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Day 38: Rules really are for fools

40 mins ago

The housemates have been fairly terrible at following Big Brother’s main rules so far, so we can’t say we expected much from them when this week’s shopping task introduced another ten million on top of them.

They’ve had to swim in a dingy, avoid boring each other to death and dress up as human cigarettes, but did they do it well enough?

The answer is... no.

We can exclusively reveal that the housemates FAILED this week’s shopping task, and will therefore receive an economy shopping delivery. They obviously took the task title ‘Rules are for Fools’ too literally.

Big Brother assembled the housemates earlier to announce the results of the task, and revealed that the wardens had incurred a total of three fails overall. This news was met with rapturous applause and squeals of delight from everyone – an all too premature celebration. For Luke S then went to retrieve the envelope holding the number of fails they were allowed to occur, which turned out to be a big, fat zero.

Big Brother’s been a sly dog.

For the bearer of bad news, Luke S, however, it wasn’t all doom and gloom. He was awarded the very prestigious 'Employee of the Week' award, the accolade for issuing the most 'Rule Breaker' tickets.  His prize? An engraved photo frame displaying a picture of himself - for those times when he can’t get his mits on a mirror - and a £30 shopping voucher.

His shopping list featured the following items:

Protein Powder x1 - £30
Coffee pot and posh coffee - £15
Fancy iced donuts - £10
Portuguese chicken - £15
Sushi platter for one - £15
Grapefruit soda - £5
Massage oil set - £15
One hour with weights - £30
Pamper hamper for Ashleigh - £30

And believe it or not, but he sacrificed his two true loves – protein and weights – and blew his entire budget on his newfound love, Ashleigh.

So it’s a pamper hamper for her, and an endless supply of sweet lovin’ for him. Well played Luke S, well played.



Day 38: Caroline takes an interest


53 mins ago

If the Task Wars task shattered the House then the Rules Are For Fools task has started to piece it back together, albeit with some of the pieces in a different order.

Although last night ended with The Outsiders rooted in their smoking area residence, today some of the housemates are mixing it up a bit.

An unlikely friendship appeared to be emerging this afternoon between Caroline and arch nemesis Luke A.

Having previously failed to show any interest in The Outsider and telling anyone who would listen how much she hated him, she seemed to be genuinely interested in learning more about him.

Luke A came to Caroline’s aid during her traumatic ‘mystery boxes’ task and may have melted some of the ice around their relationship.

They discussed his decision to become as a man and the process and emotions that led up to it which she said it was, “fascinating”, admitting she just, “took it at face value,” and had not really considered it before.

He said: “I hope it’s not a big deal. In here people have taken it very well.”

Their conversation came to an awkward end when Caroline ran out of slightly naieve questions. Luke A called out, “Please open the garden Big Brother,” and we could practically see the tumbleweeds but the foundations of a bridge were definitely laid.

With original ally Scott spending more time with Becky, will Caroline continue to persevere with Luke A or do they just have nothing to say to each other. She’s also started to form an alliance with Deana. Does she have a game plan after all?




9.18pm: Deana is wearing her chick onesie. So cute

9.36pm: Becky is bitching about Luke A feeling grumpy. Shievonne said if she felt like that she would just go to bed. Really? 


9.49pm: Deana wants The Outsiders to stay up all night. Crazy talk


10:12pm Conor is entertaining Lauren with an amusing story in the living area 


10.23pm: The housemates are appalled by the lack of hot chocolate in the house. What divas.

10:35pm More flirty goings on between Adam and Lauren. Well, if you consider Lauren biting Adam's arm flirting anywa

10:42pm Not to be 'outflirted' by Lauren and Adam,  are now getting touchy feely with each other on the sofa 

10.54pm: Becky is helping Scott pick earwax out of his ear. They're digging deep. Real deep.


Day 38: The Three Musketeers

59 mins ago

Just as we thought Caroline was building bridges with Luke A, and the Insiders were warming to the Outsiders, BAM... it all falls apart. All our dreams of newfound friendships and a harmonious household crushed within minutes.

It all started with an innocent conversation between Caroline and Becky in the bathroom. Out in the garden, Luke A and Lauren were getting a little paranoid, with Luke – believing them to be gossiping about him – remarking, “looks like an interesting topic”, when they emerged.

This made the Insiders angry. Very angry.

“He’s very vain to think we were talking about him”, argued Becky, with Caroline agreeing: “it’s very conceited that they think that every conversation is about them”.

And it wasn’t just Luke A who’d hit a nerve. Lauren also became a prime target of their rage-shaped missile.

“She’s genuinely a wooden spoon”, said Becky, whose impressively coined nickname is taking off, with Caroline later adding: “Spoon looks like such a dickhead”.

But there was more where that came from, and Caroline had soon created a nickname of her own. “The three musketeers are so tedious”, she declared, referring to Luke A, Lauren and Adam. The Three Musketeers. We much prefer that to The Outsiders.

And meanwhile, The Three Musketeers were having a gossip session of their own, which Luke A ended firmly with this: “I don’t give a f*** what they think.”

Oh dear. We definitely spoke too soon.



11:39pm Shievonne is sat on the sofa in her tradmark pink dressing gown with the hood up. She looks like a girly Jedi 


11:45pm A pamper hamper has just been delivered to the House. A gift from Luke S to Ashleigh won during the task 


Nite all    

Originally Posted by erinp:

12.27am: Luke A is in the Diary rooom which means Lauren and Adam are alone in the garden. That's how rumours start.


I prefer watching their friendship develop to watching Lustleigh


Thanks again all for the updates

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by erinp:

12.27am: Luke A is in the Diary rooom which means Lauren and Adam are alone in the garden. That's how rumours start.


I prefer watching their friendship develop to watching Lustleigh


Thanks again all for the updates

Mrs H and Scottys work today

Originally Posted by erinp:

12.45pm: Scott's been called to the Diary Room. He's dressed up all smart for it and everything.


Something odd imo HMS getting called to the DR at this time.

ok pure speculation but ....  wonder if he is going out for sisters funeral ? 

Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by erinp:

12.45pm: Scott's been called to the Diary Room. He's dressed up all smart for it and everything.


Something odd imo HMS getting called to the DR at this time.

ok pure speculation but ....  wonder if he is going out for sisters funeral ? 

Good thinking Mrs H

Originally Posted by Bethni:

I would have thought her funeral would have been a while ago it's a few weeks since she died isn't it?

mid June I believe but if it was unexpected and/or sudden it can sometimes take time before the go ahead for a funeral 


gut reaction on my behalf .... sorry xx


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