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Day 40: Since you, Shievonne, out of my head can't take it

27 mins ago

Shievonne's been gone for thirteen hours and, as usual, some housemates are swifter with the moving on process than others.

Housemates rose to a horribly rainy day and carried on as normal. Conor immediately rustled up a protein shake in silent celebration at still being in the House. Adam, Lauren and Luke A began smoking preparations and everyone else began making their breakfast. But what of all the Shievonne talk?

Scott and Ashleigh were the first to discuss their recently evicted housemate, amidst a discussion of the wine-theft last night. "We need to get over things" said Scott, referring to both the alcohol disagreement and the loss of their mutual friend. Later on, Deana mentioned Shievonne, saying she'd rather she'd stayed, but the implication was very clear that this was mainly because Conor got to hang around instead.

Aside from that, Shievonne's exit wasn't really spoken of. Becky talked about life in the world of the drama student. Adam and Lauren talked hedgehogs and Sara looked slightly mystified as to what happened last night. Just your usual morning in the Big Brother House.

As they get back into their daily routine, it might seem to the passer-by that Shievonne's been all but instantly forgotten. But as we've seen with other evicted housemates, it takes time for an absence to make itself known. Give it a few hours and, despite the fact she made as many enemies as friends in the House, the loss of Shievonne will begin to make itself clear.


1.04pm: Luke A, Luke S, Adam, Scott and Conor are off to the Diary Room. Could this be a pub quiz moment? 


1.22pm: Becky's entertaining housemates by reenacting scenes from Reality TV.

1.44pm: Luke S, Conor and Caroline are feasting together. Housemates are mainly cleaning and feeding themselves today.

1.56pm: Becky is mimicking Caroline's accent. Quite unsuccessfully.

2.00pm: Housemates decided to remain silent for as long as possible. Lasted sixty seconds.

2.07pm: Housemates are playing a variation on hide and seek. Lauren's 'it'


4.04pm: Becky, Ashleigh and Caroline run through the bedroom screaming. Deana's confused as to why.


4.12pm: The Outsiders are sleeping in the bedroom. The Insiders are making plans to disrupt their snooze.


4.28pm: Things take a turn for the bizarre. Becky, Ashleigh and Caroline sing in the garden, but the general mood isn't so happy.


4.34pm: Sara comforts Deana in the garden. It's neutral, but it's something.


Afternoon Twitterati  


Looks like it's disintegrating.



Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

4.04pm: Becky, Ashleigh and Caroline run through the bedroom screaming. Deana's confused as to why.


4.12pm: The Outsiders are sleeping in the bedroom. The Insiders are making plans to disrupt their snooze.


4.28pm: Things take a turn for the bizarre. Becky, Ashleigh and Caroline sing in the garden, but the general mood isn't so happy.


4.34pm: Sara comforts Deana in the garden. It's neutral, but it's something.


Afternoon Twitterati  


Looks like it's disintegrating.



They are trying their best to wind them up aren't they

Originally Posted by Scotty:

2.23pm: Conor's furious. He shouts at Deana for discussing him behind his back (which might seem a tad hypocritical to some).

One of these from me too. Hi all have just caught up so thanks for all the updates everyone Conor's admitted he hates Deana and with his anger issues I think BB should keep him away from her not put him with her. Then again it might help to bring about his downfall...please let it be this week I can't take much more of him, he shouldn't be in there

Yellow Rose

Day 40: Big Brother airs dirty laundry

1 hour ago

Oh dear. It never rains but it pours.

A placid day in the House was disrupted by an announcement by Big Brother which forced all of the housemates onto the sofas to hear about a rule-break or two. Last night, after the eviction of Shievonne, it turns out two of our pals separately discussed one another in rule-breaking terms. Take a guess which pair we're talking about, friends!

That's right!

Deana and Conor both spoke individually about nominations on the evening of Day 39. Breaking to the news to nervous housemates, Big Brother immediately let them know the punishment – effective immediately. Deana and Conor were made to join forces and go into the garden for a massive laundry session. If things had been straightforward, they'd have simply grabbed their washboards and made for the sudsy water. But things are rarely straightforward, and the incident resulted in quite a lot of turmoil.

Conor was most amused when his own rule-break was announced, but the moment he heard Deana had been speaking about him he grew very cross, stomping off to get his washing equipment. Deana was slightly incredulous, whilst the rest of the housemates, at this point, only seemed amused.

Conor and Deana took their punishment in silence, with Deana's only response; "you're a nasty man". But as they scrubbed away, in the living area, the announcement prompted some real gossiping in Becky, Luke S, Ashleigh and Caroline.

The four tore strips off Luke A and Lauren, talking about their perceived underhand ways and sly movements. As the quartet grew louder with their opinions, the remaining Outsiders went first for a cigarette, chuckling with Deana as she fashioned herself a washer-woman hat, then retiring to the bedroom for a snooze. Deana joined them there when she was done.

They enjoyed their afternoon nap as the griping grew in volume in the living area. Whether or not The Outsiders could hear what was being said, there's no doubt their ears must have been burning. In fact, so hot was the gossip, it's a wonder their shell-likes didn't melt off their heads.


yeah sure


Lots of pictures, I`ll post them in a bit. I`ve got a pal here atm





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