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Day 40: A serving of sushi and shame


1 hour ago

As a reward for passing today's task – or rather for being so gullible that he believed an outside agency genuinely wanted to promote 'Luke S' the brand, Big Brother rewarded the club promoter and his fellow housemates with some sushi, champagne and soft drinks. A party of sorts.

But Big Brother couldn't supply them with treats without giving them the greatest treat of all – An exclusive look at the 'Luke S 2013 calendar', before it's even gone in to production. It would have been a travesty for Big Brother to have kept those saucy snaps to themselves – they would have been doing a severe disservice to the housemates, and to the wider public as a whole.

As the shots were displayed on the plasma in the living room, we can only describe Luke S's reaction as pure mortification. In fact, he pretty much spent the whole time with his head in his hands. Why so shy Luke? Sexily posing with a rose in your mouth – what's not to be proud of?

"I f******g hate them. I've never been so mortified in my life" he cried.

At least he had Ashleigh to help him through his ordeal, "Oh honeybun, you look so funny" she cooed.

Yup, 'funny' – that's exactly what he was going for...



Originally Posted by Bethni:
Originally Posted by MrsH:



night peeps 

Night MrsH.... thanks for all your hard work and sleep well

thanks - same to you 


they have nearly bored me to tears tonight 



1.54am: *tumbleweed*

1.59am: For your sake, we really hope the housemates will have woken up by the time we're back on tomorrow.

Night night Twitter x

Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:

Yep, despite all your brilliant efforts today has been a bit of a snor....  But I'm looking forward to another exciti...  Maybe Conor will say something nasty about De.. 


Nanite Twitterers! 

From what I've observed he's totally obsessed with saying negative stuff about Deana at every chance he gets. I really don't understand why he hates her so much.

Yellow Rose

Day 40: A game of badger Becky

6 hours ago

It's been a turbulent night for poor old Becky. She's been the victim of a tirade of abuse – both physical and mental, and both behind her back and right up close and personal.

First of all, The Outsiders – or The Three Musketeers as Becky herself christened them – Luke A, Adam and Lauren, were going to town on their fellow housemate out in the garden. While Becky lounged in the kitchen, she was blissfully unaware that her fellow housemates were having a good old gossip about her outside.

Luke A kicked it off, feeling a bit peeved: "Becky is nice to us when no one else is around". And Adam agreed, "Between her, Caroline and Ashleigh today, I'm fuming."

They decided that Becky had officially become an Insider, slotting perfectly into the hole left by Shievonne. And we agree.

Lauren had the final word, though, with this wonderfully blunt remark, "she can f*****g do one".

And only minutes later, Becky was the prey of a very hyper (and very naked) Luke S and Conor in the bedroom. They jumped on her, squeezed her and even licked her toes. The pictures say more than words, if we're honest, and they're all up there for your pleasure.

It looks traumatic, but we can promise you Becky was very much in on the joke, giggling like a little girl througout.

We just hope she doesn't have nightmares.


Day 40: Round-up

16 mins ago

The housemates woke up to a Shievonne-less House on Day 40 – not that anyone really seemed to register this fact. Considering a few of the housemates mentioned how weird the House would be without the former playboy bunny, life seemed to go on pretty much as usual. Did we hear someone say fickle?

The only housemates to actually mention the void left by the Lewisham lass, was Lauren, Luke A and Adam – and it wasn't a favourable reference at that.  Sitting in the garden, the trio commented on how lovely the atmosphere was without Shievonne, and further quoted the 'ding dong the witch is dead' song - Which is quite ironic really, considering how much time these three spend sitting around a proverbial cauldron, cackling amongst themselves.

Later in the day, Deana and Conor were both punished for talking about nominations in regards to each other - resulting in a joint punishment. The warring pair endured the delight of having to scrub some clothes in the garden â€“ to air their dirty laundry if you may. During their 'quality' time together, they only managed to exchange a few cross words, with Deana branding Conor "a nasty man". Silence was definitely a virtue in this case.  

In the afternoon, Big Brother played a blinder of a prank on Luke S, convincing him that a media representative was interested in developing him as brand. 'Donnie Bar', a fake agent, managed to persuade Luke S that they wanted to create a calendar, fitness DVD and his very own show. When we say persuade, there really wasn't that much coercion involved...

In fact, Luke S absolutely lapped up the opportunity, even being quick to shun girlfriend Ashleigh for the chance of appearing on 'The Bachelor'.  And it was this complete belief in the scenario that it made it an even greater fall, when he found out that it was all part of a secret task and that his housemates were in on it all along.

Let's just say he didn't exactly see the funny side of the 'prank' and no amount of champagne and sushi was going to make him feel any better about it. However, for us it was a right old laugh – if you haven't yet seen the calendar snaps, you really should.

And as you can imagine, the housemates didn't let him live it down and there was many a joke, and recreations of the famous 'rose pose' before the night was over. Luckily for him, the housemates turned in a little earlier than usual, meaning he could slink off to bed and try to forget about his embarrassing ordeal.

But be rest assured, this won't be the last he's heard about it – We can already see those best bits...



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