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Originally Posted by Aimee:

Is there a live Twitter feed? if you tell me how to do it I'll give it a go 

havnt started one and no one else has mentioned one but .... 


if you want to give it a try I will try and help you but it wont be much - maybe late evenings - as you know I am tied up with problems at home and now MrH's accident so if you are willing start a thread and copy and paste from here


Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

Is there a live Twitter feed? if you tell me how to do it I'll give it a go 

havnt started one and no one else has mentioned one but .... 


if you want to give it a try I will try and help you but it wont be much - maybe late evenings - as you know I am tied up with problems at home and now MrH's accident so if you are willing start a thread and copy and paste from here


Ok thanks, I'll try in a bit as I'm on my kindle at the moment and I can't copy and paste on it 


Twins Jack (gay) Joe Glenny (straight) Supermarket Tills Jack Glenny (JackGlenny) on Twitter‎

 joseph glenny (joeglenny) on Twitter‎

Sallie Axl 26 DJ fire-breather glamour model

 Zip mag

Jemima Slade Gold-diggers Dating site 41

Michael 29 Cork "postman" (pro actor controlled by viewers)

Callum  Knell  28 Maidstone Sports Coach

Wolfy Millington 20 student lesbian fisherwoman
Blank Canvas Project http://blankcollabproject.blogspot.c...kes-paper.html

Sam Evans 23 welsh stockroom assistant, 70-80% hearing loss Great Britain and Wales as part of their deaf football teams
Deaf Football

Sophie Lawrence 23 Dental nurse, karate black belt
Dental Nurse

Dexter Koh 28 Celeb publicist, was London's highest-paid male prostitute
Evening Standard




7.30pm: It's oh-so quiet, it's oh-so still... NOT FOR LONG THOUGH! *squeeeaaals*


8.30pm: Only half an hour to go! While we wait, check out the new Diary Room chair from a snazzy angle...


11.20pm: Everybody ready to watch along live with us on at 11.30? Lovely stuff. We're back and we're ready to tweet!


11.33pm: We are LIVE on your televisions. Let's enjoy a good snoop on all our new chums, shall we?


11.40pm: Looks pretty cosy in the treehouse.


11.45pm: The treehouse is full of balls.


11.50pm: Nice pump action there, Dexter. Where'd you get so handy?


11.52pm: They've known each other for less than two hours and the topic of conversation is... constipation. Hooray!


11.57pm: Nice button hole Jack. Or is it Joe. Right now it would help us if you could wear a name badge. We'll get the hang of it.


12.01am: That's all folks! We'll keep you posted on all the action from the House right here.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Last edited by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

12.11am: Michael is dishing out his clothes to Jemima. How kind.


12.18am: Talk has inevitably turned to food. And drink. Sophie's not a huge fan of water FYI.


12.24am: Sallie, Wolfy and Dextor are bonding in the garden. Could they be the new Outsiders?


12.41am: Dexter and Sallie resolved their issue. Sallie recognised him from his tabloid profile and didn't present it so well.


Sallie has changed into evening wear. Just a t-shirt. Perhaps Michael could also lend her some trousers.


1.01am: Talk has turned to who's single and who is ready to mingle. Get ready for romance...

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Big Brother Live‏@BBUKLive<small class="time">19h</small>

1.14am: Sallie and Wolfy are talking tats. And we've seen our first onesie of the summer. Cheers Dexter.


1.26am: Sam and Jemima are having a flirt on the sofa. Jemima has informed him she likes younger men. Subtle.


1.32am: Wolfy is explaining what a shaman is. And we're not talking Mr C. That's The Shamen.


1.43am: Michael and Sallie are talking luggage. There's a bit of a passive aggressive vibe goin' on.


1.51am: Sallie is concerned that she packed a bikini for no reason. With her suitcase shredded, it's not really an issue.


1.56am: Is it that time already? As we say goodnight, HMs are still up. Sam and Jemima are having a cuddle. Until the morning...


8.15am: Morning! All is quiet except Dexter just went to the loo giving us a glimpse of his splendid onesie. Pics soon if you're good.


8.29am: MIchael is tossing and turning eyes open. What do you think is on his mind?


8.51am: Silence and stillness now reigns. That's right, rest while you can little housemates. Mwa-ha-ha.


Late last night Sallie let a cat worth 121K out of the bag. Watch Dexter's reaction here:


9.28am: Seems there are no grudges as a specs-wearing Sallie is having a whispered chat in bed beside Dexter.


9:36am: BB has awoken the remaining sleeping HMs by opening the shutters. "Is it morning?" they groan. Yes, HMs, yes it is!


9:41am: Jack and Joe are trying to work out what time it is. They think it's "about 5 or 6". Way off, boys, way off...


9:54am: "This is a bit like prison" muses Dexter. Yeah, Dexter, all prisons have chandeliers made out of wine glasses...



Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

10:01am: Wolfy is having a shower and singing 'I Want To Break Free'. She's full of the joys of spring. Or, er, summer.


10:16am: Dexter is trying to work out where the task room will be this year. There's like 70 doors, Dex, take your pick...


10:28am: Ever sung a Justin Timberlake song to a footstool? Sam has. He is, in fact, right now. Unbelievable scenes.


10:43am: Sallie judges the social situation in the House 'liveable'. Not glowing praise, but we're sure her HMs will grow on her.


10.49am: Jemima is pumping for Sam. The wheel for the shower that is.


11.02am: Sophie and Jemima are agreeing if you don't rely on anyone you'll never be disappointed. So deep for this time of day.


11.17am: Sallie's discussing putting on a risotto for dinner. Can it be true? Is arborio rice on the premises?


11.30am: Everyone's bustling round the kitchen with hot plans to make 'a big food'. Like in James and the Giant Peach?


11.45am: Sophie's got dough on her fingers, You could say... she kneads a hand. Arf.


12:02am: Sam has just been examining the pepper grinder, and we made a GIF of it! Welcome to the future!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

12.18pm: 'Postman' Michael is quietly probing Dexter on his reasons for coming in the House. It would be sweet if he wasn't a LIE.


12.34pm: 'They are nice... the fake boobs' says Sophie curling Sallie's hair with tongs powered by a cycling Callum. Harmony.


12:46pm: "This is gonna be, like, the best meal EVER!" says Dexter of the HMs fresh soup and homemade bread.


1.05pm: The group meal is leading to charming scenes. It's like The Waltons. Who wishes Michael would mix things up?


1.25pm: Wolfy is getting lyrical about her love of the humble potato.


1.41pm: Michael and Sallie are talking about what their combined name would be. Do you prefer 'Millie' or 'Sicheal'


1.55pm: Wolfy is practising her shamanism on Michael! He is lying on a bed. Other HMs are watching in vague bafflement.


2.11pm: The HMs are back guessing who'll be joining them tonight. Sallie is 'a thousand percent sure' there'll be a glamour model.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

2:28pm: The HMs are all lounging around in the sunshine. Well, it's set to rain any second, so they're making the most of it!


2:30pm: "I would live in a jacuzzi if I could" proclaims Callum. Oh, Callum, imagine how wrinkly your toes would go!


2:47pm: Jack says he misses Twitter. Twitter doesn't miss him, though, because we're Tweeting his every move right here


3:02pm: The HMs are playing a word association game and Sam is throwing them off by doing Welsh words. Cheeky!


3:12pm: Dexter and Sallie just, for a beautiful, brief moment, did dinosaur impersonations! Amazing.


3:28pm: The HMs' bread is ready! They're all glowing with pride, and very excited about the prospect of fresh baked bread.


3:48pm: BEHOLD! The HMs' very own homemade bread! Are you impressed? We certainly are.


4:04pm: The HMs are doing squats, leg raises and other such exercises. We're tired just watching them.


4.19pm: We're getting a tour of Sallie's life through her tattoos. It's an elaborate roadmap with a lip mark.


4:34pm: "I really don't think we'll be getting our suitcases back..." says Jack before discussing Michael's controversial move with...


4.49pm: Sophie is in the Diary Room talking to Big Brother. Her top is neatly coordinated to the chair. Colour blocking!


5.02pm: The sun is glorious. If you're outside lapping it up you are like Wolfy, Dexter and Jemima who are currently basking.



Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

5.12pm: Dexter tells Wolfy that, as housemates, they have a duty of care to inspire viewers. Makes the heart swell.


5.25pm: Dexter, Sophie, Wolfy and Jemima are discussing regional dishes. Anyone for scouse?


5.36pm: Sallie says she won't be getting amorous in the House. Just thought we'd put that in writing.


5:53pm: Joe gives his backside a good scratch. Nice view of his builder's derriere there. Cheers for that, Joe...


6:11pm: Jack & Joe have a private chat. They're feeling self conscious about the cameras. Half the chat seems to be telepathic.


6.25pm: Sallie, Dexter and Callum are speculating about the new HMs. They think there is going to be a twist...


6:30pm: We're signing off for a moment or two but tune in to from 7pm for some sunny live stream action! See you there.



Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Tuned in to ? Let the live streaming begin! Dexter's talking 'alpha males'. Be afraid. Be very afraid.


7.12pm: HMs are thinking of playing pranks on the new HMs. Jack thinks BB could be winding them up and there will be no newbies.


7.22pm: Talk has turned to pranks with the twins being the top choice to trick the new HMs. This we want to see.


7.37pm: Come on Wolfy. You're going to have to pedal harder than that.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing


7.59pm: There's no sadder sight than dejected looking twins dolefully spooning soggy cereal into their faces...

8.11pm: Does that sound like an audience or a recording? We know our crowd are excitable but they couldn't keep it up that long.

8.18pm: HMs are looking nervous. Well, you would be if strangers were turning up any minute to share your bedroom, wouldn't you?

8.23pm: Housemates are all wearing name badges. Like they're on a bizarre corporate away day. Or working in a supermarket

8.36pm: Sallie is concerned she hasn't got a name badge. Where would she pin it? On her beanie?

8.47pm: We're signing off for now. Watch the show on at 9pm after the live stream on finishes!


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