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Day 36: Physical education


1 hour ago

The boys are suspicious. Luke A, Adam, Luke S and Conor think Deana may have thrown the Hot Topics task. In their opinion, Deana whose subject was personal training, would have known where in the body the Trapezius is.  They chose to overlook the fact she correctly guessed where the Gluteus Maximus was.  

We’ve just watched her working out in the garden, performing some very dubious squats with a couple of soup cans and can believe personal training may not be her strong point.

The conversation led to flexing of a muscle often underused in the House  â€“ the brain.

Conor and Luke A showed off their anatomical knowledge, reeling off pretty much every bone in the body and metaphorically patting themselves on the back for both knowing the skin was the largest organ. Coincidentally they have both lost a pub quiz point at some time in their lives because the silly quiz master thought it was the large intestine. Smarty pants.

Luke S was uncharacteristically quiet for someone who spends the majority of his time studying his own body but he did pipe up with a gem. He is convinced the human appendix will have been phased out in the next two or three generations.

This is the guy who thought the earth took just one day to orbit the sun so why are we surprised he also has evolution on fast forward...




Day 36: The golden glow

2 hours ago

If there is one thing our housemates love more than bickering, it’s tanning and much to their delight, they were awarded a spray session as a bonus in the Hot Topics task.

Spray tan virgin Luke S has spoken of little else since the prize was announced and repeatedly exclaimed, ‘I can’t wait coz I am pale as.’

He was even reluctant to stand beside Ashleigh who, along with Becky was first up, before he had taken his turn with the tanner. This however may just have been a ploy to keep her mitts of him for a few minutes.

After Luke S had taken his turn with the beautician Ashleigh said he, ‘looked like Action Man.’ Tans take a few hours to develop, chances are he may be more David Dickenson by the morning.

Housemates agreed it was a wonderful idea and Becky said, ”We feel a million dollars.”

Ashleigh and dedicated tan fan Scott opted for second helpings – did they not see the episode with  Alex from last year’s show?

Meanwhile, with housemates focusing on the action in the garden Lauren and Adam snuck off to the kitchen to vent about Shievonne who has been claiming the pair have been, “giving her daggers.”

There’s only so much time that can be devoted to tanning after all.

Luke S had a little flirt with the spray tan ladies and has managed to mention them once or twice since. We don’t see Ashleigh letting him get away with this kind of behaviour for too long.




Day 36: Turning up the heat


23 mins ago

Mad squeals of “Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God!” echoed around the Big Brother House this evening. It could only mean one thing... it’s party time!

Big Brother has supplied the housemates with flowery shirts, hula skirts and sombreros to complement their newly-bronzed bodies from this evening’s spray tan, bringing Hawaii to Elstree for the night.

Although Luke S, who cannot fathom a clothed life, immediately blurted out: “I’m not wearing a shirt!”

Faces have been stuffed with burritos, nachos and other Mexican delights – a slightly confusing menu to match the Hawaiian theme. But Conor doesn’t care, as he fills his mouth with guacamole and proclaims: “I am fat, I don’t care, I wear pink underwear”. News to us.

The music is blaring, meaning some very questionable shapes are being thrown on their makeshift dance-floor. But they better watch their heads, because there’s inflatable beach balls, bananas and cacti flying everywhere.

All is joyous in the House, but if we know our housemates well enough, the guacamole may turn sour soon.




12.55am: Deana is hanging out with Scott, Ashleigh and Caroline. Could Shievonne be right. Is she a ?

1.11pm: What not to say to a grumpy Caroline - "I haven't seen your smile today." Lauren has got Caroline's back up again. Oops.

1.23pm: Scott fancies an Earl Grey tea. Ashleigh does not know how to make one. Scott has enlightened her

1.34pm: There is a serious language barrier tonight. Shievonne has just had to explain to Deana what an oven mitt is. 

1.58am: Shievonne is telling Deana not to trust her friends.Luke S and Ashleigh are pecking on the lips in bed.

Night night House.


Day 36: Moves like housemates


8 hours ago

Much booty was shaken, moves to make the finest dad dancers envious were pulled and Shievonne straddled fellow eviction nominee Conor.

It’s amazing what a bit of music will make our housemates do.

Pumping out that popular song about skimpy undies by Lydia’s mate, Big Brother rounded off tonight’s party with a disco.

Lauren threw some chicken shapes, Luke S discarded his shirt and Deana and Sara fought for space in front of where they perceived the cameras to be.

Becky challenged Sara to a dance off following an enthusiastic thrusting session with an inflatable cactus.  

Ashleigh and Shievonne ran around the living areas like a couple of kids after too much sugar and Ashleigh’s bikini top fell off.

It was wild. But not as wild as the gossip in the garden afterwards.

Our regular Outsiders gathered in their usual smoking area spot  to analyse the evening.

Luke A said: “I really thought we were building bridges when we were dancing, building bridges through music.”

Adam had news for him. He said, “Did you see what happened earlier though. Who was missing when we were all sat out here smoking?”

He said it was Shievonne, that she was in the Diary Room at the time and when she came back everyone they do not normally hang out with got up and left them.

Luke A asked if he was suggesting housemates were scared of her before saying, “Who cares?”

Who cares indeed...?



Day 36 round-up


1 hour ago

We picked up where Day 35 left off - with a fight between Shievonne and Deana.

In fact, we’re not even sure if they ever stopped fighting. Chances are they were up all night trying to find new insults to hurl at each other. This morning’s argument was an argument about another argument, leaving us really looking forward to their argument about an argument about that argument.

What the House needed was some love injected into it, and who better to provide it than the hottest new couple in town, Lauren and Adam. The pair were inseparable today – straightening each other’s hair and massaging each other’s hands like there was no tomorrow. They ended the evening cuddled up on the sofa outside, a heart-warming sight until Lauren started biting his arm. Oh, you guys.

Big Brother eventually decided it was time to put the housemates to the test, via today’s task, Hot Topics.

Housemates had to choose a topic at random from BB’s tombola and answer general knowledge questions on the spot. Highlights included Shievonne saying Mr Darcy and Elizabeth Bennett were characters in Peter Pan and Becky thinking a ham and pineapple pizza was called a Margarita.

Some of the housemates did assert the existence of a brain, however, and won themselves a party, lots of treats and a very special spray-tanning session.


The latter prize proved popular with Luke S in particular, not just so he could bronze his ever-bare body, but so he could have a good peek at everyone else’s flesh too. He even seemed in awe of Conor’s y-fronts, an image we spent the rest of the night trying to rid our minds of.

So, with the housemates now looking like they were just back from their summer holidays, Big Brother brought the sun to the House itself in the form of a Hawaiian themed party.

Hula skirts were waving, beach balls were bouncing and the housemates were dancing â€“ rather precariously, might we add – and a great time was had by all.

But the day couldn’t possibly end on a happy note and so it was left to Deana and Sheivonne to end the night as they know best... with another argument. When will it ever end?




8.04am: Housemates are sound asleep, stocking up their energy levels for Day 37 in the Big Brother House

8.31am: An early morning toilet-creeper makes the door creak like nobody's business. Becky grimaces at the disturbance.

8.40am: There goes that squeaky hinge again. We need some WD40, quick-smart.

Morning all    day 37 in the Big Brother House 


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