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Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Oh no! not what I hoped for. But how come Caroline isn't pulled up by BB for influencing noms, because she clearly is, how come BB don't see that when we the viewers can, verrry annoying!!!

Her and Becky. They couldnt have influenced the vote more, they would have been as well walking around with a placard saying "vote Lauren" Its a joke!! BB should put the whole house up.


Day 42 round up


Housemates awoke to a river running through the garden. Day 2 of the Gold Rush task had more challenges and a big surprise lined up for our housemates.

First up, the Spaghetti Western task involved housemates demolishing piles of pasta. With plenty of bloated bellies, we wouldn't have wanted to be down wind of our housemates this afternoon.

The teams who had triumphed in previous tasks earned extra time for the final showdown - panning for gold. Only The Bad had failed to pick the all important additional seconds and despite their best efforts were beaten by The Good. As a result, Luke S, Sara and Scott were made immune from nominations, although they still had to nominate.

The total gold panned decided whether or not housemates had passed the shopping part of the task. They failed, meaning economy meals for a week.
Big brother had one more surprise for the housemates - good ol' face-to-face nominations.

Sat around the campfire, they were given a pack of cards with housemates' faces on and had to pick two. Nominations rained down on Lauren and Luke A came a close second meaning the pair of them face the public vote.

Luke A took nominations hard, struggling largely with not being popular. Deana gave him some tough love and Lauren offered him a shoulder to cry on. He realised he had real friends in the house, unlike the Insiders whose fickle friendships falter constantly.

Lauren has confronted a couple of housemates who picked her and is showing herself to have toughened up a lot since Week 1.

Housemates have been a bitchin' and a gossipin' all day but just when they thought they were home and dry - BB called them in to the living area. At almost 1am they were informednominations had been discussed, not once, but four times.

The main culprit was Deana who seemed to think saying things like, "We mustn't talk about this", while discussing noms, would some how act as a get out of jail free card. How wrong she was. Goodbye hot water. Her excuse, the rules aren't clear.

The Outsiders are going to lose a member. Will they close ranks until Friday or start mingling with those who put them in this position?




This week’s Big Brother 2012 nominations took place face to face, here’s the run down of who nominated for who!


The group nominated in front of one another yesterday, with Luke S, Sara and Scott immune for being nominated after winning the Gold Rush task.

The housemates all sat around a mock camp fire in the garden to reveal their nominations.

Conor nominated Deana and Lauren

Caroline nominated Luke A and Lauren

Luke S nominated Lauren and Luke A

Sara nominated Luke A and Laurenâ€Ķ

Scott nominated Lauren and Deana

Adam nominated Caroline and Ashleigh

Ashleigh nominated Lauren and Deana

Deana nominated Conor and Ashleigh

Becky nominated Luke A and Lauren

Lauren nominated Caroline and Becky

Luke A nominated Caroline and Becky

In total, Lauren attracted 7 nominations and Luke A 4, as a result they both face eviction this week.

Deana and Caroline both received three votes, while Ashleigh and Becky had two.

Conor had once nomination.

Read more:


10.48am: Sara is defending Deana's rule break conversation in the living room

11.01am: Sara is talking to Deana in the toilet, saying she thinks it's ridiculous how Adam reacted last night.

11.13am: Sara and Adam are now having it out in the garden. Neither are backing down

1.35am: Deana has come to the garden to sort her argument out with Adam. It's all very he-said she-said.


Day 43: Deana reacts to the rule break

1 hour ago

Following on from last night’s rule break, Adam decided toget a little shirty with the Miss India UK. Convinced that Deana had implied that it was a foregone conclusion that he would be up for eviction next week- and not as a flippant comment to cheer Luke A up as it was intended, Adam decided to make it known that he was not a happy bunny.

As Adam stormed off to the Diary Room to ask Big Brother to confirm what she had said, Deana tried to reason with him, saying “Why don’t you come to me first”. However, the man from Dudley didn’t seem to want to hear her excuses and was already incensed by her so-called betrayal.

Clearly upset by Adam’s reaction, Deana proceeded to slope off to the garden, where she was comforted by close friend Sara.

Wallowing in self-pity, Deana muttered “I’m so disappointed in myself. This is the fourth time I’ve broken the rules... I was only trying to cheer Luke A up.”

Tough talking Sara seemed similarly perplexed by Adam’s reaction, reassuring her that she was just over-thinking the whole situation.

“You haven’t been steamed out of your head, got naked, or said anything bad. So why are you so upset?”

Alas, Miss Edinburgh's comforting words seemed to have no effect on the rule-breaker. Still visibly upset, she slunk off to bed, convinced that she’s committed the crime of the century - when really she was only trying to be a good friend to Luke A.

“I need to stop talking what I’m thinking” she summarized.

For the sake of the shower situation, that may not be a bad idea.



In the wake of last night's argument, Sara woke up and instantly set out on a mission to clear Deana's name. Sitting in the living room this morning, she ranted to Conor and Becky about how Adam had blown the argument out of proportion, saying she was 'disgusted' by his behaviour.

The Scottish model was annoyed that Adam had bitched about Deana to the rest of the housemates without confronting her to her face, and then proceeded to move beds to avoid sleeping next to her. 

"I think last night was terrible. He's a grown man - I’m going to flip", she exclaimed.

Sara was also confused as to why Adam was angry that Deana had said the comment to Luke A, and not to her as he initially thought.

Becky encouraged Sara to air her grievances with Adam when he woke up, but cautioned; "you might be fighting a losing battle there."

When Adam finally stirred, Sara did indeed take him to one side - but it seems Becky's warning may have been a fair one.

"You're supposed to be her friend," she reasoned. "If you had a problem, you should have taken it up with her. You made her feel isolated by moving beds."

However, Adam wasn’t having any of it, stating; "if someone bad mouths me, then I deem them to be untrustworthy."

When questioned why saying it to Luke A, and not to her made a difference, Adam came back by saying; "it just does." Who knows what that means...

The pair continued to bicker back and forth, with neither party wanting to back down. Lauren was soon on the scene, backing Adam up by elusively stating that Deana had 'said things' which had made the group question her friendship.

But what will Deana have to say about the situation this afternoon? Adam has promised to sort things out later today.



Day 43: State of affairs

15 mins ago

What a day! We're only just over halfway through it and there have been so many arguments and make-ups that we’re finding it hard to keep up.

As we left it, Adam had promised to patch things up with Deana after last night's squabble - and that's exactly what he did.

"Are you mad?" Deana meekly offered, as she joined the smokers in the garden.

"Not mad, just confused," Adam replied, and then went on to explain the same reasons he had mentioned to Sara earlier. His main gripe is that Deana keeps stating every week that he'll be up for eviction, even though evidence suggests otherwise. He's convinced that by saying this, it could put people in the mindset to nominate him. 

"Why would I want to purposely put that idea in people's heads? Why would I want that to happen?" Deana rationalized.

However, Adam wasn't so convinced - even with Luke A's attempts to play the middleman and persuade him otherwise. And the more Deana tried to explain herself, the closer she got to breaking the nomination rule, AGAIN.

So, although Deana tried her hardest to win Adam around, it's unclear whether he actually accepted her account of the story and the subsequent apology. But we're sure we'll hear about it later if he feels otherwise.

And not only have we been trying to follow the Adam/Deana saga, but Luke A seems to have gone on a one-man mission to clear the air with the other housemates - singling out Luke SCaroline and Becky for a heart-to-heart. What's prompted this sudden bout of concern? Surely it's not because he's facing eviction this week...


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