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Day 9: Gina and Sallie go head to head

25 mins ago

Arguments, accusations, anxiety and annoyance filled our first nine days of Big Brother this summer. In the midst of all the hullaballoo, two candidates have earned themselves a place in the frame for eviction tonight. Step right up, Gina and Sallie.

It may have been their Day 2 blow-up that cemented their place in line for the chop. Taking an instant dislike to one another, the pair had to be separated so their cat-calls didn't deafen the rest of their cowering pals. Since then, they've grown closer than we might've expected – but this isn't really a team sport, so let's look at their individual performances and see what factors may spell the end for one of the twosome.


As first impressions go, Gina made a bit of a stinker. It didn't help that Sallie called her out (at the top of her voice), calling her all manner of nasty names on her first night in the House. She was an isolated 'it' girl for the next 24 hours, but a private dinner with Michael seemed to soften her. Our self-proclaimed spoiled girl even mucked in with the cooking and bed-making and finds herself growing close to most HMs, including Sallie. But not Michael. Things turn very quickly in there.


Gina gave as good as she got when Sallie screamed at her on Day 2 but now they're pals because Gina actually likes the fact Ms Axl is blunt and in-your-face. Others aren't so keen on that personality trait, however, and her constant haranguing of People's Puppet Michael and his chum Dexter has seen her rain down dirty words on both their heads. That naughty way with language has turned a few voters against her – though others count it as a positive.

Both of our potential evictees have devotees and detractors. Two strong females who split the nation. It's our first eviction of the series, but it's far from straightforward. If you fancy having a say in how this one swings, get yourself over to the vote page. But be quick, for zero hour is almost upon us.

Sallie Axl [Big Brother 2013)


Sallie had gone head to head with Gina Rio in the public vote this week after they were both nominated by the viewers at the weekend.

The girls had been joined up for eviction by Dexter Koh, who was saved on Wednesday when the lines were frozen and he had the fewest votes.

It was a tough result to call, with both Gina and Sallie favourites to leave at different points in the week, but tonight saw new Big Brother host Emma reveal the outcome, teasing: “The viewers have spoken, your fate is sealed.”

The crowd were heard chanting ‘Get Sallie Out’ as Emma spoke to the house, but Sallie took the news rather positively and sprung out of the doors to a chorus of boos from the live audience at the studios in Elstree.

Speaking to Emma after her exit, Sallie revealed she and Gina had become pals despite their huge row on their first night together.

“She’s lovely, I like her. At the beginning, I judged her wrong,” she said. “I totally judged her wrong, I’m glad she’s still because I liked her, I want Michael and Dexter out, the snake.”

Sallie’s exit comes just before the reveal of puppet Michael, which will follow on tonight’s live show.

Last edited by Former Member



BIG Brother host Rylan Clark is at the centre of a “fix” scandal after it emerged he is a big pal of one of this year’s housemates.


Rylan Clark, Channel 5, Teeth, Big Brother, dexter, fix, bb The Daily Star can exclusively reveal that camp presenter Rylan Clark, 25, is close to playboy Dexter Koh

The Daily Star can exclusively reveal that the camp presenter, 25, is close to playboy Dexter Koh.

The pair were photographed together on a night out in London recently.

And they were even in touch with each other shortly before this year’s Secrets And Lies series kicked off last week.

The news has raised questions over whether the 24-year-old celebrity promoter may be the subject of favouritism and positive editing during his time on the Channel 5 show.

A source said: “It’s a real shocker. Rylan has never spoken about this link to Dexter. Viewers will smell a rat over it.”

Dexter himself revealed his close link with Rylan during a conversation with other housemates. He boasted he had helped the gay singer’s rise to stardom when he appeared on The X Factor.

It appears that in his role as a “celebrity promoter” he has also acted as a paparazzo photographer.

And he claims he persuaded Rylan to pose for outrageous semi-nude photos to boost his profile in the media.

Their scheming clearly worked as Rylan became the most talked-about star on the ITV talent show.

Dexter let slip in the house: “I know Rylan. I did his first exclusive in X Factor. We got him stripping off that night.”

Following the shock revelation, it has also been discovered that the pair were in Twitter contact last January, shortly after Rylan won Celebrity Big Brother.

“It’s a real shocker. Rylan has never spoken about this link to Dexter. Viewers will smell a rat over it.”

<cite>A source</cite>

In one tweet, Big Brother’s Bit On The Side presenter Rylan asks his friend to help find photos of himself which have appeared in a magazine.

In another, Dexter admitted that he did not watch Big Brother for pleasure.

He wrote: “I only watch it for work reasons.”

The close bond between the pair will give cause for concern.

Never in the history of the regular series of Big Brother has one of the show’s hosts had a direct connection with a housemate.

The news will almost certainly give rise to accusations that Dexter’s position in the house could be favoured, in terms of editing of the Big Brother shows and remarks made about him by other housemates.

Last night a spokeswoman for Rylan tried to play down the link, despite the fact that the pair have been photographed together and also tweet one another.

She said: “Rylan doesn’t know Dexter on a personal level.

“But he was one of the paparazzi who followed the X Factor contestants during their time on the show.”

Last edited by Former Member

Big Brother 2013: That moth told me about that twist

Why, hello! I have moved house. It's been a ****ing nightmare and I have one cat hiding behind the sofa, but apart from that we're sitting pretty. Big Brother has been great! I have even changed my mind about someone already (Dan). I like changing my mind about things! I have half changed my mind about wanting Gina to go, too. I like Sallie but she really is one note, yap, yap, yap, mouse, cheese, snake. Gina seems to have a sweet side under the mask. But I'm fairly sure she's going to go. It's a shame to lose either.  I'm thrilled Michael is going tonight; he got found out TIME ago. The people's pillock. The people's prick.  Emma looks SO skinny at the moment! Her shoulders are so narrow. She looks like a little boy in that suit.  I hope she's OK. LOL to the sign saying 'hey doc you couch potato' - amazing! His podcast is getting proper famous - good on him. Listen to the Couch Potatoes radio podcast if you're a BB fan, it's fab. I like Callum now! He is boring, but I don't mind. I think he's a decent bloke - he would be good to have in your corner. He doesn't just blindly agree with a group, and I think he secretly hates Dan, which is a bonus.Oh, Dan, I really liked you. But you're such a smarm bucket! And that hair is unforgivable. We're though.  ÂĢ80 a night for the Savoy... this isn't helping Gina. I don't really like Hazel, I find her quite stuck up. Her and Dan are always slagging off Sallie behind her back. WEETABIX advertising. Some casual product placement here. Weetabix is absolutely disgusting. It tastes like cardboard. Why has Dan got pedal pushers on? Is he a middle aged man? Aw, Dexter walked in the room and EVERYONE left. Boo. Why are Gina and Sallie wearing the same outfit? Another shit stirring task! Who's ugliest/ prettiest etc? It's the oldest trick in the Big Brother book. That's hilarious that Michael had to choose Dan as sexiest (the public really voted)! Aw, Wolfy, least attractive. I'd say the mum myself. I'd be proud to be voted 'most annoying'. Jemima is sooooo Vinnie Jones. She's trying to RULE the kitchen. She will be up soon. Wolfy has been named ugliest and smelliest. Ha. That's what happens when you've got a dreadlock. Don't worry, Wolfy, it's not what Michael thinks, it's just what the whole of the nation thinks. Michael's going to have to be removed for his own safety at this rate. Never mind, Wolfy, at least you're the most unique, right? Michael is LAUGHING again about making people cry! What a lovely person! What a great guy! KNOB. Oh Wolfy, save the speeches for the final. Imagine if Wolfy won and then became super slim like Josie? Would she be doing it for the overweight girls then? The girl we vote to win is never the same girl a year later. Dan vs Jemima! Ding ding. See how he's hovering over her; threatening! Don't get me wrong, I don't particularly like Jemima but I swear Dan thinks he owns the place. He's going to be insufferable when he finds out he was right about Michael. Him and Sallie are both of the 'say it to your face' ie. 'I can be as rude as I ****ing like' school of thought. Sometimes it's better to NOT say things to people's face. Sometimes it's better to just shut your ****ing mouth. I tell you the problem with Dan: he can't see his own flaws. 'Who goes - it's up to you'. Not as catchy as 'you decide', is it? That party looks LAME! I've had better office parties. Does that Sophie ever speak? You have to work hard to be that dull. LOL to Charlie calling Gina an escort! Hahahaha - foot in it! I don't think she meant it maliciously. I like Charlie, actually. Dan, put some clothes on FFS. I'm sick of seeing you in you in your pants. Michael has had the BEST day making a young woman cry. What a hero. I can't wait for him to leave either. 'Your fate is sealed.' Strong words. OMG they did evict Sallie! I'm shocked. I wasn't expecting that. This is rubbish, they should have kicked Michael out first, Sallie would have enjoyed that moment - not fair she got denied that moment. Sallie, I'll miss you peeking over your shoulder coquettishly. I would have preferred Gina to go. But I didn't vote so it's partly my fault. I'm sad she's gone when there's so many boring people in that house. I feel a bit deflated. Did she ever even get her suitcase? Can she have it back now? Shut up, booing idiotic crowd. LOL to Sallie shouting, 'Shut the **** up!' at the crowd. 'You've been waiting since four to get in here, get a grip.' Brilliant, about time someone gave it back to that crowd. I would have told them that, too. So obvious that someone like her would go out first, a mouthy woman. No one can take it. At least Dan will have a chunk out of him, losing his sidekick. I'd love to see him up next week. Sallie going 'shut the **** up' to Emma Willis. Haha. Some people just talk like that. No offense is intended. Michael times. Acting! DAN IS GLOATING! Did Wolfy just say 'my mum told me about that twist'? WTF? On reflection after rewinding, she said. 'that moth told me about that twist.' Now that makes a LOT more sense. The Mothman Prophecies! Speechless. You can stop acting now, Michael. Nervous drink! Wolfy's got Sallie's earrings on. Aw, that was sad that Wolfy never said goodbye to him. I think I would be hurt by him. Even though he's an actor, I'd still feel lied to, especially if I considered him a friend. Micheal should be getting boos! Set Sallie on him. Stop gnawing Emma's wrist. LOL they're sitting him next to Sallie. Brilliant! 'I don't think it's Hollywood for you, babe, more like Towie.' Line of the season, after the moths. Michael's body language! I want Sallie to lamp him! Michael's twitching. I love it, Michael wasn't expecting Sallie to be sitting in on his interview. He's an actor - Sallie: 'not a very good one.' This is the funniest eviction interview ever. Are there more secrets and lies than just Michael FFS? We need more than just this, surely? So what if Dan's a detective, Sallie sussed this prick FIRST! Sallie is a legend. This has sealed her place in the annals of BB history. Michael saying he didn't care about shredding Wolfy's prom dress - cruel! Sallie: 'Is it vote to evict? Well no wonder I went then.' HA! I love her swearing, it's real.  She's a normal person. Michael: 'Wolfy is a lovely girl.' Sallie: 'She doesn't like you. I don't think she ever will.' Ha!  I thought Emma was being a bit stuck up towards Sallie. Sallie is a good character. She's naturally funny and she's a loss as a housemate. Michael: not so much. Best eviction interview(s) ever? I think so. Next week the battle lines will be drawn. I think there could be a few up. Just ask.
(posted DS )

Detectives are being paid overtime to watch  Big Brother.

The ‘cushiest job ever’ is so Scotland Yard  officers can monitor a former colleague taking part in the Channel 5 reality  programme.

Dan Neal, 33, stunned Met bosses when he  entered the Big Brother house last week. Until recently he was working on  Operation Yewtree – the inquiry into Jimmy Savile and allegations of historic  sex offences by other celebrities.

Senior officers raised fears that Mr Neal  could compromise their highly sensitive investigation, prompting the programme’s  producers to agree to a five-minute delay on the ‘live’ footage.

And detectives are mounting a costly  round-the-clock operation to monitor the programme over the next two months, it  has emerged.

Incredibly, the force is offering an  inducement to watch Big Brother this weekend. Because they have been given less  than 15 days’ notice to work on a rostered rest day, officers will receive  time-and-a-half overtime pay

Read more: Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook



Day 9: So who knew?

47 mins ago

The House is still reeling from Sallie's departure but the conversation has been dominated by Big Brother's other bombshell – Michael's secret finally being exposed!

Housemates have raised a glass to the dearly departed queen of the beanie and as an afterthought congratulated Gina on staying put - but what they really want to do is discuss which of them had Michael pegged from the off.

Jackie wishes she'd gone with her instincts citing his "fake tears" as the big giveaway.

Wolfy says she was told about the twist by a bee in the garden. Damn bees, we had totally forgotten that they just can't keep secrets. Buzz off.

According to Joe, Dan the detective predicted the suitcases being returned – everyone's a mystic... But other housemates were less complimentary asking him why he didn't realise Michael was a fake when he wanted to wear a blazer tonight. Of course, the blazer. How did he miss that clue?

Callum and Charlie admit they didn't have the foggiest with the latter saying, "I didn't have the feeling. When I came into the House I said I wanted to stop using my mind so much."

In the garden the majority of the housemates agreed that they all loved each other very much. Cute moment or a bit of paranoia? We'll see. Dan is chief suspect in the case of the new Big Brother actor. How predictable do these guys think BB is?

For now it's still Charlie Travers' birthday and Jackie has some serious moves to bust out. Watch this space.



nite peeps

Last edited by Former Member

Day 9 round up: A birthday, an eviction and a puppet exposed

1 hour ago

We often report that it was an exciting day in the Big Brother House, but Day 9 of the summer 2013 run really delivered. In fact, it's likely to go down in history as an absolute BB classic.

It was rather a tense start, what with the fallout from the Suggestions Box task and the Impolite Invitations challenge having rattled Wolfy and Daniel. Then there was Gina andSallie to consider, both of who faced an eviction in a matter of hours. With all that murkiness, Charlie was probably better off celebrating her birthday (many happy returns) with a lone game of Pass The Parcel. The fact she messed it up by getting a little impatient only added to the turbulent atmosphere.

After a number of different costume changes, Gina and Sallie were ready to face Emma. When the time came for one of them to walk, Sallie's name was in the frame and we lost our first housemate of the series. But there was more intrigue to follow and, after only a gasp, Michael left the House reeling as Emma revealed the dirty truth about your People's Puppet.


Within the perimeter of the Borehamwood bungalow, our housemates chattered endlesslyinto the night about deception, fraudulent friends, method acting and secrets and lies. It's not over yet, gang. We've the feeling Big Brother's not done with the deceit just yet...

First to go was everybody's favourite motormouth, Sallie Axl



Swiftly followed by the People's Puppet. What a fine job he did of messing with housemate's minds..




Tonight on Big Brother's Bit On The Psych- Saturday 22nd June

15 mins ago

The nights are starting to get darker (true fact – yesterday mid-summer) so plump up those cushions, dig out your telly pants and get ready for a guilt-free night on the sofa. Coming fresh after Live from the House and the main show, we have Big Brother's Bit On The Psych, where AJ will be joined by some think-tastic guests, ready to expound on the internal struggles and triumphs of the housemates' minds.

Familiar (and handsome) face Iain Lee will be offering analysis laced with his usual trademark wit, alongside our old friend, psychologist Dr Funke, performance coach Kate Marlow. Of course, we'll also have our latest evictee Sallie. Find out what she really thinks about her ex housemates. It's gonna be good.

Be there at 10.20pm – we're here waiting for you already.


Grace Dent on TV: Big Brother – Secrets and Lies, Channel Five

Day 10 in the Big Brother house and it’s back to wry asides  and caustic bickering, thank God

A new series of Big Brother – the show that died on Channel 4 and was resurrected for Channel Five. At first I couldn’t stomach the regeneration with its Flo Rida-scored high-speed montage sections and pubescent squawking cast. Yet, in 2013, I feel that Channel Five has found its feet, removing much of the fluff, farting about, bells and whistles, and returning to that old-school, gently creeping format. I do not want comedy montages of the new cast – Sallie, Gina, Michael etc – star-jumping on their beds to “Live While We’re Young” by One Direction. We can watch pointless guff like that on Disney Channel. I want wry asides, caustic bickering and sideways glances, accompanied by Geordie Marcus’s voiceover, which takes my hand and pulls me from kitchen to garden to diary room. “Secrets and Lies” is the theme this summer, ironically, as by week nine most series of Big Brother have the feel of a Palm d’Or-contending Mike Leigh movie – broken characters staring into space, chugging on the dog-end of an Embassy Red, mulling which shape of Tesco Value pasta to have for dinner.
So with BB restored to some of its former glory, the question is, “are you in or out?”. “In” means a commitment to hours, days, weeks observing human beings like Dan the Operation Yewtree policeman, Wolfie (Rebel Wilson after five days at Glastonbury) or Dexter Koh, a obviously conflicted boy who once spent ÂĢ121,000 on Champagne in Aura, Mayfair but has since grown ashamed of it.
“I’m Britain’s biggest sugar-daddy!” Dexter said in his introduction video, referring to the gangs of Mayfair nightclub lovelies he keeps afloat in shoes and diamonds. “Oh, so you sleep with prostitutes?” asks a housemate. “No I do not sleep with prostitutes,” he fumes. By episode four I rather liked him.
So yes, Big Brother: are you in? Will you be following this off-putting rabble who in time, as sure as eggs is eggs, will mellow and reduce into compelling living soap opera? Or are you out, rejecting Big Brother and planning instead to spend the summer months searching for its mention on internet TV sections before typing anonymous pithy remarks about how culturally superior you are from your lofty moral vantage point of “weary-making comment-box knob”? You decide.
On the basis of week one, I am passionately in. Big Brother’s first “Secret and Lies” sucker punch was the addition of housemate Michael, an affable, flush-cheeked, wholesome postman from Munster, Ireland. But Michael is actually an actor. He’s a mole – the People’s Puppet – quietly setting about sabotaging tasks and pouring oil on troubled waters. What should be a lesson in subterfuge and double-dealing has been, in truth, a rollercoaster ride featuring a man with only amateur acting skills, winging it, crapping himself and being sussed as a mole on the first night. Luckily for Michael his cover was blown by Sallie Axl, a “bisexual glamour model” who entered the house virtually nude aside from a beanie hat and some ice-wash denim dungaree shorts (no shirt, no bra), before spending the evening rabidly telling anyone who would listen how “real” she was. Real is a big obsession with Sallie. Perhaps she is often mistaken for a hologram or cyborg.
There is a performance-art aspect to the current crop of 20-something, Tumblr-style glamour girls who take all the basic tenets of Sam Fox’s glamour model (tits, white teeth, the classic thumb tugging one’s belt-loop, lip-licking pose) and mix them with a big scoop of Eighties Camden tourist-friendly punk (tattoos, requisite Sid Snot sneer) and a large ladle of naff Nineties Limp Bizkit fan.
Sallie’s skin is plastered with half thought-out tattoos commemorating events in her relatively short life. Sallie was the first person to remark that Michael was probably being controlled by Big Brother but everyone ignored her because she has yet to grasp the life lesson, “dress like a clown, get treated like one”. No woman has ever been taken remotely seriously in dungaree shorts with nipples out and bum-cheeks showing, a neon beanie hat, and smothered in a can of Ambre Solaire no-streaks bronze.
My favourite contestant right now is Sophie, cast as a sort of more erudite, wealthier Jade Goody, although I suspect when things settle she will be much more than this. Sophie is a dental nurse but hates working, her dad owns a scrap yard and she can drive a fork-lift truck. She is sweet, ballsy and likes to smooth over situations with empathy and kindness and by sticking the kettle on. Right now she is my spirit-animal within the house, the rough diamond trying to keep her head down. And that’s the best tactic for the first three weeks in Big Brother. Trust me – I don’t like to brag – but I’m an expert.

Playing favourites: what our housemates' fave past BB personalities say about them

38 mins ago

These days it'd be pretty unusual for someone to enter the Big Brother House without at least having watched a few hundred hours of the show throughout its history, so it goes without saying that they have their favourites. We asked them before they entered the House, and now we're going to get analytical...

Both Sophie and the twins picked a fave that they can relate to. While Sophie picked Rylan, the twins both picked Josie Gibson, and it just so happened that the three of them identify closest with their faves. We can see where they're coming from, too: the similarities are uncanny.

Of course, some choices come a little out of the left-field. Like Dexter picking Jade Goody. We'd have had him pegged as an admirer of a consummate game-player like Victor Ebuwa or a classy sort like Jade's contemporary Alex 'suave-pants' Sibley. But we suppose, with Dexter's personal interest in the media, Jade's rollercoaster public life could explain this choice.

Big characters are, of course, big news in Big Brother, so it's no surprise that this year's official most unique housemate (as decided by the public in our exclusive poll) Wolfy picked Pete Burns as her fave. She picked another Pete, BB7's Pete Bennett, as the housemate she's most like, on the strength of their shared passion for chatting to butterflies.

Who's your favourite past housemate, and why?


Day 10: Remember Remember, it's time for a task

22 mins ago

The housemates are currently milling around, a little bit bored, and more than once, they've said "ooh maybe Big Brother'll give us a task today" and, well, they're right. Shortly, housemates will be told that they are being set a day-long memory test.

They'll be told they will have to answer a bunch of questions at the end of the day, relating to the day's activities, and then left to their own devices.
Big Brother will then unleash a slew of odd and surreal events and occurrences to bemuse them. Housemates will think that it is these bizarre interruptions that they need to remember, but of course it isn't that simple.

In actual fact, the test they face at the end of the day, in two teams of seven, will be entirely conducted of questions about the banal activities of the housemates throughout the day. So instead of being asked "what was the name of the seagull that appeared in the treehouse?" they're more likely to be asked "how many cups of tea has Sophie made today?"

The team who answer the most questions right, despite all the red herrings, will win a treat. Make sure to check back here later for video coverage of this bamboozling task.


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