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6.25pm: There are tears. But who is crying? Did Becky do it? All will be revealed very soon...

The task has divided the House. Some egos are a little bruised

7.07pm: Deana and Becky haven't spoken since the task. Deana said she is feeling foolish. Will she forgive Becky?

7.18pm: The housemates are eating dinner but it's too much for Deana who's in the bedroom, buried under a duvet


7.34pm: Deana's up and about again, putting on her warpaint and getting her act together in the bedroom

7.44pm: Ashleigh is giving Luke S a massage. Ever the joker Conor asked her if she does cupping. She does

The result of the Favourite Housemate task is in! 

8.14pm: It's playtime in the House. 'What's the time Mr Wolf' and 'Wink Murder' are the games of choice

8.34pm: More larks in the garden! Time for another round of The Cereal Box game. It's like cub-camp out there.


Less than 20 minutes to showtime. Make sure you're tuned into Channel 5 with your feet up and a choice of snacks - it's going to be a good one!



9.03pm: The cereal box game is still going. Deana claimed someone pushed her over during her turn. She has gone to the diary room

9.14pm: The boys are taking this game very seriously. Benedict and Luke S have rolled up their tracksuit bottoms

9.29pm: Chris, Lydia and Benedict are chewing the fat in the hot tub. They're hoping for a party. Another one?!

9.41pm: Deana has joined the the hot tub club. She's feeling vulnerable. Benedict understands. Sometimes even he feels vulnerable 

9.57pm: Lauren and Arron are having a heart to heart in the bedroom. Arron has revealed he is something of a love rat

  is trending 


12.30pm: Ashleigh and Arron were getting cosy in the bedroom. We can't keep up with this rapidfire, scattershot flirting.

12.33pm: Sara's talking about her love for the Royal Family. Quite loudly

12.39am: Sara's leading housemates in a rousing rendition of God Save the Queen. Totally patriotic. It's all got a bit emotional

12.48am: Sara's still confirming her undying love for the Queen. 'She's ledge', agrees Ashleigh.

1.02am: Becky can't believe Sara is really talking about the Queen. She thinks she is speaking in code

1.16am: Ashleigh and Luke are on the bed. He's giving her a hand massage

1.20am: Ashleigh is kissing Luke S's finger tips. Golly. Should we avert our eyes?

1.38am: Scott finds Benedict's debating ability odd considering his day-job. Don't judge a book by it's cover, my boy.

1.54pm: Chris and Lauren bond as the housemates prepare for the land of kip in the bedroom.

See you in the morning, friends!


Play nicely, housemates


9 hours ago

It was like playtime at primary school or japes at a cub-camp jamboree late this afternoon as a spontaneous games session broke out in the garden.

Perhaps it was a reaction to all that sausage business and the bad feeling over the Favourite Housemate task that prompted such childish larks, but it was admittedly good to see some cheer break out in the house at last. Naturally it all ended in a grump, but it was fun while it lasted.

Kicking off with a game of ‘Wink Murder’ (it was a new one on us), they followed up with a run through the classic ‘What’s The Time, Mr Wolf?’, all finished up with a return to their default parlour game – the Cereal Box Challenge.

So far, so much fun. But when Arron took it upon himself to lightly boot Deana up the backside as she tried to take her turn, things turned slightly sour. Our Miss India UK went to the Diary Room to gather herself, and then returned to chat with Lydia about her tumultuous day. Poor girl.



Friends forever?


7 hours ago

The fallout from the Favourite Housemate task has been somewhat immense.

Deana was never going to take it well when she finally learned that Becky’s cosying up to her perhaps wasn’t completely genuine and was partially motivated by her secret mission. The two have spent large chunks of the day going over their relationship, with Deana struggling to believe that Becky was so friendly for any reason other than game-playing.

Deana’s been in and out of the Diary Room in a bid to try and make sense of the past 48 hours and she’s been reassured by Lauren and Becky that she’s genuinely liked in the house. But, perhaps understandably, she’s not entirely convinced.

It might not help that certain other housemates are seeing fit to stir things up a bit. Deana doesn’t know if she’s liked, faux-liked, coming or going.




Week 1 round up


25 mins ago

What a week it’s been. Time certainly does fly when housemates are having fun... and when they are tearing strips of one another too. Check out their best bits so far.

Day 1

There’s no slow burn for these lads and ladies and that goes double for Big Brother, who well and truly chucked Deana in at the deep end. Within an hour of her arrival she was tasked with selecting three of her brand new housemates for eviction. She then had to tell them to their face why she had chosen them. Conor, ‘evil eyed’ Victoria and Lydia were the unlucky trio put in the firing line.

As if meeting 16 new housemates wasn’t enough, we were introduced to three Wildcards, originally rejected by Big Brother but given a lifeline by Jamie East. One of them would be chosen by you, the viewers, to enter the House following the first eviction.

Booze was drunk, talk was smooth and the first seeds of flirtation were sewn.


Day 2

Shievonne won the housemates a party by impersonating them in the Diary Room. Little did she know they were watching her on the plasma screen in the living area, most doing a convincing impression of not being offended by her send-ups. Lydia failed to see the funny side when Shievonne portrayed her as fame hungry. She of the famous fiancÃР– Andy Scott Lee off of boyband 3SL and brother of Steps starlet Lisa – felt it would have been justified if she had traded off his name and she had not. 

Despite being determined to keep his gender swap a secret while he got to know his new housemates, Luke let slip on Day2. After testing the water with Sara he filled in a few more of his new friends all of who were thoroughly supportive.

Day 3

Victoria was given an empathetic shoulder to cry on by Lydia when she was down and feeling left out. Lydia was feeling left out too but was putting on a brave face. She suggested they should stick together - conveniently forgetting only hours before she had told Caroline how much she disliked Victoria.Lydia then failed to make Victoria a fresh salad at lunch timeinstead offering the vegan leftovers. The two managed to fall out over said salad which really was quite an achievement. Victoria said she wanted to leave the House.

Arron decided to use Lauren as a bit of gym kit, bicep curling and bench pressing the dainty Jersey girl. This provided the perfect excuse for much rolling about on the floor and midriff baring by both parties.

A task game of spin the bottle turned into Snog, Marry, Evict (thank you, Big Brother) and Victoria got upset because Arron said he would evict her. Things got heated and Arron said it was because she kept saying she wanted to go. Victoria said the only person she trusted in the House was Lydia. An interesting choice of ally!


Day 4

It was eviction night and Victoria was voted out of the House. Big Brother suffered its own eviction when the Live Show was forced indoors for the first time ever because of an extreme weather warning.

With Victoria gone there was room for one more, and wildcard Becky showed she was more than prepared to fill in by bursting through the doors of the House and hurling herself into the pool - possibly Big Brother’s most dramatic entrance to date. Like Deana on Day 1, Becky was quickly given a secret mission of her own: she had to make sure she was named as a ‘favourite housemate’ on Sunday when Big Brother would be asking everyone who their bestie in the House was. If successful, she’d be immune from nominations. If she failed, she’d definitely be facing the public vote at the next eviction.

Day 5

Another day, another fight over food. This time it was asausage. And a soya one at that.

Lydia and Scott had a bit of a whinge about Deana and Shievonne did some more impressions.

The lads lightened the mood by dressing up as women â€“ always a crowd pleaser - and Conor showed us his worm. That’s a dance move( in case you were concerned).


Day 6

An alliance between Lydia, Deana and Lauren formed in the wee small hours as Lydia let the girls into a little secret. She told them housemates are allowed to talk about nominations and that the boys had been plotting. The mighty triumvirate later sought to recruit additional allies, confiding in Chris and Becky.

Adam revealed to all those who were not already in the know that housemates could discuss nominations this year. Seeing as they have been discussing nominations for days with no intervention from Big Brother we’re surprised it took them five whole days to work this out. Did they think they’d managed to outwit the all- seeing-eye?

Becky triumphed in her task, being named favourite housemate by Deana. Becky had made a very obvious effort to woo Deana and Miss India UK was gutted. She confided in Lauren that she felt a fool. Becky and Deana had a cursory make-up hug, but they’ve barely spoken since the incident. All the same, Becky’s now immune from tomorrow’s nominations .

Housemates turned the garden into a playground and enjoyed a good hour of games including Wink Murder, What’s the Time Mr Wolf and old favourite The Cereal Box Game.

Becky and Deana made up. Then fell out again. Then made up again. Becky said Deana was being paranoid. Deana said she just wanted to be loved. We don’t think we have heard the last of this.

The housemates decided to let their hair down with a few drinks. Sara revealed a great affection for the Royal family, in particular the Queen. She led the housemates i a rendition of the National Anthem much to fellow Royalist Scott’s delight.

The new week will see our housemates give their nominations for the first time, they will also take part in their first weekly shopping task. As always stay tuned to the website to see how they get on with all this and more.





10.15am: Becky's first up, followed closely by Sara, who's putting her face on. Looking good is a top priority!

10.28am: Luke A has "over-gelled" his hair. It's a hardknock life, for Luke

10.32am:Chris "Used to wake up in a pool of blood!", Adam, Luke A are in the garden puffing cigs comparing nosebleed stories

0.49am: Shievonne thinks Arron looks like he's only 18, flattery will get you everywhere, especially with nominations due soon!



11.17am: Paranoia has set in. Chris is chatting to Luke A, Chris thinks Caroline and Becks could put him up for nomination.

11.28am: Lauren hated school; she used to wear pink dungarees and eat her lunch in the loos. Aw.

Nominations are now in full-flow. We'll keep you posted so be careful about clicking if you don't want spoilers!

11.35am:Benedict asks whether Caroline sounds like her mum.She says her parents are probably mOOOOrtified with her BB telling stories.


Day 7: Pre-nomination jitters

1 hour ago

Nominations are the main topic of conversation today (surprise, surprise!). We don't know the outcome just yet, but we can give you a shufti of what they're talking about.

At this stage, they are really nit-picking; the little things really do count. Inebriation is one topic; drinking alcohol puts them in a vulnerable position, when they are more likely to reveal secrets and become (falsely) confident. We have seen housemates saying "I won't drink again" with sore heads and regrets. When you've crossed boundaries on a night out, sometimes it's too late to repair the damage. Even if they do, there is residual resentment. We wonder whether the non-drinkers have an advantage?

One group spoke about the other housemates acting like they would in their 'day jobs'. Sure, Benedict can be a bit teacher-like and Shievonne has treated everyone to manicures, but that's hardly a bad thing, is it?

Another weird point they brought up was HMs being too 'nice'. They are suspicious of the HMs over-egging the custard, so to speak. Being too nice, too emotionally transparent, being too shy, too loud, too self-conscious, angry, opinionated, greedy, flirtatious. Everyone is acting really strangely – they have gotten to know each other, there are feelings and alliances involved now. They all have smiles on their faces, very happy to chat as normal, but you can see in their eyes that they're getting nervous.

Anything goes right now. Check back for a SPOILER UPDATE very soon.


Pics coming up....


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