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Day 39:Store room hijinks

7 hours ago

The eviction dust hadn’t even started to settle and the housemates were already up to their old tricks. Yes, that old divide is ever present - even after the Con man’s attempt to bridge the gap earlier this evening. 

The incident arose after Big Brother generously provided the housemates with some supplies, including the ever sought after alcohol and cigarettes, as a gesture to ease the loss of another friend - or foe in some cases.

But instead of sharing the wealth, a select few housemates decided to have their own little party in the storeroom by sneakily drinking a bottle of wine to themselves. The culprits were none other than Luke S, Ashleigh, Becky, Caroline and Conor - you have been named and shamed.

“Let’s not tell anyone and see people notice that you’re absolutely wasted” plotted Caroline to Ashleigh. The naughty scamps. 

And what’s more, Ashleigh had the cheek to later complain about not getting her fair share in the alcohol handout. She is walking a tight line.

Let’s just hope they’ve buried the evidence, or they’ll have a lot of explaining to do....


Day 39: Round-up

33 mins ago

Friday 13th - It’s an unlucky day for some, and for one housemate in particular, it was going to be the unluckiest day of all.

The housemates started the day in quite a happy mood, with Conor and Shievonne acting in a particularly chipper manner,considering what lay before them. Conor was so relaxed in fact, that he even got his zen on with a refreshing cucumber eye mask - even if it did confuse him slightly.

But all good things come to an end, and in this case a rapid end, as the mood quickly changed from delight to fight whenShievonne and Lauren got into yet another barney. The cause of the row? You guessed it -Tobacco. With cigarettes being used as a form of currency in the House, it’s no wonder it prompts so many squabbles. Though we’ve got a groundbreaking idea - it’s called sharing. Just a thought.

Big Brother broke up the day by introducing a ‘Scream Extreme’ task. As it says on the tin, the housemates were required to shout at the top of their lungs in order to win a secret prize. Little Lauren succeeded by hitting some pretty high decibels- it may not look it, but she packs some lungs on her. Her reward came in the form of an ice cream sundae, along with the glory of course - a knickerbocker glory if you may.

And then came the news of the night - Shievonne was to be the sixth housemate evicted from the Big Brother House. She took the news as well as when she found out she was up for eviction in the first place- badly. But to give credit to her, when it was her time to say her goodbyes, she managed to pull herself together and shimmied out of the House in a vision of red.

We probably don’t have to spell out who was happy at her departure - but Luke A’s comment of â€œding dong the witch is dead” probably sums up the feelings of that group.

Meanwhile, the news that he had been saved for another week seems have to prompted a softer side to Conor, who decided to build some bridges with Becky and Scott. An apology - who would have seen it coming? Maybe the Derry man has seen the light - for now at least.

And as the night drew on, Ashleigh proposed to Luke S and was rebuked - hard, which probably prompted her naughty wine stealing behaviour in the store room. Though we can’t blame her entirely - she did have a few accomplices.

The housemates wound down the night in a joyful mood - have they forgotten about poor Shievonne already? It’ll be interesting to see how the dynamics change in the forthcoming week now a major player has left the House. Will they unite as one? That would be nice, unlikely, but nice.



8.00am: Good morning, housemates! What's that? "Zzzz"? That doesn't even make sense, I'm afraid. 


8.19am: After last night's emotional rollercoaster, the HMs are firmly in the land of nod.

8.35am: No sign of life beyond the odd snore, groan or muted trump. We'll keep you posted.

8.55am: We're wondering how long housemates will be allowed to lie-in for today.

Last edited by Scotty

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