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Nomination results revealed

21 mins ago

For the first time in Big Brother history we gave you the chance to pick which housemates would be facing eviction.

This evening 'People’s Puppet' Michael (pretending that your choices were his own) announced that the three housemates he wanted to face the public vote were: Dexter, Gina and Sallie!

The phone lines are now open so check out the Channel 5 website for those all important phone numbers. Don’t forget that it’s VOTE TO EVICT this year and, as always - Who goes? You decide!



The phone lines for the first part of the vote may be open for a limited period only until voting lines are frozen. The results of the vote freeze will be announced on air and the specified number of housemates with the least public votes if it is a vote to evict or with the most public votes if it is a vote to save or win will be removed from the public vote. An on air announcement will be given to inform viewers when voting lines re-open and the public can then continue to vote for the housemates remaining in the public vote. All votes received by the remaining housemates prior to the lines being frozen are carried forward to the next stage of voting.


So one will be saved Wednesday and the other two will face the public vote on Friday.



Day 5: The nom bomb aftermath

7 hours ago

What the ruddy hell has been going on tonight, you ask? Well it’s only the first nom bomb of the series! And it was goooooood.

After you voted in your masses, the People’s Puppet, Michael, nominated Gina, Dexter and Sallie live on telly and right in front of their unsuspecting faces. There were no holds barred as Michael dished out some very frank reasons as to why the trio should be booted out of the House on Friday.

So it probably comes as no surprise that the potential evictees were pretty peeved – particularly Sallie who declared "let the battle begin" post-announcement. For some reason, we don’t think Michael will be on her Christmas card list this year...

There’s been a lot of eviction talk since, with the housemates starting to come around to the idea that maybe Michael isn’t an actor after all – but how will they react when they find out they were right all along? Somehow, we don’t think they’ll take it too lightly.




Day 5 round-up: Nomination sensation

13 mins ago

Day 5 started off rather splendidly, with the launch of the hotly anticipated fashion line, Black Bags by Wolfy, which gave a whole new meaning to the term bag lady. Jemima left us wondering what delights she had in store pre-suitcase-shred, teasing us with the information that she had big things planned with her wardrobe. We literally feel robbed.

In the afternoon, we saw the first hint of the Travers temper, when Charlie was set the challenge of deliberately losing  a task to win treats for the House.  She put in a rather good effort and we learnt not to get on the bad side of Mummy T... But it was all in good nature and the housemates were particularly delighted to learn that they had won a basket of massage goodies, which they put to very good use.

All was going swimmingly well in the House and it seemed that the arguments of yester eve had been put behind them... Until Big Brother dropped a mahoosive nom bomb that is.

The People's Puppet Michael delivered the not so favourable news that Dexter, Sallie and Gina will be facing the public vote this week and yes it was to their face, and no they didn’t take it well. There was much eviction chat into the early hours, with Dexter in particular trying to work out why he’d been put in the firing line. Somehow, we don’t think he’ll be able to guess the real reason.

So how will they feel today after a good night's sleep? Let's wait and see.... 

Charlie donned orange lyrca for the Temper Temper task
The housemates gathered round to hear who Michael would nominate
Michael did not look happy to be nominating his fellow housemates face to face
And Sallie was reallllly not happy to be nominated


Crash, bang, wallop – what a line-up. We're talking about tonight's Bit On The Side which is coming to you on Channel 5 at 11pm this very evening.

Who's gracing our studio and getting involved with all the talk? We've got journalist Patrick Strudwick, a man who definitely knows how to tell it like it is. We've got broadcasting legend, Rustie Lee in the house to talk about the House. Singer and S Club goddess, Tina Barrett's joining the party and we'll also welcome psychic Nina Ashby along for some mystical insight.

Like we said: Crash. Bang. Wallop. What a line-up.

For those not watching because of Rylan can I remind you he only is on Monday and Friday nights and the Sunday lunchtime show 


Big Brother 2013: Mole Michael to sabotage shopping task

Michael [Big Brother 2013)

Big Brother UK mole Michael Dylanwill have to sabotage this week’s first shopping task.


Later today the housemates will get the chance to win a luxury shopping budget, no doubt much needed after spending their first few days in the houseliving off basic rations.

The group will have to stack oversized groceries into a giant – and unbalanced – shopping trolly.

The housemates must work as a team to create a tower from the groceries that must reach a certain height in order to pass the task.

However, there’s a twist.

The housemates are unaware that it will be impossible for them to ever pass the task, thanks to Big Brother and his mole Michael.

Michael must do everything in his power to sabotage the task, leaving the house with a basicbudget to spend on this week’s shopping.

Tune in to Big Brother UK nightly on Channel 5 for all the latest house action.


Read more:


Day 6: The great awakening

1 hour ago

Oh! What a beautiful morning. And Day 6 could still be a beautiful one. It's still so desperately early that anything could happen. Housemates woke to the traditional alarm and it's always curious, watching a full House rouse itself from slumber. Some of our current crop definitely aren't morning people.

Gina was first up, before the lights were on or a bell had sounded, applying makeup before anyone could see her morning-face. After the room was illuminated, the first talk of the day concerned a mysterious burst of windy-pops in the night – culprit as yet unknown. '"It was so loud it was like an elephant" said Jackie, causing her daughter to burst into hysterics. Daniel chirped into life as he saw the sun shining down outside. "Wooo!" he screamed. "Another sunny day in the Big Brother House – let's get our bikinis on!"

It wasn't all fun and early morning frolics, however. Jemima stoically wandered to a washing up session in the kitchen. Callum frowned like Henry Rollins in a mardy and Dexter, summing up his experience the previous morning, gasped, "Well. That was emotional."

Meanwhile, the likes of Sallie and Wolfy snoozed on and on, beyond the bell. The former didn't move until Daniel leapt onto her bed and shook her into life. It's good to know we can count on him to force the House into life.



Callum looks even more like Henry Rollins first thing in the A.M.



Daley wears the faraway look of the half-asleep rather well



Jack and Joe are sleepy in stereo



Despite still being in bed, Gina's been applying makeup for a full hour by this point



Dexter cried it all out yesterday and now he's ready for another day



The People's Puppet is busy untangling his strings under the duvet



Jackie selflessly gets a brew on



Need help rousing one of the most dynamic housemates? Looks like a job for SuperDan...







Day 6: After the NomBOMB fell

1 hour ago

Last night was emotional for Dexter.  After finding out viaMichael-to-face nominations that with Gina and Sallie, he is facing the public vote he scoffed loudly,"That happy-go-lucky Irishman, it's just an act."

The bravado did not last long for soon he was teary, revealing "For me coming on here was a deep learning curve. I've got way more insecurities than anyone else."

So lots of paid-for women don't make you confident. You heard it on the Big Brother website.

We've been keeping an eye on him today, but so far his feelings are under control. Maybe they only come out at night, like bats and the Smashing Pumpkins.

As for the ladies, their new friendship is limping along. A late night bonding session was followed up this morning with a debrief on how they are both feeling about Michael.

No prizes for guessing whether that is a) positive or b) not positive. But this aside, the ambience has been chilled out with nominees making sure to stay out of Michael's way.

Michael has been the most prone to morning-after malaise, delivering sulky outbursts on the subject of unfair, two-faced treatment, to both Charlie and Jack.

Cor, he's dedicated to building up a conflicted and sensitive character, isn't he? The People's Puppet is seemingly never off the clock


Day 6: Stackable Shopping - Task

8 mins ago

For their first shopping task, Big Brother will be challenging the housemates' teamwork skills. They will need to work together to fill a giant shopping basket with a stack of oversized groceries that are delivered throughout the day. The curveball - because there's got to be a curveball- is that the People's Puppet is on a sabotage mission to ensure that the housemates fail, thanks to all you devilish people who voted for this outcome on Monday's Bit on the Side.

Housemates will receive numerous deliveries of groceries throughout the day via a door in the garden. As soon as they hear the doorbell, housemates must collect the delivery and take the items immediately to the shopping basket (also in the garden).

The shopping basket is on a pivot and must be balanced by four housemates who will hold a corner each. Besides the shopping basket is a tall pole, featuring a 'PASS' mark high above the ground.  The housemates' task is to stack groceries in the basket until they reach the height of this marker, and ensure the tower passes this point at the moment the task ends.

Big Brother will announce the final delivery and the task will end exactly one minute from the moment the final doorbell rings.  At the end of this final minute, a klaxon will sound, and the tower of groceries must be taller than the 'PASS' marker for the housemates to pass the task.

The taller the tower becomes, the more unstable it will be, and the harder it will be for housemates to keep the basket steady.  And on that curveball we were mentioning, unbeknownst to the housemates, Michael will be trying to disrupt this task in any way he can, ensuring they will fail and end up living on basic rations.

Gruesome, or to channel Victorian scarcity, gruel-some.

Last edited by Scotty

Day 6: Michael stacks his friendships

47 mins ago

There's not room for every housemate in the task meaning it's prime time for the excess numbers to sit around chatting, occasionally remembering to cheerlead the basket supporters.

Michael is secret saboteur of the shopping stacking yet this is a long game and in the medium time he has managed to build bridges with Sallie, who released a stream of obscenities at him last night after he put her up for eviction.

Less than 24 hours on they were nattering warmly in the garden.

"A day in the House is like four days," said Sallie, by way of an explanation for her judgement swings. Providing a rare glimpse of self-awareness she referenced her whirlwind u-turn on Gina as a further example of changed impressions. The pair had a foul-mouthed spat at the weekend but are now most likely to be found giggling over shared love of exclusive London night spots. 

While novelty giant foodstuffs, such as milk, bread, banana... were being passed in the background, Michael had a smaller offering of his own, something that in a certain light could be seen as an olive branch.

He told Sallie that if he had to nominate again he would make one choice differently.

It's impossible to know whether he was referring to her, Gina or Dexter or indeed whether there was any shred of sincerity at all but the result of this mysterious comment was clear curiosity from our tattooed friend.

What is he up to?

Originally Posted by erinp:

Housemate saved in eviction vote freeze will be revealed by Michael during LIVE segment in tomorrow night's highlights show #bbuk

Each nominee will make a plea to Michael asking him to save them - he will 'save' the housemate with the least public eviction votes #bbuk

Poor Michael, he'll get more flack for that.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by erinp:

Housemate saved in eviction vote freeze will be revealed by Michael during LIVE segment in tomorrow night's highlights show #bbuk

Each nominee will make a plea to Michael asking him to save them - he will 'save' the housemate with the least public eviction votes #bbuk

Poor Michael, he'll get more flack for that.

I can't see anyone being able to keep this up for more than a few weeks.I do think Michael will leave sooner than later ....Pity I like him


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