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Day 7: The suggestions are revealed

1 hour ago

Earlier today, the housemates were given the task to write down anonymous suggestions for their fellow House-dwellers, which they then popped into Big Brother's Suggestion Box. As you can imagine, some of the suggestions were pretty provocative.

Charlie was tasked with reading out a selection of suggestions, while her housemates listened on intently.

Dexter found out that one of his housemates thinks he needs to stop stirring up drama, while Dan was told off for being a little bit too bitchy. Both Callum and Daley took suggestions that they be more forthcoming and outgoing with their characteristic laid-back charm. Jemima was accused of bossiness in the kitchen, which was unexpected.

Two of the most controversial housemates, Gina and Sallie, had the most controversial suggestions of course. Sallie's suggestion was that she pay more attention when people speak to her, because she can be quite ignorant. Gina, meanwhile, was told to stop laughing nervously, which seemed harmless enough until her anonymous suggestion-writer dropped the bombshell: "you're not proving likeable to the group." Ouch.

The People's Puppet, Michael, was given the suggestion that he, well, stop moaning. The anonymous writer of his suggestion pointed out that he has all of his clothes and has been given treats, and therefore has little to whinge about. Good point, but we suspect that the burden of his duplicity weighs heavy on his shoulders.


Last edited by Former Member

Day 7: Dexter is safe from eviction!

1 hour ago

Earlier this evening, the housemates were told that affable playboy Dexter has been saved from eviction on Friday night. He has received the least votes and is therefore immune from eviction.

Big Brother dropped the cat amongst the pigeons again, by telling the House that Michael would be choosing one person to save. So, Gina, Dexter and Sallie had to stand up in front of the housemates to plead their case to Michael.

Dexter dropped the bombshell that it was, in fact, him who called Dan out for being bitchy during the Suggestion Box task.

Of course, Dexter was already saved by the public vote, but when Michael delivered that news, it did look like Michael had been swayed by Dexter's testimony.

Dexter didn't even have time to be chuffed at being saved; the housemates rounded on him for what he said about Dan, and Sallie was very, very annoyed indeed, branding him a snake.

For her part, Sallie was unimpressed to still be up for eviction, exclaiming "you're like a little mouse that just got the cheese." She also believed that Dexter got lucky, saying that she thought he would have been evicted otherwise. Oh, Sallie, how wrong you are.

So, either Sallie or Gina will be evicted on Friday evening, and votes have now been reopened to decide which of them becomes the first person to be evicted from Big Brother: Secrets and Lies.


POLL: Big Brother needs you!

3 hours ago

Big Brother has yet another secret task up his cavernous sleeve, and once more, he needs your help. The People's Puppet will be activated for a task tomorrow afternoon, and what he does will be determined by you. So complete this survey about the housemates by 12 noon on Thursday, and your responses will be put to use by Michael in tomorrow's task.

Big Brother is currently being quite mysterious about what exactly the task will entail - he gets like that from time to time - so make sure you're glued to the official Big Brother website, and to @bbuklive on Twitter, to see what your responses will mean for the housemates...



Day 7: Michael and Sallie brand each other "evil"

31 mins ago

Two major events have shaken the House this evening and Sallie, Dexter and Michael have landed in the spotlight.

Firstly the Suggestion Box saw anonymously penned criticisms of each other read out to the housemates.

One levelled at Dan's 'bitchy' attitude to Michael was owned by Dexter during the second dramatic event – a 30 second pitch for eviction immunity suddenly dropped on the trio of nominees.

When Dexter's pitch turned out to be successful, with Michael choosing to 'save' him, Dan and Sallie turned on the sugar daddy, the latter branding him a "snake" and a "mouse" and illustrating her views by hissing like a panto baddie had just turned up in Elstree.

Dexter handled this diplomatically, calmly explaining his motives and refusing to rise to her remarks like some kind of pro publicist.

With Dexter playing the role of Mr Suave, it's lucky we have a more combustible creature in the People's Puppet. Sallie found her match in him and words were so far from being minced that they were basically a whole intact cow.

"Will you be happy if I go?" the glamour girl asked the mole.

"Yes, the last two days have been hard with you," he responded.

From here things escalated.

"You're a lot nastier than what you think. You're a little evil..." said Sallie

"You're evil too," Michael returned.

We're speechless.

Scientists and philosophers have debated whether evil exists since time immemorial yet this pair confidently diagnosed each other in a few conversational moves.

Since this amazing exchange the pair have kept out of each other's way. Michael has told the others "I can't be around that girl any more. That girl is a nightmare."



Day 7 round up: Dexter saved as Sallie rages

1 hour ago

Day 7 in the Big Brother House was a day of two halves... who would have thought as housemates lazed carefree on a sunny afternoon that by nightfall there would be more heated one-on-ones than in popular sporting event, Wimbledon?

Well, Dexter actually. "We've had it far too easy so far today," he muttered while the sun still shone, literally and metaphorically. And sure enough the Suggestion Box task arrived, the first of two events that would apply a giant mixing spoon to the dynamic.

The task involved housemates anonymously submitting their 'suggestions' to each other via a box; a selection were then read out by Charlie. Dan was told off for being too bitchy about Michael, a suggestion that you should remember, for like Chekhov's gun it shall be important later...

Later has arrived... The housemates were gathered on the sofas. Surprisingly to all (except Michael, standardly) Michael was asked live on television to save one of the three nominated housemates from eviction. What no one knew (except Michael, standardly) was that he was simply a messenger for your votes and that the 30-second pleas Dexter, Gina and Sallie gave had zero bearing on events.

Dexter's plea involved the confession that he was the one who accused Dan of bitchiness. In the most dramatic of all possible outcomes, Michael then saved Dexter making it appear as if this confession was responsible and causing Sallie and Dan to turn on the celebrity publicist.

As late night turned into early morning conversations between Dan, Michael, Dexter and Sallie played out in endless combinations. So far it seems like Dexter - high on his new security – is smoothing things over with everyone, despite both Sallie and Dan having a lot to vent at him, while at the other end of the spectrum Michael and Sallie believe each other to be evil.

Can things get even worse between them on Michael's last full day in the House? We'll be the first to let you know...





Day 8: Suspicious minds

1 hour ago

Ex-copper Dan has been on the case all day. In fact, ever since his mystical dialogue with a garden fly, Daniel's been mulling over the mole situation endlessly. Despite last night's madness, in which Dexter escaped this Friday's eviction and made plain his discomfort at Dan's constant interrogation of the People's Puppet, the one-time policeman hasn't given up the ghost.

Perhaps that fly-chat cemented his intuition. This morning he spoke with Sophie, telling her about his hunch that there'll be a big reveal soon outing Michael as a mole. "I know it sounds crazy" he said, "but remember where we are."

Later on he was chatting to Sallie as the pair washed up and the talk inevitably turned to the suspect Irishman. It wasn't clear whether Daniel was talking about Dexter or Michael when he told Sallie "he'll be in a group but he's watching you all the time". Sallie took this news to Hazel who was quick to rebut all the talk. "I'll listen to your theories but I'm not necessarily going to believe it" she said with a raised eyebrow.

When do theories become evidence? It's down to Big Brother to decide if (and when) all will be revealed..



Day 8: Sallie and Gina reflect

1 hour ago

It's potentially their last day in the House, so it's no surprise that tomorrow's eviction hasn't been far from Gina and Sallie's lips this afternoon.  With their early fight behind them, the duo have been bonding over what they're going to do if they leave on Friday.

"I'm going shopping every day" Gina excitedly proclaimed – a big departure from her usual routine.

"I'm going to Ibiza "Sallie begrudgingly retorted, not so excited at the prospect of walking through those famous doors tomorrow.

Whilst Gina seems relaxed about tomorrow's eviction, saying she is looking forward to getting back to her family and 'normal life', Sallie isn't so pleased at the prospect of being booted out first.

"No one remembers the first person to leave" she sulked.

As two of the biggest personalities in the House, we can't imagine people will be able to forget Gina or Sallie anytime soon.

But how do you think the first eviction will change the dynamics of the House? Do you think it will leave a space for an alpha male to come through? Or do you think the girls will remain on top?


Tonight on Big Brother's Bit on the Side: Thursday 20th June

2 hours ago

We're serving up a nice slice of celebrity pie for you to gorge on this evening. In the mix, we have the delectable X Factor songstress, Ruth Lorenzo, scrummy funny man, Richard Blackwood and zesty former housemate, Caroline Wharram.

And if that wasn't enough to whet your appetite, we've only thrown in Gladiator turned life coach, Diane Youdale, for good measure.

Sounds delicious, right?

So join us, and the scrumptious Emma Willis, who will be serving up all the action at 11pm on Channel 5.


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