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Day 6: Housemate moans bingo

2 hours ago

This evening Gina announced to the group that the housemates are different this year and that rather than being a "bunch of wannabes" (her words), they are normal people.

 We'll take her word for it for now but we suggest you cobble together a classic Big Brother housemate complaints bingo card and see for yourself.

We'll be the caller and start you off with a few of this evenings' observations.

Michael spouted an old favourite, "It's too cold in the bedroom." You'll need a too hot to complete the set.

Having flopped in the shopping task, Dan's been moaning that he is missing meat. And they've all been niggling about the chickpeas.

And Wolfy hit out with last year's biggest whinge, running out of cigarettes.

We've not got a full 'House' yet but keep your dabber handy.


Day 6 round-up: Shopping task fail

1 hour ago

After a few days of House unrest over the past week, it was lovely to see a bit of joie de vivre on Day 6. The day started bright and gay, with the housemates awakening in a collective good mood â€“ even former arch enemies, Gina and Sallie, decided to make amends for the day. How lovely.

The high jinks continued in the afternoon with some rather fabulous boogying courtesy of D.I. Dan and dance extraordinaire, Jackie Travers, which made us ponder the question; does that woman ever stop dancing? We certainly hope not!

There was a slight blip in the frivolities, after the housemates learnt that they had failed this week's shopping task after unsuccessfully stacking giant groceries to an appropriate height. Little did they know that their bad performance wasn't due to a misaligned inflatable champagne bottle, but rather to a certain People's Puppet...

But if you thought their spirits were dampened, you'd be wrong, as the evening included such delights as a lesson in love from our treehouse dwellers, a windy moment from Daley and a speech from Charlie as to why our housemates are so awesome this year. Hear, hear Charlie!

So as we crawled into the wee hours, it seemed that everyone was in a great mood and the bickers of the previous day had been put behind them. Will these good vibes flow into Day 7? You'll have to stick around to find out. 



Tonight on Big Brother's Bit On The Side: Wednesday 19th June 2013

32 mins ago

We've a rip-snorting Bit On The Side on our hands this evening and no mistake. The fragrant Emma Willis returns to host an hour of Big Brother fun and games and there's going to be a whole lot to talk about.

Thankfully, Emma's got some pretty talkative types in-house to babble with, including footballing legend and ex-housemate Neil Ruddock. The dashing television personality Will Best will also be in to talk turkey and, on top of all that we've got fabulous ex-housemate Alison Hammond who knows a thing or two about duplicitous BB characters. The cherry on this delicious cake is the lovely body language expert, Judi James.

We spoil you, we really do. See you tonight at 11pm on Channel 5!


Day 7: Sallie's late night declaration

4 mins ago

Late last night, as HMs scoffed a late night snack, Sallie made a solemn declaration over how she's going to relate to Michael from now on. If you thought she and Dan have given up their suspicions over moley Michael, The People's Puppet, you were dead wrong.

"He might be a lovely man. What's his name, Bill?"

Everyone looked slightly baffled by this name-confusion. Sallie explained in her own, inimitable motormouth manner.

"For me, he's not Michael. That's his stage name"

Daley seemed to concur, nodding sagely, as is his way.

"You might be right" Charlie admitted, not committing to the idea.

"I know I'm right" Sallie went on. "100% right"

This girl's made her mind up but, as things stand, she's not convinced the rest of the gang. Her campaign might just ratchet up a gear as Day 7 progresses...


Big Brother 2013 house has a secret luxury bedroom


This year’s Big Brother house has a secret bedroom, it’s been revealed.


While the house that’s been revealed us so far is rather basic, the new ‘surprise’ bedroom is more of the luxury that we’ve seen in the past.


The smaller bedroom includes just a handful of beds, including two doubles, housing up to five housemates.


But it also has its own toilet, shower and bath, something which is currently missing in the main house.


As it stands there’s no bathroom at all for the housemates, while they have to shower outside and with the help of another housemate, who must turn a crank to provide water.


The luxury bedroom can be accessed via a secret doorway in the garden, although it remains to be seen just how it will fit into Big Brother’s plans.


The house also features a large task room, accessed via the living area, and a smaller task room, upstairs and accessible via a secret door in the Diary Room.


There’s also a gym, although this is no doubt for the Celebrity version of the show in August rather than for our current housemates.

Read more:


Day 7: Lazing on a sunny afternoon


5 mins ago


After waking up to rain, housemates were a little miserable on the morning of Day 7. Their misery didn't last long because within no time at all the clouds parted and the sun beamed down on our suddenly happy campers. As a result it's been a day of full on relaxation with bikinis and board shorts the general sartorial selection.

Those viewers who can be heard complaining that the Big Brother House sometimes resembles a holiday camp wouldn't be happy if they managed to peep over the perimeter fence this afternoon. As housemates lay back in the sun they discussed past vacations they've enjoyed and indulged in all manner of idle chitter-chatter. The likes of Gina, Jemima, Jack, Joe and Michael did some light work in the kitchen, including juicing oranges for the whole gang, but in the main the top of the afternoon has been as leisurely as it could possibly get.

Can this holiday vibe much longer? Dexter doesn't think so. "We've had it far too easy so far today" the dating expert muttered in the kitchen, ominously. "I think it's just gonna be a normal day" replied Jack, forgetting that Big Brother loves to provide a storm to follows the calm.


Hazel jumped at the chance to jump into her bikini



Our lover-boy and sugar-daddy takes it easy, safari style



Daniel and Sallie lathered on the lotion and soaked it up



Didn't anyone tell Daley three's a crowd?


Shady Michael took to food prep in the shadows



Sophie preferred to get busy with the chores



The twins alternated between baking and hiding away in the House



Wolfy and Gina - the latter quite against character - took to cooking



Last edited by Scotty

4.26pm: Today's task is ON! It's called Suggestion Box and you can read all about it right here:


Day 7: Suggestion Box - task


29 mins ago

You might feel it's high time housemates learned a little bit regarding what they think of one another. Big Brother reckons that time has come. This afternoon's task is called Suggestion Box and it's going to be a revelation.

Housemates will be able to relate their frustrations with one another via a wooden box in the living area, all anonymously and in the spirit of diplomacy. Because criticism always goes down so well in the Big Brother House.

Each housemate will be given 45 minutes to come up with constructive criticism for two of their pals which they'll deposit in the Suggestion Box with all the lovely critiques being relayed to their fragile ears later this evening.

Take it on the chin, housemates. This is all for your own good and personal growth.

Originally Posted by Scotty:

We can follow the twitter widget for the tasks but as we`re posting the task details from CH5 site, I think it`s a bit disjointed if we don`t also post the follow up tweets in here. What do you think?


Until I find out your opinion, I`ll go ahead and post them for today`s task 

I agree


4.53pm: HMs consider their suggestions. Some do this by mucking about in the garden, others by looking pensive in the kitchen


5.01pm: Housemates are slowly posting their suggestions with regretful looks already plastered across their mushes.


5:15pm: The housemates have delivered the full Suggestion Box we are very excited!

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

We can follow the twitter widget for the tasks but as we`re posting the task details from CH5 site, I think it`s a bit disjointed if we don`t also post the follow up tweets in here. What do you think?


Until I find out your opinion, I`ll go ahead and post them for today`s task 

I agree



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