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Day 41: Hoedown result
1 hour ago

The housemates faced another competition as part of theGold Rush task. This time their choreography and coordination skills were put to the test. Was it good, you ask. Darn tootin'! 

The three teams (The Good, The Bad, and The Really Ugly) went head-to-head on the dancefloor with a mish mash of dance moves, accompanied by a live ukelele band. Admittedly, they were they only ones who knew what they were doing! If you'd like to know how to hoedown check thislittle vid - you're welcome! 

Sheriff Conor and Deputy Caroline judged. Check the album to see which team won! 


Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Thanks Scotty for the updates  have had a laugh at some of the tasks Luke S is soooo vain isn't he  and maybe it's just me but I don't think he's at all good looking, his face is annoying me the more I see it, same with Conor

 I feel the same. Luke really loves himself. Gawd know what he sees in the mirror, he reminds me of a pig.  


Can`t wait see Calendar Boy cringe on the HL show tonight  


And you`re welcome Rose    

I'm catching up again and have got this far in the thread, will read the rest afterwards. Just had to say Yeesssss, that's what his face is like I just couldn't put a name to it before lol. I watched the HL's and it was cringeing how he tried to talk himself out of the last part re Ash, if she ever sees it hopefully it's a wake up call. Thanks again for all your work Scotty I'm going to read rest of thread now

Yellow Rose

Hi Mrs. H have just read the further updates you've shared since my last post. Thank you so much for the many updates you have been providing for us as it must be very time consuming. I wouldn't know how to do what you and other LUTers do as I'm not on Twitter or a member of Ch 5...if you have to be to get the tweets. If the LUTers need some help so it's not just left to a few I wonder if a message on the main Forum asking for any volunteers might help...just a thought in case it helps


Oh and Luke S doing "the worm" for the hoedown ...I'm pretty sure hoedowners don't do the worm, it's hardly yeeeha country style is it lol.

Yellow Rose

Day 41: Scott's sulky Sunday


1 hour ago

While the rest of the housemates lapped up the chance to be part of the Wild West for a day, Scott has remained one crabby cowboy.

It must be a classic case of the end-of-week blues for Scott, whose usual chirpy persona has taken a step aside for the evening. Although we get the feeling it may have something to do with Caroline declaring his team hoedown losers earlier.

Sara was the first to spot the unusually subdued Scott. Looking concerned, she asked him: "What's up with you? You seem upset."

He replied: "I'm not upset. I'm just, I think I'm just tired. I'm just really bored. I need to get my mind in order now, just rest."

What a grump.

However, we think we've sourced the root of his bad mood... Caroline.

As the Sheriff's Deputy, she was responsible for the results of today's Hoedown task, ranking Scott and the rest of 'The Good' third place. In other words, the losers.

Scott did not take to this kindly, branding the result "ridiculous", "pathetic", and many other angry words.

"I wouldn't mind if I thought we were the worst," he complained behind her back, "But we were not. She's annoyed with me today, she sub-consciously put us last."

Hmm, we've just taken a look back at your dance, Scott, and we're fairly certain Caroline's mood had nothing to do with your last place finish. Those heel-taps on the other hand...



Day 41: The barn dance


17 mins ago

They've been working 9 'til 5, so tonight Big Brother rewarded his housemates with a big ol' barn dance in return for their efforts in the first day of the Gold Rush task.

In the words of Steps, they've been... root kickin',  finger clickin', leather slappin' and hand clappin'. We also spotted some hip bumpin', music thumpin', knee hitchin', heel and toe.

Before long they were floor scruffin', leg shufflin', big grinnin', even body spinnin'. And with the music blaring, they finished with some rompin' stompin', pumpin' jumpin', topped off with a good old slidin' glidin'.

In other words, our housemates all had a nice dance. If you want to see more, check out the gallery above.



thanks rose 


I think we are all feeling the same about the house and its human contents  at the moment - so much must be going on but very little to get our teeth into 


the BB tweets seem to be being drip fed and without very much content at the moment - makes this job a little boring but .... it is nomination Monday so maybe it will all pick up later 

Originally Posted by MrsH:

thanks rose 


I think we are all feeling the same about the house and its human contents  at the moment - so much must be going on but very little to get our teeth into 


the BB tweets seem to be being drip fed and without very much content at the moment - makes this job a little boring but .... it is nomination Monday so maybe it will all pick up later 

You're so welcome Mrs H. yes like you say there must be a lot going on every day that we'll never get to hear about...wonder why. The viewers can only go by what's shown and the tweets.


I'm always nervous about noms and who's up, lol, but this week I'm really hoping Conor isn't immune. After 3 saves his ego will be so inflated I'll combust if I have to listen to any more of his arrogance Night night, sleep well, and thank you again

Yellow Rose

1.06am: Becky's all about the impressions tonight: "It's just f**king TOFU man" in American (Adam's?) accent. LOL

1.10am: "Robins always go to the apple tree!" Caroline is adamant, the others need convincing.

1.25am: Lauren's quoting Marx in the garden while she and Adam get philosophical: "Religion is the opium of the masses". Deep.

1.40am: Some HMs are having a catch up in the bedroom with the lights out

2.02am: Goodnight


Day 41: Gossip girl


6 hours ago

Caroline is a charismatic young woman as you all know. One would think one would refrain from speaking about one's housemate in such terms. But she let loose. And to be fair, most of them have recently.

Caroline has been nattering on and off all evening about her newest foe, Lauren. In her own words "I find it so bizarre that she's so nice to my face. She's horrible. Last week she was acting as if we are best friends. The public loves it!" Becky egged her on saying that when Victoria's name was being chanted on eviction night, they were also chanting Lauren's name. Did Becky just say this because she was hanging out with Caroline?

Last week Cazza could have looked forward to visits to spuderiffic Jersey, but she seems pretty sure that Lauren's not as sweet as she seems. Scott is completely stumped, "Now you're saying she's the most evil human to have ever graced the planet" he said, puzzled. This could be an indirect gameplay tactic, but would Caroline be so obvious? Or does she have a deeper motive?

Housemates are forbidden from speaking about nominations, but they have the capacity to influence opinion via good old-fashioned bitchery – and they are totally relishing this. This year's House may be regarded as the bitchiest ever – even our resident psychologist Rustie Lee agreed on tonight's Big Brother's Bit On The Side. Gossip girls and guysare just getting started we think! Check back for the latest news. xoxo





Week 6 round up


It's been a turbulent and task-filled week in the Big Brother House, topped off by one of the closest-to-call evictions to date.

Monday will forever be remembered by our housemates as the day in which the gruelling Turf Wars task finally came to an end. But just because the green and blue garments were off, didn’t mean all wars in the house were over. The Insiders vs. Outsiders battle prevailed, and the former took one hell of a beating when the nominations came around, with two insiders – Conor and Shievonne – put up to face the public vote.

Tuesday proved a particularly joyous day, despite the sour air looming over everyone post-nominations. Hot Topics was the task of the day, where housemates proved their Pub Quiz potential was zero – failing to answer the correct name for a ham and pineapple pizza, and getting Mr Darcy mixed up with Peter Pan.

The silly sausages were still rewarded with a spray-tan session, followed by a very apt Hawaiin-themed party to match their golden glows.

Wednesday's introduction of this week's shopping task, Rules are for Fools, put a stop to all the partying, however. Luke A, Luke S and Adam became Wardens, prepared to punish and penalise anyone who didn't comply with Big Brother's crazy new rules – which included dressing up as cigarettes and having nothing but interesting conversations.

It's fair to say our housemates were monumentally terrible at sticking to any of them.

Thursday continued in the same vain as Wednesday, with the shopping task coming to a sorry conclusion in the form of a big fat FAIL. That was certainly no surprise, but in a BB bombshell Luke S was crowned Employee of the Week, and gave his prize to Ashleigh in the form of a 'pamper hamper' – the real shock being he sacrificed his precious protein powder to gift his girlfriend.

Friday the 13th was only unlucky for one: Shievonne. She became Big Brother's sixth evictee, failing to win as many votes to save as her compatriot Conor.

It was a shock eviction for some, but for us it was just another twist in the tale of this year's fiery household. Shievonne didn't hold back during her time in the House and it may have proved her downfall, though her varied vocabulary is sure to be missed by all.

Saturday started off quiet, with many mourning the loss of Shievonne (and many celebrating, mainly Luke A). But things soon kicked off, with Deana and Conor both publicly shamed for discussing nominations, and suitably punished by being made to wash all the dirty laundry together. The highlight of Saturday though – and possibly the whole series so far – was a glorious prank played by Big Brother on Luke S.

He was introduced to a talent agent (really an actor in disguise) who sparked dreams of naked calendars and reality shows, and had him posing in a hilarious photo-shoot, the contents of which were later played out to his fellow housemates – provoking a blush to his face and a bruising to his ego.

What Big Brother didn't play out to his fellow housemates, however, was the moment Luke S shunned his so-called girlfriend Ashleigh, revealing: "It might not last in the outside world". We wonder what she'll have to say about that...

Sunday saw the housemates wake up in the Wild Wild West, with the House transformed for this week's shopping task: The Gold Rush. The remaining 11 were split up into the Good, the Bad and the Really Ugly, while Conor and Caroline took on the roles of the Sheriff and his Deputy. A shoot-off and a hoedown showdown were the tasks of the day, with a barn dance the rightly reward at the end of the night.

But although Week 6 ended on a merry dance, the prospect of FACE-TO-FACE nominations in the coming week is proving too thrilling to handle, and we're already very, very excited about what Week 7 has to offer.




7.48am: Morning, ! And morning housemates! Don't mind us. You just keep on snoozing away. We'll wait patiently here.



8.04am: Newsflash - Conor just went to the toilet. Then he went back to bed. Carry on!

8.18am: Housemates continue to doze. They're not letting thoughts of nominations later today interrupt some serious laze action

8.47am: Still very little action from the House - just the soft sound of snoozery


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