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Day 36: Partying is the 'hot topic' of the day


6 mins ago

The housemates have been feeling a bit hard done by of late, mainly due to the lack of parties in the past week - the poor little lambs. Lucky for them they’ve been given the chance to win one tonight, providing they correctly answer a series of questions.

A tombola filled with numbered balls from 1-12 and a board of potential treats have been placed in the living room. In turn the housemates will be asked to pick a ball from the tombola and the the prize they want to play for.

Each ball will correspond to a ‘hot topic’ which will comprise of two questions - if they get one or both of the questions right, they’ll win the prize. However, if they answer incorrectly, they will lose the prize and it can’t be played for again.

The prizes up for grabs are as follows:

18 beers

3 bottles of wine

2 bottle of champagne

Party Snacks



X5 Songs

A takeaway of their choice

The return of Luke S' beloved protein powder

Party outfits

A spray tan session

A makeup kit

There’s a lot to play for, but will they have the smarts to win a rocking party tonight? Stay with us to find out.


4.13pm: As a reward for 4 of the housemates answering both of their questions correctly, they have been awarded the spray tans.

4.27pm: Luke A has vowed to get an orange spray tan tonight. Will he do an 'Alex' from last year?

4.40pm: Luke S is shaving his upper thigh. We have no idea why.

4.46pm: Conor has also decided to shave his legs - Monkey see, monkey do.

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

I just read on DS 5.41 - Shievonne threatening to leave.

looks like they have deleted the tweet now 


I wouldnt be surprised if something is going on in the house - the tweets have been very sparse today with little constructive information considering there are 12 peeps in there  and we usually get the shopping task and have only had a party one ??


will she or wont she  

Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

I just read on DS 5.41 - Shievonne threatening to leave.

looks like they have deleted the tweet now 


I wouldnt be surprised if something is going on in the house - the tweets have been very sparse today with little constructive information considering there are 12 peeps in there  and we usually get the shopping task and have only had a party one ??


will she or wont she  

If she does decide to walk maybe it's because she's realised that on the week she's up it's not wise to confront Deana so verbally who's been saved a few times by the public.

Yellow Rose

Day 36: Who was hot and who was not


2 mins ago

Today’s ‘Hot Topics’ task gave housemates a chance to prove they were more than a bunch of pretty faces.

Answering questions on subjects including history, cheffing and the USA, they secured themselves a reasonable haul for tonight’s party.

Luke A, Caroline, Conor and Laurem answered all their questions correctly.

Housemates won beer, a takeaway, party snacks, makeup hamper, party hamper, champagne and chocolate. Conor won the love of Luke S when he successfully scored the return of the protein powder.

As a bonus Big Brother let housemates chose a prize and influenced by Ashleigh, they picked a spray tan. Luke S and Conor shaved their legs in preparation - we all know there is nothing more attractive than orange, hairless men. 

Not everyone shone.

Shievonne thought Mr Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet were characters in Peter Pan and Sara said a baby kangaroo was called a roo. Nice effort ladies.

Luke S tried to remember the order of the planets in the solar system by referring to a popular self help book, but he couldn’t even get the title right instead saying, “Women are from Mars, Men are from Venus.”  Embarrassing.

Becky claimed she didn’t know a ham and pineapple pizza was called a Hawaiian because she, “wasn’t posh enough.”

Housemates have been bitching and sniping all afternoon, let’s hope the party will perk them up.



6.59pm: Scott is searching for his Prince Charming. He just wants somebody to make him happy. Any takers? 


7.12pm: Deana's got her shower cap on. We think she might be trying to pass it off as some kind of post-modern beret.

7.24pm: Ashleigh is twirling her hair and gossiping like a teenager about Luke S to Becky. It's definitely love

7.27pm: Their romantic chat has been rudely interrupted by a sudden noise from Becky's bottom. She's farted. Ashleigh has fled


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