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Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

( Not sure why I'm not getting the clip with that 'Day 10' post&nbsp

you posted

Dan, Hazel and Sophie are discussing the Impolite Invitations task. They still think those choices were Michael's own... "


Good Heavens! They're still to thick to have grasped it properly


and I replied just like Sallie .She didn't get it like Michael said in the clip .It was the public that worked Michael.Michael made no decisions .

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

( Not sure why I'm not getting the clip with that 'Day 10' post&nbsp

you posted

Dan, Hazel and Sophie are discussing the Impolite Invitations task. They still think those choices were Michael's own... "


Good Heavens! They're still to thick to have grasped it properly


and I replied just like Sallie .She didn't get it like Michael said in the clip .It was the public that worked Michael.Michael made no decisions .

No Erin, not that post.  I'm referring to my post at the bottom of page 15, but I've got the clip on it now.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

( Not sure why I'm not getting the clip with that 'Day 10' post&nbsp

you posted

Dan, Hazel and Sophie are discussing the Impolite Invitations task. They still think those choices were Michael's own... "


Good Heavens! They're still to thick to have grasped it properly


and I replied just like Sallie .She didn't get it like Michael said in the clip .It was the public that worked Michael.Michael made no decisions .

No Erin, not that post.  I'm referring to my post at the bottom of page 15, but I've got the clip on it now.


The revelation of Michael the mole has sent the Big Brother 2013 house into a paranoid mess, even more than usual!


Last night BB revealed all about apparent Irish postie Michael, telling the housemates how the actor had in fact been doing the public’s dirty work.

It left the house confused and it wasn’t long before more conspiracy theories were being formulated.

Speaking in the early hours, Jack and Jackie thought that copper Dan Neal was also an actor.

Jackie reasoned: “He’s in on the Michael thing and I don’t believe he’s a detective because he’s too showbizzy. He’s larger than life.

“He went so on about it [Michael being an actor] and kept on about it, I thought, you’re not a detective!”

Dan meanwhile insisted: “I would love to be an actor but I’m not, I’m really not,” before letting slip that he thought someone else was an actor, but refused to name who!

With the first (real) nominations looming tomorrow, Hazel quipped: “We’re going to be nominating everyone for being an actor now.”

But the Irish model seemed somewhat upset after she was ruled out of being a mole, asking: “Why couldn’t I be an actor?”

Read more:


Day 10: From housemates to best mates

1 hour ago

With two housemates down, the remaining 13 have had room to starting forming some good old fashioned House friendships.

After last night's love-in where, under the shadow of Michael's departure and rising suspicion that there could be a second mole, everyone told everyone else they loved them, the dust has started to settle.

Our prize for the most unlikely alliance goes to Wolfy and Gina – the no-nonsense mystic fisherwoman and the pampered lady of leisure. Surely not?

Gina confessed to her shaman companion, "I don't know what I'd do if you weren't in the House. You're the only person keeping me sane."

Wolfy responded with, "I enjoy your company as well. I thought you'd be bit of a diva which is horrible but you're such a nice person. People look at you and judge you and that's disgusting."

Could their mutual desire to challenge misconceptions be bringing them together?

A whiff of romance has been building over the last couple of days with Charlie and Callum looking very cosy. Can love blossom or will having mum in the backgropund 24/7 prove to be totes awks?

Hazel and Dan have been getting on like a house on fire, sharing cereal and giggles a-plenty. We haven't managed to apply any pop psychology to this pairing but they are both pretty.

We were holding our breath in anticipation of first night amour from Sam and Jemima but that seems to have fizzled out. For now.

Big Brother has spilt the House into two teams for the latest task. Will this shake up the housemates? Stay tuned to find out.


Day 10: Team Blue Brains win Remember To Remember

1 hour ago

Our housemates aren't generally remembered for their brainy ways, but all the same Big Brother decided to put their grey matter to the test today. Remember To Remember was a task that was ostensibly an elaborate memory test, with housemates thinking they had to memorise a whole load of weird stuff that had happened throughout the day.

Obviously BB didn't play the game in such a straightforward way and there was more to this challenge than met the eye. Assembled in the living area in the evening, HMs were all ready to show how absorbent their minds are when it comes to committing facts to the space between their ears. But then Big Brother threw them a curveball and asked them questions of a more personal nature, relating to what they'd got up to during Day 10.

Who said Dexter's a snake in the Treehouse today? Who pondered whether Wolfy's an actress? These troubling questions, among others, were fired at the HMs and caused Team Blue Brains win to be slightly tainted by a few miffed faces.

Sophie, Dan, Daley, Wolfy, Jack, Callum and Team Blue Brains leader Charlie at least nabbed themselves some delicious cakes (and everyone else some liquid refreshments) – so it was probably worth it. Wasn't it?


Day 10 round up: Pandemonium after the People's Puppet

1 hour ago

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a slightly suspicious House on our hands. As housemates awoke after an extremely eventful eviction evening, the atmosphere was filled with confusion in the wake of People's Puppet Michael's exit. He left the House in a right old mess.

Thankfully, everybody's favourite mother figure Jackie Travers was on hand to spit some rhymes to see in the morning and lighten the mood. There was also a task to distract from the eviction aftermath – Remember To Remember being an all-consuming challenge that kept HMs heads turning over for hours. Then there was the staring contest that kept the gang occupied for quite some time – Hazel's glare being so strong it caused Callum's contact lens to pop out of his peeper. Talk about the Evil Eye.

Strange alliances are popping up all over the place as themole talk escalates. Daniel thinks Wolfy's an actor. Jackie thinks Daniel's an actor. Everyone thinks Dexter's up to no good. It's a hotbed of speculation in there.

BB didn't help when testing housemates memories later. He gave the crew an inkling of what's being said behind backs and now everybody's wondering what's going on. Even when the task was won (by Team Blue Brains, if you're wondering), the mood didn't really ramp up to party mode. Tongues continue to wag as our friends keep up the Secrets and the Lies. We're only on Day 11. Imagine how things might be a month down the line...



Gina attempts to commit some bizarre stuff to memory



Jackie's rapping garners a mixed response



A long time ago (yesterday) in a galaxy far, far away (Elstree) - STARE WARS



Team Purple Brains put their heads together. And lose.



The Blue Brains come out on top



Jemima tries to spark some life into her synapses



Well - that's one way to end the day. Strong work, Daley.





This lunchtime on Rylan's Supersized Celebrity Bit on the Side – Sunday 23rd June

27 mins ago

Yep, that's right, because it's Sunday we're not going to make you wait for your sexy Bit on the Side. The second ever supersize lunch show will be on your screens at 1.30pm so get your spuds in the oven in good time.

Host Rylan will be reunited with X-Factor chums Jaymi Hensley from Union J and Lucy Spraggon who will be playing the show out with her new song, 'Lighthouse'. Hope she won't hit any rocky notes...

Evicted housemate Sallie Axl will also be having a reunion, but one of a more tempestuous nature, with the People's Puppet Michael. Things between them are bound to be interesting based on previous shared interviews...

So to recap, this will be going down at 1.30pm on Channel 5. See you there!


Day 11: Wake up and smell the nominations

1 hour ago

There's nothing better than a lazy Sunday lie-in, but unfortunately for our weary housemates this wasn't to be the case this morning. Try as they might, Sophie, Gina, Wolfy, Jack and Sam failed to hide under the covers and get in those extra precious minutes of sleep as they were summoned by Big Brother to the Diary Room for a stern telling off. The crime? Not getting up in a reasonable time.  And who can blame BB - as much as we like how angelic they look when they're sleeping, we'd much rather watch them interacting with each other.  Plus it's a bit creepy just watching people sleep.

You can't really blame the housemates for wanting a bit of r'n'r though, what with Sallie's departure, Michael's shocking reveal and the mole accusations over the last couple of days  -  we'd be pooped as well. And to top it all off, they've got the pressure of nominating for the first time today. If we were them, we'd hide under our duvet too...



What's going on in that cosily wrapped head?



We have a disgruntled sleeper here with Jac



Think this hidden figure is Sam. He's not giving us much to work with



Dreaming Wolfy things



It may look like Sophie is getting up but she is rolling over to a more comfy position





It's Big Brother 2013 nominations day! Who will be up for eviction?


It’s the first Big Brother 2013nominations day, but who will be the first to be put up for eviction?


We say first up even though we’ve already had one set of nominations and even an eviction already this series, but that was all the public’s doing.


This week it’ll be the first chance that the housemates themselves have had to vote and turn on one another, and there’s not exactly a lack of reasons for them to choose from.


In the first seven day we’ve already seen countless arguments and rows, two official warnings dished out, some flirty relationships form, claims of game plans and – as always – plenty of bitching.


The house is still seemingly struggling to get over the news of Michael the Mole, with detective Dan convinced that Wolfy is an actor, and it looks like he’s determined to convince everyone else in the house too, but will they nominate her?


Dexter meanwhile has also become somewhat of a target for the other housemates, with Jack claiming that that the so-called celebrity publicist has been trying to bring people down, while Wolfy declared “he ain’t going to f**king win.”


But all rivalries and alliances can change when the housemates get alone in the Diary Room and the two or more people with the most votes from their fellow housemates will be put up for the public vote this week.


Who do you think will be nominated and which of the group do you hope will be up for eviction? 


The BBUK nomination results will be revealed on Monday night’s live show.




Day 11: Nomination stations

1 hour ago

Until today housemates have managed to dodge that most of divisive of bullets: nominating each other. People's Puppet Michael served as a lightning rod for bad feeling putting up Gina, Dexter and Sallie (sniff) via your votes.

But now he's out it's game on.

Nominating is a process that forces housemates to judge each other, tough for those who like to think they're nice as pie (wait – is pie always nice?)

Last model standing Hazel gave eloquent voice to her reservations about nominating.

"We've been brought up in a world where it's normal to be polite. Because we're all logical and intelligent we like to give people a chance."

She's nailed a few things there. Nominating is not polite or patient.

Dexter piped up in agreement. "You can always see the good in people."

Sounds like this pair should create a new reality TV show: 'Good, normal, intelligent and polite.' You'd tune into that, wouldn't you?

Wind in her sails, Hazel carried on with her topic. "Do you be emotional or do you be tactical?" she mused on the process of putting hosuemates to the public vote.

Charlie who'd been listening quietly with mum, Jackie piped up. "Emotional at this stage," she bellowed.

This crew weren't the only ones mulling over their day's work. Twins Jack and Joe retired to the tree house for murmured exchanges. They were too discreet for us to hear properly – that's twin talk for ya. At least their votes will do the talking soon. Tune in to the show tomorrow at 10pm on Channel 5 for an exclusive reveal on whose fate will be in your hands...

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Twitter takeover - Michael

45 mins ago

He came, he saw, he messed with minds, he left. But before the People's Puppet disappears cackling into the sunset of Elstree and Borehamwood, skipping with glee like a mischevious sprite, we grabbed the actually sweet and smart actor for a Twitter takeover. A Twitter takeover involves you tweeting questions and the housemate tweeting back answers. Simple.

xXBeccyMXx – What will you miss most about the show?
Michael - Putting the public's suggestions into action. That was a really nice task as an actor.

Daithi_Brennan -Who is the smartest housemate and who do you think will win?
Michael - Charlie and Hazel are the smartest. The ladies are rocking it there but either the twins or Sophie will win.

Karen5483 - Would you go back into the House if Big Brother provided a secret room for you to work your magic from?
Michael – No because I have other projects coming up but I'll definitely be keeping tabs on the housemates...

OnceBBFan – Who do you want to be evicted next?
Michael – All the housemates have a lot to offer but the most boring ones should go next. We need to keep it interesting.

LeonWesty – Were you ever sad when the other housemates got upset by your actions?
Michael - Yes of course but my job was to do what Big Brother and the public wanted. It wasn't about his personal judgments.

AlexRileyFan – Were you genuinely close to any of the housemates or did you keep your feelings out of it?
Michael - As an actor, personal feelings never came into this. Everything I said in the show was an act or a lie to stir things up.

And with that our time was up. Farewell Michael, we barely knew the real you but your work was a wonder to watch. Good luck in all your future endeavours, Mr Puppet!


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