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Day 35: A proverbially positive outcome

1 hour ago

Earlier Scott and Lauren succeeded in their 'Positively Proverbial' secret mission by delivering the following mystic proverbs to their Housemates:

â€Ē We must all hang together, or assuredly, we shall all hang separately

â€Ē Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships

â€Ē Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results

â€Ē Light is the task where many share the toil

â€Ē T.E.A.M = Together everyone achieves more

â€Ē A chain is only as strong as its weakest link

â€Ē A House divided against itself cannot stand

â€Ē Adversity makes strange bedfellows

â€Ē After a storm comes a calm 

â€Ē Fine words butter no parsnips

â€Ē It ain't over till the fat lady sings 

â€Ē Laugh and the world laughs with you, weep and you weep alone

â€Ē Love thy neighbour as thyself

â€Ē Make love not war

â€Ē Many a mickle makes a muckle

â€Ē The darkest hour is just before the dawn

They've been rewarded with an Indian takeaway and treasure of treasures, some wine and beer. It's safe to say they're a little bit happy. We're surprised they have room for it after their earlier feast. Hope no one suffers from 'Delhi belly' later...


Last edited by Scotty

1.35am: The lights are out in the bedroom but games are afoot, Conor is actually holding Luke S's foot. 


1.48am: Shievonne and Conor are bonding over terrible impressions of The Little Mermaid's Sebastian the Crab. 


1.58am: We'll leave the usual suspects (Lauren, Luke A, Adam) chatting in the Smoking Area and see you in the morning. Toodle-oo!

Nite all   

Originally Posted by Scotty:

1.35am: The lights are out in the bedroom but games are afoot, Conor is actually holding Luke S's foot. 


1.48am: Shievonne and Conor are bonding over terrible impressions of The Little Mermaid's Sebastian the Crab. 


1.58am: We'll leave the usual suspects (Lauren, Luke A, Adam) chatting in the Smoking Area and see you in the morning. Toodle-oo!

Nite all   

Fascinating tweetery today! Nite again Scotty and y'all! Thank you so much! 


Day 35: Nominations announcement prompts a Shievonnalogue


8 hours ago

Considering we already had an idea how it might go, the post-Turf Wars nominations announcement managed to throw housemates into a bit of a tizzy when it arrived this evening all the same.

With the Green team the only ones allowed to call any nom-names, it was always going to be a one-sided affair. When the news of the two up for eviction came in, Conor took it in like a man who’d finally seen his delayed train come zooming round the corner, but Shievonne didn’t handle the information quite so well. She tried to keep her cool, but when Big Brother informed the House that Conor had broken the rules (again), saying that Deana had probably nominated both of those due to face the public vote, Shievonne loudly agreed with his relayed statement.

And, from there, things went rapidly downhill. Shievonne and Deana discussed how the former had been "staring daggers" at the latter for three days, and the rambling argument lasted for half an hour, with Shievonne doing most of the talking and Deana watching her say her piece. Shievonne told Miss India UK that she’s too easily influenced and essentially advised her to stay away from The Outsiders. She asked Deana why her friends weren’t there to assist her in that very argument, pointing out that they were having a good time in the garden as she spoke, instead of backing up their pal.

After Shievonne had left the scene, there were kind words from Becky who told Deana she’d never seen her back-stab and that she’d done nothing wrong. Sara was full of hugs and, when Deana eventually joined The Outsiders in the garden, Adam and Luke A told her not to take anything Shievonne says too seriously and to make her own mind up about who to trust.

Earlier in the day, Deana had said she’s going to "become a lion", even letting out a little roar as she headed to a bathroom grooming session with Lauren. Fast-forward a few hours and she found herself on the receiving end of yet another blazing row. Speaking to Sara when the dust was beginning to settle, she asked "why am I having all these arguments? Is it me?"

Sara couldn’t provide an answer - and we have to admit we’re also slightly bamboozled.


Day 35: Of booze and bonding


8 hours ago

While Shievonne and Deana's epic discussion (to be fair to Deana, she was mainly spectating on an astonishingly lengthy diatribe) was certainly the most dramatic fallout from the nomination reveal earlier, the end of Turf Wars combined with a smattering of alcohol meant there has also been a fair amount of bustle from other corners of the House.

The reunion of ex-Greenie Scott and ex-Bluey Caroline ignited in earnest as soon as the takeaway and booze arrived. Carot absconded to the toilet with Lauren and a bottle of rose. "We won the task," bellowed Scott by way of justification. This ruthless streak extended to denying his turf-wars-bosum-buddy Becky a sip of the goods."She always eats other people's chocolate so whatever."  Did that bed fort they built mean nothing?

Lauren slipped out of the toilet leaving the once-upon-a-time inseparable duo to catch up.

"Scott, it's so good to be back with you... just imagine, I had to sleep on the floor. It's so much better now," gushed Caroline.

Scott was more interested in obtaining more booze than in this heart-to-heart. "If we have any lager they're going to be mad. We'll have to sneak it out," he mused, disregarding the moony look in Caz's eyes.

Elsewhere, Sara revived her talent for getting smashed immediately. While her confession that she was "swinging like a bear on a bumble stick," is not entirely transparent, we respect its general gist. Any doubts about her sobriety were banished when she was spotted crawling round the bedroom with Shievonne on her back.

But the crown for physical intimacy has to be reserved for our very own Romeo and Juliet. Finally reunited after a week of cruel separation, they enjoyed some dialogue that could have been written by Shakespeare himself.

"Do my boobs look like pyramids?" asked our Essex girl.

"I can assure you," responded Luke in a fiery tone,"if pyramids looked like that, I'd be visiting Egypt every f*****g weekend."

Just like in the movies, these classic lines built to a passionate snog.




Day 35: Round-up


Just another manic, nominations-fuelled Monday.

With only half of the House permitted to nominate, all the talk surrounded how the process might go. Even we joined in on the obsessive nominations discussion, offering a look backat how the votes have gone in previous weeks this series.

But it wasn’t all about the noms. Scott helped out his fellow housemates with a short history lesson to help pass the time. Ashleigh, Shievonne and Sara made a pact about their tobacco habit. And on top of that, more distraction conversation between Lauren and Shievonne revolved around the lack of chemistry in the House.

Offering a flicker of positivity into the mix, Big Brother announced that the gruelling Turf Wars task was over and lo, there was much rejoicing. Scott finally got around to fixing his hair with a new, smooth blonde creation and, later on, the kitchen situation was restored, provoking an unprecedented food binge. The good feeling was prolonged by the Positively Proverbialtask, which was completed to Big Brother's satisfaction by Lauren and Scott, resulting in a slap-up takeaway curry for everyone - filling bellies that had been on basic rations for days preceding. 

But nominations could not be avoided and, with it, plenty of talk about the dynamic in the House. Lauren had plenty to discuss with Adam about her relationship with the other girls, prompted by a discussion with Shievonne and, when the nominations announcementeventually came in, Shievonne found herself up against Conor for Friday’s eviction. Conordidn’t take it too well, and Shievonne was also clearly rattled. When a rule-break from Conor was announced, it lit the touch-paper for another House row, with Deana embroiled in a blazing argument once again.

Thankfully, away from the recriminations and fighting, other housemates managed to provide a little comic relief. The day ended with The Outsiders telling made-up stories and massaging one another into the night. A relaxing way to end a torrid day. Perhaps tomorrow things might lighten up a little.

Let’s hope so – but don’t count on it by any means.



Originally Posted by MrsH:

Day 35: Round-up


Just another manic, nominations-fuelled Monday.

With only half of the House permitted to nominate, all the talk surrounded how the process might go. Even we joined in on the obsessive nominations discussion, offering a look backat how the votes have gone in previous weeks this series.

But it wasn’t all about the noms. Scott helped out his fellow housemates with a short history lesson to help pass the time. Ashleigh, Shievonne and Sara made a pact about their tobacco habit. And on top of that, more distraction conversation between Lauren and Shievonne revolved around the lack of chemistry in the House.

Offering a flicker of positivity into the mix, Big Brother announced that the gruelling Turf Wars task was over and lo, there was much rejoicing. Scott finally got around to fixing his hair with a new, smooth blonde creation and, later on, the kitchen situation was restored, provoking an unprecedented food binge. The good feeling was prolonged by the Positively Proverbialtask, which was completed to Big Brother's satisfaction by Lauren and Scott, resulting in a slap-up takeaway curry for everyone - filling bellies that had been on basic rations for days preceding. 

But nominations could not be avoided and, with it, plenty of talk about the dynamic in the House. Lauren had plenty to discuss with Adam about her relationship with the other girls, prompted by a discussion with Shievonne and, when the nominations announcementeventually came in, Shievonne found herself up against Conor for Friday’s eviction. Conordidn’t take it too well, and Shievonne was also clearly rattled. When a rule-break from Conor was announced, it lit the touch-paper for another House row, with Deana embroiled in a blazing argument once again.

Thankfully, away from the recriminations and fighting, other housemates managed to provide a little comic relief. The day ended with The Outsiders telling made-up stories and massaging one another into the night. A relaxing way to end a torrid day. Perhaps tomorrow things might lighten up a little.

Let’s hope so – but don’t count on it by any means.



Look at Ashleighs face in this pic,

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by erinp:

She has not long opened her eyes and she's off on another arguement about the arguement .

I don't know why they stand there taking it, i would just say if thats what you think thats up to you and walk away

I think it would be very hard to get far enough away aimee so best to thrash it out and try and resolve or simmer the tension down 


Day 36: Morning larks


1 hour ago

Whilst Deana and Shievonne battled it out in the garden this morning, the rest of the House had a more relaxed approach to the day.

Sara and Scott spent the morning exchanging beauty tips, which led Scott to admit that he commits a heinous crime against pores- sleeping in his make-up. Sara was aghast, obviously - it was too big a bombshell for that time of the day.

Meanwhile, Conor and Luke S had a buffing session in the garden, seemingly absent-minded to the spat going on a few feet away. Nothing was going to get in the way of them and their tight little pecs.

And it got a bit hot and steamy between Adam and Lauren in the bedroom - as in she straightened his hair. Yes we agree,  we may be clutching at straws in the case of this ‘romance’...





So as you can tell, it’s all very calm in the House at present, but with a task on the way that’s surely set to change.


Last edited by MrsH

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