury
Gina: Mercury
Hazel: Mercury
Jack: Venus
Jackie: Mars, Neptune or Pluto
Joe: Venus
Jemima: Saturn
Sam: Moon
Sophie: Earth?
Wolfy: Mercury

Answer: Mercury

Who wrote Romeo and Juliet?

Callum: William Shakespeare
Charlie: William Shakespeare
Daley: William Shakespeare
Dan: William Shakespeare
Dexter: Shakespeare
Gina: Shakespeare – durr!
Hazel: Shakespeare
Jack: William Shakespeare
Jackie: William Shakespear
Joe: William Shakespeare
Jemima: Shakespere
Sam: Shakespeare
Sophie: MacBeth?
Wolfy: Shakespeare

Answer: William Shakespeare

What is the square root of 2,049?

Callum: 47?
Charlie: I love maths but can’t remember how to work out the square root of something
Daley: Have no idea
Dan: Somehow I scraped a 'C' in GCSE maths, but I have no idea how to work out this answer!
Dexter: About 47
Gina: Pass
Hazel: Seriously?
Jack: Pass
Jackie: No idea
Joe: 49.5
Jemima: 1024.5
Sam: Don't know where to start
Sophie: Ain't even gonna try that one
Wolfy: 17

Answer: 45.27

We're giving Dexter and Callum the benefit of the doubt with that last cruel maths mindbender which means the PE teacher and celebrity publicist are kings of this world. Did you see that one coming? If so, award yourself a point


Day 12 : Feast Like A Beast – Task

3 mins ago

Today's task was of the animalistic variety. In order to win a slap up meal for the house, the housemates had to guess which animals Jack and Joe were impersonating. The twist was... dun dun dah... their impersonations had to be channelled through the act of eating alone.

The twins were called to the Diary Room where they were welcomed by none other than a monkey butler. The simian servant presented them with plates of food and a menu that discreetly informed them which animal they should be impersonating.

The housemates watched from the sofas aware that if they managed to guess 6 out of the 8 animals correctly, they could pick a replication of the twins' meals for their own - human style - dinner later. So, they'll soon nom down on a delicious curry.

The task was passed and as a bonus the housemates were in stitches courtesy of the double dose of animal play coming from our own Tweedledum and Tweedledee.





                                                  Day 12: Dexter, Gina and Jemima are up for eviction        


So there you have it. Three housemates are facing the public vote but will it be Dexter, Gina or Jemima who leaves the House on Friday?

Let's look at why the housemates nominated them. It's Jemima's first time but for Dexter and Gina, there must be a sense of déjà vu.

Dan picked Dexter because he doesn't think he is genuine. He also said, "I don't trust him."

Jack and Joe have a different issue with Dex, "He's such hard work," they agreed. "He goes on and on about his money and his industry. He's snaky and he's working his way around the House."

Both Hazel and Jackie nominated Gina for her lack of contribution within the House. Jackie said: "She's a bit precious and doesn't do much in the kitchen."

Jemima  was chosen by Wolfy who complained, "she's always taking charge, looking over your shoulder and sticking her two pence in."

Gina added to Jemima's nom tally claiming she showed no interest in her when she came into the house and now is only pretending to be her friend."

They've done the hard bit, now it's over to you.


Vote to EVICT Dexter

Call 6 50 58 05 from a mobile

Call 090 20 50 58 05 from a landline

Mobile & BT landline votes cost 35p. Other landlines may vary.




Vote to EVICT Gina

Call 6 50 58 06 from a mobile

Call 090 20 50 58 06 from a landline

Mobile & BT landline votes cost 35p. Other landlines may vary.




Vote to EVICT Jemima

Call 6 50 58 10 from a mobile

Call 090 20 50 58 10 from a landline

Last edited by Former Member

24 June noms

 Dexter: Dan & Jack/Joe

 Dan: Dexter & Wolfy

 Wolfy: Dexter & Jemima

 Hazel: Gina & Dexter

 Daley: Gina & Jemima

 Callum: Jemima & Gina

 Sophie: Dexter & Gina

 Sam: Dexter & Gina

 Charlie: Jemima & Dexter

 Jack/Joe: Dexter & Gina

 Jemima: Dexter & Gina

 Jackie: Gina & Dexter

 Gina: Jemima & Dexter
10 Dexter

 8 Gina

 5 Jemima

 1 Dan

 1 Joe/Jack

 1 Wolfy

 0 Callum

 0 Sam

 0 Sophie

0 Hazel

 0 Daley

 0 Charlie

0 Jackie




                                                  Day 12: Nom stop reactions    


The announcement that three housemates had been put up for eviction by those (physically) closest to them was bound to ruffle some feathers wasn't it? Except it really didn't seem to.

Housemates greeted the news that Dexter, Gina and Jemima were up for eviction with silence. And the silence continued for what felt like the longest time ever. Surely they couldn't have been that surprised that some people had been nominated.

Dan eventually gave Gina a reassuring hug but everyone else appeared to forget to sprinkle around the usual platitudes.

And what about the names in the frame? Well Gina reacted by saying, "It was obvious anyway. I can't believe I have to pack again." We're sure in the outside world Gina has people to pack for her.

Dexter who received 10 nominations – the most of the three nominees – cracked a smile and said: "I'm not going to cane all my outfits now. I need something good to leave in." Interesting way of looking at it.

And Jemima? She looked the most upset but said: "We're all going to have to nominate each other – I was prepared either way. I knew they'd do two. I didn't think they'd do three." In case you missed it – if they'd only done two, she'd be safe.

She managed to put a positive spin on her situation saying, "I'm just happy I didn't get 10 votes like Dexter." Every cloud and all that.

But what we were waiting for were the accusations, the tears and the theories.

Gina said: "I was really hoping it would be someone else. I know who voted for me and who didn't. It means people I speak to and genuinely like voted for me." Good point...

Dex is pretty confident he knows who chose him – we guess it's not so tricky when only two people didn't.

Jemima is yet to speculate.

Gathered in the garden, Dan attempted to unite the House which wasn't really that divided. He said:  "I'm glad we're all here together." Erm, for now.

 Make the most of it housemates – on Friday you'll be a man or woman down.


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