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Day 38 round up


1 hour ago

Housemates woke to the sound of the safety alarm on Day 2 of the Rules Are For Fools shopping task.

 Following a day of rule breaks, the chances of housemates sticking to Big Brother’s guidelines on Day 27 seemed remote. Deana and Caroline couldn’t even make it out of bed on time.

 On the upside, there was little time for bitching as housemates struggled to get their heads around the new rules.

BB pushed our housemates to their limits – Sara was given a mum message from her mum and told not to cry. She passed. Luke S and Ashleigh were called into the Diary Room to discuss their relationship while BB dropped things on Ashleigh’s head. Her challenge was to keep silent. She failed. Five times.

Big Brother put housemates out of their misery informing them that not only had the punished housemates failed but the wardens had also incurred three fails. Bang goes the luxury shopping budget. Luke S was awarded employee of the day for handing out the most tickets and he chose apamper hamper for Ashleigh as his prize. How selfless. It must be love.

 Many new alliances have been built and broken with Caroline mixing it up with as many housemates as she could manage in one evening.

Shievonne had a cry and it became pretty clear that no one trusts anyone anymore and no sooner has a bridge been built, then it is already starting to crumble.

Scott and Becky remain reassuringly silly and enjoyed an entertaining role play with the loud hailers.

Lauren has been laying the flirting on pretty thick with Adam who is smitten. He has massaged her, they rolled about and she made pancakes. With Adam and Lauren getting cosy, will Luke A start to suffer from three’s company syndrome?

There’s an eviction tomorrow night and with two feisty housemates nominated, tension is bound to run high. Expect a day of picking outfits punctuated by some good old fashioned House drama.




Day 39: Friday the 13th hits the house

4 mins ago

As you're probably already aware, it's Friday the 13th today. 

It's a day that makes the superstitious among us quiver with fear and anticipation as folklore dictates that bad things happen to good people whenever it swings around.

Even if you put all that old-time hocus pocus out of mind, by the end of today at least one of our housemates will rightly be able to look back on today as an unfortunate chapter in their lives. That's because it's an eviction night - with Conor and Shievonne finding themselves in the frame for ejection this evening.

To watch our poor unfortunates as they face-up to a possible goodbye tonight, make sure you tune in at 9pm on Channel 5. The eviction interview will follow later at 11pm, with Big Brother's Bit On The Side finishing the evening up in style at 11.30pm. 

We'll see you there, if fortune favours us all...



Day 39: The anticipation game

19 mins ago

Shievonne and Conor could be forgiven for moping or at least looking a little glum today.

But upon waking, the pair of them were right as rain, even bouncing around in good humour, joining in the usual bawdy conversation over the first meal of the day and talking in very positive terms about the possibility of leaving. This morning's breakfast chat involved nearly the whole group– a handful of Floaters stayed in the bedroom to slowly get ready – and the gang chin-wagged about appearing on Bit On The Side, seeing family and friends and how they'll conduct themselves on Twitter when they're back in the real world.

However, as the afternoon ebbs ever closer, it's beginning to dawn on our two nominated housemates that their time may soon be up.

Shievonne took Ashleigh into the garden for a post-brekkie smoke and began to talk at length about how tonight might go. The "literally" count went through the roof, with the word used five times in one spectacular three-minute space. 

It transpired that Shievonne thinks Conor deserves to stay and, if he should go, she wouldn't be able to bear not waking up next to her "blue-eyed boy". She discussed how Adam had "ruined" her week and then, pondering being up for eviction alongside her good friend, she labelled the two of them being in line for the boot "the worst case scenario – literally".

Conor was fine until he was called in to see Big Brother for a quick catch-up on what promises to be an emotional day. By the time he came out, he'd developed a world-weary grimace. Gone was the talk of how happy he'll be to see his girlfriend, replaced by something of a morose silence.

Talking about Bit On The Side, Luke S hardly helped when he said "they might have Deana lovers in the audience and you'll have to debate with them all why you don't like her".

Conor grunted instead of verbally replying, the look on his face suggesting that things finally just got real for the personal trainer from County Derry.


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