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Day 5: Dexter's dating dos and don'ts

28 mins ago

Amongst other things, Dexter is a dating coach, and he has finally deigned to give his housemates some much-appreciated advice on picking up the laydeez.

Though Sam initially asked for the leson, Daley and Jemima also sat around picking up some precious nuggets of know-how. And here, for your dating pleasure, are Dexter's Dating Dos and Don'ts:

Hit the lights
Says Dexter: "when you bring a girl back, have your lights on dimmers...get dimmer switches." That's right, fellas, the way to a lady's heart is via the local DIY shop to pick up some light switches.

Mmm, nibbles
"Girls are always hungry" according to Mr Koh, so keep nibbles in your fridge, lest they get so hungry they consider ditching the date early to grab a bargain bucket on the way home.

Glug glug glug
Keep a bottle of nice (but, crucially, not too nice) wine in the house. Just in case.

Sort your tunes
Shakespeare wrote "if music be the food of love, play on!" and Dexter agrees. "Always have your playlist ready- have at least 45 minutes back to back" 45 minutes, Dex? Is that all?

Dexter also thinks it's a good idea to stop girls in the street and ask them questions about tea and coffee, but we think that sounds more like a market research project than a chat up line.


Oh, and the don'ts? If Dexter's advice to Sam is to be believed, there's only one don't: Don't Be Yourself!

Dexter says these tips have been successful for him both financially and, er, romantically, so who are we to argue? But do you think Dexter's tips would work?



Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by MrsH:

7.47pm: Wolfy is chillaxed to the max.

7.53pm: Whatcha makin', Joe? We want in

BB twitter either gives us too much info or not enough.

They were obviously assuming we were all glued to the Live Feed, 'cos we saw Joe making 'whatever-it-was' on the LF



I sometimes think they find it hard to get the right staff for this very important job 

Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by MrsH:

7.47pm: Wolfy is chillaxed to the max.

7.53pm: Whatcha makin', Joe? We want in

BB twitter either gives us too much info or not enough.

They were obviously assuming we were all glued to the Live Feed, 'cos we saw Joe making 'whatever-it-was' on the LF



I sometimes think they find it hard to get the right staff for this very important job 

Yeah, they should be telling us what's happening, not making cryptic comments!

Vids, it was pizza dough.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

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