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Day 8: Impolite Invitations

16 mins ago

As it's either Gina or Sallie's last night in the House, Big Brother has come over all nice and decided to throw a party in their honour. However there's a snag – the party is strictly invite only. Big Brother can't have any ol' riff-raff attending after all.
To win invites to their soiree, Gina and Sallie will be tested on how well they can guess the public perception of the housemates.

Head Housemate, Michael, will be called to the Diary Room and asked to assign personality traits, such as 'sexiest', 'most annoying' and 'most fake' to the housemates. However, unbeknownst to the housemates, it is not Michael making the decision, but you the public, after you cast your votes on our online poll.

How many invites they receive will depend on the number of correct matches they make, with each correct answering winning one ticket. So unless they correctly match all housemates, they'll also have the tricky task of selecting who will be boogying on down this eve and who will be left outside cold.

This is going to be interesting.


5:33pm: Gina & Sallie are guessing who the sexiest HM is, as decided by Michael (well, the public). They've picked Hazel


5:36pm: It was actually Dan that the public decided was the sexiest HM! Oh, dear


5:38pm: Asked who she thinks Michael thinks is the least attractive HM, Sallie chooses Wolfy.Correct


5:43pm: Now Gina has to guess who Michael says is the most annoying HM. She has chosen Sallie. And she was right


5:44pm: Gina & Sallie have guessed that Michael thinks Gina is the most fake HM aaaaaand...they're right


5:45pm: Remember, Michael is reading out the choices made by YOU, the public. Thanks for taking part! 


5:46pm: Next up, the most intelligent HM, and Sallie & Gina have chosen Jackie


5:47pm: Uh oh, the public (and Michael) actually think Dan is the brainiest HM


5:50pm: Next up, least hygienic HM. Urgh, how unfortunate


5:51pm: Sallie has hung the 'least hygienic' placard around Callum's neck. But, the public think that accolade goes to Wolfy


5:53pm: Wolfy's not very happy with this task, but Dan, Gina and Callum are comforting her. Bless


5:56pm: Now for the funniest HM! Sallie & Gina have gone for the twins, who are pretty chuffed with that


5:57pm: And they were right! The public think the twins are hilarious (well, they are


5:59pm: Now for the most argumentative, and they've chosen Sallie


6:02pm: Yup, the public chose Sallie as the most argumentative HM. Another right answer for Gina & Sallie


6:04pm: Now for most unique HM, and Gina & Sallie have gone for Wolfy


6:05pm: The most unique HM, of course, is Wolfy. Without a doubt, she's a unique lady


6:06pm: Now, who's the most boring HM? Gina & Sallie have decided on Dexter


6:08pm: Nope, the public think Callum is the most boring. Poor Callum's taking it pretty well, to be honest. 


6:10pm: Well! That was dramatic! But some of them will get a party, so it's all good! Stay tuned for a video


6:14pm: Sallie & Gina have received 6 invitations to their party, and they are about to hand them out


6:15pm: Sallie & Gina have decided to invite Wolfy, Dan, the twins, Hazel, Charlie and Sophie. What a crowd!


Last edited by Former Member

Big Brother has yet another secret task up his cavernous sleeve, and once more, he needs your help. The People's Puppet will be activated for a task tomorrow afternoon, and what he does will be determined by you. So complete this survey about the housemates by 12 noon on Thursday, and your responses will be put to use by Michael in tomorrow's task.

Big Brother is currently being quite mysterious about what exactly the task will entail - he gets like that from time to time - so make sure you're glued to the official Big Brother website, and to @bbuklive on Twitter, to see what your responses will mean for the housemates to vote in the poll



Day 8: Impolite Invitations make waves in the House

1 hour ago

Today's mini-task saw Sallie and Gina, on the eve of eviction (Eviction Eve?) told that they would be having a lovely party. But of course, it wasn't as simple as all that. Come on, this is Big Brother: Secrets & Lies, nothing's simple!

Big Brother told the housemates that they would all be able to go to Sallie and Gina's party only if they passed a task: they had to guess which personality traits and attributes head housemate (and People's Puppet) Michael would assign to his fellow housemates.

Of course, the decision wasn't Michael's, it was yours; since last night the public have been voting in a poll to determine what Michael would say in the Diary Room, and here's how the public voted:

Who is the sexiest housemate? – DAN
Who is the least attractive housemate? – WOLFY
Who is the most annoying housemate? – SALLIE
Who is the most fake housemate? – GINA
Who is the most intelligent housemate? – DAN
Who is the least hygienic housemate? – WOLFY
Who is the funniest housemate? – JACK & JOE
Who is the most argumentative housemate? – SALLIE
Who is the most unique housemate? – WOLFY
Who is the most boring housemate? – CALLUM

The task aroused joy and misery in the housemates, especially in Wolfy, who was very upset to see that her so-called friend Michael thought she was unattractive and unhygienic. Poor Wolfy. Callum proved some serious nice dude credentials by comforting his wolftastic buddy with a big old hug. Bless. Wolfy was also named the most unique housemate and that's something we can all agree on

: she's a real unique lady.

Sallie and Gina guessed six of the categories correctly, naming the twins funniest, Wolfy the least attractive and the most unique, Sallie the most annoying and most argumentative and Gina the most fake.

Because they got six right, they didn't get to invite all of the housemates, so they passed their handful of invitations to Wolfy, the twins, Hazel, Charlie, Dan and Sophie. What a party-rocking crew.

Though she had been upset by the task, Wolfy soon brightened up: there's nothing like a party to get everyone in, well, a party mood.


Dan delivers the task


Gina was named the most fake housemate


Joe could look a bit happier at being named funniest housemate...


Aw, Callum!


Dexter looks more bored than boring




The housemates watch on as Michael makes his judgements...


...though they don't know they're actually the public's opinions!


Sallie and Gina were voted most fake and most annoying


The housemates watch on as Michael makes his judgements...


...though they don't know they're actually the public's opinions!


Sallie and Gina were voted most fake and most annoying


Jackie looks pretty chuffed that Sallie and Gina's judgement of her intelligence


Oh, poor Wolfy!


Callum to the rescue!



Last edited by MrsH

Big Brother housemate Michael Dylan will be unmasked as the 'People's Puppet' tomorrow night (June 21).
Michael will leave the 'Secrets and Lies' house after his identity as an actor has been revealed to the housemates.

Big Brother: Secrets & Lies - Day 3: Michael in the diary room

ÂĐ Endemol / Channel 5

Michael in the Diary Room

A Big Brother spokesperson confirmed to Digital Spy that the actor will depart the series and speak to host Emma Willis during tomorrow night's 90-minute special on Channel 5.
Michael's imminent departure was first teased on the show's official website this morning, after it referred to today as his "last full day in the house".
The 'People's Puppet' entered the house last Thursday as a secret actor tasked with causing as much mayhem in the house as possible, completing tasks set by viewers.
Big Brother airs its first eviction episode of the series - with Gina Rio and Sallie Axl battling it out to stay in the house - tomorrow night at 9pm on Channel 5.
Dexter Koh was granted immunity from eviction by Michael, after also being nominated earlier this week.



Day 8 round up: Eviction looms large


As day dawned on the eve of the first eviction, Dan had aresurgence of his suspicions about Michael, which he shared with Sophie and Sallie. Well, the man's a professional detective, so we're hardly surprised he has his suspicions. Though he seemed confident with his theory, his fellow housemates were less quick to jump on the Michael's A Mole bandwagon.

Of course, with eviction imminent for one of them, Gina and Sallie spent a lot of time musing over what they would doonce they leave the House, with Gina saying she'd go shopping and Sallie saying she'd go to Ibiza.

The big news, though, was the Impolite Invitations task, which was set up by Big Brother to give Sallie and Gina a party on their possible last day in the House. They were told that Michael would be choosing to attribute honours and personality traits to his housemates, but in fact they had been bestowed via a public poll. The task started nicely enough, with housemates choosing who they thought Michael would choose as the sexiest housemate. It then took a less pleasing turn when they had to choose the least attractive, which was given to Wolfy. She was upset, but was quickly comforted by Callum.


After the task, Dexter pointed out to Michael that naming Dan as the sexiest and most intelligent housemate could make it look like Michael was rather fond of D.I. Dan!

The party was jolly good fun, and though Michael remained out in the cold with a handful of his housemates, serenity reigned supreme for a time. Charlie celebrated her birthday at midnight, to a rousing rendition of Happy Birthday from her housemates, and got to know Callum a little tiny bit better...

What will tomorrow bring, though? An eviction, that's for sure, but who will it be?



Tonight on Big Brother's Bit on the Side: Friday 21th June

1 hour ago

Well, thank goodness it's Friday – because you know what that means... Our very first eviction night. Whoop whoop. That's right – the House might be waving goodbye to Gina or Sallie, but Big Brother's Bit on the Side will be welcoming one of them. WHICH ONE? We just don’t know, guys. Patience.

We'll also have AJ, Emma, Rylan – obvs – plus Made in Chelsea's Cheska Hull and former BB boys Tom O'Connell, Glyn Wise in attendance. Talking of WISE words – tune in at 11pm on Channel 5. Be there or be... Elsewhere? Hopefully not.

Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

YW Tina 


Off for a wee trip to St. Andrews.


Should be back around 4.


Bye the noo   


Get me a bridie out of Fisher and Donaldsons  



I am   that she has had to go there in the first place for a wee 




Morning MrsH and all 


Thanks for the updates 


I`m doggie sitting my pal`s new puppy today and tomorrow, in the countryside. Her internet connection is dodgy so if I don`t manage to see you before I get home Saturday evening, enjoy the eviction


Get Sallie out!!! 


Bye the noo   

Last edited by Scotty

Day 9: The state of play

16 mins ago

It's a big today. Not only is it Charlie's Travers' birthday (whoop) but it's also the first live eviction (double whoop). So you'd think the atmosphere in the House would be electric, right, RIGHT?

Umm, yeah, not quite.

The housemates have been, shall we just say, less than exciting. We've had lots of preening courtesy of the girls who have curled, bronzed, and lacquered themselves to perfection ready for this evening - only a few hours too early. We've had a rather vigorous workout from Jackie in the garden, who pulled off a very impressive high-kick that put us all here on the digital team to shame.

And then there's the singing. Some very out of tune singing – we're looking at you Joe and Jack.  We didn't know Celine Dion's 'My Heart Will Go On' could be sung in such a key. We're sure a roaming dog in Borehamwood would've appreciated it.

As for potential evictees, Gina and Sallie, well they don't seem too phased by the idea of leaving this eve. For now at least. We're sure the nerves will kick in nearer the time... But who do you think will leave this evening – glamour girl Sallie or posh princess Gina?


Day 9: Charlie's birthday bonanza

2 hours ago

It's the one day of the year that is all about you and with that in mind, Big Brother decided to give Charlie a special treat for her birthday. And we're talking a very special treat here...

None other than a game of the childhood classic, 'pass the parcel'. Yeah we know what you're thinking – Big Brother pulled out the stops for this one. And the best bit? She played it by herself in the Diary Room so she was guaranteed to win the end prize. Hurrah!

But what was lurking under the layer upon layer (we must add that she was in there for a very loooooong time)... A luxury box of chocolates? Some alcohol? A fresh set of clothes?

Answer: A party hat and party blower!

Definitely worth the effort we'd say. 

And if that wasn't enough (although we think that is a very generous gift indeed) Big Brother will throw a party for her later which will consist of one whole cupcake.

We think spoilt is the word..


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