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Day 37: Will the real Sara please stand up


1 hour ago

We previously discussed how Sara has very much been a Floater in the House - could this be a reason why she's managed to avoid the public vote so far? And where does she actually fit in the House?

Looking back at Sara’s pre-entry video, she professes, "I lose my temper very easily, adding, "I don't actually realise I'm doing it, it takes over me" - a claim that is rather questionable. Apart from some minor disagreements, it’s safe to say that she’s managed to stay out of most of the slanging matches in the House. 

She also seems to avoid bitching sessions - you rarely see her sitting around, giving her two pennies worth on another housemate. Instead, she's very diplomatic in her approach at dealing with issues. If she's annoyed with someone, she simply airs the problem with the person, sorts it out and moves on - Not exactly the behaviour of a hot-headed person.

So is Sara just a really bad judge of herself, and actually she's not as volatile as she thinks. Or, rather cynically, is this part of a game plan to stay under the radar until finale week?

It's interesting to note that she has only received four nominations since being in the House - three of which were in the first week. Most of the reasons stemmed from her acting silly when she’s drunk, rather than a problem with her in general.

But what does she actually bring to the House? She's a good friend to Becky, and more recently Deana.She was a fleeting love interest to Arron and she can be very entertaining when pushed on the subject of the Queen. Other than that, she hasn't really rocked the boat or kept the housemates entertained.

As the weeks draw on and the numbers start dwindle, will we start to see more of Sara? Or will she continue to sit back and let the action play out around her? Either way, we feel like we need to see more of the Miss Edinburgh before a true judgement can be made.



12.26am: Lauren is back with her boys. Adam and Luke A. She is squeezing Adam's blackheads. This is attractive    

12.38am: Ashleigh and Conor are talking dirty with the loud hailer. It's getting grubby. Where is Luke S when we need him.   

12.49am: Conor and Shievonne are testing out their eviction night interviews. With the loud hailers. Other housemates are in bed. 

2.59am: Luke S has made Scott promise to do a proper workout with him tomorrow. Is he looking for a new BFF perhaps?

1.09am: Becky is in bed with Ashleigh and Luke S.  

She has told them it is a secret task.   


BIG Brother bosses have been slammed for screening footage of Ashleigh Hughes pleasuring lover Luke Scrase.

Viewers were treated to a shock clip of the Essex lass, 21, sticking her hand up the lad’s grey shorts in front of housemates.


As she slid her fingers inside, she  giggled: β€œTickle. Tickle. Tickle.”


Ashleigh, who said she would never have sex on TV, then began to massage his willy as Luke, 24, writhed about on the bed, announcing excitedly that he was aroused.


Gay student Scott Mason, 21, who was watching the saucy action unfold, gasped: β€œOh no.”


And Shievonne Robinson, 29,  told them: β€œTMI. Too much information.”


The clip was originally featured on the spin-off show Big Brother’s Bit On The Side late on Tuesday when host Emma Willis, 36, said: β€œAshleigh clearly can’t get enough of the big one he’s got.”    


It was set to be repeated on Channel 5’s main Big Brother highlights show last night.


But family values campaigners Mediawatch claimed it should not have been screened.


Director Vivienne Pattison said: β€œThis is just TV titillation.  How low does the show need to go to get ratings? It’s a sorry state of affairs if this is entertainment.”


Day 37: Round-up


1 hour ago

The housemates woke up on Day 37 to find that the House had been decorated with industrial warning signs - a hint tothis week's shopping task. If they want to eat well this week, they must stick to the new flamboyant rules as set by strict taskmaster, Big Brother. 

The new rules ranged from having to eat food with special tongsdecontaminating themselves on a regular basis and jumping up and down on a trampoline dressed as a cigarette when having a smoke. As you can imagine, this led to hilarious viewing and some not-so-happy housemates. 

Luke A, Luke S and Adam were given the task of patrolling the unruly nine - If they found any of the housemates to be in breach of the rules they were issued a ticket. Three strikes and they were out - or sent to the 'punishment zone' where they were made to paint coal white... and then black again. As the tasks relies on the wardens spotting and punishing the rule breaks, it's no surprise that the housemates spent a lot of time brushing up on their painting skills. 

Throughout the day, Big Brother kept the housemates on their toes by adding new rules into the mix. This included a rule stating Shievonne must not use her hands whilst talking - which she was aptly reminded about by a giant sandwich board emblazoned with 'I must not talk with my hands.' Housemates were also restricted to interesting conversations only and given a ban on singing.

The housemates seemed to struggle with the concept of what an interesting conversation comprised of. Should we be surprised? Probably not...

Another highlight of the day came in the form of Conor sprinting across the lawn in his birthday suit. No, it wasn't a cheap ploy to gain attention for Friday - rather he was trying to get to a plinth as part of the task. Conveniently enough, Big Brother had chosen the moment that Conor had decided to shower - Big Brother you are ever so cheeky.

And just so the housemates knew who was in charge, the wardens were rewarded for their efforts with some fast food and beers - much to the annoyance of the other housemates. Although Luke S professed to be annoyed that only the wardens were allowed to enjoy the tasty treats, he didn't seem too bothered when he was chomping down on a load of french fries. You can't fool us with the mock sympathy sunshine!

So as the day drew to a close, the housemates were released from the task and set free to carry on with their usual business. However, once that alarm rings, it'll will all begin again.

Will they be able to keep their behaviour in check to win a luxury budget this week? Somehow, we're not rating their chances on this one...





Morning all 




8.49am: Housemates continue to snooze into the morning of Day 38

9.02am: After yesterday's  task, HMs are no doubt shattered. They probably need a few extra minutes dozing.

9.18pm: A little groan amidst the sound of sleeping. Perhaps the sound of a strain from all that trampolining while smoking.

9.38am: Becky rolls over, looks around the room like a startled rabbit, then flops back down into sleep


10.36am: Female HMs have an undie identification session. 'Whose are these?' Lauren asks, holding up the next random thong.

10.40am:Luke S asks Conor to tell him a story. Conor sings him the Fresh Prince Of Bel Air soundtrack, inaccurately

10.43am: Deana's in regulation life jacket, swim-cap, goggles and rubber ring for a swim, arguing with Luke S over a broken rule.

10.55am: Conor leads Caroline for a run around the garden. For a moment it looked like he was being trailed by a golden retriever.

11.10am: After a break and a chat with Adam, Caroline and Conor start lapping the garden again. Caroline's lagging.


11.19am: Scott and Becky are role-playing again. It's got a Hattie Jacques / Charles Hawtrey feel to it, this one

11.25am: Scott and Beckys' Carry On routine continues. Scott's talking about 'lamping ruffians' and Becky's pawing him lustily.

11.33am: Lauren screams like she's been shot in the buttock. She's dropped a makeup box. Panic over

11.46am: Ashleigh's trying to enjoy a snout but her cigarette outfit keeps falling off. It's a pitiful sight.

11.52am: The musicals argument rages again between Luke S and Conor. Luke S likes Grease and High School Musical. Conor doesn't


12.37pm: HMs are obsessing over the length of this year's series. Shievonne and Sara have both been trying to figure it out.

12.41pm: Shievonne's having a secret blub. She says she daren't cry in front of the others in case they think she's milking votes

12.55pm: Sara says the tap water in Scotland is far far better than England. Might that explain her superior complexion?

1pm: Shievonne is literally saying 'literally' in every sentence. Literally


Day 38: Carry on Becky and Scott


1 hour ago

This morning, Scott and Becky could have exerted themselves by going for a swim, making an extravagant breakfast or anything else that required them to abide by Big Brother's ridiculous new rules.

Or they could simply have mucked about. The choice was theirs and, in true Scott & Becks style, they chose to role-play a bizarre scenario in which Scott played a train passenger who was unexpectedly interrupted by another traveller, in the form of a lusty Becky. It was so Carry On in nature, this out-of-the-blue comedy piece, that Hattie Jacques, Sid James and Kenneth Williams could all be heard turning in their graves, shaking their bony fists at the young pretenders.

"Where are you travelling to, cocker?" asked Becky, slightly too intently.

"Oh, I'm going to a function in Edinburgh", replied the boy from Macclesfield, channeling Charles Hawtrey.

"Me too!" Becky asserted, causing Scott to recoil.

"Oh, I've just remembered I've got very important meeting in Westminster" he said, alarmed.

"'Oooh, 'ave ya?" asked Becky. "Me too!"

After a while of this back and forth, Becky lifted the white rug on Scott's lap.

"Eeee, that's a long one" she said, referring to his belt.

And on went the 1970s style saucy humour, with Scott demonstrating how to "lamp ruffians" and the pair of them auditioning for a smutty British flick, no doubt coming to a cinema near you somewhere soon. And before it had really started, it was over, with Becky rolling off to the Diary Room a fitting finale. 

Thank heaven for comic relief.




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